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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dance And Sing Get Up And Do Your Thing

Just a good ol' girl ... never meanin' no harm ... beats all you've ever saw, been in trouble with the law since the day her babies was born ... Our dear Britney Spears took her hot new body out for a stroll yesterday and she was lookin' migh-ty fierce in that pink top and those hot bottoms:

Photo credit: Splash News, Flynet

You gotta give the girl credit for getting her hot bod back. It looks like those dancing classes are really paying off. I honestly never thought I'd see the day that Britney would be showing off the cute belly that made her a star every again -- and here we are. Sure, I question her flair for the country bumpkin look but ... if Daisy Duke can make this look work than why can't our country Britney? [Source, Source]


Woot! After the snoozefest on 24 that we got last week I am pleased that last night's ep had a little more OOMPH. Finally ... Jack and Audrey were reunited but it wasn't quite the reunion that Jack was expecting. It's all in a day's work ... er, an hour's work for Jack Bauer:

Right off the bat we got Jack Bauer on the loose. I don't think there is a season that goes by that Jack doesn't go rogue at least once or twice. I'm actually surprised that it took him this long to break splinter off. While I am completely grossed out that VP Noah Daniels is going to b sworn in as the Commander and Chief I am even more grossed out that he's gettin' freaky with his personal aide. The thought of that poor woman having to touch his old balls just ... EWs me right out. We're starting to see Chloe come undone a little bit ... but she shines when she stresses out. We're also seeing why her marriage to Morris never worked out. He is such a pansy ... I want her to just haul off and beat the crap out of him so that she can run off with Milo and live happily ever after -- Nadia be damned. Only on 24 can a person go from being tortured as a spy on minute to running all of CTU the next ... I can't believe Bill Buchanan chose her to be the acting head of CTU ... which brings me to his unfortunate turn of events. Poor Bill ... can you think of anything shittier than getting fired by your boss who just happens to be your wife? If he goes impotent for the remainder of their marriage wifey Karen Hayes has no one to blame but herself. Something tells me, tho, that Bill will be OK in the end ... he weasely Tom Lennox may come thru yet again. At the end, Jack managed to save Audrey but let the Russian chip get away with the Chinese ... Audrey turned out to be crazier than Katie Holmes after spending two weeks at a private, yet intesive, Scientology retreat. See, that's what jumping networks to another show will do to you. The season is only 4 eps away from being dunzo ... which seems really soon to me. I hope they make it good ... I fear I'll be bored with the hunt for the microchip scenario I'm foreseeing. [Source]


Heroes returned last night ... and it was actually a pretty solid ep. The producers know what they're doing with this show. Keep it simple, give the fans what they want and don't mess with a good thing ...

Right off the bat, we learned that Mr. Linderman has the ability to revive the dying ... or at least, revive dying plants -- which I'm sure is a very handy power to have (especially in an arboretum). We now know that he is part of the first generation of Heroes ... which I'm sure will come into further play as the show winds down. We now know what the masterplan is ... sacrifice New York City for the good of the world (after all, no one will miss that .07% of the world's population) -- and next week we're going to see what happens if that plan is successful. I love how this show operates. Sylar is still sexy and evil ... he almost got the best of Peter Petrelli ... except that Mohinder kicked his ass. But, now that Sylar has Issac's power ... well, who knows how that will effect things to come. Candice really bothers me .. she's no Eden ... and she's not cute, despite what she thinks. It's great to have the show back ... we keep getting more questions but they come with more answers. But ... HOW WIL IT ALL END??? [Source]

Today is a very special day, folks ... it is the 25th anniversary of Madonna's foray into the music world. Her publicist released a statement this morning reminding us that on April 24, 1982 Madonna released her very first single Everybody ... and the world was never the same since:

It's hard to believe that it has been 25 years since Madonna stepped into the music world. Who knew that a girl from Michigan would go on to conquer the whole entire world? Let's take a quick look back at Maddy in her early days:

