PINK is the new BLOG
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Sunday, November 11, 2007

My Immortal Disappointment

Xtina Aguilera may have finally confirmed her ridiculously impossible to hide pregnancy in the new issue of Glamour magazine but she has yet to give any details concerning the sex of the bun currently incubating in her oven ... until now. Here are pictures from Xtina's baby shower, affectionately titled Christina's Kiddyland Carnival, which was held at a private home in LA yesterday afternoon:

You will note that the huge welcome sign and the balloons are all blue ... there ain't a hint of pink anywhere. Obvs, this means that she is expecting a boy ... unless the wily popstar has cooked up this elaborate scheme to throw everyone off the trail that she is actually having a girl. My guess is that she's prolly not all that interested in going quite that far just to confuse people so I'm gonna assume that she and hubby Jordan Bratman are expecting a baby boy when the stork comes to call in a few weeks. BTW, I'm not all that impressed with the t-shirts ... the idea of putting Jordy's head on the baby's body is cute but the shirts look cheap. I would've expected more from Lady Xtina. [Source]

In sad couples news, it seems that Prince Harry and his lady love Chelsy Davy have broken up again ... this time reportedly to Chelsy's need for "more space":

Chelsy Davy has split from Prince Harry, telling him she 'needs space' to carve out her own identity. The party-loving Zimbabwean told friends she was having a "trial separation" from the Prince while she studies at Leeds University and he pursues his Army career. The couple began their separation in the style that has characterised their three-year relationship – partying hard at different nightclubs just a few miles away from each other in London. Chelsy's decision to split from the Prince came less than a week after The Mail on Sunday revealed that the 22-year-old was desperately unhappy in Leeds. The news is sure to cause concern to the Queen, who will be worried that the separation, following the on-off romance between Prince William and Kate Middleton, will convince the public that the young Royals, like their parents' generation, are incapable of forming stable relationships. Chelsy was said to have made a series of tearful telephone calls to the Prince last week – and she later confided to a close friend that Harry had agreed to the "trial separation". A friend close to Chelsy told The Mail on Sunday: "This is not an over-for-good situation. Chelsy and Harry both love each other very much but Chelsy has had a lot to come to terms with over recent months since moving to the UK and has not found the transition an easy one. She kept saying she needed to take some time out to re-establish herself. She still loves him, but she feels she needs to carve an identity as her own person rather than as Prince Harry's girlfriend. Over recent weeks she's been coming down to London and partying with Harry's friends. They were together at Amika nightclub in Kensington just two weeks ago when Chelsy appeared incredibly down and subdued. She was not her normal partying self. She had confided it was because she was missing Zimbabwe and her family in South Africa but in fact she was having doubts about her relationship with Prince Harry back then. While they care for each other deeply she needs to be able to be her own person. She is pragmatic about the split. They're using it as an opportunity to take a break rather than splitting for good." A senior Palace aide was last night reported to have said: "The relationship is over. It has simply run its course. Harry will be carrying on his Army career and Chelsy will continue her studies." First off, I have to say how impressed I am that these British tabloids not only seem to find "inside sources" that are willing to speak with them but also offer these long, well-versed treatises that bolster the dramatic effect of the report. I'm not saying that these tabs embellish what little nuggets of info they get from these "inside sources" ... oh wait, yes, that's exactly what I'm saying I believe. ANYWAYS ... it sounds like Prince Harry has got a lot on his plate, what with his insane desire to join the fighting in Afghanistan with his regiment so I dunno that he'll be sweatin' this new break-up for long. I suspect this isn't the last we've heard of the on-again-off-again-on-again relationship between Harry and Chelsy. [Source]

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt brought their sideshow love affair to Las Vegas this weekend so that they could host a night of mirth and merriment at Jet Nightclub at the Mirage Hotel and Casino Resort. Here are a few pics of our dear Speidi enjoying the ambiance and then enjoying one another:

Photo credit: Splash News & Wireimage

Made.for.each.other. If there is any pseudo-celeb couple that could possibly make Las Vegas feel even seedier it has to be Speidi. The fact that Heidi takes an opportunity to rub herself into Spencer's crotch whenever there is a camera within 25 ft. just really goes to show their class level ... and yet ... I just can't stop paying attention to them. What the eff is wrong with me? [Source, Source]

Zac Efron was spotted flashin' his undies at a gas station before making his way to a "secret" meeting with one of his people to engage in discussions about High School Musical 3:

It's interesting ... in his Rolling Stone magazine cover story earlier this year Zac went on the record to say that he was not interested in doing any more High School Musical sequels, saying that he'd "hopefully not" do many more and yet, here he is meeting with some creepy lookin' old dude who is holding a script for HSM3. All I know is that Disney must have thrown a helluva lotta money at him to get him to comeback for HSM3. The whole franchise really hinges on him (and, to some extent, faux-girlfriend Vanessa Hudgens -- which is why she's lucky her nudie pics came out after HSM2 was a big hit otherwise she would've gotten the axe immediately) as the star so I'm pretty sure Disney paid him whatever it took to get him to sign on the dotted line. Man ... this kid has got it made ... I guess good for him. I'll just be over here trying not to be bitter and jealous ;) [Source]

