Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The actual Harper's Bazaar Britney pictures are ... interesting. I suppose it was very brave for Brit Brit to go nude in the photospread when all she really wants is for the media to leave her alone. I will say, a couple of the pictures looked amazing (particularly the one where she is crouching in the black dress and the one with the netting over her face). Oh Britney, believe it or not, I do love you. Don't ever stop what you're doing! [Source]
Last night the 2006 BET Awards were held in LA and Beyonce was on hand to perform her new single Deja Vu ... and homegirl tore it up on the stage:

Beyonce looked amazing in that silver outfit ... I love the decoration on her legs and her sweet shoes ... Miss Thang looked fierce! [Source]
Unfortch, the same cannot be said for the way B looked backstage in the press room ...

... I realize she was prolly very busy before the awards but I think she could've spent a little more time taking care of her pits. Stray pit hair is tres unappealing. [Source]
Lest you think that Beyonce was the only celeb at the BET Awards, here are a few of the other celebs who showed up for the event:

The state of the upkeep of their armpits is unclear but I'm pretty sure that Rhianna knows how to keep her pits nice and smooth. Janet Jackson was lookin' pretty good (tho, I would've advised that she lighten up on the fake hair a bit). At any rate, click HERE to see full winner's list from last nights awards show ... which reairs on BET this Friday night. [Source]
Oh look, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are having a grand ol' time on their honeymoon in the South Pacific:

Well, I think that they are having a grand ol' time on their honeymoon ... Nicole does look kinda bored in that first pic. With a hottie hubby like Keith, you'd think they'd be too busy indoors to be hanging out outdoors lookin' bored. [Source]
Hee hee ... Star Jones made the surprise announcement yesterday on live TV that she has decided, after much prayer, to leave The View. There have been rumblings since last week that the announcement was coming but no one really expected it to come yesterday (especially surprised where her View costars) ... while it was Star who made the announcement about her departure, it was ABC that made the decision ... they fired her ass:

In the wake of the announcement made by Star Jones Reynolds on Tuesday that she would that she would leave The View in July, her network had a response: Leave now. Indeed, on Wednesday's program, the show's creator, Barbara Walters, said, "We didn't expect her to make this statement yesterday. She gave us no warning," then went on to explain that Jones Reynolds had known "for months" that she would not be returning in the fall, and that the network had given her time to exit the show with "dignity" ... Earlier this week, Jones Reynolds told PEOPLE exclusively, "What you don't know is that my contract was not renewed for the tenth season. I feel like I was fired." She added that she got the news just days before reports surfaced that Rosie O'Donnell -- one of her most vocal critics -- would be joining The View in the fall. BOO! Now y'all know that I am no Star Jones fan (I mean, who is?) but I was kinda looking forward to watching Star go head-to-head with Rosie O'Donnell. Ah, well ... In case you missed it, you can click HERE to watch Star try and make it sound like she is leaving of her own volition. [Source]
Barbara Walters, for her part, says that she feels betrayed by Star Jones' surprise announcement: Walters said she was taken by complete surprise when Reynolds announced her departure after the first commercial break on Tuesday. The announcement had been planned for Thursday, she said ... "I love Star and I was trying to do everything I possibly could -- up until this morning when I was betrayed -- to protect her," Walters told The Associated Press. TEAM BARBARA! My money is on Babs ... I wouldn't want to go up against that old broad. It'll be interesting to see where Star ends up ... thankfully, they're always hiring at McDonald's.
It is all about Superman these days ... check out these pictures of Brandon Routh posing with the new Superman statue at Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum in NYC yesterday afternoon:

Um, I'm not sure which one of these two is more lifeless. At least the wax statue isn't making a dorky face. Hee Hee! [Source]
Speaking of Superman, is celebrating the return of Superman by envisioning which other actors in Hollywood might make good Supermen -- here are some of my faves:

The thought of Jake Gyllenhaal in that supersuit is getting me superexcited. I wouldn't mind seeing Angelina Jolie don the iconic red and blue suit. What do you think ... who do you think would make a good Superman? [Source]
Naomi Campbell is being sued by another employee for another alleged assault. Here are pictures of the Diva Supreme making her grand entrance at the courthouse earlier this week:

I love it ... Naomi always looks amazing when she shows up for these court hearings. Even tho she's smiling on the outside you just know she's dying to beat a beyotch down on the inside. [Source]
A couple of days ago I mentioned that Jessica Simpson invited TV personality Maria Menounos to appear in her video for her new single A Public Affair. Yesterday we saw pictures of Jess with her BFFs Christinas Applegate & Milian and Eva Longoria but there was no sign of Maria. It looks like Miss Menounos got the shaft ...

