PINK is the new BLOG
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Monday, April 03, 2006

Tank Girl

Spederline started off the weekend by paying a little visit to Dallas, TX. K-Fed is showing up at hot spots all over the country to generate buzz for this upcoming debut album Playing With Fire. Here are a few pictures of Britney and Kevin heading into Club X down in Texas:

Unfortch, Britney is lookin' a bit rough (a bit pregs even tho we know she isn't pregs ... RIGHT?!?) but she looks happy ... at least we have that. I'm not even gonna comment on her hair ... I do have to point out, tho, that Kevin is actually NOT WEARING his stupid hat. WTF? There is something seriously wrong when Kevin looks better than Britney does. [Source]

Pamela Anderson hosted this year's Juno Awards in Nova Scotia, Canada last night. By all accounts, she did a pretty horrendous hosting job ... but hey, at least she's got big boobs:

The one thing everyone should have learned from the 1996 silver screen softcore action epic Barb Wire -- other than Hollywood has no shame -- is Pamela Anderson can't be expected to carry two hours (or 98 minutes) on her own ... her duties were mercifully kept to a minimum and ultimately she was given about as many lines to read as during her stint on cable TV jigglefest ViP. And thank God for that. When she spoke, stumbling empty-headedly over the numerous and painfully obvious T&A jokes the team of script-writing monkeys banged out for her, the walking Vacuflo system fell flat on her face -- as physically impossible as that may sound ... But that was only the beginning of the descent into the eye-rolling --calling it tasteless gives it unwarranted credit -- with Anderson using the show as an opportunity to make her PETA beliefs known (her favourite artist Seal wasn't there because he was afraid of "being clubbed to death"), which drew a huge chorus of boos from the East Coast crowd. (Is the irony really lost on the woman that such a strong defender of nature should probably be a little less synthetic.) OUCH! I was unable to watch the Junos myself but ... I am not at all surprised by this review of her performance. Well, at least Pamela was the worst thing about the Juno Awards ... [Source]

... oh wait, Fergie from Black Eyed Peas was there as well ...

... UGH! At least Michael Buble had a big night, he picked up 4 awards. Click HERE for a full list of 2006 Juno Award Winners. [Source]

Yikes ... while Fergie is pretty scary looking I don't think she's quite as scary as these pictures of Hello Kitty throwing out the first pitch at an Arizona Diamondbacks baseball game:

LOLOLOLOLOL! Seriously ... this shizz is gonna give me nightmares for days. [Source]

Nicole Richie and DJ AM are back from their romantic trip to Mexico ... they spent the weekend in Las Vegas to celebrate Adam Goldstein's birthday ... here are a few pics:

Nicole is really rockin' that sun tan ... unfortch it makes her look old. I <3 Nicole Richie but notsomuch when she looks 49 years old. [Source]

Hmmm ... it appears that Mischa Barton and Cisco Adler are still an item ... here's a picture of the pair hanging out in a parking lot in Malibu last week ...

... um, I hope Mischa has a really good reason for walking the streets of Malibu in her bare feet and with ratty-looking hair. Maybe she's trying to acclimate herself to Cisco's world? [Source]

Sarah Jessica Parker is gettin' herself all ready for an upcoming Easter celebration, here are a few pictures of SJP out shopping for Easter supplies in NYC:

Uhh, what's going on with that nose tho? I think it's just the way those sunglasses make her face look ... I don't remember her having a schnoz that large. [Source]

J.K. Rowling was on hand in London over the weekend for the British Book Awards where she was presented with the Golden Phallus award for Outstanding Achievement in Writing:

Actually, she won the top prize (I wish it really was called the Golden Phallus) for writing the Book of the Year: The magic of Harry Potter proved too much for the other contenders at this year's British Book Awards, with JK Rowling walking off with the main prize. Britain's biggest-selling contemporary author was looking appropriately spell-binding in a low-cut black dress as she picked up the Book of the Year trophy in London's upmarket Grosvenor House hotel ... "I'm delighted that Harry Potter continues to give so much pleasure to adults and children, and I'm honoured to receive this award," said the mum-of-three, who has sold in excess of 300 million books worldwide. "I'm enjoying writing the last book in the series and it's coming along nicely." JK looks drunk as hell ... I love it! Congrats! [Source]

Here are a couple more adorable pictures of Angelina Jolie and Maddox doing a little toy shopping in Paris, France:

Nice ... Maddox is holding both a pink and a blue balloon ... isn't that interesting? [Source] is reporting that a few Lost cast members got together for a photoshoot and they brought along a little drama with them:

It may surprise you, but this was a reunion of sorts. The entire cast doesn't show up for every scene -- it's done in groups. So the photo shoot was an opportunity to reunite. Behind the scenes -- there was tension, wackiness and heat ... Evangeline Lilly (Kate) insisted on stopping the photo shoot numerous times to adjust her hair and make-up. Co-star Yunjin Kim (Sun) was none too pleased, shooting icy stares Evangeline's way ... Matthew Fox (Jack) - just like his surly character on the show - hardly spoke or interacted with his cast mates. LOL! That's it?! Boo! This story would have been better if Yunjin had bitch-slapped Evangeline ... it also would have been better if Matthew Fox was the one walking around with his shirt off. [Source]

Pink reader Amber sends in this link to The Simpsons movie teaser trailer that is showing before Ice Age 2 in theaters:

It's so short ... but it's cute. [Source, thanks Amber]

Um ... I kinda hate to say I told you so ... but I did predict that Basic Instinct 2 would tank like a mofo:

Sony's MGM release "Basic Instinct 2," the belated sequel to the 1992 sex thriller that made Stone a star, tied for the No. 10 spot with Lionsgate's "Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector," which took in $3.2 million in its second weekend. LOL! It tied for the #10 spot with Larry the Cable Guy?!?!?!? Even the movie Slither (about mutant slugs from outer space invading Earth) did better than BI:2! Well, I guess this means that there will be no Showgirls 2 any time soon ... [Source]

And finally, Time magazine has a great cover this week ... with the debate raging over the proposed changes in immigration laws, Time's cover story really speaks to the heart of the debate:

The Time article does a great job of illustrating the opposing viewpoints of this divisive issue. For my part, I just cannot believe that legislators of the United States of America want to basically undo the principles upon which this country was created. Last I heard the Statue of Liberty still read, Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Y'all should really read about this issue ... it's a pretty important issue. [Source]

El News:
We had plans to check out Andy Rourke's DJ set at OSLO last night but as it got later and later and as the rain poured down we decided that we just couldn't make it downtown for the gig. We'd all been running around all weekend long ... we just couldn't swing a late Sunday night.

David and I did manage to catch an afternoon showing of Thank You For Smoking at the Main Art Theater in Royal Oak, MI tho:

The movie was really funny, really entertaining. I was very impressed with Aaron Eckhart's performance. He was amazingly funny and really carried the entire movie. Katie Holmes was totally pointless ... any actor could have played her part ... the only thing that could have possibly made her contribution at all interesting would've been her nude scene, but alas, we all know what happened to that footage. Rob Lowe was also great in this movie ... his delivery was perfect ... as was Adam Brody's ... but he began to wear on me a bit. His role as the overeager assistant was pretty good but nowhere near as good as the son's role (played by Cameron Bright). That kid can act ... and he is not at all irritating like Dakota Fanning can be. This movie is really funny ... I really enjoyed it.

Not sure what's on the agenda for today ... we're pretty much gonna play it by ear and see what happens. That is all ... I'm out.



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