PINK is the new BLOG
Everybody's Business Is My BusinessTM

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Home, Sweet, Home

Whew! Can I just tell you how happy I am to NOT BE DRIVING ACROSS THE COUNTRY anymore? We arrived in Cali at precisely 4:30PM PT and then got to my new apartment at about 8:15PM. Even tho I'm sitting on the floor amidst a bunch of boxes, I realize there is goss to be had ... here's a quick Sunday post for all y'all ...

Okay ... I am slowly, but surely, losing my distaste for spandex. I know, it's cruiseazy ... but the more that Jake Gyllenhaal is photographed wearing the spandex the less it seems to bother me. Here are new pictures of Jakey poo bicycling with his new BFFs Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey. It looks like Jakey has a tough decision on his hands ...

... I mean, which one would YOU pick? Lance looks like he'd bend over backwards for his new pal and Matthew just looks hot (hi, arms) when he's not all drunk on his ass. If Jake is smart, and I know he is, he'll just hang on to both ... I mean, two cycling buddies are better than one, right? [Source, thanks Kimmy]

It looks like Nicole Kidman is acclimating herself into new hubby Keith Urban's normal way of life. Here are pictures of the newlyweds making their way out of one of Nashville's more affluent Target stores:

I somehow doubt that Nicole has spent much time shopping at Target before ... but now that she's experienced the wonder that is Target, I'm sure she'll be going back all the time. As soon as I'm finished blogging today, I'm gonna make my way out to Target myself! [Source]

BTW, doesn't it look like Nicole is sportin' herself a baby bump? Hmmm ....

We all know that Paris Hilton has recently picked herself up a new pet kitty named Madison, but what of the bird that was perched on her shoulder during her last trip to the pet store? A few Pink readers wondered if she picked up the bird as a new pet as well ... I'm fairly certain she did not bring home that bird ... after a few moments of that bird sniffing around in Paris' cleavage I'm sure it pretty much just up and died:

Photo credit: X-17

At least the poor thing wasn't sniffing around in her crotch ... it would have prolly just incinerated on the spot. Peace the Spork Out little bird ... you didn't deserve to go out like that. [Source]

Speaking of Paris, here is the final cover artwork for her new album which is simply titled Paris:

I, for one, think the album should come with a new parental advisory warning like the one above. We wouldn't want anyone getting any nasty ear infections. [Source]

Ashlee Simpson has a new lease on life ... her old mistakes are mostly forgotten, she's got a new look and a new boyfriend ... so why is it that she's having such a hard time getting people to come out to her shows?

Luckily for Ashlee Simpson, her fans don't care about things such as nose jobs and tabloid gossip and, you know, talent. To the delight of about 4,000 mostly pre-pubescent girls who triggered their own ear bleeding with their incessant shrieks, the newly blonde pop starlet made her first Richmond appearance ... Hopefully Simpson appreciated the sizable turnout, considering she played for fewer than 700 people Sunday in Portsmouth. Sometimes, it seems, stardom can't be fabricated, no matter how perfectly the puppet strings are manipulated. OUCH! I would have seen her on this tour if I weren't so bizzy. I hope that more people turn out for her shows ... I'd hate to see her career come to an end so quickly. [Source]

Ashlee Simpson is on tour with Ashley Parker Angel and the band The Black List Club isn't too fond of either of them ... check out this poster made by BLC sent in by Pink reader Skylar:

I'm not sure where all the haterade is coming from but I just gotta know ... why can't we all just get along? [Source, thanks Skylar]

It's time for the Hot Dude of the Week ... since I've finally made my way to the sunny shores of California I thought we'd go with a hot surfer type dude ... say hello to Steve:

I am very much looking forward to running into blonde surfer types, like Steve, out here on the beaches of California ... you know, cuz I'm a friendly kind of guy. Who knows, maybe I'll even take a surfing lesson or two ... but I'll more likely just watch. Enjoy! [Source]

And finally, I am touched that the New York Post gave me a little shout-out in this week's Hot List:

I don't even know what to say ... it's pretty cool to make the pages of the NYP. The first time Pink is the new Blog was mentioned in a national publication was in the NYP Hot List last year. It is quite an honor to get a mention again ... XO [Source, thanks Kim]

  • Sorry, no Newslinks today
So yeah ... we made it ... finally. We got in early enough to unload the trailer and car and get things situated a bit ... here are a few pictures from our last day of driving:

The pictures do not do justice to the beautiful vistas we enjoyed yesterday. Driving thru the canyons of Utah and Nevada had to be my favorite parts of the roadtrip. I literally exclaimed OMG! and WOW! a few times. And yes, the desert was hot but not unbearable ... we only had to deal with a high temp of 114 degrees.

After we got situated a bit, Adriana and Brian came out to see my place and then take us out for food. We grabbed a quick bite at the 101 Diner ... and we ran into Pink readers Brian and Melissa (who is a University of Michigan alum). I'm sure I was lookin' a hot mess ... but it was very nice to meet them nonetheless.

I have a billion and one things to do today ... so I must be out. I hope y'all are having a great weekend :)

I'm out.

PS: Congrats to Team Italy on their World Cup Championship Win!



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  • "Pink is the new Blog: Must Star Hazer -- Why This: Trent Vanegas may run the uproarious gossip roundup from his home outside Detroit, but he doesn't need proximity to make riotous observations about celebs -- often typed directly onto scary paparazzi photos." -- Entertainment Weekly

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  • "Finest use of Photoshop: Nothing escapes the keen eyes of Pink is the New Blog, which concerns itself with all types of celebrity lambasting, sartorial style included. Arrows point to flashes of errant celebrity panty; the blog's trademark pink stencil lettering announces "CHER COMES TO TOWN" over photos of a raven-haired Lindsay Lohan." -- The Village Voice

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