PINK is the new BLOG
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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sleep Talking

Pink reader L sent in this promo picture from Kevin Federline's acting debut on the CBS hit show CSI ... I feel it is my duty to remind you all that this episode of CSI, titled Fannysmackin', featuring Kevin Federline who plays the role of "punk" will air on October 12th:

I would feel horrrrrible if any of you missed out seeing K-Fed's acting debut. You can thank me later. [thanks L]

Hold the damn phone ... what is going on here ... who is this unauthorized girl hanging out with Jake Gyllenhaal in NYC? I'm not sure I'm down with this behavior, Jake:

They look pretty damn chummy, if you ask me. See, this is what happens when Matthew McConaughey and Lance Armstrong let him out of their sight. Someone's gonna hafta have a talk with the lad. [Source]

Yeah, no wonder Jake is left to hang out with any ol' person back in NY, Matthew is too bizzy chillin' out here in LA ... apparently, dental hygiene is way more important than keepin' an eye on Jakey poo:

With that scraggly beard, Matthew looks like a psychopath ... but if you take off his head he looks pretty damn hot. Why come we can't have the whole hot package? [Source]

Yikes! What happened to our dear, sweet Lindsay Lohan? When did she find the time to procure an extra chin?

Geeze ... and it's a fuzzy extra chin at that. She must be taking her break-up with Harry Morton really hard. The poor lamb ... I don't think she's ever been this single for so long ... no wonder those cheesecakes are starting to look appealing. [Source]

It should go without saying that Linds obvs doesn't really have a double hair chin for real ... that these pics were just taken at an unfortunate angle ... but sometimes some people make much ado about nothing.

Check out the cutest picture of Gavin Rossdale you'll prolly ever see in your whole entire life ...

Little Kingston James looks just like his daddy. Don't they make the cutest couple ever? [Source]

Speaking of daddys, Papa Joe Simpson managed to eff up his beautiful Ferrari over the weekend by parking it on a railing:

Not only am I totally grossed out that Papa Joe is tooling around town in a Ferrari but I'm mortified that he could be so careless with such a beautiful car. Do you suppose he treats all of his belongings as carelessly? Nah ... he actually treats the car better than he treats his daughters ... [Source]

... which brings me to Miss Ashlee Simpson -- she is enjoying mostly acclaim for her portrayal of Roxie Hart in the West End production of Chicago the musical ... unfortch, tho, some plastic-looking imposter is going around pretending to be Ashlee Simpson:

That can be the only explanation for who this chick is. She hardly even looks like Ashlee ... we know she got herself a new nose but did she do something to her eyes, cheeks and chin? She really looks great ... well, great for being mostly fake. You know, she should get Lindsay in touch with her plastic surgeon so that she can lose one of her chins ... then maybe Lindsay will score a theater role as well. It's a beautiful thing when Hollywood "It" Girls help one another out. [Source]

OOOOOOOOH and by the way ... I have to send out Birthday Lurve to Ashlee ... she turns 22 years old today:

I'm not sure what's left on Ashlee's wishlist, but hopefully she'll be able to add a pair of larger boobs to her collection. I can see that gift coming from Papa Joe. Pretty soon people will forget all about her big sister ... er, whatever her name is ... and Ashlee will be the sole superstar of the Simpson clan. Happy Birthday, Ash! [thanks Kacey]

Gnarls Barkley continue to wreak havoc upon the world with their crazy live shows ... here are pictures of the band rockin' their gladiator ensembles at their recent show at The Tabernacle:

Gnarls have already begun on work on their sophomore album but still have a few songs to milk from their debut album. Click above to watch the new video for their song Gone Daddy Gone. The vid is a little bit A Bug's Life and a lotta bit You Might Think by The Cars. It's gross and cute all at the same time. [Source, Source]

Victoria Beckham is featured in the November issue of Harper's Bazaar Australia magazine ... here are the pics:

I have to admit that she doesn't look half bad in these photos. The pouty silicone lips and perky silicone boobs don't look too garish or obscene. Her pointy bones have been Photoshopped to smooth perfection. It's a simple photoshoot ... dare I say, a more natural look for Posh than we are used to seeing. She doesn't even really look like a robot in these pics ... even tho she is absolutely and totally a robot. [Source]

And finally, my BFF Sarah got to spend some time with my dear, sweet Zakiya and she posted some pictures on her My Space profile ... OMG ... I'm totally dying ... these are the cutest pictures ever:

LOL! Sarah thinks that Z looks like a Jawa from Star Wars in the first pic, but I think she looks more like a Jedi. This baby is cute, y'all. I'm going home to Detroit this weekend for a wedding and I'll be staying at Tracey's place so that I can hang out with Baby Z as much as possible. Woot! [thanks Sarah]

Les News:
I spent the afternoon in Santa Monica yesterday. I finally found a shirt to wear for the wedding this weekend. I decided to wear the suit that I got for the Grammys earlier this year to Angi's wedding. Even tho I *loathe* dressing up, I suppose it's worth it for this occasion. Besides ... the suit is hot and should be worn at least one more time. I found a creperie on the Thrid St. Promenade and popped in for a quick snack. I really miss the freshly made crepes in Paris but this one wasn't too bad. Ahh ... c'est la vie!

Last night Jim, Davey and I went out for dinner and then a movie (finally). We decided to see the Michel Gondry film The Science of Sleep:

From the looks of the previews, I kinda had a feeling that the movie would look like a long Bjork video but I was happy to discover that it is much more than that. Gael Garcia Bernal is superb in this role ... he really got the character and played him perfectly, I felt. His co-star Charlotte Gainsbourg was so utterly charming ... I think she was my fave part of the whole movie. Without giving too much away, the movie basically is about the ambiguity that comes with falling in love with someone ... do you really know if someone loves you? Do you really know if they get you? The animated sequences were just great ... really cute, really inventive and creative ... but really, you'd expect nothing less from director Michel Gondry. Davey didn't like it, Jim absolutely loved it ... and I really enjoyed it. There is so much to see and decipher that I think I'll need to see it again to take it all in. This is definitely one of those movies you can see repeatedly and still gain new insight each time.

It's artsy (there are a lot of sub-titles, in at least 3 different languages) ... so if you like straight-forward flicks, this prolly isn't for you. But if you love creativity and wonder ... I think you may like it as much as I did. If you've seen the movie, click HERE to download desktop wallpapers of all of Stephane's paintings.

Tonight ... I'm planning on seeing my boy Gabe and his band Cobra Starship play a show at The Knitting Factory here in LA. It's gonna be hot!

That is all ... I'm out.

PS: OMFG!!! I just watched the full premiere episode of House of Carters and I'm just flabbergasted! Please tell me you watched it ... and if you missed it ... catch the repeat. The fight betwixt Nick and Aaron where the Paris Hilton stuff comes up ... BEST.TV.EVER. I cannot believe the level of dysfunction in this family -- and they're willing to air it all on national TV? I just sat there slack-jawed as it all transpired. Um ... yeah ... this show is basically what reality TV was invented for.



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