Thursday, January 18, 2007
I Can't Believe She's In Rehab!
Invariably, every time I am traveling cross country some big gossy story breaks ... as soon as I landed I was met with many, many emails alerting me to the fact that Lindsay Lohan decided to check herself into an alcoholic rehab center in LA -- in fact, I'm pretty sure she waited until just after my take-off to do so ... that girl:

Lindsay Lohan has checked into rehab, she said in a statement Wednesday. "I have made a proactive decision to take care of my personal health," she said. "I appreciate your well wishes and ask that you please respect my privacy at this time." A source close to the actress tells PEOPLE: "Lindsay is in a very positive frame of mind and is looking forward to making a positive change in her life." Lohan, 20, has been filming the thriller I Know Who Killed Me, and a rep for the movie tells PEOPLE production had already been on hold due to Lohan's recent appendix surgery. It's uncertain when filming will resume. "I Know Who Killed Me, like all films, has insurance," says the rep. "In Lindsay's case, she has a good 13-hour work day. The character she plays requires a good deal of physicality and she's not yet healed (from her surgery) and not yet ready to return." Never one to let a press opportunity pass her by, mother Dina Lohan spoke to Star magazine about her daughter's decision to enter rehab: Shortly after Lindsay's statement was released, her manager-mom Dina told Star's David Caplan, "I'm so proud of her. She's really in a good place right now, spiritually and mentally. She's in an amazing, phenomenal place. She's 20 and she's solid, and she's doing what she needs to do. I don't know that many people who are that secure. It's all about her, and getting back on track. She's fine — she's amazingly fine" ... Meanwhile, another source tells Star exclusively that Lindsay checked herself into rehab after an intervention with her family and executives from the movie she's working on, I Know Who Killed Me. "The movie executives said they had a major issue with getting her insured for the film and threatened to sue her for between for between $3 million and $5 million for the delays her constant absences were causing on the set," the source tells Star. "Lindsay's family and other people she works with sat down with her last night and convinced her she had to go into rehab to save herself professionally and personally. She couldn't afford to have another letter come out about how she was being unprofessional and missing work on the set" ... The source adds that the rehab facility where Lohan is staying -- the $1,750 per day Wonderland Center in Laurel Canyon, just outside downtown LA -- will allow Lindsay to continue working on her movie during the day. She will check into the facility but will be allowed to leave during the day, and will return to the rehab clinic in the evenings and on the weekend. I suppose kudos are in order for L. Lo for deciding to take this proactive step in cleaning up her act ... tho, it's a bit sad that her family had to be spurned into action by a movie studio and not necessarily by any need to see her get healthy. Yes, it's great that she's finally getting some help to aid her in her struggle with her self-proclaimed alcohol addiction but if she's only doing this to keep from having "another letter" come out and professionally shame her then I really think her priorities are a bit effed up. Here's hoping she really takes this stint in the clinic seriously ... and saves herself from coming to a bad end. [Source, Source]
The stars of NBC came out last night for the NBC's Winter Press Tour All-Star Party in Pasadena, California ... so of course, the cast of the hit show Heroes took center stage:

Photo credit: Splash News
Woot! Heroes returns next Monday night will an all new episode and I couldn't be more excited! I love that these guys and gals are riding the crest of fame so successfully these days. Even tho Heroes didn't win the Golden Globe for Best TV Series - Drama (losing to Grey's Anatomy), I think the show is on course for a very successful run ... at least in the short term. I've been very impressed with the storyline so far and am anxious to see how this season will end. I'm concerned, tho, that the show will lose it's luster in subsequent seasons ... but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. All the stars looked great at the NBC press party last night ... altho it must be said that Zachary Quinto who plays Sylar could use a little tweezing on those brows ;) [Source]
Hmmm ... it appears that reports of David Beckham's insanely outrageous contract with the LA Galaxy have been GREATLY exaggerated, at least according to a new report by Sports Illustrated magazine. According to the magazine's interview with Tim Leiweke, the president and CEO of the Anschutz Entertainment Group, which owns the Galaxy, Becks will not be making the $250 million dollars that we've been hearing so much about (note that I dropped the $ in his name already):

