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Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Comeback Kids

Well, we've come to the end of a pretty upsetting week ... the surprising and tragic death of Heath Ledger, at the all-too-young age of 28, this past Tuesday sent shockwaves across Hollywood and the world ... leaving stunned family, friends and fans alike to try and come to terms with the loss. While there is no new news to report concerning the cause of death (tho the speculation still runs rampant), there is a bit of news concerning Heath's final resting place. His body has been moved from NYC to LA en route to its final resting place in Australia. There are still no plans for a public memorial service as the family has decided to keep the service private. Warner Bros., the studio behind the new Batman sequel The Dark Knight, has put a memoriam of Heath Ledger up on the official site for the movie:

Visitors to are greeted with a splash image of the Batman logo which redirects to this memorial. As we all know, Heath Ledger plays the iconic Batman villain The Joker in this new movie so I find it very touching and very fitting for the movie studio to remember him this way. I am fairly sure there will be a memorial message in the film as well. I gotta say, there really hasn't been a day thus far where I haven't spent a considerable portion of my time thinking of Heath Ledger. Last night, I had a really fun time hanging out with Sarah and her family at the movies and was kinda slapped in the face when I ran into a poster of Heath as The Joker, which read Why So Serious?, hanging in the theater lobby. Heath was such a young actor but his presence will be felt for some time to come. I just hope his family is able to heal from their loss in due time and that he rests in eternal peace. [Source]

In happier news, new mommy and daddy Nicole Richie and Joel Madden made their first public appearance last night as they stepped out for Richie family friend (and Nicole's manager) Benny Medina's 50th birthday party in LA. Here are a couple pics of Nic/Joel from their excursion last night:

While the couple chose not to smile for the cameras, I'm sure they are very happy to be out and about again. Harlow Winter just turned 2 weeks old and I'm sure the new parents have stayed very bizzy (and very awake) over the last 14 days. Nicole looks amazing in this fitted dress ... I imagine that Nic/Joel are going to take some time before they take their little bundle of joy out into the big, bad world. [Source]

In other re-emergence news, Alanis Morissette took to the stage at the Hard Rock Live! inside the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel And Casino in Hollywood, FL last night ahead of the Matchbox 20 show that took place there later on in the night. Here are a few pics of Alanis doing her thang on stage:

Photo credit: Wireimage

People, I am so excited for the return of Alanis Morissette! I have been a huge fan of hers since her debut album, Jagged Little Pill, took the world by storm back in 1995. I love her lyrics and the syncopated way that she enunciates her words when she sings ... she is deffo one of my fave female artists ever. With a new single titled Underneath on the horizon and a new album titled Flavors of Attainment set for release in early April, we are going to be hearing a lot from Alanis this year. Click HERE to watch a short video on of the woman herself giving an update on what is going on with her right now. Holla!!!! [Source]

One last bit of re-emergence news ... do y'all remember the short-lived yet extremely faboo 2003 MTV reality show Rich Girls which revolved around best friends Ally Hilfiger and Jaime Gleicher? It was the forbear to the hit MTV shows Laguna Beach and The Hills and the hit Fox/E! show The Simple Life. After one hit season on air and the media scrutiny that followed (mostly about how vapid the Rich Girls looked on screen), Ally dropped off the face of the Earth and went into seclusion (leaving her less famous BFF Jamie high and dry and with no chance of solo success). Well folks ... Ally is back on the scene trying to re-make a name for herself. She is currently featured in the new issue of New York magazine for her work as a multimedia artist ... like, for real:

When last we checked in with Ally Hilfiger, daughter of Tommy and appealing teenage star of 2003's Simple Life precursor Rich Girls, she was living a bohemian life between her Manhattan apartment and Berlin and working on a series of paintings featuring the number 8. "It's a lucky number for me," she explained. Tomorrow night, the fruits of her creative period will be on display at the Chelsea Art Museum, as part of a multimedia installation she collaborated on with her friend and painting partner Izzie Gold, otherwise known as Francesco Chivetta, a 26-year-old D.J. and multimedia artist who describes his work as "Warhol-esque Lichtenstein with a slight case of Basquiat" ... The actual paintings will not appear in the installation; the museum is only hosting them for one night and doesn't want to take the work from their permanent collection down. So images will appear in a film instead, which Ally says complements the work, anyway. "Picture a really cool motif of flowers and sunshine, and then bam! There's a piece of Ally Hilfiger art. Then bam! There's a piece of Izzie Gold art," she said. "It's really representative of our generation right now," she said of the medium. "Basically the new generation of creative people, you're multitalented, and you use your talents and creativity in every aspect." Francesco chimed in: "You don't have to be a painter or a fashion designer," he said. "You can be both, and you can rob banks at the same time." "I like to have all my creative outlets exposed," said Ally. "I produce films, I paint, I've helped my father design clothes since I was 11 years old."

