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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Peek-A-Boo I See You

Well now ... it would seem that Britney Spears' impromptu (and unfortunately, very sad) trip back to Louisiana has made her lax in her convictions in trying to keep her second born child completely under wraps. I was honestly starting to believe that Jayden James was suffering from some malady (like a second head or multiple eyeballs) which was the reason that no one has gotten to see him thus far ... it was getting to ridiculous Suri Holmes-Cruise-like proportions. BUT ... Miss Brit-Brit let her guard down long enough for the incredibly industrious paparazzi to snap a grainy photo of the little scamp:

Photo credit: X17

It looks like Britney is holding both boys in the picture but, in fact, she is only holding Sean Preston and an assistant is holding Jayden (he is seen in the mirror reflection). The photo is extremely grainy but we can clearly make out that the baby boy has only 1 head and only 2 eyes. Britney has been working really hard to keep the baby hidden and has done a very good job so far ... if only she could devote this much conviction to cleaning up her image. [Source]

Since returning to the Los Angeles area, Britney has gotten herself back into her usual routine ... here are pictures of Britters hitting up a local gas station ... oh, just because:

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

She's yet to get back into the habit of hardcore partying but give her some time ... she did spend some time shopping around for the perfect Valentine's Day card to give to someone ... I wonder who the lucky guy will be. [Source]

Here are a few behind the scenes pictures from the Annie Lebovitz shoot she did for the Walt Disney Theme Parks "Year of a Million Dreams" celebration which features celebs dressed up as Disney characters:

David Beckham makes the perfect hero ... especially when you consider the incredibly kind gesture he made for a very sick girl in Canada: The caller spoke in a soft voice, thick with an English accent. Brenda Johnstone of Hamilton thought it sounded familiar, though she couldn't quite place it. "Can I speak to Rebecca Johnstone, please?" he asked. Brenda didn't think it was a good idea. These are rough days for her daughter. The kind you pray you – and especially your children – will never see. Her beautiful 19-year-old has cancer. Three years ago, a mole on her collarbone that doctors kept telling her was nothing turned out to be melanoma. By the time the truth was discovered, it had spread. Heartbreak doesn't begin to describe the resulting anguish to those who love her. Particularly since doctors have told the family that, without some kind of miracle, time is now being measured in days rather than weeks or months. So when the call came last Wednesday morning, Brenda wasn't about to disturb her sleeping child – especially since it was the day after surgery to remove a cancerous tonsil that had made her girl even more uncomfortable. No problem. The caller politely said he understood. He even offered to call back later at a better time. Then he dropped the bombshell. "It's David Beckham," he said. Long pause. "I just kind of went quiet for a second," Mom said. "Then I said, 'You've got to be kidding me."' It was no joke. As it happened, Rebecca's aunt knew her niece is a huge Beckham fan. Has posters on her walls. Reads everything she can about him. Follows the English star's career. Loves the way he plays. Even shares a moniker. When she plays, her teammates strap an M onto the end of her nickname – Becca – and make her sound just like her soccer idol. So, searching for something she could do to lift some spirits, Aunt Jenny had done a little digging on the Internet and found one of the star's representatives. Then made arrangements for a call, though she was never convinced it would actually happen. Yet here he was on the phone. The same voice Mom had just heard on TV as news of him signing with the Los Angeles Galaxy leaked out. By now she was excitedly almost running through the family's Hamilton home. Her husband, Tom, nearly fell off the couch as he caught wind of what was happening. A former semi-pro player himself, he couldn't believe the call wasn't a hoax and started grilling her with questions even as they walked into Rebecca's silent room. Their daughter was asleep. Gently rousing her, she said she didn't want to talk to anyone. Her surgery-ravaged throat was raspy and sore and she was in no mood for socializing. "'How about David Beckham?"' Mom asked. "Her eyes kind of popped." And so she did. After three years of hell during which everything had seemed to go wrong and every attempt to make things better had only made things worse, the moment she put the phone to her ear, the dark clouds parted and a beacon of light flooded into her life. In the most strained of voices, Becca and Becks talked about soccer. He asked how she was doing. Told her he'd heard she was a big fan. Even mentioned that he liked her nickname. He asked if there was anything he could do for her. When she said no, he asked if he could send her something. She didn't say no to that. Then he told her to get in touch if she needed anything. Four minutes after saying hello, she wished him good luck this season and hung up. It's amazing what a small gesture like a 4-minute phone call can do for a person. I think Disney was very wise to make David Beckham their Prince Phillip because he is most definitely a true life Knight in Shining Armor. [Source, thanks Martina]

I have gotten a big response concerning my inquiries as to the worthiness of subscribing to the new website ... many people were not impressed with what their $40 dollars got them but some people were very happy with all the juicy information they were given access to. I've been able to preview some of the materials and even tho some of the materials provided aren't very interesting, much of it is ... so interesting, in fact, that Joe Francis (the guy behind those Girls Gone Wild videos and Paris' one-time boyfriend) is threatening to sue the owners of Here is a page from one of Paris' journals where she outlines the important steps she needs to take to get her life back in order:

