PINK is the new BLOG
Everybody's Business Is My BusinessTM

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Amsterdam It!

Whoa ... let me tell you ... it's been a pretty harried day already ... it's evening here in Amsterdam and I'm just now finding the time to write today's blog entry. Just as I arrive, the boys from Oh La La depart. Now that I'm settled, things are squared away and I have my hotel routine figured out I will be able to write in the morning as usual. I'll get to that in a bit ... let's do the day's goss ...

So, I reported yesterday that designer Julien McDonald got pelted with flour by animal rights activists from PETA after his fashion show in London ... it turns out that Paris Hilton, who modeled a few of Julien's fashions in the show, also got pelted with flour by the same PETA activists -- here are the pics:

Paris Hilton's otherwise gala debut at London's Fashion Week was interrupted on Tuesday night when activists from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals pelted the Simple Life star with flour in protest of the fur in the fashion collection that she wore. "There is nothing remotely fashionable about the torture and death of animals killed for fur," Yvonne Taylor, of PETA Europe, told reporters. I love how smiley Julien McDonald is ... I mean, what else could he do but try and laugh it off? Paris looks pissed ... the poor little lamb. [Source]

The Brits Awards were held yesterday and Kelly Clarkson was among the musical acts who performed at the awards show:

I love ya, Kelly ... but you need to keep your shoes on ... don't go the way of the Fallen Britney. Click HERE to see the full list of Brits Awards winners. Madonna picked up an award, as did Kanye West. Green Day got 2 awards and the Kaiser Chiefs won a lot of awards -- but hey, it's the Brits Awards. Congrats to all. [Source]

Victoria Beckham did not appear at the Brits Awards this year ... she was too busy skiing with her boys Brooklyn and Romeo:

Well ... okay ... we don't actually see her skiing but she is surely dressed for the occasion. I'm not sure, but I think her jacket is a bit too small for her (if that's even possible) -- I don't think it's wise to bare your belly on the ski slopes. Oh, and I had no idea that Chanel could look so cheap. [Source]

Not only is Judge Judy celebrating 10 years on the air but she is also celebrating the fact that she received her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame:

"We have a U.S. president, U.S. senator, actor Raymond Burr, who played a lawyer, but this is our first real judge," Hollywood Honorary Mayor Johnny Grant said in dedicating the Walk's 3,204st star. I am not ashamed to admit that I *love* watching Judge Judy. That woman knows how to really dispense justice in an extremely entertaining way. I'm not sure that I think she's worthy of a star on the Walk of Fame but I'm happy for her nonetheless. [Source]

Hmmm ... Brooke Burke co-starred with the actual Burger King in that (disappointing) BK Superbowl commercial ... but she likes to eat at McDonald's???

LOL! Watch her get canned by Burger King because of this. [Source]

Check it out ... Matthew Broderick is just like you and me ... here are pictures of Matthew shoveling the freshly fallen snow off his front stoop:

Well, okay ... he's not exactly like me ... Erik actually shovels the snow more than I do ... but I do take out the trash. Props to Matthew for taking on this chore all by himself. I would've figured he would've called Mr. Plow. [Source]

Willa Ford is back, y'all. Here she is on her way to a party at Pure ... she looks really hot in her satin nightie:

Welcome back Willa! [Source]

Yeah ... if you thought the photospread that Lindsay Lohan did for Vanity Fair magazine was risque then you ain't seen nothin' yet ... check out her photospread for Allure magazine:

She's almost practically topless in those 2 photos! Man ... she really is growing up fast, ain't she? I like this shoot ... it's sexy and fun and made good use of the wind machine. [Source]

Speaking of topless photos ... check out these pictures of Jason Statham from his photospread for Men's Health magazine:

I ... uh ... yeah ... don't know what to say ... but ... yeah ... hot. [Source]

Marilyn Manson finally sold his wedding pictures to the highest bidder and it looks like OK! magazine won the prize ... here are a couple of Mr. and Mrs. Manson's wedding shots:

The first dance photo is really sweet ... who knew the, self-professed, Antichrist Superstar had a heart? I'm glad they threw in a scary-kinda-creepy photo as well ... it's very MM. [Source]

And finally ... it looks like Australian Cosmopolitan magazine is a fan of Pink is the new Blog ... they listed PITNB as their top snarky celeb blog:

I want to thank all the Aussies who gave me the head's up about this ... I am really geeked that y'all like the blog so much! [thanks Kathryn]

So ... I'm here ... sitting at the desk in my hotel room frantically writing so that I can post and then find something to eat (with the Dutch version of Pimp My Ride on the TV -- and I can't understand a word of it). It was a long KLM flight but not unbearable. It was only a 7-hour flight and we were allowed a nice selections of movies to watch and alcoholic beverages to imbibe. We were fed both a dinner and a breakfast ... it was a very pleasant flight.

I've never been to Europe ... in fact, the only foreign country I've ever been in is Canada so, needless to say, it was a bit daunting getting off the plane and trying to figure out where I needed to be. I decided to take a taxi to the Lloyd Hotel because I am TERRIBLE on trains (ask Sarah, I always have to defer to her when we are getting around in NYC). As soon as I arrived I was met by the Renate, the Marketing & Communication director for the hotel ... I was shown to my room and let me tell you ... it's amazing here!

I seriously crashed for about 5 hours ... I slept like the dead.

So I wake up and make a shocking revelation ... I brought along 2 sets of AC plug adapters and converters but didn't remember that my laptop had a 3-prong AC adapter! I had no way to plug in my computer. And now you see why I'm finally blogging at 7 PM. I had to go out and find a store to pick up an adapter ... believe me, it wasn't easy. But, I was successful and here I am.

I'm meeting up with Rachel from in a little while and we're going out for dinner. I wasn't able to watch last night's episode of Lost yet (I'm currently downloading it from iTunes) and I have no way of watching Project Runway until I get home next week. OY!

Soo ... that's it for now ... I have to jet ... enjoy the rest of y'alls day and I'll hit ya back tomorrow morning! I'm not sure what I'm doing tonight but the band Zita Swoon is playing an aftershow gig right here at the Lloyd Hotel tonight. I may have to check it out to see how these Netherlanders rock! I'm out!!!

POSTED: 7:30 PM Amsterdam, NL Local Time



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  • "Pink is the new Blog: Must Star Hazer -- Why This: Trent Vanegas may run the uproarious gossip roundup from his home outside Detroit, but he doesn't need proximity to make riotous observations about celebs -- often typed directly onto scary paparazzi photos." -- Entertainment Weekly

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