Thursday, June 29, 2006
Have You Confessed?

Personally, I think Britney looks best with her blonde hair. She actually looks cute and normal in these pictures. I'm not sure what the eff is going on with Kevin Federline's hair ... he looks like he got his haircut at Fantastic Sams ... by a drunk stylist. Sean Preston is quite the little butterball, ain't he? He looks hilarious in the third picture. I wonder what news media will Spederline show up tomorrow? [Source]
People magazine has compiled a wedding photo album of sorts for Marcia Cross and her new husband Tom Mahoney who were wed in San Gabriel, CA last weekend. I gotta admit, Marcia looks stunning in that white dress:

I love her red hair! Who knew that Tom Mahoney was into firecrotch ;) I keed, I keed ... actually their wedding looks like it was a classy affair (no Juicy jumpsuits for Ms. Cross). It was so nice of Marcia's Desperate Housewives co-stars attended her nuptials ... er, except for Teri Hatcher. I believe she was too bizzy on holiday to be bothered with Marcia's wedding. Oh and Nicollette Sheridan was absent as well ... I wonder what her excuse was? [Source]
Brandon Routh and Kate Bosworth paid a little visit to MTV's TRL yesterday to help generate even more hype for their new movie Superman Returns:

Y'all heard what I have to say about the movie, but here is what MTV thinks about Superman Returns ... Kurt Loder writes: So. Are there astonishing action scenes? Well, real astonishment -- of the "How on earth did they do that?" variety -- is in oddly short supply ... But for all its visual felicities, the movie is curiously flat, largely because of the casting ... Kate Bosworth [is problematic]. She may be more dewily pretty than Margot Kidder, who played Lois Lane in the earlier pictures, but she lacks Kidder's sparky humor -- she's not much fun. And given Bosworth's age (she's now 23), this Lois's long flirtation with Superman would have had to begin when she was the only major metropolitan newspaper reporter in the country too young to drink or drive. Also inadequate is Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor ... A lot of talented people have put a lot of work into this movie, and since its ending all but cries out for a sequel or three, they'll probably have a chance to get it right the next time around (should they remain onboard). The bittersweet love story is interesting, but it remains to be seen whether the young action-movie audience -- the people that studios count on to be repeat ticket-buyers -- will find it all that addictive after an initial viewing. Yep, I tend to agree ... I'm not sure that fans of Superhero movies will want to come back to watch a sweeping love story like this. I, for one, plan on seeing it again at IMAX but that's only cuz I want to see the 3D (even if the 3D scenes only make up 1/8 of the whole movie) ... I do hope I enjoy the flick more the second time around. [Source]
Here are new pictures of Kylie Minogue and Olivier Martinez hanging out in and around Paris, France:

They make such a great couple ... and it looks like they're still happily in love (there've been a few rumors going around that they broke up). I'm glad to see that things seem to be coming along nicely in her recuperation from her cancer treatment. [Source]
Kylie has posted a new message on her website regarding her return to the stage:
Hi everyone,
Firstly, I am so pleased to finally let you know the dates for the Showgirl- Homecoming tour. As you can imagine there is much to be done in order to be ready by November, but we are all very excited about resuming and updating the show. Thank you to Michael Gudinski for making the announcement to the world!
Secondly, you now have plenty of time to sort out what to wear. Remember I will be watching you!
Third, the marriage proposal and denial rumours. Stoppppppppp!!
And lastly, 'Come on, Socceroos'!!!!
Love to you all,
Kylie x
:) She is so cute ... I just know that she and Olivier are engaged and she's just playing coy with us ... Hee hee!
Cue the 70's porn music, it appears that the porn 'stache is back on the scene again ... check out this picture of Adam Brody chillin out with one of his dogs ... note the lip hair that homie is wearin':

Hellz yeah! Long live the porn 'stache! Holla! [Source]
Pamela Anderson is always lookin' for a good reason to get nekkid in public. Actually, she is always lookin' for any ol' reason to get nekkid in public but this time she's doing so for a good cause -- or something. Here are pictures of a mostly nude Pamela as she poses in a Stella McCartney shop window in London:

I'm sure the animals of the world thank her. See, if you have ginormous plastic breasts then you, too, can do your part to save the world. [Source]
Pink reader Phil sends in these pictures of our favorite dynamic duo, The SkeletwinsTM, at the grand opening of Social Hollywood in LA earlier this week:

I wish these two hung out more often ... it's always so nice to see them lovin' on each other. Sure, they're not as skeletal as they once were (which is a good thing) but I still got mad love for the both of them. [thanks Phil]
Speaking of mad love, Eminem shocked the crowd at the 2006 BET Awards when he showed up to perform with a few of his friends sportin' new ink which pays tribute to his slain friend Proof:

Eminem made a surprise public appearance at an award ceremony in Los Angeles [Tuesday] night, appearing alongside Busta Rhymes and Missy Elliot. The rap superstar performed on-stage with Busta and Missy at the 2006 BET Awards, at the Shrine Auditorium in California. His showing follows a troubled few months, in which Eminem's second marriage to Kim Mathers disintegrated and his best friend, Proof from D-12, was murdered. That's Detroit love, y'all. It looks like Em ain't lettin' things get him down. [Source]
Yikes! What horrible measure of horrible karmic cruelty do you suppose forced 24's Mary Lynn Rajskub to be punished in this manner? It's so gross ... it pains me to even type it ... but check out this picture of Rush Limbaugh trying to slip Mary Lynn some tongue:

Freakin' EW! Someone take away that man's viagra before he strikes again. LOL, check out Mary Lynn's face ... it looks like she prolly threw up a little in her mouth. [Source]
Um ... what do you suppose is going on in this picture?