When asked about the $250 million dollar pay-day that has been widely reported, Leiweke says: No, and it's not even close. Leiweke refused to discuss the details of Beckham's deal, but league sources confirmed that Beckham's guaranteed salary will be around $50 million over the entire five-year length of the contract. That's hardly chump change, but it's still less than the salaries of a lot of U.S. sports stars. BUT, there are other aspects of Becks' contract that could lead to that magical "$250 million dollar" number but is by no means a guarantee: There is more to Beckham's deal than the guaranteed salary, however. Beckham will also earn 40-to-50 percent of Galaxy jersey sales and an undisclosed share of ticket revenues. And that's not all. "There are certain aspects of the deal that are ultimately about the upside value of the league as a whole that David can participate in," says Leiweke. "Our partners all had to sign off, and they did. We had a couple of interesting board calls, but they did." Long story short: Beckham may or may not earn $250 million over the next five years, but the majority of his income will continue to derive from endorsements and not from the Galaxy or MLS. From my perspective, it's a shame that the phrase "$250 million contract" became gospel in the media, because it's terribly misleading and just not correct. Interesting ... so while Becks may end up making hundreds of millions of dollars it all depends on how well he can sell soccer here in the US -- and that's a big gamble ... but hey, at least he's making a guaranteed $50 million ... that's at least enough to cover any future maintenance on his animatronic alien wife (who, I am THRILLED to report, has no interest in giving away any of her husband's easy earned cash on Scientology). [Source]
Speaking of the robot ... here are new pictures of Victoria Beckham taking tours of two different private schools that might potentially educate the Beckham boys Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz:

Photo credit: Splash News
It's nice that Posh took time out of her bizzy PR schedule to put the high profile shopping on hold for a bit while she checks out the school situation around town. It's also nice that she managed to fit in a wardrobe change in between school visits. [Source]
But lookie here ... VB hasn't even moved to LA yet and she's already starting fashion trends ... here are pictures of Jennifer Garner emerging from the restaurant Orso in Beverly Hills lookin' as posh as she can:

Photo credit: Splash News
Aww ... it's a bit said, isn't it? [Source]
Rupert Everett was on hand yesterday to sign copies of his new autobiography Red Carpets and other Banana Skins wherein he dishes on the fabulousness of his life including stories about his celebrity buddies. Here are a few pics of Rupert at the signing at Barnes and Noble in NYC:

Photo credit: Splash News
I have to say that I am a little concerned with Rupert's appearance in these pictures. He looks really gaunt and skinny ... I really hope it's just a matter of his losing weight and not a sign of something more serious. At any rate, I am mildly intrigued by this new book and may have to add it to my reading pile ... if only because Rupert Everett has always struck me as a very cool guy (and I think it's safe to assume that we all pretty much fell in LOVE with him in My Best Friend's Wedding). I remember when he and Madonna were super BFF for about 20 minutes in the late 90s/early 2000s so I'm sure he's got a lot of great goss to spill about those days. [Source]
Pamela Anderson and her massive breasts were on hand for the launch of the Playboy magazine Legacy Collection ... whatever the hell that means. Here are pictures of Pam and Hugh Hefner at the launch party at Republic nightclub in LA:

I don't even have anything that snarky to say ... Hef is definitely the man and it's good to see him, at 80, still enjoying the Playboy lifestyle ... Pammy pie always looks drunk but happy with herself -- even if she's really bad at staying married. [Source]
Blech! Remember when Ashlee Simpson used to be cute for about 3 weeks back in early 2006? Yeah ... what every happened to that girl? When did she turn into Ashley Olsen?

