PINK is the new BLOG
Everybody's Business Is My BusinessTM

Monday, January 22, 2007

I Ain't Sayin' She's A Gold Digger

News on the Britney Spears front has been a little light for the past few days ... there has been nothing of consequence to comment on -- and those pictures of her ravishing that food at Hamburger Mary's last week still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. BUT, today there is some promising news (or, at the very least, some interesting news) ... but, as we all know, when it comes to Brit-Brit we have to take the good with the bad. First up -- the bad ... here are a couple (extremely unattractive) pictures of Miss Britney as she makes her way to the recording studio lookin' as rough as can be ... especially since her hair weave appears to be unraveling from her scalp:

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

But the GOOD NEWS is that she was joined at the recording studio by none other than Pharrell and (a guy who looks so much like) Kanye West (that I have to believe it's Kanye West). No lie ... it's going to take master geniuses like Pharrell and Kanye to help Britney make the successful comeback that she (and her record label) are banking on. Outside of Divine Intervention, these guys are her best bet for cookin' up some great music. I really hope that they are able to save her butt ... because she seems intent on doing everything to NOT save her own butt. [Source]

Here are a few photos of the Dreamgirls Jennifer Hudson, Anika Noni Rose and Beyonce at the official UK premiere of their movie Dreamgirls:

Photo credit: Splash News

First things first ... can someone please tell me what the eff is wrong with Beyonce? Where did this stupid both-arms-up pose that she's been rockin' for the past few weeks come from? She look idiotic ... it's not sexy, it's not cool, it's not flattering at all -- she seriously needs to stop because her pits ain't nothing to be gettin' all excited about. Second ... is it just me or is this the first premiere where Anika Noni Rose was given any red carpet time? She must have been at the other premieres but I honestly don't remember seeing her -- it's usually all about J. Hud, B, Jamie Foxx and Eddie Murphy -- I guess since the guys aren't in France for this premiere she was allowed to show her face. That's a damn shame because Anika is amazing in the film -- and she's the only one of the principle cast who actually has any Broadway experience. [Source]

... And I sincerely hope that stole that J. Hud is carrying is fake fur or we's gonna hafta have some words.

Naomi Campbell was also on hand for the French Dreamgirls premiere:

It's nice to see that she is able to keep her anger management issues in check. [Source]

The celebs continue to stream into Park City, UT for the Sundance Film Festival ... and now we've reached the point where the no-namers are given the opportunity to rub elbows with the A-Listers ...

Photo credit: Splash News

... well, if you can call Sienna Miller an A-Lister. I've been down with Jeremy Sisto ever since he played Elton (pronounced El-ehn by Brittany Murphy's character Tai) in the AMAZING movie Clueless ... so he's cool in my book. Dustin Diamond (AKA Screech from Saved by the Bell) is never cool and Natasha Henstridge is a toss-up -- has she even done anything since Species? OH ... well, she was very good on the failed ABC show Commander In Chief ... I guess that's something. Ah Sundance ... what a fun mix of celebs you always entice into your web of free movies and swag. [Source]

Yay! Yesterday I was wondering where Reichen Lehmkuhl was since boyfriend Lance Bass was chillin' Park City, UT all by his lonesome and today I see that Leichen have been reunited at last:

Photo credit: Splash News

I'm very glad to see that the boys are still going strong. They're totes one of my fave celeb couples. [Source]

And here are a couple pictures of one of the newest celeb couples who have also made their presence known at Sundance ... Mandy Moore and DJ AM have joined the festivities in Park City, UT:

It's unclear if the couple have progressed beyond the 6th grade realm of hand-holding and the 7th grade realm of hugging but they do seem happy with one another. Tho ... to me, they make an odd pair. I'm just so used to seeing them with other people. [Source]

In my haste yesterday I failed to notice that Jake Gyllenhaal was among the attendees at the Producer's Guild Awards which were held in Century City, CA and therefore failed to post a single picture of his Jakeyness ... which means I am an absolutely horrible person. So, to make up for my error here are four pictures of Jakey poo lookin' as good as can be at the awards event:

Why does this boy have to be so damn pretty? [Source]

