Monday, July 05, 2004
and in other news
lessee ... there were some big news stories over the weekend that i wasn't able to write about cuz ... well ... i didn't have time. on saturday, a pretty hot russian chick beat serena williams for the ladies wimbledon championship.

congrats to her! i think she's like 17 ... and hot ... good for her!
on sunday the freedom tower's corner stone was laid at ground zero.

it's to be the world's tallest structure and is scheduled to be completed in 2009.
and that's pretty much it ... britney news is pretty quiet and nothing else of note has happened ... yet. john kerry is rumored to have selected his running mate for VP and may announce who that person is (please let it be hillary ... please please please) this week. he has announced that he will break the news first to members of his mailing list and visitors to his website first. sign up today and be among the first to know who will be our next vice president!