PINK is the new BLOG
Everybody's Business Is My BusinessTM

Saturday, May 05, 2007


Happy Cinco de Mayo, y'all! While the (we) Mexicoids are celebrating their (our) Independence Day freedom to whoop it up today (in my haste I erroneously said it was Mexican Independence Day) there are other, less fortunate folk out there (folk who may have recently been sentenced to spend 45 days in jail this summer) who are prolly not in the mood to celebrate today ... but I'm deff in the mood to get my party on! I hope your Cinco de Mayo is a fun one today ... have a margarita for me :)

Something tells me that Britney Spears isn't going to let a day like Cinco de May slip by without doing a little celebrating of her own ... my question is, what wig is she going to don for the occasion. Britney switched up her head attire this week when she brought her Comeback Concert Series to the House of Blues in LA on Thursday night. Before she performed that night she was seen driving around town with a blonde pigtails wig ... but for the performance, she wore a shorter, dark bobbed wig:

Photo credit: Flynet

Personally, I quite like both looks on her. The blonde one looks a little ridiculous to me but there is something very Hee-Haw about it that looks fun. The shorter bobbed wig is the one that looks most natural. I also love how Britney insists on wearing a headpiece microphone when she performs on stage ... it's cute how she tries to make the illusion seem as if she were really using it when she is singing. LOL. Britney spent yesterday chillin' and pampering herself in Malibu, CA and will prolly spend today/tonight getting her party on before she hits the dusty trails headed for Las Vegas. The M+Ms perform at the Vegas House of Blues tomorrow night. [Source]

So ... how about that Paris Hilton is getting sent to jail thing? I cannot tell you how shocked I still am over the news ... David and I were at dinner with his friend Lisa last night when we got word. I must've been staring slack-jawed at my BlackBerry when I read the news ... JAIL, Y'ALL! Like, a real correctional facility. You just know that Paris was seriously freaking out as she made her way into the courthouse yesterday ... and boy, was she right to freak out. I wonder if she had any inkling that the judge, one Judge Michael T. Sauer, would throw the book at her. For normal people, 45 days would be a godsend ... for Paris Hilton, I'm sure it's akin to the death penalty:

Photo credit: Splash News

One thing's for sure, she put on a brave face when she showed up for court ... tho, it was foolish for her dumbass to show up late for her court appearance. I don't think that really got the judge in a good mood. The courtroom sketches, drawn by Mona Edwards (who is the sketch artist of the stars ... her book Captured! compiles some of her best known work), really captured the drama inside the courtroom. Elliot Mintz's "worthlessness" (as deemed by the judge himself) really comes thru, don't you think? At at last, we finally know what big, oversized sunglasses are good for ... hiding puffy, tear-soaked eyes. [Source, Source]

Here is the place that Paris will call home for 45 days this summer ... the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF) in Lynwood ... and by the sound of it, I'm sure it'll be a spectacular vacation spot for Paris to cool her heels this summer:

Reopened in March, 2006, the Century Regional Detention Facility is located in beautiful Lynwood, Calif. -- just minutes from nearby Compton! While Mr. Chow takeout isn't available, according to the AP, CRDF does serve three low-sodium poultry based meals a day. Yum! For her own safety, Paris will most likely be segregated from the rest of her prison pals and live in a one or two-person cell. Cozy. During her days at Chez Clink, Paris will get just one hour a day to shower, exercise, watch TV or talk on the phone. And sorry to say, Blackberries are not allowed. Oh, the humanity! As for wardrobe choices, Paris will have the option of one of four different colored jumpsuits. Depending on how she is classified and where she is housed in the facility, Paris could don a blue, brown, white or classic orange one-piece from the House of Detention collection. Waitaminute ... lemme get this straight ... no BlackBerries allowed? EGADS! This isn't fun and games anymore ... this sounds serious. Poor, poor Paris :( [Source]

If you would like to show Paris your support in her time of need and would like to write her letters while she chills in jail, you can send your warmest regards to her here:

Paris Hilton and Booking Number (to be determined)
11705 S. Alameda St.
Lynwood, Ca. 90262

And here are the visiting hours:

Mon.-Fri. (for professional visits only):
9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sat. & Sun. (regular visiting):
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Holiday Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Last group of visitors must be checked in by 6:30 p.m.

Maybe we can organize a Pink is the new Jailvisit group visit? Ahh ... what a cruel, cruel summer indeed.

