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Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Well, she did it y'all! Britney Spears managed to pull off a fairly successful return to the performance stage last night at the House of Blues in San Diego, CA. Even tho Britney was a bit late starting the show, even tho her performance was made up of a short 5 song (16 minute) performance and even tho she didn't sing live, choosing instead to lip-sync, I think it's fair to say that Britney managed to give a solid performance -- one that the fans truly ate up:

Photo credit: Splash News

Britney Spears made a triumphant comeback last night, playing her first gig in three years. The pop princess took to the stage at the House of Blues in San Diego for just 16 minutes but after she had belted out five of her classic tunes, fans were left shouting for more. Spears' return to the stage marks a major turnaround for the star, whose professional hiatus was marked by a very public meltdown. Just 10 weeks ago, Spears shaved her head and allegedly attacked a paparazzi vehicle with an umbrella. She then checked into Promises rehab clinic in LA for a month of treatment. Since leaving the facility, Spears has focused on returning to her former glory, taking regular dance classes and transforming her body to its current toned form. As word of her secret gig spread, eager fans snapped up all of the tickets ... Queues started forming around the block from early afternoon as Spears made her way from Los Angeles in a new tour bus. The mother of two, 25, took to the stage at 10pm in a brunette wig, sparkling bustier, fur coat, white skirt and boots. She kicked off the set with Hit Me Baby One More Time, followed by I'm A Slave For You, Breathe On Me, Do Something and Toxic. One fan said: "She was absolutely fantastic. You would never know she had been away." Spears seemed to have put her troubles behind her as she beamed at the crowd and said: "Thanks everyone for coming." In another brave move, the star created her own comeback dance routines after reportedly having a bust-up with her choreographer Brian Friedman. And judging from the crowd's reaction last night, she has pulled it out of the bag. I am so thrilled that things went so well for her last night. Sure, this performance wasn't anything major but it's definitely a step in the right direction. I'm sure the rest of her upcoming performances will go off without a hitch as well. Well done, Brit! I knew you could do it. It's interesting that we're hearing that Britney is no longer friendly with choreographer Brian Friedman -- he was attached at her hip all winter long (along with a bunch of her former male back-up dancers) while she was partying away and spiraling downward. Perhaps she cut all of those people loose after she decided to clean up her act. Interesting. I'm confident now, more than ever, that Britney has it within in her to get her life back on track and to get some semblance of her former popstar glory. I only wish I could be there to see these performances for myself. [Source, Source, Source]

Here is a short vid clip of Britney, er The M+Ms, dancing to Toxic:

That's my girl, y'all!

One last bit of Britness ... here are a few pictures of Britney earlier in the week as she picks up some food from Carl's Jr. fast food restaurant:

Photo credit: INF

You will notice that the photog is inside the restaurant and is taking her picture thru the drive-thru window. What a crazy life this girl leads. [Source]

Here are pictures of Larry Birkhead and his baby girl Dannielynn Hope Smith Marshall Birkhead as they make their way from the Bahamas yesterday and arrived in Kentucky on their way home:

I'm not totally sure if Larry must return to the Bahamas again for any further court appearances but, as I said yesterday, I really hope that Larry decides to raise his daughter in Kentucky. The best way for her to have the most normal life possible would be for her to be raised in a nice, safe environment like Kentucky. I know that he loves that little girl ... I'm sure he wants to do te best for her. [Source]

Check out this super-cute picture of Tobey Maguire talking with a couple of tiny Spider-Man fans at the New York Museum of Natural History's Spiders: Alive! exhibit earlier this week:

Fans can be so pesky, can't they? [Source]

Meanwhile, Kirsten Dunst has been keeping the company of a fan of her own, her new boyfriend Johnny Borrell of Razorlight ... she's also rockin' some pretty gross looking foot rash as well:

Kirsten Dunst certainly wowed the crowds at the New York Premiere of Spiderman 3 in a silver Versace dress. Yet those who looked more closely might have been in for a nasty shock when looking at her feet. They were covered in what appeared to be bright red rashes. Could it have been an allergic reaction to her shoes? Or simply the result of too many drinking sessions with boyfriend Johnny Borrel in the summer heat? Aww ... poor Kiki ... I haven't seen feet look this bad since Britney's summer love-affair with hanging out in public restrooms in her bare feet days. You may recall that her feet looked really, really gross. Kirsten's don't look that bad but still ... you gotta wonder where that icky rash came from. [Source]