LOL! It's too bad there weren't blogs back then ... I'm sure plenty of people would have plenty to say about her fashion choices. Oh, who am I kidding ... she was amazingly cool back then and everybody knew it. Happy Anniversary, Madonna! [Source, Source]

The cast of Spider-Man 3 descended upon London, England yesterday for the European premiere of their new movie ... here are some pics from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

UGH ... what the hell was Kirsten Dunst thinking with that outfit? It looks like a Marilyn Manson could fall out of it. Tobey Maguire does not look impressed. Boo! The goth thing does not work on Miss KiKi D. I dunno what is up with everyone's facial expressions ... it's as if the photogs told them to look like they haven't had a bowel movement in 5 weeks. Talk about your poop sandwiches. The Spider-Man 3 Premiere Tour keeps heading West ... next stop should be NYC. [Source]

After Kirsten Dunst was finished on the red carpet she picked up her new boyfriend, Razorlight frontman Johnny Borrell, and hit the party scene. The couple claims they aren't "hiding" their relationship, well at least Johnny ain't hiding nothing ... it appears that Kirsten is still trying to stay mum since she walked the red carpet solo and then tried to slink away unnoticed in the wee hours of the morning together afterwards:

Photo credit: Splash News

Kirsten Dunst may be keeping quiet on her budding romance with British singer Johnny Borrell, but it seems the Razorlight frontman is more than happy to spill the beans. "I'm not hiding anything. We met in Los Angeles. We were hanging out at South by Southwest and we've been hanging out ever since," the rocker, 26, told PEOPLE at an L.A. press event for Razorlight's new single, "America." What's it like dating someone in the public eye? "I don't think there's any rules behind it. If you fall you fall. In life that's what you do," he said. "You follow the things that you can't resist and you go where you go. That's falling in love." Walking the red carpet alone at Monday's Spider-Man 3 premiere in London, Dunst, 24, avoided questions about her new beau, but did confess a weakness for British men, telling PEOPLE: "They're very charming – the accent is cute!" She and Borrell arrived together at the post-premiere party at central London's Freemason's Hall and headed straight for the VIP area. Hidden from prying eyes behind a floor-to-ceiling iron web, they chatted with Dunst's mom and costars. "They looked really cozy together," a fellow partygoer tells PEOPLE. Just after midnight, the couple snuck out through a side door and finished off the night at Borrell's favorite pub, the Hawley Arms in the gritty Camden neighborhood. Yeah, the poor dear looks wrecked after a night of hard partying ... but at least she ditched that awful black dress. Who knows if Kirsten and Johnny will last (tho it seems that she does have a thing for rockers) but we'll keep our eye on them nonetheless. [Source, Source]

Another day, another celeb goes into rehab ... this time, Mr. Hotness himself Jonathan Rhys Meyers is the Celeb in Rehab du Jour:

Jonathan Rhys Meyers, star of Showtime's The Tudors, has entered a rehab facility, his rep tells PEOPLE exclusively. "After a non-stop succession of filming, Jonathan Rhys Meyers has entered an alcohol-treatment program," rep Meredith O'Sullivan says. "He felt a break was needed to maintain his recovery." Meyers's rep adds: "Jonathan plans to resume his schedule following completion." Geeze, it sounds like he's going away on vacation. Hey, rehab is much easier to get into than Hyde nightclub and it gets about the same press so can you really blame the celebs for wanting in? [Source]

Joe Francis, who was all smile when he turned himself into Florida authorities a couple of weeks ago, was no longer smiling as he was led away in shackles to begin serving a 35 day jail sentence for contempt of court ... oh, and did I mention that Mr. Girls Gone Wild was crying in court upon hearing of his sentence? No wonder he tried to hide is face:

