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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Home Is Where The SASS Is

We are only one day away from Mother's Day but, as I mentioned earlier this week, it's never too early or too soon to start celebratin' the moms. I think it's safe to assume that Britney Spears is really looking forward to celebrating tomorrow with her sons ... er, well at least with one of her sons. Who knows if little Jayden James will be included in the celebratin' but I'm pretty sure Sean Preston will be in on the fun. Here are a couple of really cute pics of Britney and Sean P. steppin' out wearing matching cowboy hats:

Photo credit: Splash News

It is really nice seeing Britney so happy ... and it's clear that being with her eldest son really makes her happy ... it's just so weird about the other unseen one, tho. Anyways, things have been going so well for our dear Britney lately it's hard to not be really happy for her. Happy early Mother's Day, Brit ... you really do deserve a bit of happiness. [Source]

In other happy mother news, Sheryl Crow has announced her official website that she is a proud new mother! According to her announcement, he adopted a baby boy 2 weeks ago and named him Wyatt Steven:

Much congrats and love to Sheryl and the new addition to her family! I'm sure that Sheryl and her new son Wyatt Steven will be sharing a special Mother's Day together tomorrow. [Source]

The fervent campaign to try and keep Paris Hilton out of jail is sweeping the nation and, in fact, the globe. Yesterday we saw pics from the impressive demonstration in New York City where Free Paris supporters took to the streets to show their support and today we have a couple pictures from Las Vegas where the Palms Hotel and Casino has devoted its entire sign to the cause:

Photo credit: Splash News

With the campaign to keep Paris out of jail picking up steam and support it's hard to imagine that she will be forced to do any time at all. Well, maybe that's taking things a bit too far but we still don't know how much, if any, time Paris will actually have to serve behind bars. I guess we'll have to see how everything turns out in a couple of weeks. [Source]

Lindsay Lohan has been spending all of her time with British model Callum Best since he flew into the US earlier this week. Here are pictures of Lindsay and Callum sharing a private moment together where, apparently, L. Lo is inviting Callum up to her penthouse suite to check out the decor:

Photo credit: Splash News

I'm sure that Callum was very interested in seeing if the carpet does, indeed, match the drapes. [Source]

The top Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger is spending a little downtime in Hawaii with her boyfriend Talan Torriero (from MTV's Laguna Beach). Here are a few pictures of the happy couple frolicking in the water as they holiday in Hawaii:

Photo credit: Splash News

Boy, they sure do look in love. Props to Nicole and Talan for keeping it together for so long. I'm still a little surprised that Talan was able to snag such a hottie but he must be doing something right because the pair have been together for quite some time now. [Source]

Here is one more pic from the surprise Prince concert that hey played at London's Koko club earlier this week ... you may recall that homie got accosted on stage by an overzealous fan who stormed the stage in an attempt to give Prince a kiss ... here is a pic of that moment:

Now, Prince is not a big man ... he's actually very slight and can prolly be knocked to the ground by a gentle breeze so you can imagine what a hyped up fan could do to the man. I'm actually surprised she didn't break him. LOL ... he looks real skerred! [Source]

Kylie Minogue has revealed, on her official website, that she is working on a project for a new musical film ... explaining that she is in South America brushing up on her mastery of the tango in preparation. Here is the full announcement along with a couple photos of Kylie dancing and posing with a man named Ricardo in Buenos Aires:

Hi Everyone,

Greetings from South America.

I'm working on an idea for a new musical film, which has been in the pipeline for some time. As it's a new venture it's very exciting for all of the team involved. Just to whet your appetites as part of this new project I had the pleasure of learning to Tango from some of South America's best!

Love Kylie x

Woot! Kylie should be spending more time with Ricardo than with her married friend Alexander What'shisname. I am happy to know that Kylie is hard at work on this new project but I am more interested in her releasing new music before anything else. [Source]

And speaking of new music, Drowned Madonna is reporting that Madonna will be releasing a new song, titled Hey You, that she created with Pharrell next week:

The song will be available for download and all the money raised from sales will go towards Live Earth -- which, you may recall, is a series of massive concert festivals that will take place all around the world on 07.07.07 in an effort to engage people on a mass scale to combat our climate crisis. This is very exciting news ... and this new song should tide us over until Madonna releases her new album later on this year. Woot! [Source, thanks Kevin]

I have to send out much Birthday Lurve to my very good friend Andy Towle who is the man behind the amazing website Towleroad. Today, Mr. Andy Towle turns ... er, older than he was yesterday and even tho I can't be in NYC to celebrate with him today, I hope he knows that I'm sending all my lurve anyways:

David and I got to spend some time with Andy and his boyfriend Dave a few weeks ago but I really wish I could be in NYC for his big shindig tonight. Andy is a superstar to me and I consider myself very fortunate to call him a friend. He is a truly amazing man and I wish him all the happiness in the world on this monumental birthday. Happy Birthday, Andy! XOXO

And finally, it's time for this week's batch of photos sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- Kate sends in a photo with her mom for Mother's Day -- Kelly and Brent & Amy are all celebrating their college graduations from Miami University -- Jason showing his support for Paris Hilton and her freedom -- Amanda posing with Mario Lopez at the Southern Woman's Show in Raleigh, NC -- Meghan sends in a photo of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, II at her recent much anticipated visit to the College of William & Mary to commemorate the founding of Jamestown 400 years ago (I just had to post the pic because Meghan had the Queen saying Bow down, bitches) -- Halley sends in a cute pic she snapped while she was studying for her finals this semester:

Much congrats and thanks to you all for sending in your photos. I have to send out much love to all of you for taking the time to submit photos to share on the blog. I heart all y'all very much! XOXO

Les News:
Last night, Sarah, Mark and I met up with Roger, Mike and their friends at Buzz Bar for the SASS danceparty and let me tell you ... we had an absolute blast. This was my first visit to SASS since the venue change but all the spirit and fun of my fave danceparty has been kept intact. Here are a few pics from last night's party:

We were all celebrating Roger's birthday so that is why he had to wear the big star sunglasses. Even tho Buzz Bar is much smaller than OSLO is, we still had a great time. Nathan, one of the SASS DJs, told me that OSLO will be reopening under new management and that SASS will be going back there in the coming months. I got to me a whole slew of Pink readers including Jason and his beautiful wife Erica, Sara and her friend Kel, Max, and Alison. It was my pleasure meeting you all and thank you so much for the wonderful conversation, drinks and/or shots ;) We all just had a really great time ... as usual when we're SASSing it up. Much love goes out to Mike and Nathan for throwing such a great party ... coming home to Detroit is extra fun when I get to dance the night away with some of the coolest folks in Metro Detroit.

This afternoon I'm having dinner with my friend and former teaching colleague Erik and then tonight I think there will be one last hurrah in Dearborn.

One last thing, I've learned from Pink reader Leslie that her good friend and coworker John suddenly passed away recently. Leslie tells me that John used to love reading PITNB on his Sidekick (when he prolly should've been working) which he called "talking to Trent". Well, I hope that John can hear me talking to him now ... you will be missed, my friend. Peace out, John.

That is all.



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  • "Pink is the new Blog: Must Star Hazer -- Why This: Trent Vanegas may run the uproarious gossip roundup from his home outside Detroit, but he doesn't need proximity to make riotous observations about celebs -- often typed directly onto scary paparazzi photos." -- Entertainment Weekly

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