Lindsay Lohan seems to be on the road to recovery (one must hope) since she admitted herself into the Wonderland Rehab Clinic last week ... so instead of hearing about how she used to go to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, here are pictures of LL actually going to an AA meeting in West Hollywood over the weekend:

Photo credit: Flynet

I am VERY encouraged by this image of Lindsay actually taking her sobriety seriously. I realize that the failure rate in Hollywood for a celeb in rehab is astronomical (something like a 98% failure rate?) but I honestly believe that L. Lo can be one of the 2% success stories. She's too cool a chick to ruin her young life by frittering it all away by partying too much. If she takes it one day at a time ... I really hope she can stay clean. I know I'm rootin' for her! [Source]

In one more bit of L. Lo news, here are a few behind-the-scenes pics of Lindsay at her Miu Miu photoshoot:

I knew her hair couldn't be as red as it appeared in the final shots ... but she still looks great nonetheless. I really like the image of her on the rocking horse. I can't wait to see that final picture. [Source]

Oh No! Kate Moss appears to have gotten herself in a bit of a bind over the weekend:

Photo credit: Splash News

Who knew that little 85 lb. supermodels could be so spry and feisty? [Source]

Here are a couple pictures of a make-up-less Sarah Michelle Gellar chillin' out in LA over the weekend:

Photo credit: Splash News

You gotta love that SMG still looks amazing even when she's not all done up. I <3 her. [Source]

Kylie Minogue has taken to the London streets again after canceling a few shows due to illness last week ... apparently, she has been taking flak from fans over her cancellations and the media has been blowing her illness way out of proportion:

Kylie only suffered a bout of the flu and I think it's wise that she cancelled a few shows instead of making herself worse -- besides she looks amazing now ... the woman just deal with a serious bout of breast cancer so she's going to need a little time to recuperate. Kylie is tough and she's stubborn ... I have complete faith that she'll be fine in the long run. I just hope the poor dear isn't running herself ragged just to satisfy the fickle public. She's too much a precious commodity to risk injury for capricious fans. [Source, Source]

OH GAWD ... I fear that one-time Lindsay Lohan paramour Harry Morton has lost his mothereffing damn mind ... here are pictures of the idiot boy canoodling with -- and I can't even believe it myself -- Kimberly StEWWWWWart over the weekend:

Photo credit: Mavrix

I think I'm gonna barf. I ... ugh ... I just don't understand. Blech! [Source]

Fall Out Boy were among the musical performers at the NFC Championship football game over the weekend ... here are a couple pictures of the boys (more specifically Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz) rockin' the stage:

No wardrobe malfunctions, no P33N, just a regular ol' performance. See ... this is why I don't like to watch football. [Source]

And finally, because I don't watch the NBC show Las Vegas I missed out on seeing hotness Josh Duhamel wearing his little square-cut bathing shorts on Friday night's episode. Thankfully, Jared (from watches the show and shares the goodness with those of us who missed out on seeing the ep when it aired on Friday:

Thank you Jared ... and thank YOU Josh Duhamel. Click HERE to watch the vid clip of in action. [Source]

Les News:
Yesterday was a pretty chill day ... I spent a couple hours with my mom at the hospital. She looks better and better each day. Yesterday she was just chillin' in her bed, wearing sweats, lookin' like she was lounging on the couch at home. I'm so relieved that she seems to be doing better and better. I can fly home comforted in the knowledge that my mom looks like she'll be back to her old self in no time. I tried to tell her about all the well wishes that many, many PITNB readers have been sending her way and she was just amazed that so many people were rooting for her. So, again, thank yo all.

After I visited with my mom I did my interview with BBC Radio which will actually air either tonight or next Monday. Mr. BBC Radio interviewer Aaron Eccles is gonna try and get me an MP3 so I can share it with y'all.

After my interview, I met up with Sarah and her grandmother, mom and aunts for her aunt Lisa's birthday dinner. It was just me and the ladies and we had a great time ... eating at a BBQ joint in Novi. LOL!

Today ... I have a solid date with Tracey and Zaikya (I know, I've been trying to get to see them for days now) and I'll be with them this evening ... after I hang out with my mom this afternoon. Sarah is gonna hook me up with my TV shows tonight so ... hopefully I'll be all set for tomorrow.

I hope y'all are having a great Monday ... I am out!



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