Blowing his nose and wiping away tears, the multimillionaire founder of the Girls Gone Wild video empire pleaded guilty to contempt of court Monday and was sentenced to 35 days in jail. Joe Francis, who was sued by seven women who were minors when filmed, apologized to the judge for yelling at the plaintiffs during settlement talks. "I am sorry for my behavior. It was wrong. I had heard about appeals and things and I was confused. I am sorry, I really am," said Francis, 34. Francis drew the contempt charge during negotiations to settle the federal lawsuit brought after his production company filmed the women at Panama City Beach in 2003. Attorneys for the women said Francis, who makes a reported $29 million a year taping topless women for his videos, lost his temper in negotiations and yelled obscenities at them. U.S. District Judge Richard Smoak ordered Francis to settle the case or go to jail for contempt of court. When talks fell through, Francis lashed out at Smoak in the media, calling him a "judge gone wild" and questioning the judge's authority to order a settlement. Smoak had ordered Francis to surrender to U.S. marshals by April 5 and begin serving time on the contempt charge. He did not return to Panama City from his California home until April 10, when authorities met him at the airport. Francis has since reached an undisclosed settlement with the seven women. Francis had told The Associated Press that they wanted $70 million to settle the case ... His attorney, Jan Handzlik, said being in jail had changed his client. "He is a different man. Undoubtedly he is a different man," he said. Heh ... I'll bet. I bet he's huge hit with the other inmates. Do I really think that Joe Francis has learned his lesson? Not really ... but it's nice to know that he's being held accountable for some of his actions. [Source, Source]

Pink reader Grant from Chicago writes in and sends a picture from the building where the new Batman movie The Dark Knight is filming. Apparently, the building caught on fire ... which was not part of the movie:

Grant writes: I work in a building right near the old Chicago Post Office Headquarters, which has been turned into the Gotham National Bank for the filming of the new Batman. Went out for lunch and the top of the building was all of a sudden on fire. Not sure if you can use this, but here's a pic from my cell phone camera. At first, it was believed that maybe the fire was intentional but apparently, it was not: District Fire Chief Jose Santiago said insulation inside the building's "very old ventilation system" caught fire shortly before 11:30 a.m., and had nothing to do with the filming. There were no injuries, he said. "It looked a lot worse than it really was," Santiago said. The fire was contained to the 16th-floor ventilation shaft in the 17-story building, and most of the flames were extinguished by a sprinkler system, officials said. Hmm ... where are those superheroes when you need 'em? [thanks Grant]

Jake Gyllenhaal spent the afternoon recently chillin' with his dad and his dogs ... here are a few pics:

Aww, Jakey poo would make such a good dad ... but not to Reese Witherspoon's kids! They already have a dad! He needs kids of his own ... BUT NOT WITH REESE! [Source]

Christian Slater thinks he's a pimp ...

Photo credit: Mavrix

... and he would be wrong ... but at least the faded star has still got some game. [Source]

Now, Adam Brody has also got himself some game and you know he isn't even trying. Here are pictures of Adam's visit to MTV's TRL yesterday afternoon:

Le sigh. [Source]

Melanie Brown (aka Mel B. aka Scary Spice) is showing off her new baby Angel Iris Murphy Brown exclusively on the cover of the new issue of OK! magazine:

Mel B. still contends that Eddie Murphy is the father of the child, Eddie still contends that he is not. Eh, a paternity test will shut one of them up soon enough ... what I can't believe is the name that she gave the child. I don't really care about the Angel Iris part ... it's the Murphy Brown I'm more concerned about. I would've actually gone with Ally McBeal. [Source]

And finally ... a lock of Tori Amos hair was put up for auction on eBay ...

... and someone won it before I could make an offer! DAMNIT! Is it creepy to want to own someone else's hair? Yes. Do I care? No. Better luck next time, I suppose. [Source via Undented]

Les News:
Ugh ... my computer has been giving me crap all morning. I've had to work at a snail's pace ... hence the horrible lateness. I almost gave up ... but I finally finished the post. Apologies. I might be looking at getting a new lap top.

BUT ANYWAYS ... lemme just post and be done with it. Don't FORGET that you still have ONE WEEK to enter for your chance to win a FREE COPY of Tori Amos' new album American Doll Posse:

Click HERE for all the deets on how to enter ... and good luck!

I'm out!



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