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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Celebrate YOU

I ... I don't know what to say ... I am actually speechless ... I mean, I knew that Time magazine was going to announce who their Person of the Year is for 2006 but I never dreamed that they would actually pick who they picked. I gotta say, tho, I really think they got it right this year:

To be sure, there are individuals we could blame for the many painful and disturbing things that happened in 2006. The conflict in Iraq only got bloodier and more entrenched. A vicious skirmish erupted between Israel and Lebanon. A war dragged on in Sudan. A tin-pot dictator in North Korea got the Bomb, and the President of Iran wants to go nuclear too. Meanwhile nobody fixed global warming, and Sony didn't make enough PlayStation3s. But look at 2006 through a different lens and you'll see another story, one that isn't about conflict or great men. It's a story about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before. It's about the cosmic compendium of knowledge Wikipedia and the million-channel people's network YouTube and the online metropolis MySpace. It's about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes. The tool that makes this possible is the World Wide Web. Not the Web that Tim Berners-Lee hacked together (15 years ago, according to Wikipedia) as a way for scientists to share research. It's not even the overhyped dotcom Web of the late 1990s. The new Web is a very different thing. It's a tool for bringing together the small contributions of millions of people and making them matter. Silicon Valley consultants call it Web 2.0, as if it were a new version of some old software. But it's really a revolution. And we are so ready for it. We're ready to balance our diet of predigested news with raw feeds from Baghdad and Boston and Beijing. You can learn more about how Americans live just by looking at the backgrounds of YouTube videos—those rumpled bedrooms and toy-strewn basement rec rooms—than you could from 1,000 hours of network television. I couldn't agree more ... thanks to the advancement of user-generated content on the Internet, the power shift really has gone back to the individual. With just a few keystrokes information can be uploaded to the World Wide Web for anyone with access to the Internet to see -- and everyday it's getting easier and easier to gain that access. It just humbles me to think that a guy from Detroit (of all places) can one day decide to start an online journal for the mere reason of getting into the habit of writing every day and then just a few years later find himself in the envious position that I find myself in. Believe me when I say that I am grateful for the way things worked out for me and I just love how regular people can just take matters into their own hands and find success, the likes of which was never previously dreamed of. Time magazine really got it right this year ... the Person of the Year really is You. And to be honest, I think this is just the tip of the ice berg ... I can't wait to see how regular people are going to impact media in the coming years. [Source]

Justin Timberlake guested on Saturday Night Live last night (you can watch his performances of My Love and What Goes Around Comes Back Around HERE) where he was introduced by his girlfriend Cameron Diaz. Here are a few pictures of JT and Cam along with some of the SNL boys as they made their way to the after party at Barca Restaurant in Union Square last night:

Photo credit: Splash News

Everyone looks happy ... well, everyone in the SNL boys group looks happy -- Justin and Cameron never look happy in photographs. [Source]

Aaron and Angel Carter turned 19 years old 10 days ago on December 7th the party just won't stop for these two. Not content with only partying in Miami, FL the wonder twins threw another birthday party right here in LA on Friday night ... here are a few pics:

Photo credit: Splash News

The party looks messy but fun. I can't even begin to imagine what their 21st birthday celebration(s) is going to be like. In other Carter family news, BJ (the eldest sister) has alluded on her My Space profile that there will be another season of House of Carters ... she writes: I love life I love my family, my boyfriend, and I love all you guys! All my fans are such an inspiration. You guys make me want to be a better person. I am looking forward to doing another season and showing each of you how much I have grown in such a short time. I am going to be starting culinary school in the beginning of the year, and I am working on a book. I want everyone to know how I became the person I am today. It has taken a long time but now I can honestly say, I love myself. I cannot *tell* you how excited I am for a whole new season of House of Carters. That family is the most effed up group of semi-famous people on planet Earth. I loved every episode from the first season (even the ones where some random Carter would step in a fresh pile of dog doo in their bare feet -- which is so wrong on so many different levels). I still don't understand why they would want to air their insanely filthy laundry on national TV like that but I do love watching it ... which kind of makes me hate myself a little ... but I'm sure I'll get over it by the time season two debuts. [Source]

Hilary Duff has packed up her bags and has made her way to the Great White North ... here are pictures of Hilary as she makes her way thru the airport in Vancouver, BC:

Photo credit: Flynet

Thus far, Miss Hilary has remained unattached with any new beau since her split with longtime boyfriend Joel Madden. I wouldn't be surprised if Hilary took a good, long time before even being seen with a new person ... let alone announcing that she is dating someone new. Blah ... break-ups suck. [Source]

Hallelujah! I am very happy to report that Liz Phair is still alive and kicking! I am a huge Liz fan and I'm happy to see that she is still going out to events around town. Here are a couple pictures of Liz at the annual Oxfam Cocktail Party in Beverly Hills late last month:

According to Mesmerizing (which is the best resource for new Liz news as her official website hasn't been updated with any new info since January of this year), Liz performed a couple of tunes with Minnie Driver at the Oxfam event. In other potential Liz news, it's possible that she is teaching a Kid-Chef cooking class on December 20th in Santa Cruz, CA:

This will be a great class for kids to learn how to bake and hand-deocrate Holiday cookies. They can even give them as gifts!

Hand Decorated Holiday Cookie Assortment
Mini Decorated "Gingerbread" Houses

Children will be sent home with their cookie assortment and houses and the full set of recipes.