Wait a minute ... what??? I knew about the "helping daddy design" thing, she was trying to convince the world of that fact on Rich Girls, but I had no idea that she has grown into such a multi-faceted, possibly multi-talented person. I really hope this re-emergence of Ally is a sign of things to come ... I'd love to see her back on the scene again. You can just look deep into her vacuous stare and see that she has a whole lot more to offer. I bet Jamie Gleisher is just *praying* for the day that Ally will call her up and say, Let's do the show again. That, people, is a prayer that I've uttered a few times myself. Make it happen Ally, we've missed you!!! [Source, thanks Jill]

Here are new pictures of Bobby Brown with a camera-shy woman who is NOT Whitney Houston (and may possibly be his rumored girlfriend Alicia Etheridge) making their way thru LAX airport with their little pooch in tow:

Photo credit: Splash News

Hee hee ... I can see why any woman would be very shy about being seen in the company of Bobby Brown (I still have *no* idea how Whitney Houston managed to show her face in public all those years they were together) but I would imagine that media attention has to be one of the main reasons to be with Bobby in the first place ... otherwise, why bother? [Source]

Ellen Degeneres celebrated her 50th birthday on air yesterday (one day before her actual birthday today since her show does not air on weekends) on her show Ellen and was treated by a fun karaoke video of some of her famous guests lip-syncing to Gloria Gaynor's hit song I Will Survive. Here are screen caps from a few of my fave performers:

Hahhahaha ... I love this. Jake Jakey poo Gyllenhaal looks so hawt and cute, Heidi Klum looked a bit scary but still very fun and Victoria Beckham actually looked human. Amazing. I must say, Ellen looks pretty damn good for being 50 ... there is no way in HELL I'd ever guess that she was 50 years old. Making the sweet love to Portia de Rossi is doing wonders to keep her looking youthful. Click HERE to check out this cute karaoke video for yourself if you missed it on air yesterday. [Source]

FINALLY ... has been updated with photos of David Beckham's new ad campaign for Armani Underwear ... unfortch, there are no new pics to be had ... all the Becks in Armani Undies photos from the campaign have already been leaked to the Interweb:

Irregardless, the pics of Becks are still hawt and I would imagine that the megasuccess of this round of photos may lead to a new campaign of photos in the future :) Click HERE to check out the flash site devoted to Becks in his undies. [Source]

Yesterday, I posted the newest batch of photos from the Disney Year of a Million Dreams campaign which features celebrities in the roles of some of Disney's most iconic characters. In this latest batch, comedian, actress and writer Tina Fey is cast in the role of Tinkerbell from Peter Pan but because she is so tiny in her photo you can't even tell that it's her ... so today, I'm posting a larger picture of Tina as Tinkerbell:

Hahhahahahah ... I love her face! I just had to post this larger sized pic so that Tina could get her props. I love her ... and I love this pic. [Source]

And finally ... it's time for this week's batch of photos that were sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- Marcy, who is expecting a baby boy on February 4, sends in pic of her 38-weeks-pregnant belly tribute to PITNB -- Shannon from Connecticut sends in a pic of her adorable baby boy Brayden who she thinks would make a great playdate friend for Princess Zakiya -- Jen sends in a pic of her three Pomeranian socialite accessories of the now: Wicket, Spike and Sweety VP -- Wendy sends in a pic with her cousin Bryan posing with Mr. Ireland from the International Mr. Gay competition which took place at the The Music Box at the Henry Fonda Theater in Hollywood, CA last Sunday night -- Lauren sends in a pic of her group of friends called the Capital Hills in homage to The Hills: Greg ("in the white shirt") is the L.C., Lauren ("in the gray sweater") is the Heidi, Les ("the kid on the far right") is the Spencer, Muldoon ("the one in the middle with the overexpressive face") is the Whitney, Mancini ("the kid pointing at the beer bottle") is the Brody, Nicole ("the sexy one posing on the bottom") is the Kim Kardashian ("who is not on The Hills but should be"):

Woot! Woot! I love the pics this week. They are all so interesting, so cute and so fun. Thank you all SOOO MUCH for taking the time to send in your amazing pics. They mean so much to me, as always. I heart you all! xoxo

Les News:
Yesterday afternoon, I took my folks to an amazing Italian restaurant for my dad's birthday. They had never been to Andiamo in Dearborn so I thought it would be nice to treat them to some fine dining. The food was just delish and my folks had a great time. It was really nice to spend yesterday with them ... I feel so fortunate to be able to celebrate birthdays with both of my parents who, even tho they are older, are still very active and healthy. After dinner and dessert, my folks were ready to call it a night ... so I met up with Sarah, her grandmother, her moms Nina, her aunts Lisa and Gina and her cousin Karen for a fun night of movies and then drinking ... and we decided to go see 27 Dresses:

Just as I suspected, 27 Dresses was SUCH a cute movie. I'm telling you, Katherine Heigl is the new Julia Roberts. She is so great in romantic comedies that I think she is going to have a very long, very successful career in Hollywood. James Marsden is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dreamy that I'm very willing to strip Patrick Dempsey of his title of McDreamy and bestow it on James. I kid you not, there were multiple scenes in the movie that made me do Le Sigh out loud. Sarah looked over at me and I told her that is what Le Sigh actually sounds like ;) Storywise -- the movie is a bit hard to believe and there were times where I thought that Katherine's character, Jane, was just a sad woman and I really wanted to punch her sister Tess in the face (especially after she cut up her mother's wedding dress) ... but it plays into the story overall and in the end just turned out really supercute. I loved it ... it's a movie that I'd deffo see again. Fellas, it's a really cute date movie ... take your ladies post haste! I also got to meet Pink reader and fellow NIN fan Andrew at the theater so I have to give a big shout-out to him.

After the movie we went to The Claddagh in Livonia, MI for some food and drinks (ahem, Irish Car Bombs) where Karen put my ass TO SHAME. My chugging skills aren't quite as honed so my shot curdled before I was able to finish. Karen thru back her head and the entire shot was GONE. I had to bow down. It was impressive.

Tonight, I'm meeting up with Erik for dinner and then later on Sarah, Mark and I have a plan for a fun night of dancing that we've been talking about doing for MONTHS now. I'm really excited for that.

It's still cold as shizz here ... hope it's warm where you are. I'm out.



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