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Friday, October 27, 2006

Now Playing

The moment that we have all be waiting for is finally here (well, the moment that prolly only I have been waiting for at least), AOL is streaming Kevin Federline's debut album Playing With Fire from now until the album is released next Tuesday:

At the very least you should tune in to hear the song Crazy that features Britney Spears on vocals. You absolutely DO NOT want to be the last kid on your block to hear the rap stylings of Mr. K-Fed himself. Yo, yo, yo, yo, dawg ... after you've gotten an earful of this masterpiece lemme know what you think ;) [Source]

Yesterday afternoon, Nicole Richie's publicist revealed some new information concerning Nicole's desire to find out if she is suffering from a medical problem that is hindering her ability to gain weight ... and immediately the news report turned into Nicole goes to rehab. A source within Nicole's camp assures me that Nicole is not in rehab. Only People is reporting the story properly (altho, People's initial headline also mentioned rehab):

Photo credit: X-17

"Nicole Richie has decided to undergo diagnostic treatment to determine why she's not been putting on any weight," her rep tells PEOPLE in a statement. "She is working with a team of doctors and specialists whose focus is nutrition. It is important to Nicole that she achieves this goal in a healthy way as this is not a treatment for an eating disorder." Because the rep mentioned "a team of doctors" news outlets have made the assumption that she has checked into a rehab facility ... I am told that she is not in a rehab facility and is merely seeking the counsel of this medical team to try and find out what may be wrong with her medically. It's unfortunate that Nicole was trying to be honest with what's been going on with her and then has to deal with charges that she has gone to rehab. I heart her ... I hope that she is able to figure out what may be wrong with her because she's deff one of my fave Hollywood "It" Girls to goss about. Stay strong, Nicole ... we all lurve you! [Source]

While Nicole was dealing with all this bullshizz at home, her new old friend Paris Hilton was in Chicago for a premiere event at the Hollywood Blvd. Theatre for her new movie National Lampoon's Pledge This. Pink reader Tori was lucky enough to attend the event and sends in this picture that she snapped:

Tori reports that Paris arrived about an hour late for the showing and then quickly made her way thru the red carpet and then left before the movie was even shown. Hmm ... if Paris Hilton doesn't even want to watch her own movie I don't think that anyone else will want to either. [thanks Tori]

In other Paris news, it seems that she has brought a new black Chihuahua into her conglomeration of pampered pets ... so far, I haven't heard if the little guy (girl?) has a name yet but I wouldn't be too concerned about trying to learn it's name -- if things go as they usually do when Paris gets a new pet it won't be around for long:

Do any of y'all remember her last new pet dog Bambi? Of course you don't ... Paris picked him up in the summer of '05. He was the cutest thing ever ... and I think he had a shelf life of about 3 weeks before he was gone. I don't think that dogs were meant to be carried around in purses but you try and convince Paris of that fact. I don't know how Tinkerbell has managed to stick around ... I would've thought that that poor little thing would've been put out of its misery long ago. Well best of luck to this new dog ... whatever his/her name is. [Source]

Awww ... here are new pictures of Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner and their baby girl Violet ... who we hardly ever get to see out and about like the other celeb babies out there ... I wonder if she ever gets jealous that she doesn't get as much attention as the other kiddies?

Hee hee, by the look on her face I think the answer is yes, she is jealous. That poor little dear looks like she's about to snap ... I wouldn't be surprised if she went off and cut somebody. [Source]

Speaking of celebrity kids, here is a cute picture of Kate Hudson with her son Ryder in Australia ... at least I think it's her son Ryder -- it looks like he's got longer hair than his mother does:

Oooh what a catty little beyotch! I love it! [Source]

Here are a few cute pics of daddy Jude Law dropping off his kiddies, Rafferty and Iris, at school:

Jude and David Beckham have to be the hottest dads around. I absolutely love it when they are the ones who drop off or pick up the kids from school. Soo hot! [Source]

JoJo may not be a girl and she's not yet a woman ... despite what she looks like in his super skintight sweater that she wore on MTV's TRL recently:

Whoa! Isn't she, like, 16 years old? [Source]

Avril Lavigne hasn't quite got the notion that you're not supposed to throw your legs up in the backseat of a car when you're wearing a short skirt and the paparazzi are frantically snapping pictures of you:

Altho props to her for having the foresight to wear underwear. [Source]

Evangeline Lilly and Dominic Monaghan are so in love that it's kinda gross ... check out these pictures of MonaLilly engaged in a little public display of tonsil hockey:

Even tho Jared Leto hates hobbits, it appears that not everyone hates hobbits. Ain't love grand? [Source]

Mary-Kate Olsen has decided that pants are out this season ... all she needs is a pair of tights, a pair of ridiculously fugly shoes and the love of a good man to keep her happy:

Is this really what having a billion dollars does to a person? Oh, who am I kidding ... I'd wear leggings and funny-looking shoes for a billion bucks -- but it would take just about a billion bucks for me to actually do so. [Source]

South Park has never shied away from making fun of anyone or anything (Scientologists be damned!) and I don't normally have a problem with their brand of humor but last night's episode that depicted the deceased Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, in hell with a stingray sticking out of his chest was, IMHO, in very poor taste ... especially since his death is still so fresh in the minds of his family, friends and fans:

In the show, the animated Irwin goes to a 'Hell on Earth' party with a stingray sticking out of his bleeding chest. Hundreds of guests turn up at the party dressed as dead celebrities including Princess Diana, the rapper Notorious B.I.G. and Hitler. But Satan receives complaints from his guests that someone is inappropriately dressed up as Steve Irwin. The devil confronts the Australian TV presenter and asks him to leave but Irwin insists he is not dressed up and it really is him - come back from the dead. Eventually Satan believes him but he is kicked out anyway - because he is not in fancy dress. Boo ... personally, I think it's way too soon to be making fun of the Croc Hunter's death (tho, I don't know when it would ever be appropriate to do so). Boooo! [Source]

It's never too early to begin picking up your holiday decorations and what better way to start off this year's collection than with an official Madonna Confessions on a Dancefloor Xmas tree ornament:

This glass ball ornament is strictly in limited supply and will sell out fast. You don't want to miss out on this amazing opportunity to own a piece of Madonna history to help get you in the mood to celebrate this holiday season! I believe this glass ball is also appropriate for hanging on a menorah so Hanukkah revelers don't have to miss out ... click HERE to order your very own! Operators are standing by! [Source]

Um ... OMGBlog has dug up a few amazing screencaptures of Mario Lopez lookin' hot and shirtless in a batting cage (tho it us unclear what these screencaps are from) ... Um ... seriously, I don't remember AC Slater looking this good! First we got to see his nekkidness earlier this TV season on Nip/Tuck and now this ... dare I say it's worthy of a Le Sigh?

I'm shocked that Kelly Kapowski would choose Zach Morris over this hunk of a hunk ... OMG, indeed! [Source]

And finally ...


I finally got to watch this weeks' episode of Lost yesterday afternoon online (which isn't the most ideal way to watch TV but works in a pinch). I wanna say that I loved it ... but even tho we got a little more info and excitement than we've been getting so far this season ... I just wasn't all that thrilled with anything. I hate to think that the show has "lost" its magic ... cuz I want to still love the show ... nonetheless, I'll be sticking with the show for the entire season ... it's got to get better, right?

We keep getting glimpses of information about what's been going on with the Others but all I keep thinking about is, what has been happening with the survivors? We learned that the event that closed last season (the implosion of the hatch) turned the sky purple and knocked out communications with the outside world for the Others. This is the one thing that begins to show their vulnerability ... they aren't infallible/all-knowing after all. I believe this is the first time that we learn that Sawyer was ever in prison ... I saw his con coming a mile away but I did not foresee the revelation that he has a daughter named Clementine. I am very intrigued to see how she will play in the story overall ... was she on the airplane? If so, was she one of the kids who was taken by the Others? I really liked the inventiveness of the pace-maker trick they played on Sawyer. The Others are scientists so of course they would be able to come up with great experiments like this ... it occurred to me that the whole thing was just a test to see if he would comply with their wishes but you can never be so sure on this show. And for the record, I think that Kate really does love Sawyer. I also liked Jack's realization as to why the Others kidnapped him ... someone important has a tumor on his spine and Jack is THE perfect person to help save that other person ... but who is it? Could it be Ben? It must be an important person ... is there someone more important than Ben? And what the hell is going on with Desmond and his premonitions? Surely he did not have this ability before the hatch imploded ... he's only been able to predict future events since he got his clothes blown off him in the implosion. I'm interested to see how they will explain this. Anyways, as I said ... I'm trying to get into it this season but it's been hard. I've yet to exclaim "OH MY GAWD!" and really mean it ... which is dangerous for a show like this to keep its audience. I want more! [Source]

Les News:
Yesterday, David and I checked into our hotel and proceeded to get settled for the rest of our stay here in San Fran. We met up with Aram and Shaine for a great little dinner at a place called Spices #2 and pretty much just hung out for the rest of the night. We were pretty wiped from the previous late night so we weren't really up for doing much last night. Today, tho, we're getting ready to go out and venture into the city. I love it here ... the city is so cool! I can't wait to see more of it.

I hope you all have a great weekend ... hopefully it's warm and sunny where you are! Enjoy it! I'm out!!!



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