While the other girls were inside filming the video Maria was outside trying to find out where the party was. LOL ... poor thing. Those Hollywood snots can be so mean. [Source]
Here are a couple pictures of the Pussycat Dolls performing on Top of the Pops in England last weekend:

Eh, there's nothing really that exciting going on ... I'm just bummed that TOTP is going to be cancelled in a few short weeks and I'm trying to show some love. [Source]
Mischa Barton is a very brave woman to go out in public wearing something as ridiculous as a sailor suit ...

... I'm sorry, I meant to say that Mischa Barton is a very dumb woman to go out in public wearing this ridiculous sailor suit. LOL! [Source]
And finally, Tom Cruise is on the cover of the June issue of Arena magazine and since the poor guy hardly ever gets any press, I figured I'd post the pictures so we can all remember what he looks like:

Actually, Tom Cruise is such a publicity whore that I'm just shocked that he hasn't exploited his "baby" Suri Holmes-Cruise yet. I wouldn't be surprised if he has decided to keep "her" under wraps until he has a new movie or project to promote ... that way he has plenty of time to make sure the "baby" he grew in those Scientology science labs doesn't try and escape. [Source]
- Backstreet Boys vow to soldier on without Kevin Richardson.
- NBC learns to use You Tube to its advantage.
- Sleater-Kinney are dunzo.
- Now hear this! Foxy Brown has cured her deafness.
- Playboy magazine wants Ashlee Simpson. Ashlee declines.
- The most popular male internet star is ...
- Jacko is ditching Bahrain for Europe.
- Boy George has to complete his community service ... or go to jail.
- DSquared2 invites you into their locker room.
- What is going on with Madonna's claws of death?
- You, too, can enjoy the joy and wonder of Anna Nicole's pregnancy for the low, low price of $4.99.
- It really sounds like Andy Roddick doth protest too much.
- Katie Cassidy gets the Dallas role that Jessica Simpson was counting on.
- John Cusack is 40, Kathy Bates is 58 and Mel Brooks is 80 years old today. Click HERE to see who else is celebrating a birthday today.
- Whoa! George Clooney is enjoying the company of one of Elvis' girlfriends.
- The Killers take on the Emos.
- Parker Posey talks to New York magazine.

First, let's talk about the positives. Parker Posey as Kitty Kowalski was the best thing in this film. She steals every movie that she appears in and really was the character that I liked best in this film. Her delivery is always perfect and her comic timing is flawless. I loved Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. He really played the evil genius with the right mix of humor and sadism. The special effects in the movie were amazing and the action scenes were really fun but I didn't think there were enough of them to give the movie the zest I was yearning for.
Overall, the whole movie is very slow ... it's sweeping ... it's epic ... and I felt it was too schmaltzy. I'm glad they put in a lot of cute references to the Superman myth (i.e. the "It's a bird, it's a plane ..." bit) but they were few and far between. Smallville handles this sort of thing much better. While the villains were lively and fun ...the heros were stiff and boring. Kate Bosworth is pretty ... but she is no Lois Lane. Margot Kidder really knew how to play Lois with the spunk and attitude required of the character. I never believed that Kate's Lois could do anything other than stare up glossy-eyed at Superman or get tossed around like a rag doll in a falling airplane. Brandon Routh, for his part, was an OK Superman, I suppose. He looks great in the outfit and, more importantly, he looks a lot like Christopher Reeve. Christian Bale's Batman had more charisma than Brandon's Superman ... and this is weird because Batman is supposed to be the more brooding hero of the two.
I didn't hate the movie ... but I didn't love it either. Personally, I found it very slow and very ... cheesey ... there was too much floating around for my taste. I like my Superman rushing into action rather than floating across rooftops. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of action and Superman does save the day a lot but ... I dunno ... it just didn't do it for me. Did anyone else think that Lois' son Jason was completely wasted as a character? I kept waiting for him to do something cool (besides the piano thing) and ... nothing. Can someone explain to me how Superman managed to have the strength to lift that entire Kryptonite continent and hurl it into space when he couldn't even stand on that same Kryptonite continent? That bit gets a big poop sandwich from me.
I'm sure many people will love this film ... and that's great. I'm not gonna lie, I'm prolly gonna see it again at the IMAX in 3D. Maybe I'll like it more the second time around?
Oy ... I've been having computer probs all day long ... I'm gonna try and get this thing fixed ... OH, and I've got a date with Madonna tonight :)
That is all ... I'm out.