And people say that Nicole Richie doesn't care ... here is a cute picture of Nicole posing with a charity teddy bear that she had just autographed outside her Sydney hotel on Tuesday:

See ... she does care, y'all. [Source]

Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy and William Beckett of The Academy Is ... were both on hand at MTV's TRL this past Monday ... here are a few pics:

I'm not sure what Pete was promoting (perhaps maybe his new club Angels and Kings?) but William was there to talk up the newly released Academy Is ... album Santi. I have to say that I really like that album ... I've been listening to it for the past couple of weeks and I really like most of it. Incidentally, I believe that Pete and William are co-owners of the new Angels and Kings club so maybe we'll be seeing a lot more of the two friends hanging out together. [Source]

Yay! It turns out that that new red hair, short bob look that Madonna was rockin' over the weekend was just a temporary thing. Like the blonde bob that made headlines a few months ago, the red hair has turned out to be merely a wig as well:

Photo credit: Splash News

As I said, I didn't really hate the new look ... it just made Madge look older. I like her longer, blonde hair -- I think it suits her much better. [Source]

Aww ... things appear to be progressing nicely between Hayden Panettiere and her boyfriend, our fave Laguna Beach boy, Stephen Colletti as is evident in these pics:

The pair were extremely lovey-dovey at the Urth Cafe in plain sight of pretty much everyone on Melrose Ave. Aww ... ain't lurve grand? [Source]

Woot! Tori Amos' new album American Doll Posse has been unleashed (and I will get to the fabulous CD release party in a bit) and the reviews are coming out mostly positive (natch!) but anyone who's already heard it already knows that. Tori did a short Q&A with the Toronto Star newspaper giving some amazing, classic Tori answers to a few really interesting questions:

Q What compelled you to explore this idea of the "dismembered feminine?"
A The female types in Christianity – from the point of view of the minister's daughter – were amputated: mother Mary not having her sexuality and Magdalene not having her spirituality. This drives me to tell the story of the complexity of woman. Female sexuality is breaking my heart now: to rebel, women are demeaning themselves.

Q Often in pop, image is used to obscure lack of talent and substance; why risk taking the focus off your lyrics and message with these different characters?
A Everything's an image. As you become older as a woman you recognize that. The red-headed girl at the piano? It's not the only choice, if I'm honest with you, I could have made. There are many sides to the women I know that are much more complex. Their boyfriends look at them thinking they know (them), and I'm sitting there thinking, if I were a guy I'd be stealing her from you. I've always thought Johnny Depp may know how a woman tastes, but I know how she thinks. We're the same age, Johnny Depp and I.

Q Were you concerned about the possibility of backlash for taking President Bush to task with "Yo George"?
A Well, my name is Tori and "inflamma-Tori" is what I do. I've never been America's sweetheart, ever. I love my dad, but he is a Republican and we don't agree.

Click HERE to read the full interview for yourself. I can't even imagine what it would be like to get the chance to engage Tori Amos in an interview. I'm sure I would be a bumbling mess ... but who knows, my chance may come one day ... perhaps somewhere along her US Tour which is scheduled to begin some time around October. [Source]

As excited as I am to see the big movies like Spider-Man 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Hostel 2 and Transformers I am also excited for a few smaller films that I'm sure are going to be just as entertaining. 28 Weeks Later opens in a couple of weeks as does a little known movie called Bug:

At first I didn't really pay attention to this movie, the title Bug just didn't grab me or sound interesting. Then I learned that it was directed by William Friedkin who, I believe, hasn't directed a horror movie like this since his amazing movie The Exorcist (yeah, that guy). For that reason alone I am going to make sure to see this movie ... and if the trailer is any indication, it's going to be a doozy of an amazingly gross movie. [Source]

Birthday Lurve goes out today to my home skillet David Beckham, who turns 32 years old today:

32 never looked so good ... Woot! Happy Birthday, Becks!!

