Thursday, June 01, 2006
Form Fitting
I'm sure y'all are still enjoying those pictures of Kevin Federline, all gussied up and tryin' to look purdy, for the June issue of Item magazine that I posted yesterday afternoon. Today we have our first look at K-Fed on the cover of that magazine:

I still don't understand the logic behind dressing up The Federline to look like a smarmy used car salesman in order to promote his debut rap album. Item reports that his joint (titled Playing With Fire) is set to drop in August and the one thing that Kevin wants more than anything is to talk about it: "I wish people would ask me about my career. Usually it's, 'How's the wife and kids?' Not that I mind; that's my pride and joy. But it would be nice for people to look at me like an artist. The day they judge me as an artist, a CEO, as somebody, not Britney Spears' husband, that's the day I am looking forward to." Dude, that's the day that hell freezes over ... or that Kimberly Stewart gets hot. [Source, thanks Lindsay]
Here is your first look at Gwen Stefani since she gave birth to her first child Kingston James McGregor:

This picture of a happy-looking Gwen was taken just a couple of days ago. Hubby and proud daddy Gavin Rossdale posted a message on the Institute messageboard thanking all the fans for their love and support: "Thanks. I just got back from the hospital. Thanks for all your good words. He's something else. All is good. Kingston is good, so's his mum (mom). Life stood still for us today. Now we're really on our way. Al the best. I'll be back soon. Watch this space. But give us a minute. Have a weekend of fireworks. Gavin X" Yay! Now all we need is a picture of little Kingston ... hopefully, we won't have to wait very long. [Source]
It appears that pictures from the Spider-Man 3 set are coming out every day ... well, for this week at least -- here are a few more pictures of Spider-Man in action:

For the Spider-Man-challenged, the New York Post provides a handy guide to the upcoming Spider-Man 3. I know I have this deep-seated-hatred-thing about spandex (especially when it is worn so horribly by Jake Gyllenhaal) but I tend to overlook those feelings when it comes to bulge-enhancing superhero costumes. No wonder I loved Batman Begins and X-Men: The Last Stand so much ... and why I'm so much looking forward to Superman Returns. What do you suppose that says about me? [Source]
Speaking of spandex, here is a picture of Carson Daly sportin' the skin tight stuff while out for a bike ride along Malibu's Pacific Coast Highway earlier this week:

I still don't like it but he is wearing it better than Jakey poo did ... UGH! What am I saying? I must be missing my David something awful! [Source]
Jude Law and Sienna Miller are spending every waking moment they have gettin' all cozy and lovey dovey. Here are pictures of the pair trying to sneak off to a resort together in the hopes that they can continue the rekindling of their romance without being spied upon:

Nice try ... but they're not fooling anyone. [Source]
Beach season is surely upon us all ... well, in California anyways ... here are pictures of Nicole Richie's latest visit to the beach to show off her new bikini:

She sure looks happy to be showing off her new hips. She looks great! Woot! [Source]
Pink reader Jen noticed something very interesting ... check out these pictures of Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton wearing the same shirt on different days earlier this week:

Even tho the girls have revealed that they hate one another it appears that they still have the same taste in clothing ... bad taste, that is. [Source, Source]
Adam Brody and his band Big Japan played a set at the 2006 Sasquatch Music Festival in Washington earlier this week ... check out this pic of Adam on the drums:

Hmmm ... normally I'm not a fan of actors who think they're rockstars (I'm talking to YOU Russell Crowe) but there is something about Adam behind that drum kit that is very appealing. Click HERE to check out Big Japan's My Space profile. [Source]
Even tho Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen are locked in a bitter divorce dispute it appears that both parents are doing their best to spend as much quality time with their children as they can. Check out these pictures of Denise and Charlie each spending some alone-time with their daughter Sam:

I feel so bad for little Sam and Lola (who turns 1 years old today). I know I joke about celebrity break-ups all the time but it is really sad when there are children involved. Here's hoping the Richards-Sheen children don't get all screwed up because of the bitter feud between their parents. [Source, Source]
Josh Holloway is on the cover of this month's issue of Details magazine. Here are a few pictures from his photoshoot for the mag:

I think there must be a clause in his contract that insists he be photographed wet at least once in every photospread. Hey, I don't mind ... I'm a new Team Sawyer convert! Woot! [Source]
We're just a few short weeks away from the release of Superman Returns, here are a few international posters from the UK, China and Germany:

Don't ya just love a man in uniform? Wee! [Source]
Here is the official photo for Mariah Carey's upcoming tour:

Only a diva like Mimi would give her tour a name like Adventures of Mimi: The Voice, The Hits, The Tour. LOL! Not even Queen Madonna is that pretentious (having simply dubbed her tour The Confessions Tour). I may just have to see what Mariah has in store for her fans this time around. [Source]
And finally, here are few more screencaptures from the MTV2 animated series Where My Dogs At? which feature one of our favorite Hollywood "It" Girls, Lindsay Lohan:

I am so excited for this show ... from what I've been able to preview, it looks ridiculously hilarious. Where My Dogs At? debuts after the season premiere of Celebrity Deathmatch on MTV2 beginning June 10 at 12pm. [Source]
The News:
- The Dixie Chicks have the #1 album on the Billboard Top 200.
- Have you cast your votes for this year's MTV Movie Awards yet? This is the first year that the awards will be entirely viewer-voted.
- Anna Nicole Smith officially reveals the truth about her rumored pregnancy HERE as she soaks in a pool while her dogs bark in the background. [thanks Mandy]
- Are these the end of the Days of Our Lives?
- Denise Richards is ready to try her hand at being a Pussycat Doll.
- Halle Berry is a freak in the bedroom. I think she's got a Superhero thing too :)
- Is Madonna set to be the new face of H&M?
- Fall Out Boy vs. Kidz Bop
- Best Week Ever translates 30 Seconds to Mars.
- Dear Jebus, please save us from your crazy followers.
- Click HERE to check out the newest Superman Returns trailer.
- Click HERE to see Xtina Aguilera as you've never seen her before.
- Courteney Cox returns to TV ... as a gossip.
- Kirstie Alley is crabby.
- Like father, like daughter.
- Well ... it appears that Nick Lachey is romancing a new chick.
- Alanis Morissette is 32, Heidi Klum is 33 and Morgan Freeman is 69 years old today. Click HERE to see who else is celebrating a birthday today.
- Prince gets a Webby.
- Taylor Hicks gets a record deal.
- Jon Favreau to direct Iron Man.
- Awww ... McFly wrote a song about Lindsay Lohan.
- PITNB gets a shout out in the Somerville Journal. Holla!

I absolutely loved her interview with that college counselor ... brilliant! I am very much looking forward to hearing what will come spewing out of her mouth as the series progresses.
Tonight I'm meeting up for dinner with my boy Joe before we catch a screening of a certain scary movie that opens up next Tuesday ... on 6+6+06:

Last thing, I have sent out some Birthday Lurve to Marguerite. XOXO
That is all ... I'm out.