Thursday, June 24, 2004
me and my friends are Jem girls

ahhh ... the lazy days of summer are finally upon us. today i found myself in a typical don't-have-to-work scenario where i found myself getting a little bored only to remember that i need to enjoy the time off work because the summer will slip by in a flash. it's already the end of june (1 week to go) and we'll be in july ... then august ... then it's all over and i'm back to work ... blah!
i do like having a lot of time to myself. erik has to get up early and go to work still ... he ends up coming home later from work too because the kids he visits are off for the summer so he spends more time in the office (where he can't slip out and go home early). so he's gone most of the time and it's just me.
i'm so glad that i finally started taking more pictures. i've been telling myself that i need to actively take more pictures and it took the trip to LA to get me going. when we were on the plane erik said to me "we need to take lots of pictures" and that's exactly what we did. with the detroit project to keep me bizzy i've got lots of detroit landmarks to shoot.
kickball keeps me active ... our game last week was so fun ... such a rush! tomorrow we have another set of games and i'm really looking forward to playing again. don't get me wrong, i'm still a little nervous about messing up but it's fun being a part of a team ... whether we win or lose, we have fun.
on the tv front ... i've got that covered too. i love watching television shows on dvd! i've got buffy the vampire slayer and angel to fall back on if i ever get bored but now that i've acquired jem and the holograms (and soon wonder woman) i've got lots of fun stuff to watch.
blah ... as a side note ... i just realized that the jem and the holograms series is 18 years old and the wonder woman series is, gasp, 29 years old!
hmmm ... i'm not really sure where i'm going with this. i just found myself thinking about my free time. how lucky i am to have it ... how fast it always seems to go ... it won't be long before i'm lamenting something or other that has come and and gone ...
but until them i'll just sit back, relax and take my time doing nothing. hanging out and lying about ... the way god intended life to be.

show's over synergy!