Wednesday, July 21, 2004
It Doesn't Matter What They Say
So driving home I hooked up the iPod (current capacity 6,681 songs with room to spare) and listened to some of the latest music that I've downloaded recently. When the iPod started playing Our Lips Are Sealed by Hilary Duff & sister Haylie I squealed with glee. Then I played the song 4 more times in a row!

Now don't get me wrong, I am a *huge* fan of the original Go-Go's version but this cover is pure pop perfection. I admit, I was a hater at first but now I'm a total lover. I do think that big sis Haylie is riding little sis Hilary's coattails a bit (well, a lot) but who cares? They sound exactly the same so this duet does sound like a bonafide Hilary Duff song.
And when did I become a Hilary Duff fan you ask? Well, I've been thinking about it and I think I've figured it out. Don't ask me why, but Erik is a big Hilary Duff fan. She is his favorite pop princess (he's been known to squeal himself when the song Come Clean comes on; he even has that song on his phone as a ringtone). It is obvious his influence has played a part. I also think part of the blame goes to Michael T. He is the one that gave me a copy of Life Story: Hilary Duff which is a magazine filled with pictures and articles (read: propaganda) that I've read most of. And finally I think that I need to lay some blame on dumbass Britney. Her trashy behavior has caused me to falter a little in my devotion to her (I've not given up completely but she really needs to get her shit straightened out).
I'm intrigued by Lindsay Lohan but she's more an actress than a singer (although Shane clued me into her song Drama Queen (That Girl) recorded for a film soundtrack which is pretty tight; it's loaded on the iPod). Even though Lindsay just signed a record deal, I think the edge goes to Hilary. I like a few of Hilary's songs already and I'm practically obsessed with Our Lips Are Sealed. I even had visions of Erik and I doing that song in a karaoke setting (EEP!). I think Erik would approve of my new found appreciation for the Duff.
And whatever, don't be rollin' your eyes at me. You listen to the Duff sisters cover of Our Lips Are Sealed while driving around at night and then tell me that the song doesn't rock. Betcha can't ...
PS: I just downloaded all the Hilary and Haylie songs from the A Cinderella Soundtrack from iTunes. Um, have I gone too far past the point of no return?