PINK is the new BLOG
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Saturday, October 13, 2007

You Have To Believe We Are Magic

Another day, another Starbucks ... another chance to check in to see how things are faring for our dear Britney Spears. It's been a rocky week of ups and downs for my favorite tragedy but there has been a glimmer of hope here and there to keep the dream alive. Britney successfully managed to convince the judge in her child custody case to entrust her with an overnight visit per week with her sons Sean Preston and Jayden James ... but under the supervision of a court-appointed parenting monitor. Britney's record label released, to much anticipation, the official tracklist and cover artwork for her new album Blackout ... but it turned out that the cover artwork is merely a recycled image that has already been used as the cover artwork for her hit single Gimme More AND as her official promo pic for the 2007 MTV VMAs which took place last month in Las Vegas. Blah. I realize that things can't do a complete 180 overnight but one day of good news without any specter of bad would be amazing from time to time. BUT ANYWAYS ... here are new pictures of Britney Spears in Malibu, CA enjoying one of the few, stable constants in her life ... her beloved Starbucks coffee drink:

Photo credit: Splash News

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays this embattled Pop Star from the swift completion of her appointed rounds at Starbucks. Just think, if her children were actually made of overburnt coffee beans, soy milk and whipped cream, there would be no way any court would be able to snatch them from her ravenous clutches. [Source]

Pink reader Dorothy sends in this suspicious photo, which was taken by her nameless friend, of Jennifer Lopez at her recent concert stop in Toronto earlier this week. As we all know, J. Lo is on tour with her hubby Darc Anthony on their joint En Concierto Tour and there has been rampant speculation as to whether or not she is pregs with twins. She has yet to make an official announcement concerning her rumored pregs status but this photo tends to lend further credence to the rumors:

Or, it could just be another photo of J. Lo packing on the lbs. As I've said before, I really hope that she is, in fact, pregs because I know it's been what she's wanted for years now ... but I simply cannot totally, 100% believe it until I hear it from her ... or someone sends in a pilfered ultrasound pic ;) [thanks Dorothy and Friend]

Pink reader Tara had a fun run in with Justin Timberlake and his current girlfriend Jessica Biel and their friend James Van Der Beek while tailgating at a recent Green Bay Packers football game. Here are a few of Tara's amazing pics ... pay close attention to the last one:

I absolutely love it! JT is shotgunning a Miller Lite beer with his bros out in broad daylight. I understand that Jessica Biel was doing keg stands and was running around like a mad woman letting fans do body shots off her nubile stomach ... well, okay that part didn't really happen but one would assume that JT, who is such a dude, would need a girlfriend who is really this fun. At any rate, the photos are amazing ... thanks for sharing :) [thanks Tara]

Over in London, those lucky Brits are fortunate enough to enjoy some Jake Gyllenhaal for the next few days as he just arrived in town ... here are a few pics of Jakey poo making his way thru Heathrow Airport upon his arrival:

Photo credit: Splash News

Clearly the photos aren't alll that interesting but does one really need a reason to post pics of his cute Jakey pooness? [Source]

Speaking of cute guys, here are adorable pics of Madonna's newest child David Banda as he was pushed around town here in NYC in a stroller by his nanny this week:

It's been ages since we've seen pics of the little tyke, long enough that I almost forgot that he even existed. He is getting so cute ... and his features are becoming more defined, more him. It's nice to see that Maddy's kids are taking in the sights around town while their mother is bizzy signing multi million dollar record contracts. Tho, it'd be even greater if we got to see pics of Madge with the kids herself. [Source]

Happy News! David Beckham appears to have recovered from his latest foot injury (suffered in game play a few weeks ago) as he was spotted kicking around a few balls at an LA Galaxy practice session earlier this week:

I understand that Becks is scheduled to play in today's match-up against Toronto FC at the Home Depot Center in Carson, CA later on tonight. I'm bummed that I'll be missing Becks's long-awaited return to the futbol field since I'm still here in NYC but I'm sure all the Galaxy faithful will do their best to cheer him on for me in my absence. Here's hoping Becks will be able to help his teammates pull off a big win for the fans. [Source]

In sad news, Twentieth Century Fox has pulled the plug on the fan-run sing-a-long screenings of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Once More With Feeling, the musical episode. I received word that the sing-a-longs were staked in the proverbial heart earlier this week but I was hoping it was just a nasty rumor ... sadly, it turns out that it is not merely a rumor. But, there seems to be a semblance of hope that the screenings will be brought back from the dead and will rise again to see the light of night again (um, yeah, is that enough vampire entendres for ya?):