And finally, it is my sad duty to give a Peace the Spork Out to a character actor who we all know and love but prolly never really realized that we knew and loved him. Comic TV actor Tom Poston passed away yesterday at age 85:

Tom Poston, the tall, pasty-faced comic who found fame and fortune playing a clueless everyman on such hit television shows as Newhart and Mork and Mindy, has died. He was 85. Poston, who was married to Suzanne Pleshette of The Bob Newhart Show, died Monday night at home after a brief illness, a family representative, Tanner Gibson, said Tuesday. The nature of his illness was not disclosed ... On Mork and Mindy, which starred Robin Williams as a space alien, Poston was Franklin Delano Bickley, the mindless boozer with the annoying dog. On Newhart, he was George Utley, the handyman who couldn't fix anything at the New England inn that Bob Newhart ran. And on Newhart's show Bob, he was the star's dim-bulb former college roommate. "These guys are about a half-step behind life's parade," Poston commented in a 1983 interview. "The ink on their instruction sheets is beginning to fade. But they can function and cope and don't realize they are driving people up the walls. In ways I don't like to admit, I'm a goof-up myself," Poston continued. "It's an essential part of my character. When these guys screw up it reminds me of my own incompetence with the small frustrations of life" ... Besides [Susan] Pleshette [his wife], Poston is survived by his children, Francesca Hudson and Jason Poston. A private service was planned for immediate family. Details of a public memorial service were to be announced later. I will remember him from Newhart ... a show that I can't even believe that I was interested in when I was so young. He will be missed :( [Source]

Les News:
So last night was truly amazing. Not only did I get to attend Tori Amos' CD release party at Spotlight Live! last night and not only did I get to meet and get a photo with the Goddess herself beforehand but I also got to meet some really amazing people as well. When I arrived at the venue I was met by a few Pink readers who were kind enough to come over and say hello to me ... Pink readers who are also Toriphiles have a very special place in my heart. Once I was let inside (and it must be said that there were a lot of people waiting outside, both on the press side and on the fan side, to see Tori) my new friend Abe whisked me up and up and up to the top-most floor to allow me to say a quick hello to Tori herself. On the way I was introduced to John Witherspoon, Tori's manager, who shockingly recognized me from the many, many Tori Amos concerts and meet & greets that Sarah and I have attended. Tori, too, recognized me from our previous encounters and was so graciously kind to me ... even tho I was a blathering fool in her presence. I'll never get used to or entirely comfortable meeting and talking to her. Anyways ... after that amazingness was finished I was led downstairs to find a seat for the performance ... where I ran into my dear friend Bianca and her friend Kim. We secured our great seats and proceeded to enjoy the show:

She was amazing ... she performed a short set of songs made up of Velvet Revolution (with a Bouncing Off Clouds intro), Beauty of Speed, Roosterspur Bridge and Almost Rosey (with a Just Me improv song that she made up right there on the spot). I managed to video the Just Me/Almost Rosey song and here it is:

Woot! Click HERE to see all of the pictures that I took last night. The photo of Tori and me was taken by a record company photographer so I'm still waiting to get a copy ... I'll surely post that too and HERE IT IS!!!!


Here are pictures I got to take with Pink readers Jill & Nikki and Laura & Becky:

I can assure you, we all had a great time ... and my night was made even better because I got to meet so many really amazing folks. Bianca and I even got to bond with Justin and his friend Tommy of the NYC band Semi Precious Weapons. Those boys looked so hot ... we loved them totally!

After the shindig, I met up with David and we had an amazing dinner with my friend Jeremy and his friends Holly and Eric at the utterly fabulous restaurant Amalia. The food was DIVINE! We just had a really great time. Jeremy and I don't get to hang much (it's totally all my fault) but I am reminded how much I heart him whenever we do get together.

OY ... it was kinda a late night but soooo worth it. Not even the light rain could bring me down.

Tonight promises to be a fun night as well ... David and I are seeing Bjork at Radio City Music Hall (from the 4th row!!!!) and I cannot wait! Finally, after many, many tries ... I will get to experience her Bjorkness live.

Have a great hump day, y'all! I am OUT!



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