The Simpson sisters are lookin'g pret-ty rough these days. It looks like Papa Joe is sleepin' on the job. I can't believe he would let them go out of the house in public lookin' like this. Have they all just given up already? [Source]
Just days after Ugly Betty walked away with two Golden Globe awards (for Best TV Series - Musical or Comedy and Best Performance by an Actress In A Television Series - Musical Or Comedy for America Ferrera) the cast are already back to work on new episodes ... and, apparently, Rebecca Romijn is taking another stab at TV stardom by appearing on the show. Here are pictures of Rebecca on the set of Ugly Betty on the Santa Monica Pier --

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon
According to Celebrity Babylon, Rebecca will appear on the show as the mysterious masked woman that we've been getting glimpses of all season. I'm not sure how that will work since I always assumed the masked woman was that old Anna Wintour-looking chick who supposedly died in that car accident but ... I suppose anything is possible on TV. Here's hoping that this new try at TV success goes a lot better than Rebecca's last try at TV success ... do any of y'all even remember Pepper Dennis? Yeah, didn't think so. [Source]
2007 looks to be a good year for Nine Inch Nails fans like myself. Not only do we have a new live DVD to look forward (release date: 02.27.07) to but there will also be a new NIN album released soon after. Here is a picture of Trent Reznor and his peeps doing the final mixes for the new album (reportedly titled Year Zero) along with the artwork for the new concert DVD titled Nine Inch Nails Live: Beside You in Time:

There isn't much info on the new album just yet but the official NIN website has launched a Halo 22 site for Beside You In Time which you can access HERE. You can check out the tracklisting, download wallpapers and find out when/if the DVD will be screening in your area. Woot! [Source]
There is a God and she/he is a merciful and benevolent God ... behold these new pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal who is featured in the new issue of GQ magazine:

And verily I say unto you ... as I gazed upon his beautiful countenance, I lifted mine eyes to the heavens and cried, "Halle-effin'-lujah!" [Source]
So ... is my mind playing tricks with me or is the Silver Surfer sportin' genitals in this hidden frame from the aptly titled Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer trailer?

Click above to see the larger NSFWish uncensored image
Animators have an uncanny ability for doing crazy stuff like this, so I tend to believe that this secret frame was inserted into the trailer just to see if anyone could find it. I deff see the Surfer's twig and berries ... do you? Click HERE to watch the trailer for yourself. [Source]
And finally ... the folks over at I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! have revealed themselves as PITNB fans and have enlisted their most prominent spokesman to show some lurve:

Fabio is definitely the new Pink, y'all! He's even wearing a pink shirt! I can't believe they did this for me! Love the pic ... thank you all so much! XOXO [thanks Andrew & Fabio]
Les News:
- Last night's season premiere of American Idol was its most-watched episode ever.
- Click HERE to see the Forbes list of the 20 Richest Women in Entertainment.
- Brangelina are moving to the New Orleans French Quarter District.
- Isaiah Washington pisses everyone off all over again.
- Is Marilyn Manson suffering from a mid-life crisis?
- K-Fed has a whole new 'tude for 2007.
- Garbage get back to work on new tunes.
- Gus Van Sant pleads not guilty to his DUI charges.
- Hot model Chad White likes having gay fans.
- Jessica Simpson blames her boobs for keeping her from serving God ... which is ironic because God was the one who gave her those boobs.
- Who here is ready for the Baywatch movie?!
- Sienna Miller is now hooking up with Josh Hartnett?
- Salma Hyak's life saved by her dog.
- Samantha Mumba is 24, Jonathan Davis of Korn is 36 and Kevin Costner is 52 years old today. Click HERE to see who else is celebrating a birthday today.
- Siouxsie & the Banshees + Justin Timberlake = Bringing SiouxsieBack
- James Brown still hasn't been laid to rest.
- Two more years of makin' sammys.
- I was wrong ... God hates me. [thanks John]
I'm off to see my mom ... I'll be sure to tell her that she's getting tons of support from PITNB readers from all over the world. I'm sure it'll mean a lot to her.
I'm out.