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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Back In Babies' Arms

Happy Day! Happy Day! Our dear Britney Spears must be having the best weekend ever ... or, at the very least, the best weekend that she's enjoyed in some time. I am very happy to report that Brit Brit was able to go to the Starbucks coffee shop of her choice in order to imbibe one of their world famous frapiccino drinks that she is so fond of. Oh yeah ... and the court also restored some portion of her visitation rights with her children, Sean Preston and Jayden James. But ... hello! She got her Starbucks ... don't forget that:

Photo credit: X17

Britney Spears has regained visitation rights of her sons, Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1, PEOPLE has learned. The singer on Saturday was spotted driving with her children in Studio City, Calif., in her white Mercedes convertible, which was decorated with pumpkins on the dashboard. A presumed court-appointed monitor was seated in the front seat, with her sons in the rear. At long last ... all's right with the world. I guess now we're going to see his court-appointed parenting coach monitor lady with Britney every time she goes out with the kids ... which will pretty much be every time she gets to spend time with her kids. I can't even imagine what her reports to the court will be like ... well, okay, maybe I can imagine what they might be like: Um, we went to Starbucks and then we went shopping and then we went to another Starbucks and then we went tanning and then to another Starbucks and then we went home. Oh yeah, we ran over some people with the car but those people enjoyed the experience so it wasn't that big a deal ... the kids seems to enjoy it, too. Geeze, as if this whole mess couldn't get any weirder. I can't wait to see what the coming week will be like. [Source]

The principal cast, including Dylan Walsh, Julian McMahon and Roma Maffia, convened in Hollywood last night for a premiere screening of the upcoming 5th season of the FX Networks show Nip/Tuck. Here are a few pics from the red carpet:

I am so excited for this new season of Nip/Tuck. It's been off the air for far too long ... and I've been missing it. The way that I love Dexter is the same way that I love Nip/Tuck. Both shows are darker, more gritty than the usual fare on TV and come up with storylines that just really stick with you beyond their first airing. I really enjoyed last season ... and I'm intrigued to see what sort of trubs McNamara/Troy can get into now that they've moved their practice to LA. The new season of Nip/Tuck debuts on FX in just over a week on October 30th. Woot! [Source]

Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon are in Rome, Italy for the 2007 Rome Film Festival where they are making promotional appearances for their new film Rendition. Here are a few pics of Jakey poo and Reese boldly standing side-by-side at a photocall this weekend, trying to look as uninterested in one another as they possibly can:

At this point, it's very unclear as to what exactly is going on with these two. Are they together? Are they not? Are they pretending not to be together to hide the fact that they are, indeed, together .. or vice versa? Personally, I never really believed that the two were ever really an item -- something about their pairing just didn't feel right to me ... and it has nothing to do with the constant blind items (like THIS one) that allude to the fact that Jake may not be interested in the ladies (another rumor I don't totally believe, even tho I'd like to). It seemed all too convenient that the pair were never EVER seen together in any social manner (the best we got was the two of them coming out of some place and then following one another in their individual cars) even tho they are among the most famous celebs on the planet. Their pairing up has done a lot to promote their new movie and, in the end, that is exactly what purpose this rumored affair fulfills. I dunno ... I just don't feel the lurve. [Source]

And speaking of lurve ... just what exactly is going on between Miss Lauren LC Conrad and Mr. Brent Bolthouse these days? Both appear on the hit MTV faux-reality TV show The Hills except that, on the show, Brent appears to be on Team Heidi (LC's nemesis) since he plays the role of her boss. Is LC moving in on Heidi's territory in order to steal away as many allies as she can?

We're very curious about this burgeoning friendship between Lauren "L.C." Conrad and nightlife impresario Brent Bolthouse. As any Hills fan knows, Brent is Heidi Montag's (aka L.C.'s archenemy) boss at Bolthouse Productions. Last month, we were shocked to see Lauren — but not Heidi — at the Intermix opening, which was both Bolthouse deejayed and promoted. Now, just last night at Victoria's Secret's Phi Beta Pink Party, the two were hugging. What gives? Could L.C. be clamoring for Heidi's job to further revenge? Or perhaps Mr. Brent knows he needs to play nice to reality television's hottest star, despite his employee's qualms? Hmm ... next thing we know, LC's gonna be mending fences and hanging out with Spencer Pratt, Heidi's faux-reality financee. Well ... okay, that'll prolly never happen EVER so Heidi has at least one person she can depend on because, let's face it, who else on Earth would even want to cozy up to Spencer besides Heidi? [Source]

Kristin Chenoweth, who co-stars in the hit ABC show Pushing Daisies and who was lookin' all kinds of bobble-headish, made an appearance at the 3rd annual A Fine Romance event in Culver City, CA last night ... and the poor dear's head looked like it was ready to snap off her frail little bird neck ... here are a few pics:

