PINK is the new BLOG
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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Horsing Around

UGH ... last night was a late night ... with a lot of booze ... OY! My head is starting to clear so let's get to it ...

Paris Hilton doesn't waste any time when it comes to the men in her life ... as soon as one gets the boot, another one enters the picture. 45 seconds after she dumped Paris Latsis she was already "deeply in love" with Stavros Niarchos ... now that she's done with him she has moved on with her new love USC quarterback Matt Leinart:

I have to admit ... he's a hottie. I can't say that I blame her for wanting to get into his pants ... I'm not sure what's in it for him tho ... I guess he wants to know what having herpes feels like. Score! He's got a blog ... altho, he doesn't seem to update it any longer -- Boo! [Source]

The cast of Mission:Impossible:III showed up on MTV's TRL yesterday afternoon ... the girls looked hot, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers looked sexy and Tom Cruise looked insane-o ... which is exactly what one would expect:

Kanye West also made a brief appearance on the show and will return to TRL this afternoon to perform his version of the M:I:III theme with Keyshia Cole and Twista. Hmmm ... that sounds like fun ... maybe I'll haul my cookies down to Times Square to check it out. [Source]

Hallelujah! Thank the gods for answering my prayers ... check out these pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal walking around in West Hollywood ... note that he is NOT wearing those horrible spandex:

I get that Jake's body looks great squeezed in those super tight threads (which I appreciate, believe me) but I much prefer Jakey wearing normal clothes ... well, actually I prefer him wearing no clothes but I'll take what I can get. [Source]

It looks like Maggie Gyllenhaal has fallen prey to the ravages of her manic pregnancy hormones ... how else would you explain her decision to appear as a guest on the Martha Stewart Show?

It seems that Maggie is lookin' to Martha for tips on how to cook meals for her baby daddy Peter Sarsgaard ... which is kinda cute but also kinda sad. [Source]

Check out these supercute pictures of Reese Witherspoon and her little boy Deacon ... and I thought that kid couldn't get any cuter:

He's getting so big ... he no longer looks like a baby ... he's turning into a kid already. Cute! [Source]

Whoa ... Elijah Wood is really going for a new look with this tattooed bald head thing he's got going on:

Thankfully he's only sportin' this look for a new movie role (Day Zero) which he is shooting in NYC. If he's trying to look tough I don't think it's working ... the facial hair just ain't cuttin' it. [Source]

Jennifer Love Hewitt is letting her new mom hair get the best of her ... check out these pictures of J. Love helping out a papparazzo in need:

Aww ... ain't she sweet?! [Source]

Oh ... now I see why the hair on Prince William's head is thinning out ... it appears to be growing out on his chest. Check out these pictures of Wills and his current girlfriend Kate Middleton cruising around on a yacht in the Caribbean on Monday:

I think I hate his chest hair but it's nice to know that that the carpet matches the drapes. I'm actually surprised that someone of royal birth would choose to wear a bathing suit that looks like it came from Wal-Mart. Are those actually chili peppers on his trunks?! LOL! [Source]

A few days ago I mentioned that former 98 Degrees member Jeff Timmons was arrested for drunk driving ... and now we have his mug shot and details of his arrest:

Timmons, who sang alongside Nick and Drew Lachey in the popular 90s boy band, was pulled over by deputies from the Brevard County, Fla. sheriff's office for going 60 mph in a 45 mph zone, after he left a celebrity softball game. According to the police report, Timmons was driving with two "very intoxicated" passengers, one of whom Timmons identified as Mitch English, host of the syndicated tv show "The Daily Buzz." The police report indicates that English said he was "unable to drive because he had way too much to drink." When the police asked Timmons if he had had anything to drink that night, Timmons first replied "a lot" and then said he "only had two beers." When the officer checked Timmons' record, it indicated that his driver's license had expired in 2005 and was suspended. Yowza ... that's a lot of hair he's got there. The poor dear looks so sad. [Source]

Pink reader Bobby got himself a prime spot at Coachella this weekend and sends in these awesome up-close pictures of Madonna:

Even tho her set was super short it looks like she really performed the hell out of her 28 minute set. I am SO excited to see her on her upcoming tour ... that opening date in LA is only a few short weeks away. [thanks Bobby]

Madonna will be on the cover of the new issue of W magazine and it looks like she's going back to her old skool freaky-deaky ways:

The black leather, the riding crop, the toplessness ... it's like 1993 all over again! [Source]

Morrissey is featured on the cover of the new issue of Zoo magazine:

He may be getting on in years but gramps still knows how to rock out. [Source]

And finally, the full-length trailer for Superman Returns hit the InterWeb yesterday and the movie looks really freaking cool:

It looks like Kevin Spacey is gonna be a kickass Lex Luthor ... he is really funny in the trailer, I can only imagine how great he is in the whole movie. Click HERE if you've yet to see the trailer and check it out for yourself. [Source, thanks Joe]

The News:

Yesterday was really fun ... David and I spent the afternoon walking around town (in my awesome new Adidas kicks that I picked up at Barney's) where we ran into blogger supastar and all-around fashion maven Bradford Shellhammer and Madeline Albright -- you gotta love this city:

No Bradford and Madeline weren't hanging out together ... she was doing a book signing at the Barnes & Noble in Union Square and we decided to pop in and take a listen to her speech. She was great ... surprisingly funny and charming.

Last night we met up with some of David's associates at Double 7 before heading over to Happy Valley for the Dita Von Teese burlesque show ... check out these fun pictures from Last Night's Party:

Mr. Marilyn Manson was chillin' out in the VIP area while his new bride was riding atop a 400 lb. sparkly carousel horse:

They weren't allowing photos so I wasn't able to snap any clear pics ... her show was hot but really short. She looked amazing tho.

Head on over to to see more pictures of Dita and Marilyn Manson.

OY ... the rest of the night is kind of a blur ... I guess I had a bit too much to drink because I don't really remember anything after Dita's performance.

I guess that's it ... David and I are hanging out in Times Square this afternoon ... so I hafta jet. Lates!



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