Photo credit: Splash News
I actually don't really care what is really going on ... I'm just wondering what it would be like to be in this guy's position. [Source]
Victoria Beckham has a fondness for being flashy, showy and she just loves to be noticed:

Boy, look at how stunning she is in this beautiful red ensemble. I'm totally serious ... utter perfection ... [Source]
... from the front, that is. Check out this UPROARIOUS picture of Victoria Beckham's ginormous bald spot!

Victoria Beckham was apparently not impressed when these pics surfaced. An insider told The Sun: "She was furious when pictures appeared to show her with a bald spot. She wanted it sorted out before the Portugal game." So what did Vic do? She hopped on a plane back to her hairdresser in Blighty to get it sorted. As you would, of course. And the salon owner, Angelo Georghiou, told the paper it cost £1,500. He also revealed her hair is now a lot thicker, and that she never had a bald spot in the first place... Isn't it amazing what a little money, a patch of fake hair and a lot of glue can do for your looks? It was only a matter of time before the cracks started to show in the robot's armor. I'm actually surprised her wires aren't showing yet. [Source]
With all the fanboy love out there surrounding the impending Transformers movie, it's hard to tell what's real and what's not ... here are a few screencaps from fan created footage of Autobot leader Optimus Prime transforming from truck to robot:

Click HERE to check out the footage for yourself. If a fan can create something like this, the movie is gonna rule ... even tho the colors aren't exactly right, the way that he transforms is spot on. Love it! [Source, thanks Lise]
It's been about 5 seconds since my last World Cup update so let's do another. Pink reader Kathryn sends in this AWESOME picture of Portugal player Simão Sabrosa celebrating ... something ... on the soccer field:

Holy moly! I really hope that Portugal scores more goals ... wins more games ... or whatever it was that made Mr. Sabrosa stip off all of his clothes in ecstatic glee. TEAM PORTUGAL! [thanks Kathryn]
And finally, I've gotten a lot messages about the fact that Pink is the new Blog got a little shout-out in the current issue of Vanity Fair magazine. Pink reader Erica was kind enough to provide a scan:

Vanity Fair is some classy shizz ... I am honored by the mention. Thank you all for all the messages ... and much lurve to the Vanity Fair peeps for the shout! XO [thanks Erica]
The News:
- Nelly Furtado has the #1 album in the country this week.
- There's a new "Star" on the couch ... and she's nicer and skinnier than her predecessor.
- Is Spederline moving to Louisiana?
- Paris Hilton is on the prowl again.
- The Brangelina photo thief got caught.
- "I like the idea of [Jack] being ambiguous because women were thought to be bad luck on ships and these pirates would go out for years at a time. So, you know, there is a possibility that one thing might leads to another. You're lonely. You have an extra ration of rum..." -- Johnny Depp
- LOGO programing has landed on iTunes.
- My best friend Sarah is going to pee her pants ... Dylan McKay is having a yard sale?!
- Woot! It's the 10-yearish high school reunion for the West Beverly High Class of 1993.
- The Laguna Beach gays have one last chance to save their hot spot.
- Mena Suvari's got back.
- Jessica Alba says GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
- Star Jones gets wiped off The View website. LOLOLOLOLOL
- Peace the Spork Out goes to Lord of the Rings: The Musical
- Denise Richards moves on ... and away from neighbor Heather Locklear.
- Emilie de Ravin got hitched.
- DJ Shadow is 34, Richard Lewis is 59 and Gary Busey is 62 years old today. Click HERE to see who else is celebrating a birthday today.
- More legal trubs for Jacko.
- Can Superman beat Aquaman? My money's on Aquaman.

Madonna knows how to work ... she tore up that stage like nobody's business. She even strapped on her guitar and rocked out for a bit, too. The place went utterly nuts when she performed I Love New York. She confessed that she "fucked up some of the words" to a few songs and kept "falling down all over the place" but I didn't notice a thing. She proclaimed that she was glad to be "home" and the audience was happy to receive her.
Here is the show setlist:
Future Lovers/I Feel Love
Get Together
Like A Virgin
Interlude: Dancer Confessions
Live to Tell
Forbidden Love
Like It Or Not
Interlude: Sorry remix
I Love New York
Ray of Light
Let It Will Be
Drowned World/Substitute For Love
Paradise (Not For Me)
Interlude: Music/Disco Inferno (Intro)
Music Inferno (with bits of Where's The Party)
You Thrill Me/Erotica
La Isla Bonita
Lucky Star
Hung Up
I was lucky enough to meet a few Pink readers at the show ... actually, quite a lot of Pink readers ... I have to send out lots of lurve to Craig, Rob, Lisa, Shawn and everyone else who came over to say Hey. I managed to get pictures with some Pink readers as well:

I got to say hello to Rosie O'Donnell and her beautiful wife Kelli Carpenter ... and also got pics with Pink readers Lindsay, Alexis and Perry.
As if last night wasn't amazing enough ... David and I were contacted a couple of fairy godmothers named Denise and Angela who have hooked us up with front row seats for tonight's show! I'm seriously dying ... Madonna's people have been so amazing to me and I am very grateful. I can't wait to see the show again!!
OY! We had a long night last night ... and we plan on having an even longer night tonight. Woot! That is all ... I'm out.