PINK is the new BLOG
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Monday, April 17, 2006

I Want Candy

What a weekend ... I had the best time in Connecticut this weekend. We don't ride many trains in Detroit so this trip to Conn was my first train ride -- I was surprised at how slow the damn thing went ... anyways, it's nice to be back in the Big Apple. David and I are spending a few more days together before I get back to Detroit and regroup for my next attempt at finding a place to live in LA. Let's get to it ...

Well now isn't this appropriate? Moses Martin made his debut over Passover/Easter weekend:

The picture isn't that clear and we can't even see his face but we're fairly certain that it's him. Celebrity Baby Blog has a few details surrounding the lad's birth: Moses was born around 9 am on Saturday April 8th, weighing 8 lbs, 4 oz, by cesarean section, at Mount Sinai (how fitting!) in New York City. Hallelujah! Another insanely wealthy baby is born into the world! [Source]

In other baby news, the world still waits for the birth of baby Jolie-Pitt and baby TomKitten but since Brangelina is hiding out in Namibia which means that there aren't many pictures of Angelina and her bump (which is exactly the point) we have to make do with the many, many pictures of Katie Holmes and her mysterious belly ... after all, Katie is in such desperate need for new shoes that she is photographed shoe-shopping, basically, every other day ... here are pictures of Katie at Neiman Marcus near the end of last week:

Seriously ... she is so lucky to still be able to wear her designer jeans with all that new baby weight ... [Source]

... here are a few pictures of Katie engaged in even more shopping over the weekend:

How many effing accessories does she need?! The fact that she can still be seen in public with a somewhat straight face is amazing ... we're supposed to believe that she is pregs AND is in desperate need for shoes and accessories AND IS NOT doing her best to get photographed every single day?! I'm surprised that Katie Holmes hasn't won an Academy Award before ... she is really due for the top prize. Head on over to to watch some thrilling video of one of Katie's shoe-shopping adventures. [Source]

Did y'all catch Lindsay Lohan hosting SNL this weekend? David and I watched the episode at his parent's house ... I have to admit, I was a bit let down. Lindsay did such a great job the last time she hosted that I was really expecting more ... I did really like her SNL promo pictures tho:

I think that was my favorite part ... which is sad. Click HERE to check out Lindsay's Deep House Dish sketch in case you want to kinda laugh a little bit. [Source]

Now here's something that's really entertaining ... it appears that Lindsay talked her little sister Aliana Lohan into getting a kickass perm ... check it out:

Little kids can get talked into anything ... but you know ... Ali looks great with mom hair. [Source]

Parisopolis took in a LA Lakers game recently ... and it looks like they did it in style:

I love Paris Hilton and Stavros Niarchos ... they're so vapid and they don't even care ... they even revel in it. Hey, if you're good at something you might as well let everyone know about it. [Source]

One last bit of Paris news ... first we had the Britney Spears statue, then we had the Kate Moss statue and now ... the Paris statue:

While the Brit statue was a celebration of the pro-life agenda and the Kate statue was a celebration of the female form, it appears that the Paris statue is a celebration of, uh, Paris' big nose? Whatever, it's hot! [Source]

Jake Gyllenhaal seems to be getting a bit tired of the media attention ... here are some pics of Jakey hanging out in NYC:

The poor little lamb. We <3 you Jake! You don't have to hide. [Source]

Let's pause for a few moments to enjoy the athleticism of David Beckham at play on the soccer field ... both with and without his team mates, with and without his clothing:

It's been a while since we've checked out Becks on the soccer field ... these pictures are from games that occurred earlier in the month but I somehow don't think anyone will mind. [Source]

Here are more pictures of Kylie Minogue sportin' her new short hair do ... this time with her boyfriend Olivier Martinez spending some time in St. Florent, France:

Kylie looks like she's having a devil of a time understanding something ... her facial expressions are so cute. She and Olivier look so cute together, walking arm-in-arm in the rain. I lurve her! [Source]

Yay! It looks like the reconciliation of Nicole Richie and DJ AM is still on track ... here are pictures of the pair doing some shopping in SoHo, NYC late last week:

Keep it together you guys ... we're rootin' for you. [Source]

Oh no ... you do not want to get Mariah Carey peeved ... if you do, you're gonna get the finger ...