Let me start off by saying that I love Kristin Chenoweth ... even tho I didn't get to see her on Broadway as Glinda in Wicked, I am a big fan of her vocals on the Original Cast Recording from the show. I even really enjoy her on Pushing Daisies ... altho she looks extremely skinny on the show as well. I cannot believe how frail she looks in these pics ... her neck and chest bones look like they're about ready to pop thru her skin. Ouch. Honestly, it's hard to believe that she has the neck muscles to hold that big head up ... I hope she puts on some lbs. very soon, this unhealthy look does nothing for her. [Source]

Zac Efron is a bona fide health nut ... when he's not pretending to be romantically interested in his High School Musical co-star Vanessa Hudgens at coffee shops in the San Fernando Valley or when he's not jetting off to destinations all over the globe to appear at this or that event, he's prolly spending his time at the gym (or the tanning salon but I suspect his gym has a tanning salon so he's able to kill two birds with one stone in that respect) workin' on his fitness. Here are pics Zac trying to make his way to his gym and homie looks like he's in a hurry ... plowing into a poor dude who happened to be standing in his way:

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

Yikes! Was the place closing or something? Were they having an all-you-can-tan sale for one day only? Zac was running towards that place much like Brandon Davis when he's got a donut shop in his sights. I know that I wouldn't want to be standing in either guy's way when he is this intent. [Source]

Suri Holmes Cruise has launched an all-out media onslaught on the fair New York City. Since arriving in town with her parent-like hosts Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, little Suri has been the darling of every single photog on Manhattan island. Here is but a smattering of pics of the little robot on her whirlwind tour of the city:

Photo credit: Splash News

As always, she looks really super cute ... but I fear her innocent manner is masking a more dangerous underbelly. Something tells me that her beguiling cuteness hides a more sinister truth. Am I alone here? That said, I'd prolly follow the little adorable child-like creature anywhere ... she is truly the hallmark of industrial design. [Source]

The amazing photographer Amy V. Cooper recently shot some great photos of Rihanna for ... here are a few of my faves:

Photo credit: Amy V. Cooper

Her look is simple and understated and yet still commands attention. I love the striking yellow nail polish ... these pics are really fantastic. I am a big fan of Amy's photos, she always does an amazing job in every one of her photoshoots. [Source]

Here are a bunch of promo pics of Celine Dion for her upcoming album Taking Chances:

These photos are not understated nor are they all that impressive. Sometimes Celine tries too hard ... the big hair is just so over the top and too dramatic. Tho, Celine really is a cheesy artist ... I guess this sort of look really works well for her. I ain't even hatin' ... I'm a big fan :) [Source]

Here's a fun game to play this fine Sunday afternoon ... can you guess which young Hollywood actor packed himself as tightly as he could in a pair of black jeans at the 2007 Scream Awards which taped at the Greek Theater here in LA this past Friday night?

Click above to find out who it is

I never knew that this young actor was so un-shy as to bust out the moose knuckle at an awards show. And honestly, those jeans look really painful ... I hope everything's all right in there. Ouch. [Source]

And finally, it's time for the Hot Dude of the Week ... this dude has been featured on the site before but he keeps appearing in really great pics, I kinda want to always share them all with y'all ... say hello to John:

Photo credit: All American Guys

This pic is just plain and simple ... nothing too naughty, nothing too gratuitous ... just John and his hot bod. You know, it's pretty often that I find myself wondering what it would be like going to a gym all the time to get abs like these and then I remember that it wouldn't be very fun, even tho the payoff would be really great in the (very) long run ... and then I get content with my unremarkable body. But at least, we can all enjoy pics of John and his friends from week to week without having all of that working out stuff to get in the way. [Source]

Les News:
Last night I met up with Kirsten and Darion for an Un-Cabaret comedy show at M Bar in Hollywood ... Mary Lynn Rajskub from 24 was among the performers (along with Tim Bagley from Will & Grace and Mike MacDonald from MAD TV) for this dinner theater show. Honestly, I'm not a big fan of comedy shows but when Darion told me that Mary Lynn was performing I couldn't say no ... here are a few pics from her show:

To tell the honest truth, I wasn't really wowed at all ... the comedy took form in little anecdotal stories about being an actor in Hollywood, which are prolly really funny to other actors but ... eh, we had fun anyways. One of Mary Lynn's stories was about how she got spray-tanned to death right before she went to that Elle magazine party earlier in the week ... when she looked like this:

Apparently, the spray-tan lady comes to her house and sprays her nekkid body in her shower ... for free. Now that's some life, huh? Yeah ... not too funny, is it? BUT we really did have a fun time hanging out together last night ... so it was totally worth it.

This afternoon, my friend Michael (not Mike) and I are going down to Disneyland to check out the HalloweenTime stuff going on there this year. Since I'm leaving for Detroit later on this week and won't be back in LA until after Halloween I want to get down there and check it out before I miss it again this year. And so ... I guess that is all ... I hope y'all enjoy the rest of your weekend ... I'm out.



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