Fox's legal department saw the light and now the Buffy the Vampire Slayer sing-along has turned to dust. After learning that fans of the canceled cult favorite have been, horror of horrors, demonstrating their undying love for the show by attending theatrical screenings of the Emmy-nominated musical episode "Once More, with Feeling" for the past year, 20th Century Fox's attorneys started sharpening their stakes. The studio, which owns the rights to the former WB (then UPN) dramedy red-lighted the dress-up and sing-along tour this week, canceling all future screenings—including a three-night run scheduled to kick off tonight in St. Louis at the Tivoli theater, which had already sold out for Friday's show ... "Notice for this was very sudden and unexpected, and I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience it will cause," event founder Clinton McClung announced on the Buffy Musical Website. "Basically, the idea of presenting television shows in a theatre is so new that there are a lot of details that still need to be resolved around payments of residuals, deals with the guilds and unions, etc (I don’t know any specifics, but these are some of the issues that usually come up). Both Fox and Criterion [Pictures] need to fix some of these issues before they can continue to do any theatrical screenings." 20th Century Fox spokesman Chris Alexander said that "significant payments" would be owed to the unions to compensate for the screenings, adding that TV shows rarely are shown on the big screen anyway except under special circumstances, like charity events. "We have to protect our interests, and that's what we're doing," Alexander said. "There are plenty of legal ways for fans to enjoy Buffy, but this particular event is not going to be possible at this time." Criterion is the theatrical distributor for Fox's back catalog of television shows and the outfit with which McClung says he made the appropriate licensing deal, to make the venture "completely legit." (20th Century Fox, however, has informed Criterion that it overstepped the bounds of the show's licensing agreements by signing off on the deal.) ... The last show was Sunday in San Diego. THIS posting at the site (the official site for the fan run sing-a-longs) seems to provide a bit of hope that the screenings will be brought back from the dead but I have a hard time believing that a big studio like Fox will end up caving to fan pressure. That said, it seems very foolish for them to try and squash out such a beloved fan-run event for a show that has been off the air for years and really does nothing more than keep generating interest in both fans and newcomers to the show (I should add that I *do* understand the position of the studio but sometimes I just wish that huge corporations would just see things from the vantage point of their customers and loyal fans). The sing-a-long screenings hold a special place in my heart because it was at the LA screening earlier this summer where I got to meet my new really good friends Kirsten and Darion. If it hadn't been for the screening, we might never have met. I really value them both as friends ... and it just bums me right the eff out to think that this very special event, where bona fide Buffy fans can convene together, has been just stopped dead in its tracks. If you would like to sign the online petition to try and save the screenings you can do so HERE. [Source, Source]

Even tho the screenings are dead for now, I'm happy to report that Buffy, er ... I mean, Sarah Michelle Gellar still lives. Here is new poster artwork for SMG's new movie Southland Tales which is due to hit theaters in November:

I have been waiting ages for this movie, directed by Richard Kelly (who also made Donnie Darko), to be released and we're finally mere weeks away from its arrival. Honestly, I'm just glad that SMG is appearing a movie that doesn't involve dead Japanese ladies for once. [Source]

And finally, here is this week's batch of photos sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- Carol from Waldorf, Maryland sends in a beautiful pic of her newborn daughter Isabella Jane wearing a onesie made by her aunt Megan who was just born on 10/3/07 and is, I'm told, already a fan of PITNB -- Lia, Eden and Kelz send in a pic from their friend Rebecca's Super Sweet 16th birthday party -- Kristin and co. send in a pic from their friend's pink bachelorette party -- Susie from Sydney, Australia sends in a pic from a recent charity walk for the Sydney Breast Cancer Foundation where everyone had to dress in pink -- Sarah, who is a member of the Alpha Phi sorority sends in a pic after she chopped off and donated 12 inches of her hair to the amazing Locks of Love:

Thank you, thank you, thank you ... so very much for all the amazing photos. I love them all ... even the ones that I can't post, that continue to stream in. Please know that I greatly appreciate all the pics that are sent to me ... I heart you all.

