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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Now I'm Feeling Zombified

The good news is that I have arrived back home in Detroit -- Woot! The bad news is that I'm operating on about 2 1/2 hours of sleep (not counting those lovely spurts of semi-sleep thruout the 4 hour flight from LA to Detroit) -- Boo! It's all good tho, it's good to be home even for just a little while. Let's get to it ...

It appears that Britney Spears is finished recharging her batteries at home with her family in Kentwood, LA and is making her way to another locale, presumably to get back to work on her comeback album. Word is that Brit is making her way to Las Vegas, which is interesting because Vegas is K-Fed's favorite playground. Here are pictures of Britney and her sons Sean Preston and Jayden James boarding their private plane bound for Sin City:

Photo credit: X-17

This is our first semi-clear look at Jayden James ... er, well, his feet anyways. We've yet to get a clear shot of the baby's face but I'm sure it won't be long until we see what he looks like in a magazine photospread of Britney's choosing. Okay be honest, who here isn't surprised that J.J. is barefoot? I'm just saying ... I love you Britters! [Source, Source]

Meanwhile, back at the Spederline mansion, it appears that Britney has put the call out that Kevin needs to get his shizz out of her house. Here are pics of some dudes (prolly members of K-Fed's posse) loading up an SUV full of K-Fed's prized possessions ...

Photo credit: X-17

... you know, the wife-beater t-shirts, the baggy shorts, the ridiculous sneakers and prolly not much else. Since any item costing in excess of $10,000 belongs to the original purchaser (as set forth by the Spederline pre-nuptial agreement) we know that the big toys are not going anywhere with K-Fed's homies. Ha! He's luck she didn't just throw everything away and replace it all with a gift card from Wal-Mart. [Source]

Who knew that Kevin Federline was such a scribes man ... not only was a hand-written note that he gave to Britney the last straw in their failing marriage (as alleged by US Weekly) but it appears that K-Fed has resorted to channeling his feelings since news that he got dumped thru his love of the written word (also, according to US Weekly):

Rapper and noted prose stylist Kevin Federline, 28, took up his Sharpie and left behind a love note on the shower door of his dressing room at the House of Blues in Chicago, where he performed November 8. As you can clearly see, there is no love lost between these two. I'm not sure I'm totally convinced that even Kevin Federline would be stupid enough to leave a message like this on a shower door at a hotel but US Weekly contends that the signature matches up with an autographed poster hanging in their offices. Wait, I take that back ... it slipped my mind that Kevin is actually capable of even stupider things than this ... which I'm sure we'll get to witness in due time. [Source]

As one celebrity couple disintegrates right in front of our eyes another celebrity couple prepares to enter into unholy matrimony, well, right before our eyes. Here are pictures of Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes and yes, Suri Holmes-Cruise as they take to the streets of Rome on their way to city hall, presumably to take care of some pre-wedding biz:

I believe this is the first time that we've seen TomKat take baby Suri out in public ... ever. Since her birth in April, we've only seen evidence of her existence within the pages of Vanity Fair magazine. It has only been this week, during this trip to Italy for the TomKat wedding to take place this coming Saturday, that we've gotten glimpses of the little doll. Isn't it interesting that she's never been seen out in public here in the US? Well, wherever she came from, she is a cutie. If Victoria Beckham can fool the world into believing that she's human, why can't TomKat do the same with Suri? I keed, I keed ... actually, I gotta give some measure of props to TomKat for keeping things going for so long. Whether it's a SHAM! or not, they've stayed the course and are about to finally become husband and wife. Heaven help us all. [Source, Source]

All sorts of celebrities are streaming into Italy to bear witness to the TomKat nuptials (pretty much all of them ... er, except for Oprah Winfrey). According to Notorious News, the guestlist includes Giorgio Armani, Leah Remini, Kirstie Alley, Jeanne Elfman, John Travolta,
Kelly Preston, Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley, Jada and Will Smith and on and on (click HERE to see the rest of the list). Here are a couple pics of Jennifer Lopez and her dearly departed beloved Marc Anthony as they arrived in Italy yesterday for the TomKat wedding:

This wedding is going to be insane ... as can only be expected of TomKat. It is my understanding that they are going all out to make sure that each and every one of their guests is attended to no matter what they require. Yes, that means that human brains will served at the reception for any zombie-like guests in attendance (tho I'm not naming any names -- hush hush). I'm pretty sure they'll be served with the finger foods. [Source, Source]

Last night a veritable who's who of music giants convened in London for the World Music Awards, hosted by Lindsay Lohan (I'm not sure how the worlds "music giants" and "Lindsay Lohan" ended up in the same sentence but there you go). There was singing, there was dancing, there was Paris Hilton doing whatever it is that she does at these types of events ... here are a few pics from the night's festivities:

Singer James Blunt has won two gongs at the World Music awards which were held in London ... Madonna, Nelly Furtado and Beyonce were among the other winners at the event ... The Queen of pop, Madonna, who has recently been criticised for adopting a child from Malawi was not at the ceremony at Earls Court. Paris Hilton who presented and collected the award on behalf of the singer told the audience the star wanted to "thank her fans" ... The best R&B artist went to Beyonce for her single, Deja-Vu, which she opened the show with. Rapper Kanye West picked up the gong for best rap/hip-hop artist and Nelly Furtado took home the award for pop/rock artist. Rock band Nickelback beat Coldplay and the Red Hot Chili Peppers to the best rock group. UGH! Nickelback won Best Rock Group? Paris accepted an award meant for Madonna? James Blunt won 2 awards?! Seriously?! At least Kanye West won something ... if he lost another award to someone else he'd've prolly burnt the place down. Well, I can't say that I agree with some of these award choices but ... whatever, the World Music Awards have always been very strange ... [Source]