Time: 2:00 p.m.
Cost: $45
Ages 8+
Instructor: Liz Phair and Jody Lombardo
To Register: Call 831-429-1390

I suppose it's possible that there is another Liz Phair out there but I could see how Liz might be up for teaching a kid's cooking class these days. I would love for Liz to release new music again but who knows ... she tends to take many years off in between albums. I'm actually just glad that she's still alive and kicking. [Source]

Kylie Minogue surprised her hometown of Melbourne, Aus by surprising them with a guest appearance by her little sister Dannii as they dueted together on Kylie's song Kids. Here is a picture of the sisters from the show in Melbourne on Friday night:

It was like reliving the heady days of Young Talent Time at Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena last night - Kylie and Dannii Minogue thrilled the sell-out crowd with a rendition of Kylie's song, Kids, her 2000 hit with Robbie Williams. With Kylie looking her feline best - in a body-clenching leopard print suit - and Dannii wearing a black corset ensemble, the crowd couldn't believe they could be so lucky when the Minogues graced the penultimate night of Kylie's 20-date Homecoming Tour. Dannii's appearance will only fuel rumours that Williams will do the duet with Kylie during her final show tonight. Actually, Dannii came out again to duet with Kylie on the second, final show in Melbourne last night. [Source]

An industrious fan at Say Hey! (the best Kylie Minogue message board around) posted this clip of the Kylie & Dannii duet from the Friday night show:

The video is a little choppy and grainy and it appears to be shot from the show's video screens but it's better than nothing. Don't be surprised if Kylie and Dannii collaborate together on a song for Kylie's new album. It's been a long time coming ... and the time is right. [Source]

In one last bit of Dannii Minogue-ness, here are a couple photos from her latest photoshoot with photographer Craig Borrow:

Dannii is really getting her money's worth from those perky bosoms of hers. Fake plastic boobs or not, I love me some Dannii. [Source]

Here are a couple amazing promo pictures of Courteney Cox-Arquette from her new FX series Dirt:

I have high hopes for this new show ... from what I've seen so far, the exaggerated drama of tabloid journalism is going to be played to the hilt in this new drama. Courteney is very capable of playing a great bitchy character but I really hope they don't overdo it with this new show. I'm hoping it'll be as outrageous as Nip/Tuck is and yet still stay within the realm of believability. Dirt will have its debut on FX on January 2nd. [Source]

And from one Dirty Courteney to another, it appears that Courtney Love is dredging up things from the past in order to make herself sound more interesting (or maybe to sell more books?). has uncovered some new comments allegedly made by Courtney Love on the whole ancient history that was the Trent Reznor/Tori Amos/Courtney Love triangle in the comment section of the Courtney Love fan site Moon Washed Rose. While I'm really grossed out to think about any interaction between C. Love and Tori Amos, I am intrigued by what Courtney allegedly wrote about the whole matter ... especially when you take into account all the misspellings peppered thruout her rant (which is copied and posted here exactly as it appears on the fan site):

**For the record, it's entirely possible that these comments did not come from Courtney Love at all, but the frantic raving does sound like something she could have posted**

i just tild the whole non tori trent story ( im slueless about any of it trent and me had a three week thing insuylted each other inthe press and ivenever met tori inmy life and although im a huger fan of kate bush and tried to like boys for pele i couldnt) its a nonstarter,k it just ,theres no there there, and i pressed submit and nothinghappened, im too bored to tellthe nonstory again but inmy life i havent a cklue about trent ND TORIS rship, maybe she got mad ewhen she discovered his dinkle was playing away games. idont know. i dont know her. not my problem or my business . imnow goin g to press submit.

oh it worked, well thaTS IT in anutshell, i have seen nonsense over the years liek"she RUINED their REKLATIONSHIP" di dthey have one?
idont know jack shit about it.
we had a three week romance wich ended badly on both sides, iwas embarassed about him and he was embarassed about me, hes never forgivemn me for the 3 inch nails comment although he strated it indetails, but my god that was before half of you were 11, "ruined" what? ididnt even know he knew her.
i know cornflake girl and pro widow ( is that supposed ot be about me ivenever figure dit out) are sposed to be big classics but it doesnt resomate, on bbc6 i played my fave 90s ga;ls elastica and pj,Kurt thought her teen spirit was HYSTERCAL in a joke songs ort of way but now i see ita s rather sad,and i guess mournful, wich was the pointm,we justthought it wsas really funny. im sure shes a very nice person, i however cannot have :"ruined" anything as i dont know her andh ave nevr oayed with ehr and didnt know trent knew her.

I've always wondered what really went down between Trent Reznor and Tori Amos. It always seemed to me that there was something there initially but it never worked out because of some incident. I can see how Trent's messing around with Courtney Love would sour Tori towards any notion of their getting together. It strikes me as insanely hilarious that C. Love has this holier-than-thou disdain for Tori ... who is obviously above all of this bullshizz. It's too bad that blogging wasn't around back when all this drama originally went down ... it would have been easier to suss out the truth of what really went down. For what it's worth, I really hope that Trent sanitized his pee pee after fraternizing with Courtney Love. I'm just saying. [Source via Source]

Much love goes out to Violet and as a whole ... I'm always reminded at what an invaluable service they provide for Torphiles the world over.

And finally, it's time for the Hot Dude of the Week ... let's say hello to football fan Brad:

Even tho I'm not that big a football fan, I can see the game's appeal. Enjoy!! [Source]

Les News:
I spent much of yesterday getting ready for my extended vacation to Detroit. I got a lot of things taken care of, managed to read a bit and then kinda crashed out on the couch. I was kinda planning on going out last night but I don't know that I was really up for 3 nights of partying in a row ... eh, so what if it's pretty lame. Things are pretty quiet around here at this time of the year. I suppose I am looking forward to the comfort and familiarity of Detroit. I can spend as much time with Sarah, Tracey, Zakiya, my parents, whoever ... or I can just chill at my old haunts around town. Yeah, I really am looking forward to hanging out at home.

I hope y'all had a great weekend ... I am out.



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