PINK is the new BLOG
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Thursday, April 26, 2007

"You Know Black Is This Year's Pink"

You may be wondering what sort of life Kevin Federline lives now that he has been ejected from the lap of luxury and now must fend for himself. Well, even if you haven't been wondering, here's a quick little update. Honestly, not much has changed in The Federline's life since Britney Spears decided to divorce his ass. He is still going out to Las Vegas every other week and he is still partying like he was a bona fide P.I.M.P. Lately, tho, he's been working ... which is something new. Here are pictures of K-Fed jumping around in his socks doing some promo work for Axe Body Spray or something like that:

Photo credit: Splash News

I dunno what K-Fed jumpin' around gettin' sweaty in his socks has to do with deodorant but ... ah yes, I think I get it now. Well, if you're trying to sell a product to people that stink I guess this makes a whole lotta sense. [Source]


Boo! While I was at the theatre last night my stupid DVR did not record Lost. I had to watch it online at this morning ... thankfully it was a pretty good ep. Sure, there wasn't much shocking surprise (well, maybe a little) but the story arc is progressing nicely -- and the eps continue to have that classic Lost feel to them:

Screencaptures courtesy of Lost Media

I love the Jin and Sun back-story. They are such interesting characters and every time they do a flashback ep that revolves around them some new piece of very interesting information comes to light (so now we know why Jin worked so "hard" for Sun's father ... he had a big debt to pay). You think you know the characters and then the flashbacks reveal that you were wrong. I love that Sun FINALLY stepped up to Juliet and asked her what the eff is going on. It's not even that she got any real answers but the fact that no one was questioning her was driving me mad! I can understand why Sun would want to let Juliet "help" her and I'm so glad that Jin turned out to be the father (after all, his sperm count quintupled when he arrived on the island) -- tho, that means (according to Juliet) that the baby will not survive. Something tells me that it will. We also learned that Juliet is still moving ahead with her clandestine plan among the survivor women ... what sort of samples does she intend to take? I doubt Kate will be cool with any sampling of her by anyone other than Jack or Sawyer. Let's move on ... so the Russian dude is still alive, huh? Wasn't it Locke that "killed" him? More shadiness on his part means that he really can't be trusted. And who is that parachute lady? It appears that she is looking for Desmond but was shocked to learn that Oceanic Flight 815 survivors are on the island (which makes sense, Desmond arrived on the island before the plane crashed). I love how they had her speak different languages (tho it sounded like she had an Australian accent) ... just to confuse us further. Her revelation at the end was prolly intended to be a big shocking GASP! but it wasn't so much for me. The question becomes, how did a plane with no survivors get found out in the "real world"? Does the Dharma Initiative have that much power? I think once we find out who that chick is the GASP will come. I'm looking forward to it. [Source]

Promotion for Spider-man 3 continues all over Europe ... some of the cast made their way to Berlin, Germany for a premiere:

Photo credit: Splash News

And others made their way to Madrid, Spin for a premiere there:

Photo credit: Splash News

The movie opens worldwide a week from tomorrow and there are still a lot of cities that have to be visited on this promo tour. I'm certain the entire cast will come together in NYC and then in LA sometime in the next week. The anticipation keeps building ... I can't wait. I already purchased a pair of tickets for the first showing in NYC on Thursday night. Woot! [Source]

Kickin' It Old Skool had it's premiere in Hollywood last night and while normally I wouldn't go for this sort of movie I must admit that I am kinda interested in maybe catching this one (blame it on my inner b-boy). Here are pictures from the premiere's red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

Jamie Kennedy is the man ... and not a bad dancer, I might add. And it is so kind of him to give Maria Menunous a break like this -- her own starring role. I've been known to bust a move or two so I can appreciate a flick like this. Could it be as good as Bring It On or Honey? Possibly ... maybe I'll wait til I get home to Detroit so that I can see it with Megan. She loves these kinds of movies. [Source]