... and the diva scowl. She looks like she's one second away from hurtling a cell phone at someone's head. [Source]

Pete Doherty must've been coming off a high when he attacked a paparazzi last week:

He's normally so sedate and tranquil when being photographed by the photogs ... someone juice him up with another hit ... homey needs to calm down ... calm down ... calm down ... [Source]

Kenny Rogers is desperately attempting to hang on to his youth ... and has gone the way of the knife to try and do so ... behold the results:

Last year I had so many lines coming in at the side of my eyes up here. So I went in and got my eyes done, and I'm not happy about it. (The surgeon) is going to go in and fix that for me. They're too tight around the eyelids for me. It drives me crazy. I wake up in the morning, and Wanda says, "You look great." But I know what I want to look like. If we can fix that, then I'll be glad I did it. If we can't fix it, I'll regret it or get used to it. Awww ... poor Kenny ... well at least it's nice of his wife to lie to his face in order to make him feel better. [Source]

Jada Pinkett Smith is serious about her role as lead singer of the heavy metal band Wicked Wisdom ... check out these pictures of Jada in full wicked mode at a recent WW show in, ahem, New Jersey:

That's a bad beyotch right there. Metal for life, y'all. [Source]

Mischa Barton is being featured in the new BeBe ad campaign and has been cast as a dominatrix of sorts ...

... she looks like an android or a fembot but to tell the truth, I kinda like the pictures. She looks pretty cool and the nekkid dude is hot. [Source]

And finally, one last Easter tidbit ... Pink reader Hillary came across a contest sponsored by the Seattle Times where readers were asked to submit their own Peeps photo creations ... and, by far, my favorite submission is entitled Gone Fishing:

OMG ... so cute! See ... this is why I <3 Peeps so much. [Source]

El News:
As I mentioned earlier, I had the best time in Connecticut this weekend ... yesterday David's family hosted a really fun Easter lunch, complete with egg dying and an egg hunt ... here are a few pictures:

We had so much fun ... I felt very lucky to be included in a fun experience like this. I grew up as an only child so I never knew what it was like to grow up in a big family ... the Hauslaib's consist of a happily married couple with 2 daughters and 2 sons ... and a whole lot of frantic bustle. It was really cute seeing David in the context of his family ... he makes so much more sense now. I had a blast ... this one of the best Passover/Easter weekends ever.

David, his sister Eden and I took the commuter train back to NYC late yesterday afternoon and then David and I went out for dinner at Kelly and Ping before taking in the movie Hard Candy. I can't really write my opinion of the movie without ruining it for those of you who haven't seen it yet ... DO NOT READ BELOW IF YOU DO NOT WANT THE MOVIE SPOILED:


Holy shizz ... this movie is so good ... and so effed up. Right off the bat you're lulled into this sense of the way the movie is going to turn out and then very quickly in the whole thing is turned on its ear and a whole new movie emerges. I was struck immediately by the way the movie was shot ... it had a videocam quality to it ... at some parts the the images darkened giving the characters a sinister look. From the very beginning the girl, Halley, is in total control -- you're supposed to believe that this behavior will lead to her undoing but you soon learn that she is in control for a reason ... she is about to make her internet date Jeff pay for his sins. The actress who played Halley was brilliant ... she can't possibly be 14 years old in real life ... she gave a performance that far exceeded her age. The physiological warfare in this film was well played ... and you spend much of your time trying to figure out who to root for ... this film is just a very well made movie. Vengeance, thy name is Thonggrrrrrl14.

It's another beautiful day in NYC ... I'm gonna go out and soak up the sun.

I'm out.



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