... take for example the fact that the WMAs tend to heap praise and accolades upon Michael Jackson year after year even tho the rest of us tend to ... not. Last night he was presented with a special award selling over 100 million albums thruout his career and was coaxed into agreeing to perform the song We Are the World live on stage ... which turned out to be a very bad idea:

Michael Jackson made his long-awaited live stage comeback Wednesday night in London at the World Music Awards. His fans were left, at the very least, disappointed. And the press reports were scathing. "Jackson the flop," reads the Daily Mail's online headline Thursday. Of his performance – Jackson's first since he was cleared of child-molestation charges last year – the paper said, "It was enough to make you cry. And not in a good way." An "embarrassing comeback" said the Mirror, making note that Jackson only sang four lines during his performance. And, in its review, the Sun gave Jackson one out of a possible five stars. After an hour of the crowd's waiting and anticipating Jackson, 48, finally came on stage to accept the Diamond Award from Beyonce, who said: "If it wasn't for Michael Jackson, I would have never, ever performed. He has made such an impact on my life and every performer's life. Michael Jackson, I love you!" Driven to the stage in a blacked-out Mercedes surrounded by more than 20 security guards, Jackson grasped the award but had to wait for the crowd's screams to die down before he could be heard. "There have been so many who have loved me and stood by me throughout my 42 years I have been part of this business," he said. "I would like to thank my wonderful children, Paris, Prince, and Blanket, for their unconditional love and support" ... It was past 10:30 p.m. by the time Jackson finally performed his few lines, of "We Are The World," backed by a group of young children. Observers noted he failed to hit some of the higher notes. Hmm ... to be honest, I've seen video of this "performance" and I didn't hear any boos (click HERE to see for yourself) ... but MJ did sound pretty awful and I just can't get over his fascination with little children. Blech! [Source]


Um ... I am not really a fan of this show and I've never watched a single episode of the show (I'm more partial to So You Think You Can Dance?) but I know there are many fans out there so I'm going to do my best to not spoil anything by revealing the name of the winner without as much warning as possible ... so there ... you've been warned ...

Emmitt Smith beat out Mario Lopez to become this season's Dancing with the Stars celebrity champion. All I know is that Emmitt Smith must be one helluva dancer to beat out Mario Lopez ... I've seen AC Slater's dance moves on Saved by the Bell, so my hat is off to you Mr. Smith. So yeah ... anyways ... Star Jones was on hand for the Dancing with the Stars afterparty and showed up wearing a horrifyingly short dress and a whole lotta gross looking skin:

As scary as Michael Jackson is, I think Star Jones is just a wee bit creepier. I don't know what we've ever done to Star to make her punish us like this but I, for one, am really sorry and I hope she never does this to us again. [Source]

At least we can count on Dannii Minogue to try and wipe away the image of Star Jones from our minds ... here are a couple pics of Dannii at the Casino Royale premiere afterparty lookin' supercute in her interesting dress:

I love the Minogues. Altho Kylie is the world's favorite, I got mad love for her little sister Dannii. It's always nice to see her out at events like this. [Source]

Thank the Lord, Madonna has come to her senses ... her fashion senses that is:

See, it's not hard ... basic black looks great on you, Maddy! Let's stay away from the Lohan rejected garments and stick to what you know best! [Source]

The Scissor Sisters continue their plans for world domination as they take their tour around the world. They recently set the attendance at Birmingham's National Indoor Arena and repeatedly sell out shows everywhere they go. Here are a few amazing pictures from that Birmingham show, taken by my friend and new band photographer Kevin Tachman:

With a frontman like Jake Shears (one who loves to disrobe on stage) it isn't hard to see why fans continue to pack auditoriums at every concert stop. [thanks Kevin]

Jennifer Lopez has been named by Harper's Bazaar magazine as the Best Dressed Celeb on planet Earth. Here are pics of J. Lo's very Xmas-y photospread for the magazine:

She's definitely hot ... and looks great as usual, but I've seen her look better. These dresses look too much like they came from the wardrobe closet from the '80s show Dynasty. [Source]

Hilary Duff is one the cover of the new issue of Glow magazine:

I've actually never heard of Glow magazine before but Hil looks pretty good. Very nice and refined ... despite the fact that she looks decapitated in that third picture. [Source]

And finally, Pink reader Cam sends in this first of many new movie posters for the next installment of the Harry Potter movie franchise, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix:

It looks like things are becoming decidedly Oooooh Shit! for Harry Potter and the gang at Hogwart's. Bring it, bitches! [thanks Cam]

Les News:
Blaurgh ... I'm so tired ... and I'm sure after I get some more sleep I'll feel even better about being home. Despite the cold weather, I'm really looking forward to the next few days. Tonight I'm going to see Mark play the drums at an open mic concert thing ... should be fun. But I need to be unconscious for a few hours before I even think about going out today. Happy Thursday ... I'm SO out.



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