Saturday, August 26, 2006
Here's Another Clue If You Please

She is such a goof ... when she's playful like this I can't help but be reminded of the carefree little pop starlet that stole our hearts. Ye gods, even the black hair is starting to grow on me ... she looks really nice in the last picture ... actually, she looks great in all the pictures. I can't wait for her to squeeze out that second kid so that she can get back on track and really bring the sexy back. [Source]
Nicole Richie and Brody Jenner spent another night together (I think it was their 400th night together in a row) and tried to leave the Chateau Marmont hotel without being photographed by the paparazzi. They figured it would be a great idea to have one of their friends act as a human shield so that they could sneak out undetected ...

... their idiotic plan failed. Personally, I think they should have tried to drive further with that fool on their windshield ... that would've made for even more interesting photos. I dunno ... it still smells fishy to me ... Bichie are trying way too hard to avoid being seen together ... which only makes me think that this is a game they are playing. That said ... I'm starting to see how they would make a really cute couple together. [Source]
Speaking of really cute couples, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have emerged from many weeks of hiding to attend the birthday party of Brad's friend and Ocean's 13 co-star Scott Caan earlier this week ... here are a few photos of Brangelina after the event:

They, too, tried to avoid detection by the paparazzi but opted to NOT have someone drape themselves across their windshield as they made their escape. I'm fairly certain that Scott Caan would've happily thrown himself across their windshileld to help out ... after all, it's the least he could've done as thanks for Brangelina showing up at his party. [Source]
Poor Matthew McConaughey ... it seems like he's already given up on his secret man-crush on Lance Armstrong after finding out that Jake Gyllenhaal won the right to play Lance in the biopic on his life. Here are some photos of the ever-shirtless Mr. McConaughey trying his smoothest moves on any lady in sight:

Yeah, he can front like he's a ladies man but I suspect that his heart still aches for Lance. [Source]
Personally, I think Lance Armstrong is making a big mistake letting a hot dude like Matthew McConaughey slip thru his fingers ... Matthew has many talents that could prove to be quite useful in various situations:

It's always been my assertion that a bendy man is a keeper. I ... uh ... yeah, I really like these pictures of Matthew McConaughey. [Source]
Speaking of the hot man lovin', here are a couple pictures of the hot, new Hollywood "It" couple Leichen gettin' all amorous at Social Hollywood this past Wednesday night:

I'm not exactly sure which one of these two is the "bendy one" but I'm sure it's pretty hot no matter who does what -- you know, who does the cooking, the cleaning ... the laundry ... things like that :) It's really sweet seeing Lance Bass and Reichen Lehmkuhl together out in public acting like any other couple in lurve. [Source]
My all time fave celeb couple right now has to be Rachel Bilson and Adam Brody. They're soooo cute together, they're so cute individually and they don't make a big deal about anything when they are out in public. Here are pictures of Rachel and Adam getting together to celebrate her birthday:

I'm sure that Rachel had an amazing birthday ... especially since she got to spend it with her hot man. [Source]
Check out this insanely hot picture of Maggie Gyllenhaal rockin' a hot pair of shorts as she took to the streets of NYC earlier this week:

Wow! You wouldn't even know she was pregs by the looks of this picture. She may be ready to birth a baby but she looks utterly amazing in this picture. Woot! [Source]
And finally, here is what Jack and Meg White of Detroit's own White Stripes will look like as they guest on an episode of The Simpsons this coming season:

Hahahahahaha! Love it! They really got Jack down pretty well ... Meg's showing too much emotion but it's not a bad likeness. I can't wait to see this ep when it airs this fall. What up, Detroit!?! [Source]
Da News:
- The 2006 MTV VMAs are only 5 days away ... have you voted yet?
- Is Fetus Spears #2 due to arrive on Halloween?
- All apologies to fans of CSI: K-Fed plans to ruin your show. I wonder if he'll get to play a "gangster-drug-dealer-type dude" character?
- Rolling Stone magazine has no lurve for K-Fed's rapping skillz.
- William H. Macy is not a fan of L. Lo's antics.
- Bob Marley to appear on Jamaican money.
- Jesse McCartney reveals that he was kinda TOTALLY WRONG about that whole Jennifer Lopez is pregnant thing.
- It sounds like Kelis had a really fun birthday party.
- Dating Owen Wilson could be hazardous to your heart.
- Macaulay Culkin is 26, Adrian Young (No Doubt) is 37 and Shirley Manson (Garbage) is 40 years old today. Click HERE to see who else is celebrating a birthday today.
- Elton John wants to record a hip-hop record? Fo' rizzle?
- Neverland Ranch is on fire, y'all ... literally.
- The Greatest Love of Allah?
- Jason Whaler from Laguna Beach/The Hills <3s Pink is the new Blog. [thanks Candace]

Okay ... seriously ... she kissed me on the cheek twice and I damn near fell onto the floor ... that was the coolest thing ever. Louise very kindly brought me a copy of the new Veruca Salt album IV which hits stores on September 12th (you can preorder it HERE). I've already listened to it (twice) and I love it! There is some great stuff on this record ... you have to check it out -- VS fans ... you ain't ready for this jelly!
AND SO without further a-do, you can click HERE to download the MP3 of my interview with Louise Post of Veruca Salt. There is a tiny bit of background noise because we were outside but I've heard it and I think it sounds great. I asked Louise a bunch of questions that I came up with and also asked her questions submitted by Pink readers Mary, Jude, Gareth, K, Jeff and Jimmy.
Is there a possibility that Louise Post and Nina Gordon could share a stage together again? Hear what Louise has to say about it.
I have to send out much thanks to Scott, Louise's manager, for setting up with interview for me. I will be indebted to him forever.
Last night, I spent a quiet night at home packing, writing, listening to music -- regular stuff like that in preparation for my upcoming trip to NYC. I have a late lunch date with my new pal Lizy and I'm not sure what's going on tonight. I actually wouldn't mind another quiet night in but since this is my last weekend in LA for a while I might have to go out.
I have tons of laundry to do ... so I'm gonna go do it. Have a great weekend ... I hope y'all check out the interview ... it's so fun!