Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Because FTD Ain't Good Enough
Now you all know that I loves me some Britney but her daily blips on the media radar seem to be getting trashier and trashier and trashier. What would possess her to reach out to her fiancé's baby-momma in such a way? Wouldn't it have made more sense to just order up a generous bouquet of professionally bundled flowers and have them delivered to the hospital? Wouldn't it, at least, have made more sense to put on a pair of damn shoes (or even a cheap pair of flip-flops) before going to the corner store? I'm not even going to touch her ever-worsening acne (I wonder if Kev touches it?) but I will say that it just seems that she isn't taking basic care of herself in these recent weeks. What has become of the Britney that I knew and loved?

I hope she comes back someday.