Last night American Idol got all charitable and managed to cultivate a whole slew of big name celebs to appear on the show in order to help raise money for various charities. Kelly Clarkson, Ellen DeGeneres and Annie Lennox were among the celebs in the hiz ... and the show itself managed to pull out a few surprise guests:

There were rumors that Madonna was going to "perform" on the show but she only ended up appearing in a videotaped message. Celine Dion did show up to perform ... alongside a very dead Elvis Presley. Creepy but true. The walking out and panning scenes of the two of them were very disturbing. Someone went to a lot of trouble to make it seem like Elvis was really in the building. Click HERE to watch Madonna's video message. Click HERE to watch Celine Dion perform with Elivs Presley. I won't even dignify Kelly Clarkson's horrendous outfit with a response. [Source]

Hey, it's been about 45 minutes since we've had a celebrity drunk driving arrest ... so it's about time we had another. Last night rapper Eve got busted for DUI after she messed up her gold Maserati while cruising around Hollywood ... mind you, she was cruising while her blood alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit:

TMZ has learned that rapperista/actress Eve was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence after she crashed her gold Maserati on Hollywood Boulevard. Eve (real name: Eve Jeffers) was driving in Hollywood around 2:45 AM Thursday when she hit the center divider, totaling the front of her car. TMZ was on the scene, and observed that after cops arrived, they placed her in handcuffs, and (according to our staffers) she was "visibly upset" as they led her into a squad car. We've learned that there were two people in the car with Eve at the time ... TMZ has confirmed that Eve has just posted $30,000 bail and was released from Los Angeles County Jail. The rapper covered her face, as she was picked by yet another Maserati. LOL! How many Maseratis does the girl own? See, I thought driving around Detroit was dangerous ... at least there aren't a plethora of drunk celebs tooling around town in expensive cars. [Source]

In other busted news, it seems like Hugh Grant might be dealing with assault charges stemming from a recent incident between a paparazzo and himself ... er, an incident that involved the gross misuse of a container of baked beans:

Hugh Grant has been arrested after allegedly hurling a tub of baked beans at a photographer. He also reportedly kicked snapper Ian Whittaker. Grant - who has been arrested before, when caught with prostitute Divine Brown in America - was taken to a police station last night for questioning over the alleged assault. The arrest followed a clash with the freelance paparazzi photographer outside Grant's Chelsea home on Tuesday morning. Mr Whittaker said he had turned up to take pictures of the actor's former girlfriend Liz Hurley, who lives in the same street. When Grant, 46, arrived in his car he asked him to smile as he took his picture. The film star allegedly snapped, swearing at Mr Whittaker, 43, and reportedly kicking him three or four times. Then, as Grant entered his house, he allegedly turned and threw a plastic container of baked beans at him. Mr Whittaker told a tabloid newspaper: "I said Give us a smile please' and he looked really angry. I walked backwards and he walked after me. He kicked me hard three or four times then kneed me in the groin." Police were called to the incident and last night Kensington detectives returned to the actor's home to arrest him and take him for questioning. Grant had his fingerprints taken and provided a DNA sample ... Scotland Yard could not confirm the names of those involved on Tuesday, but said they were investigating an allegation of assault in Chelsea. A spokeswoman added: "A 46- year-old man was arrested and has been bailed to a date next month." None of this is surprising to me ... after all, you know what they say -- beans, beans the magical fruit ... the more you eat, the more you get the intense need to beat the hell out of any person in your direct vicinity who happens to be trying to photograph you. [Source]

Additionally, Richard Gere has also found himself in hot water after he insulted pretty much the entire country of India by doing this to one of their female citizens on national television:

An Indian court issued arrest warrants for Hollywood actor Richard Gere and Bollywood star Shilpa Shelty on Thursday for kissing at a public function, media reports said. Judge Dinesh Gupta issued the warrants in the northwestern city of Jaipur after a local citizen filed a complaint charging that the public display of affection —which he called an "an obscene act" — offended local sensibilities, the Press Trust of India news agency reported. Last week Gupta subpoenaed television footage of the event. Such cases against celebrities — often filed by publicity seekers — are common in conservative India. They add to a backlog of legal cases that has nearly crippled the country's judicial system. It was not immediately clear how the warrant would affect Gere, a frequent visitor to India. Under Indian law a person convicted of public obscenity faces up to three months in prison, a fine or both. Last week, crowds in several Indian cities burned effigies of Gere, 57, after he wrapped the 31-year-old Shetty in his arms and kissed her several times on her cheeks during an HIV/AIDS awareness event in the Indian capital. Photographs of the clinch were then splashed across front pages in India — where public displays of affection are largely taboo. So even tho the image of this sort of public display of affection is taboo in the country, newspaper and magazine editors thought it wise to put the image on the covers of their papers? Wow. I guess I can understand a country's outrage at such flagrant disrespect for their cultural beliefs but this does seem a bit excessive. I mean, it's not like Richard was seeing accosting a gerbil or anything like that. [Source]

Hmm ... earlier this week David Beckham was being all coy about taking off his hat because it seemed that he didn't want to show off his hair. Then, when the photogs were around, he suddenly got "un-shy" and decided to show the world his new bleached blonde hair-do:

Not bad ... I pretty much like Becks any way I can get him ... except for when he's rockin' the corn rows. You just can't take a white dude seriously when he's wearing corn rows. Bleached blonde looks good on Becksie poo. [Source, Source thanks Jahlone]

Halle Berry is not shy about who she is supporting in the race for the White House:

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

It's good of her to use her ample boobage for political reasons. [Source]

Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in London has just unveiled its latest exhibit:

Photo credit: Splash News

Sorry, I know I should be shot for the tiresome SexyBack joke but it's the best I could come up with. [Source]

And finally, here is another precious picture of Mel B. and her newborn baby girl Angel Iris Murphy Brown from the pages of this week's issue of OK! magazine:

I can't wait to see this very special episode of The Maury Povich Show. [Source]

Les News:
So last night I finally got to see what all the fuss is about. Before Wicked was turned into a musical I had tried to read the book. I got about 40 pages in and put the book down. I found it really hard to get into and after a while moved on to something that I found more entertaining. When Wicked was made into a musical I think I just felt that the show would be just as uninteresting. I did listen to the soundtrack but the songs just didn't leap out and grab me (secretly, I think I wish every show soundtrack I hear would grab me like Rent did and am disappointed when that doesn't happen). Since I've been in a theatrical mood lately and since Wicked has taken up residence here in LA, I finally figured What the hell and went out and saw it last night ... and oh my God am I glad that I did. To say that I was blown away would be an understatement ... I was just totally ensnared by the entire show:

After I mentioned on the blog yesterday that I was seeing the show, I received a few emails from readers telling me I was going to love it. Even friends of mine who have seen it were excited for me ... and now I see why. The show is utterly fabulous. Not only is it a sight to see but the story is so solid ... so well constructed. The untold story of the Witches of Oz is a brilliant idea ... seeing the interaction of the characters in this new light was very fascinating. You can tell that this show makes tons of money ... they spent a lot of it on the sets and costumes. I was impressed before the curtain even went up (those of you who have seen the show know what I'm referring to). I don't think I can ever view the movie The Wizard of OZ in the same way ever again. There are really great jokes and cute little nods to the movie that everyone in the audience is very familiar with. Pure genius. Eden Espinosa and Megan Hilty (who played the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda [the GUH is silent] the Good Witch respectively) were absolutely amazing. They each gave remarkable performances ... each actress had played their part on Broadway so they really do have the chops. I don't know who I liked better ... Megan's performance was hilarious and Eden's performance was so poignant. Luckily, I was able to meet both of them after the show:

Yeah, I'm not a big theater groupie but I really wanted to meet the ladies and tell them how much I enjoyed the show. This is a show I will definitely be seeing again.

I think I may even give the book another try.

Anyways, if you have the chance to see this show -- you have to SEE THIS SHOW. It is fun and smart, funny and really entertaining.

And ... I guess that is all ... I am out.



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