Okay ... there is other news to be had today ... other celebs with their own court appearances to discuss ... here are pictures of Busta Rhymes as he exited court yesterday after his most recent arrest:

Photo credit: Splash News

Can you imagine if Busta Rhymes also got sentenced to jail time for his latest arrest? Then we'd have Joe Francis, Paris Hilton and Busta Rhymes all in jail ... add to that crowd, Lane Garrison, Eve and Boy George and you've got yourself the regular group of folk to usually show up at Hyde, Area or Parc on any given night. Perhaps this jail thing will become the latest trend in Hollywood ... jail will become the new rehab. While I would never wish jail on anyone, I must say that I'm impressed that finally the rich and powerful are being held accountable for their actions just like "regular people". I never thought I'd see the day. [Source]

Australia is getting its fill of the folks who star in Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer this week as they were all in attendance at the second premiere (or screening or whatever) of their new movie yesterday:

Photo credit: Splash News

I caught the latest, more extensive trailer for F4:2 at the midnight showing of Spider-man 3 late Thursday night/early Friday morning and I have to say that I was impressed. I liked it much better than the trailer that merely focused on the Silver Surfer. From what I saw in the trailer, the FX looked amazing. I really liked the first movie (it even made my Top 10 list of Fave Movies that year) so I'm hopeful that the new movie will be just as entertaining ... if not more entertaining. And after all, a couple hours of Chris Evans squeezed into his spandex outfit can't be all that bad. [Source]

Whoopsie ... it looks like Natalie Portman couldn't contain herself at the Dowtown Dinner which honored Bjork earlier this week:

Photo credit: INF

I mean, it really shouldn't be that surprising that her boobs could easily fall out of that thing she called a dress. When you wear a fancy bib that you call a dress to an event you shouldn't be that shocked at the result. Click HERE to see the larger, uncensored image. [Source]

Anyone who claims that Heidi Montag and her boyfriend Spencer Pratt are only interested in attention by the paparazzi merely in the hopes that they will become famous someday need only look at these poignant, candid photos of the pair frolicking on the beach to see just how wrong they are:

Photo credit: Flynet

You just can't fake an honest moment like this. [Source]


My eyes ... my poor retnas ... what have I done to deserve this punishment? I would happily take 45 days at the Century Regional Detention Facility any day over subjecting myself to this sight ever again. I think I shall drown mine eyes in gasoline now. [Source]

And finally ... here is this week's batch of photos sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- Dana sends in a pic with her hubby Brian and their son Kaneu on the day that Brian ran the recent London Marathon. The pair both attended Virginia Tech and wore their orange and maroon as a tribute to the victims in the recent shooting (Dana tells me that Brian did very well in the marathon despite not really training for it) -- Denise sends in a picture from the Tulip Festival which took place north of Seattle, a little outside of Everett, WA -- Martha and Nicole, sorority sisters at Alpha Gamma Delta, send in a pic from their trip to Anaheim, CA to see Britney Spears perform at the House of Blues earlier this week -- Hillary, Leigh Ann and Alexis send in a pic of their AIDS Walk Team, called The Johnny Walkers, after they raised over $4,500.00 to help families and individuals affected by AIDS in Broward County, FL -- Angela sends in a pic of her cousin's baby who was born at Wyandotte Hospital in Wyandotte, MI (DETROIT REPRESENT!) at 8 lbs. 9oz.:

Much congrats and love to you all for taking the time to send in your photos! I always love how happy everyone looks in the photos ... it means a lot that so many of y'all choose to include PITNB in these fun celebratory events. XOXO

Sorry y'all, no Newslinks today

Can I just tell you how amazing the weather has been this week here in NYC ... glorious ... I've been really enjoying it. Yesterday afternoon I was very fortunate enough to have coffee with none other than Heather Matarazzo. You may recall that Heather starred in the amazing movie Welcome to the Dollhouse (and other movies like Scream 3, The Princess Diaries, Saved! and TV shows like Roseanne and The L Word) and will be featured in the new movie Hostel Part II (she's the girl that is hung upside down in the latest poster for the movie). She kindly contacted me and we set up a coffee date where we could just chat. In actuality, I did all the talking because I never know when to shut up ... but I managed to let her tell me about her fave books, classic movies and other such interesting things. We got along like friends and I couldn't be more pleased:

We also talked a tiny bit about Hostel but I didn't really want to hear anything at all about what happens to her in the movie. She did reveal that Hostel fans who are familiar with the way things turn out for young girls will not be disappointed. We had a great time getting to know one another ... and I can only hope that we'll get to hang out again soon.

After our little date, David and I had dinner with his friend Lisa (who I now love immensely) at SoHo House (up on the roof, with an amazing view of Manhattan) and pretty much talked the evening away. We were all together when we heard about Paris' sentence which is something I'm sure we'll remember as if it was the day that JFK was shot. Er, not really but I'm sure it'll be memorable. Shortly after we got word, we parted ways ... promising to reunite one day in Las Vegas ... seriously. I hope we actually do all get to do Vegas together, too.

This afternoon, David and I are going to a matinee performance of Legally Blonde the musical. Thanks to some handy work by canjun boy in the city Brett, we got tickets to see the show today ... and I'm so excited!

Tonight, we're hanging out with David's sister Eden for some Cinco de Mayo celebratory fun ... Woot!

So ... yeah, that's it ... tomorrow I leave for Detroit ... but today will be my last NYC hurrah for a little while. I am out.



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