In other undie flashing news, Lindsay Lohan (who, to her credit, has stayed snow white clean of all trouble since her release from the Cirque Lodge rehab center in Utah a couple of months ago) appears to have not learned the lesson about how a lady exits a vehicle while wearing a short skirt:

Photo credit: X17

At the very least, she learned the lesson about wearing the underwear in the first place so the news isn't all bad. At least she's trying to be a good girl ... she deffo deserves props for that :) [Source]

Speaking of good girls, here is the new promo ad for the brand new Hayden Panettiere designed Dooney & Bourke handbag which will be available for sale this Xmas for the low, low price of $500:

From the D&B official website: Hayden Bag

What if you had the chance to design the handbag you've always wanted? For Hayden Panettiere, currently starring in NBC's hit show Heroes, it was an exciting opportunity. She began by describing to Peter Dooney just what she envisioned: a large leather shoulder bag with puffy pleats, a buckle closure and great style. The design team made some sketches, then Peter Dooney transformed her ideas into prototypes at Dooney & Bourke's design studio in Florence, Italy. After several revisions and lots of input from Hayden, the limited edition Hayden Bag was born.

And voila! Now you, too, can own the handbag that Hayden Panettiere has always wanted! Click HERE to sign up for immediate notification when the D&B purse by HP will be available for purchase. [Source]

Mother-to-be (again) Cate Blanchett graces the cover of the new issue of Harper's Bazaar magazine this month ...

... clearly wanting to show off her amazing figure while she still can. Cate can do no wrong in my eyes ... she really does look sensational. She is among my fave actresses in Hollywood and I just love her. The end. [Source]

Here is a new batch of new promo pictures of the Spice Girls in their bid to reconquer the world with their upcoming reunion tour:

Does anyone else think that their promo pics are getting more and more ridiculous each time they come out? Why is Mel B. only wearing a bra with her skirt? WTF is Geri wearing in the group pic, period? Why does Mel C. insist on lookin' as unfemale as she can? I really hope the Spices have more in their reunion bag-o-tricks than a few bras and fugly dresses cuz ... I really don't want to be disappointed when I see them on the concert stage next month. [Source]

And finally ... it's time for the Hot Dude of the Week ... I guess I'm feeling a little patriotic this gloomy Sunday and that is why I chose hottie Josh posin' all nekkid in front of the American flag for us all to gawk and gander at:

Photo credit: All American Guys

See, it's patriotic photos like this featuring hot dudes like Josh that make me want to stand up and salute ... but then again, standing up isn't always required in order to stand at attention in these instances ;) All I can say is God Bless America for all the Hot Dudes that we get to enjoy in the good ol, corn-fed US of A. [Source]

Les News:
Yesterday afternoon, I paid a little visit to the Apple Store in Sherman Oaks to pick up my newly repaired MacBook that was diagnosed, serviced and repaired with new hardware at absolutely NO COST TO ME at all ... much to my immense surprise. The long story short is that the Apple Geniuses decided that I shouldn't be made to pay for a hardware malfunction that was causing my computer to reject a software upgrade and I couldn't be more pleased with the level of customer service that I got. Folks in the SoCal area might want to make the trek to the Apple Store in Fashion Square Mall to get service from an Genius Bar genius by the name of Luis to enjoy the same amazing customer service that I got to enjoy.

After I got my happy newly fixed MacBook back, Jim and I met up with Kirsten, Darion and Darion's homie Cameron (who is a big sweetie and would be a welcome addition to The GangTM) for dinner at San-Sui Japanese Cuisine in Los Feliz before making our way to the Greek Theater to see Evanescence. The company was superb, the food was delicious and the concert sucked ass:

I can't even begin to tell you how bad the show was ... every single song sounded exactly the same and, I hate to say it but, Amy Lee's voice was far from impressive. The main reason that any of us even ventured out to see the show was to hear their mega hit song My Immortal live ... and the fuckers didn't even play the damn song! We were shocked ... actually, many people at the show were shocked and upset. Add to our disappointment the fact that it was cold as balls outside and well, we didn't really have a great time. Not only does Amy Lee owe me $60 but I'm sending her my Dr. bill if this sore throat I'm suffering with turns into anything more severe.


We salvaged a bit of the night by meeting up with Mike and Paul at Eleven for a few cocktails and camaraderie. Darion's very confusing pants were a big hit and a fun time was had by all.

Tonight, I'm planning on going to the movies with my friend Lizy so ... I guess that is all. Have a great rest of the weekend ... I'm out.



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