Here is one more batch of photos of Pink readers that I was lucky enough to meet in person since flying out of LA and being here in NYC:

I got to meet Rebecca and Beverly (the supercute pup who was with author Karyn Bosnak) at the Burbank Airport as I was flying out last weekend, I got to meet Kristen and her mother (she took our pic together) randomly on the street in the Meat Packing District earlier this week, I got to meet Micah and friends at the In Touch Weekly 5 Year Anniversary party on Wednesday night and I got to meet Victor, Stefanie and Eric just outside the Helen Hayes Theater last night. It was such a pleasure meeting each of you ... XOXO

Les News:
WEEE! At long last, I finally got to see Xanadu the Musical on Broadway last night and I cannot tell you how much fun David and I had. Since the show opened in July, I've been hearing the most amazing things about the show but I hadn't been spending as much time in NYC ... I was graciously invited to attend the show and jumped at the chance to take up the offer:

I don't even know where to begin. The staging is so inventive, the dialog is insanely hilarious and the cast is just ridiculously talented. Fans of the original movie starring Olivia Newton-John will be pleased to know that all the fun of the movie has been implemented into the stage version, with a lot of self-referential new jokes to liven it up even further. I love the audience participation that has been integrated into the show. The next time I see this show (and there will be a next time ... if not multiple next times) I hope to be seated on the stage (there are seats on stage where audience members are able to interact with the players). I am glad I got to see the show from the perfect center vantage point but I really want to see the show again (ahem, multiple times) from the stage vantage point. When I say the show is funny, I mean laugh out loud, actually made me swallow my gum funny. The actor who portrays Hermes, the Greek Messenger God, utters a line that is so riotously funny (that I don't want to post it and ruin the surprise) I actually choked on my gum. Folks, it's that funny. Kerry Butler who plays Clio/Kira and Cheyenne Jackson who plays Sonny Malone (or as Kira pronounces it, Sunny Maliiiiiine in her faboo Aussie accent) are a delight to watch on stage. Kerry does an excellent job as Clio/Kira and does an excellent job with the over-the-top fake Australian accent required of the role. She reminded me a bit of Sarah Michelle Gellar on rollerskates actually. Cheyenne is utterly PERFECT in the role of the ditzy Sonny. He is also utterly PERFECT in those short jean cut-off shorts that he wears for most of the show ... the even shorter hotpants shorts that he wears at the finale are just absolutely criminal (click HERE to see pictures from someone's Flickr page with pics from the show's opening night to get a taste of what I'm talking about). If there is one flaw in the show, it's that Cheyenne's thighs packed into those amazingly hot shorts are not credited on their own in the Playbill. The other actors who portray the Muse sisters of Clio (Jackie Hoffman, Mary Testa, Curtis Holbrook, Anika Larsen, Kenita Miller and Andre Ward) are just as amazing in their roles ... I kid you not, this show is really solid. The stage is small but the producers managed to use creative invention to maximize the space ... I was hugely impressed with the way they worked out the chalk drawing portion of the story. The only thing missing from the movie that I hoped could be integrated into the stage version was the cheesey light trails that were used when the Muses come out of the chalk drawing for the song I'm Alive. The show refers to itself as children's theater for 40-year old gay men ... and it is just that ... but it's also much more. It's really a great representation of the new face of Broadway. Stoic traditionalists might not take this show seriously but there is something to be said for the invention in this show. It's silly and funny and entirely enchanting ... and I simply can't wait to get back home to LA, dust off my roller skates and hit the boardwalk in Venice, CA. Seriously, I've been singing the music all day long ... this show has totally won my heart. Xanadu is really the new pink ... neon pink, to be exact. People, I know there are a lot of great shows on Broadway right now but if you can, make the time to see Xanadu ... you'll thank me later for the great time you're gonna have.

After the show, David and I were extremely lucky to get to meet and take photos with Kerry and Cheyenne ...

... who were both so gracious and so kind to make the time for us. I have to send out lots of love to Christina and Jim for taking absolutely amazing care of us last night. We had an absolute blast and it was all due to your kind generosity. Much much thanks :)

Man ... I kid you not ... I want to go roller skating in the worst way right now ... OY! Tonight, David's father is coming into town so the 3 of us are gonna hit the town together for pizza and whathaveyou ... I'll be bummed to leave tomorrow but I think I'm ready to leave the chilly weather here for the sunny warmth of home back in LA. Have a great weekend, y'all. I'm out.



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