PINK is the new BLOG
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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Butt-Cracking The Da Vinci Code

All this Britney Spears drama has really gotten everyone all over the place all riled up ... people are actually taking sides on whether or not Britney Spears is a good mother or not. I, for one, am just commenting on the events as they happen ... these latest incidents have not changed my opinion on Britney in general -- but it's all definitely worth talking about. While people are automatically assuming that the paparazzi was responsible for Britney almost dropping Sean Preston onto the ground, I think it's clear that it's not that simple. Sure the ever-present paps tend to get in celebrities way whenever they go out in public but I don't think they really had anything to do with Brit's stumble. Check out this close-up picture (courtesy of of what really caused Britney to trip and almost drop her baby:

We all know that Brit is fond of wearing her famous too-long, baggy jeans ... it appears that she tripped on her own jeans. At any rate, click HERE to watch the video of the incident to see it all for yourself. I, for one, am not making an judgments at all on her parenting skills ... [Source]

... it is plainly obvious that she loves her baby very much ...

Accidents happen to everyone, yes, but when you're a celebrity (who became a celebrity because you sought out the media's attention in the first place) you have to endure the intense scrutiny of the public eye. It just comes with the territory. This whole incident will be forgotten in a few days ... and surely, something else will happen and will become the new talk of the day -- because that's life. [Source]

Okay ... enuff Britney for now ... let's move on ... Beyoncé is in Cannes, France with her Dreamgirls castmates for the Cannes Film Festival. Bill Condon, the director of the movie Dreamgirls, brought along with a 20-minute preview of the movie to preview for reporters and "movie professionals":

Condon said he initially was uncomfortable with the idea of unveiling footage at the prestigious film festival until he recalled the Cannes tradition of showcasing great musicals ... "We in making this movie, all of us inspired to be part of the tradition of classic Hollywood musicals, Stanley Donen movies, George Cukor movies and Vincente Minnelli movies, and those movies were first taken seriously in this country and at this festival," Condon said. "So suddenly it did feel right." "Dreamgirls" features Foxx as a car salesman who worms his way into the Detroit music scene and becomes an impresario, orchestrating the crossover of black music to white mainstream culture. Hmmm ... it's interesting that they would choose to debut only 20-minutes of a movie at such a prestigious event. I get that they are trying to capitalize on the festival hype (which appears to be working) -- which is genius. The movie won't even be out until the end of this year ... I guess it is a good idea to use the Cannes Film Festival as a test market. [Source]

Did you know that Tommy Hilfiger was a scrapper? Here's a word to the wise, Tommy don't care WHO you are (not even YOU, Axl Rose) ... if you mess with Tommy Hilfiger (and his woman's drink in particular) then you're gonna get one hell of a beat-down:

Tommy Hilfiger really showed his "Appetite for Destruction" yesterday when he pummeled Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose in a dispute over a VIP table at Rosario Dawson's birthday party, sources said. The midnight turf battle erupted when Axl moved Hilfiger's girlfriend's drink in the banquette area of The Plumm nightclub on West 14th Street - where the "Rent" actress was celebrating her 27th birthday. A densely packed crowd of celebs - including Lenny Kravitz and Kid Rock - had ringside seats to the battle. The feisty fashionista was acting all gangsta, hitting Axl with a flurry of punches, one that landed under Rose's eye. "First [Axl and Tommy] were sitting. Then they were pulling on each other . . . It got so out of control," said a shocked witness. Holy shizz! Either Axl Rose is getting really old or Tommy Hilfiger is taking way too many viagra pills these days! LOLOLOLOLOL! Click HERE to hear Axl try to explain how he got his ass beat by Tommy boy on KROQ's Kevin & Bean morning show. [Source]

Heather Graham was on hand for a Diesel store launch earlier this week ... check out these pictures of an inebriated-looking Heather wearing a mess of a denim dress:

Don't she look like she's about 6 sheets to the wind? That would really explain that dress. I only have one thing to say about this outfit: Peek-A-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! [Source]

So I think it's safe to say that mustaches are so hot right now ... check out the 2 hottest 'staches in Hollywood these days:

Britney's new bodyguard Rico may be the one to bring back this hot look but Tyra Banks is the one who started the trend -- she has been rockin' the 'stache for years now. So hot!

And finally, Access Hollywood aired some rehearsal footage from Madonna's Confessions Tour which kicks off tomorrow night in Los Angeles:

It looks like it's unitards full speed ahead! Bring it on, Madge! I can't wait to see it live for myself!! [Source]

Da News:
Megan and I met up for a sweet-ass pizza & martinis dinner at the Living Room in Berkley, MI last night before we went out to see The Da Vinci Code. I decided that I better see the movie sooner rather than later because I feared if I waited too long then I would lose interest and never see it. We caught a late show and were very surprised to see the theater fill up with so many young kids -- who knew that today's teens were so interested in the mysteries of Mary Magdalene?

I am so happy that they cast Paul Bettany (or in this case, Paul Buttany) as Silas the albino monk. The butt man bared his booty 3 times in the first 10 minutes of the film! Woot! I am convinced that Paul Bettany has a clause in his contract that insists he be allowed to bare his ass in every movie he is cast in. You'll hear no complaints from me :) Anyways, I quite liked the movie -- I can see how it may be a bit confusing for people who haven't read the book (the whole 9 of them in the world) but for the most part, the movie is very true to the book. There are things from the book that are changed, left out or not explained at all in the movie but nothing very detrimental to the story overall. Audrey Tautou is really cute -- I love hearing her speak. Tom Hanks wasn't anything special (but that's the way I felt about the character of Robert Langdon when I read the book) while Ian McKellen was a joy to watch. He plays such interesting characters (like X-Men's Magneto) and always brings his unique flair to the roles the plays.

The ending is changed a slight bit but, once again, it's not at all detrimental to the story overall. I'm pretty sure that fans of the book will be pleased with the movie (despite what I keep reading from reviewers -- I don't get where their negativity is coming from) while new-comers to the story might find the movie entertaining -- if a bit confusing sometimes. Megan and I liked it ... and did I mention that you get to see Paul Bettany's ass 3 times?

Tonight I'm meeting up with Sarah, Megan, Mark and his friends in town from Tennessee for a Detroit Tigers baseball game. I haven't seen the Tigers play in years ... it should be very fun. After the game, the girls and I are going to dance our asses off at this month's SASS danceparty:

Woot! The party takes place at OSLO in downtown Detroit ce soir ... be there or be a plane figure having four equal sides. That is all ... I'm out ... Lates!



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