Paris Hilton is taking up with a former flame in a fight to get their smut off the Web. The celebutard and "Girls Gone Wild" creator Joe Francis have amassed a pit-bull legal team to attack the creators of parisexposed. com - a pay-to-view Web site boasting Hilton's most cringe-worthy memorabilia, including porn videos made during their months-long courtship. "We're pissed and I feel for Paris right now. She's been victimized yet again," Francis told The Post yesterday. "We want this thing down and we're seeking monetary damages." Francis said that videos of him with a topless Hilton were only intended for their eyes, and that the sex-crazed heiress is "devastated" that they've been made available to the public. "They were taken for us only when we were dating," Francis said. "These guys have absolutely no right to use the images - they flat-out put them on the Web with no permission. He messed with the wrong person." Francis said Hilton is also seeking criminal charges because the site's creators -"Sultan of Sleaze" David Hans Schmidt and broker Bardia Persa - posted her medical records, revealing she was taking Valtrex to treat herpes. As if finding out that Paris Hilton had a prescription for Valtrex wasn't bad enough ... THESE photos of Paris engaged in various states of drug use are pretty bad. While it's commendable that Paris, at one time, sat down and wrote out all of the things she wanted to positively change in her life (like being honest with everybody, eating healthy, trying to stop her bulimia) one has to wonder how serious she really was ... especially when you take into account all of this other information. [Source via Source]

Pink reader Betty sends in this picture that her sister snapped while vacationing in Las Vegas whereupon she ran into Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony chilling at a party ... who were both enjoying a smoking break ... Marc with a cigarette and J. Lo with a fat stogie:

I never would've pegged Jenny from the Block as a smoker ... I can't say that I endorse this nasty habit but she does look kinda fly with that cigar. From what I understand, the sister who snapped this pic was quickly ejected from J. Lo's presence but I thank her for sharing the picture with all of us. [thanks Betty]

Rachel Hunter was caught enjoying her current boyfriend Jarret Stoll of the Edmonton Oilers while chillin' together down in Miami Beach, FL ... I must say, Jarret is a HUGE improvement over her ex-hubby Rod Stewart:

Photo credit: Mavrix

Isn't it great that old people like Rachel still have this sort of zest for life? [Source]

Here is an adorable picture of Reese Witherspoon taking her little boy Deacon to school earlier this week:

The picture is just too damn cute to not post. I especially love Deacon's bizzy little lunchbox. LOL. [Source]

So it's finally happened ... Heroes phenom Hayden Panetierre has finally made her attempt to cross over from marginally successful TV star to not nearly as successful pop star ... especially since her first foray into the music biz is providing a song for the Disney straight-to-video animated film Cinderella III: I've Swept all the Cinders I can Sweep and I Can't Sweep No More. Here are a few screencaps from this clip of Hayden's music video for the song I Still Believe:

While I question the need for there even to be a Cinderella III, I have to say that I this is prolly the smartest way to introduce Hayden as a singer. Xtina Aguilera got her first break by providing a song for the original Disney film Mulan and they prolly think lightning will strike twice. Judging by this short clip, Hayden seems to be a capable enough singer ... so I guess we'll see where this takes her. I, for one, am just looking forward to more music videos ... she seems to really sing with great emphasis. [Source]

Speaking of emphatic singers, Mariah Carey is on the cover of the March 07 issue of Playboy magazine ...

... tho the photo is from an old photoshoot and she does not appear nude within the magazine. Thank goodness for small favors. [Source]

Ryan Reynolds is featured in the February issue of GQ magazine:

Unfortch for us he also does not appear nude within the magazine's pages ... ah well ... I'll take what I can get. [Source]

And finally, here is this week's batch of photos sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- you may recall that Pink reader Danielle sent in a picture from the half-way point in her lymphoma radiation treatments a few months ago and I asked her to please let me know how she's been doing since ... this week she sends in a picture of her and her nurses on the last day of her chemo treatments -- Michael and Chris send in a picture from the nose bleed seats at the Kylie Minogue Showgirl Homecoming concert in Manchester, England where Michael (from the University of Oklahoma) is attending classes at the University of Sheffield this year -- Samantha sends in a pic of her awesome new hairdo -- Suzanne sends in a picture of her good friend Sarah in her traditional Indian wedding clothes -- the ladies of Alpha Chi Omega (at Virginia Tech) send in this picture from their recruitment event:

Much congrats, love and well wishes go out to Danielle, Sarah and to all the other amazing Pink readers who sent in their photos. Thank you all so much for all your love and support. I am still getting well wishes for my mom who is home from the hospital today. You guys are the best ... XOXOXO

Les News:
Last night David and I went out for pizza and then ended up chillin' for the rest of the night here at my place. I'm sure it sounds pretty lame to some of you but trust me ... things are just perfect for us :)

Today we're heading out to check out a contemporary art festival in Santa Monica before meeting up with some friends tonight. I hope y'all are having a spectacular weekend! I'm out.



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