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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Fly, Fly Away

So today I will be flying all day cross country to get to my babe in New York City ... but before I get to the airport this morning, I had to make sure that I worked up a quick post for this fine Tuesday. So let's get to it ...

Kevin Federline is finding out that he is much more popular than he used to be now that he has come into a bit of money ... granted, it's money that his wife Britney Spears earned in lieu of having a normal childhood, but that's beside the question. Here is a very strange photo of Kevin Federline chillin' with his homies Brody Jenner (in the Federation Records t-shirt) and famed musician, producer and composer David Foster (Brody's stepfather) ... oh and some other random homeskillets:

I can't for the life of me fathom what David Foster is doing hanging out with the likes of K-Fed ... maybe he's doing charity work? Yeah, I'm not exactly sure what Brody Jenner is doing hanging out with K-Fed ... maybe he thinks that the starpower of 2 D-Listers adds up to at least a combined C-Lister? He needs to lose that zero and get with a hero. [Source]

I'm not exactly sure where this masterpiece of genius came from but Pink reader Melanie sends in this brilliant portrait of what K-Fed's future might turn out to be ... just by looking to the past:

LOLOLOLOL! I absolutely think that Kevin Federline is the new Robert Van Winkle AKA Vanilla Ice. Altho, K-Fed is aided by the fact that he married a millionairess ... we may be stuck with him a bit longer than we had to endure Vanilla Ice. [thanks Melanie]

Well ... it looks like the cat is finally out of the bag ... it appears that Bichie is here to stay ... check out these pictures of Nicole Richie and Brody Jenner holding hands like good old fashioned lovebirds:

Everyone knows that holding hands is a sure sign of love in the celebrity world of Hollywood. This relationship still smells a little fishy to me but they do make a pretty cute couple ... I guess now we have to see how long these two will last. Will Bichie really stand the test of time? [Source]

Speaking of standing the test of time, Lindsay Lohan and Harry Morton are still going strong after a couple of months together now ... who knew that L. Lo could focus one guy that long ... not since Wilmer Valderrama has she been this committed to a single man for so long ... now, if she could only commit to wearing a bra then she'd be all set:

Wow ... that girl is ... well ... ample. You know, at least she looks happy with herself all braless and free in the sunshine -- and you really can't hate on her for that. But you can hate on her for wearing those awful boots that look stolen straight from Pocahontas' closet. To be clear ... Bootiful does not mean beautiful, it means BOOOOOOtiful. [Source]

Thom Yorke, frontman for the amazing group Radiohead, is playing shows in support of his debut solo album The Eraser ... here are some pictures of Thom performing a show at the Rock en Seine music festival this past weekend:

It must be said that The Eraser is an amazing ... it's very much like an extension of the Radiohead album Kid A. If you dig the electronic sounds of the most recent Radiohead albums then I think it's safe to assume that you'll dig this album as well. [Source]

Holy HOT DAMN! I have to admit that I'm not a superfreaky Nip/Tuck fan (I watched most of the first season [loved it] and I missed pretty much all of the second season [hear it was amazing] and so on) and I'm even less of a Mario Lopez fan (ex-Slater from Saved by the Bell) but these screencaps from an upcoming episode of the new season of Nip/Tuck have got me seriously reevaluating my stance on both the show and Mr. Lopez:

Click above to see the larger, uncensored screencap

I've always thought that Julian McMahon was a sexy beast (I've been a fan of his since his Charmed days) but when did Mario Lopez get so freakin' hot? See ... this just fortifies my argument that people look way hotter when they're wet -- but being nekkid can help. Oh yes, Mario looks really good all wet and nekkid. Apparently, Julian's character runs into a little homoerotic confusion in this episode ... which just intrigues me to no end. You best believe I'll be watching this season (shoot, I'm even planning on catching up with all the eps that I've missed) if only to see how far this hot man-on-man action will go. Woot! indeed! [Source]

A few Pink readers, including my dear Joe from Detroit and Jeff, have clued me into the fact that this month's DNA coverboy (the one I was salivating over a couple of days ago) is non other than TJ Wilk from the Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency ... who knew that Janice's models actually could pull off an amazing photospread like this:

Color me impressed ... TJ has got it going on in this photospread. If you'd like to get a little more up-close and personal with the boy, you can check out his My Space profile HERE. [Source, thanks Joe and Jeff]

Jessica Simpson really needs your money ... she can't really count on you spending your hard earned money on something as frivolous as her music so she's coming out with a whole bunch of other products in the hopes that she can get her hands on your cash in some way or another ... anyone need a new purse?

I keed, I keed ... I've already mentioned that I don't really mind her new album A Public Affair ... in my opinion, it's the best album she's released so far. This album actually has a song or two that might be pretty good hits. Eh, if you don't believe me and decide to skip buying her album and if you're not interested in any of her gaudy accessories ... then maybe she can interest you in a bit of fake hair? [Source]

And finally ... I have to send out lots of love to my peeps at the University of Oklahoma, my dear alma mater, for showing me all kinds of love in the student newspaper The Oklahoma Daily:

Not only is this article a full page spread but it's also in full color! I miss OU so much sometimes ... Norman, OK is a great town ... thank you all for reminding me of my good ol' college stomping grounds. XO [thanks Krissie and Allie]

Sorry y'all, no newslinks today :(

Okay, that's about it ... I have to haul my cookies to LAX and fly out to see my David ... we're gonna be together for the next month, can I get a Woot! Woot!

Really quick, here is one more picture of my long-awaited meeting with Paula Abdul ... Jim had the foresight to snap a picture while I was talking with Paula and it actually turned out pretty cute:

I'm still a little giddy after having met her ... even if only for a few moments. I'm pretty sure she has NO recollection of our interaction (for one reason or another) but I'll remember it always.

And finally (again), don't forget to tune in to MTV this Thursday night for the 2006 MTV VMAs hosted by Jack Black ... with performances by The Killers, OK GO, Shakira, Fergie, My Chemical Romance, Beyonce, Justin Timberlake and more you know it simply cannot be missed:

I am scheduled to work the red carpet just like I was allowed to for the MTV Movie Awards last June. Sarah is meeting me in NYC to give me a hand with the red carpet stuff and I couldn't be more excited. We're gonna have fun y'all!

Tomorrow's post will be a little different from the norm ... but deets on that tomorrow. I'm out, see you on the Eastside ... have a great day y'all! Lates.



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