PINK is the new BLOG
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Friday, November 24, 2006

Death Springs Eternal

I'm sure all y'all are sufficiently stuffed from all that Thanksgiving goodness yesterday ... some of you are prolly cruiseazy enough to venture out for a day of shopping today. I, for one, am planning on staying as far away from any malls or stores as possible ... I'll prolly just chill for the rest of the day. But before the chillin' comes the gossin' ... let's get to it ...

Kevin Federline returned home to California this week for the first time since he discovered that Britney Spears filed for divorce from him while he was out on tour. We all know that he played a very special show at the House of Blues here in LA on Wednesday night ... and apparently, according to THIS Britney Spears fan site, K-Fed returned to his Britney's Malibu home:

Ha! I wouldn't be surprised if he found that he was erased from the estate logs and had a hard time getting in ... shoot, I wouldn't be surprised if he found all the locks had been changed. But I'm sure that he had no problem gaining access to his once-home, if only because Britney took pity on him and allowed him to pick up a few things. I wonder what it was like for the once-proud K-Fed to rummage around that empty manse taking in all that he has lost seemingly overnight. I bet it's really hard saying goodbye to a closet full of kicks and a garage full of whips. It is a little sad. [Source]

In happier news, here are more pictures of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt zipping around Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam as night began to settle upon them last night ...

Instead of stuffing themselves with turkey and all the fixins', Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie spent Thanksgiving cruising around Ho Chi Minh City on a motorbike. Pitt was spotted driving the motorbike through the city center with Jolie perched on the seat behind him Thursday in a country where virtually everyone travels on the two-wheeled machines. The couple later dined at a popular Vietnamese restaurant converted from an old temple. Pitt and Jolie arrived unannounced in Vietnam after an earlier surprise visit this week to Cambodia where on Wednesday they toured a former Khmer Rouge death camp, which is now a genocide museum. The 31-year-old actress, who has an adopted son from Cambodia, also met with officials to discuss a forest conservation project in the country's northwest near Pailin, a former Khmer Rouge stronghold. She has pledged up to $1.3 million over five years for the program. Even tho we've yet to determine what the exact nature of this trip to Vietnam is all about, I imagine there has to be some humanitarian aspect to it. While it's possible that they are in Vietnam purely on holiday, it seems likely that they've got a few good deed scenarios on their agenda. Superheroes rarely take vacations. [Source]

But while Superheroes don't vacation, the same cannot be said for royalty. Here are a few amazing pictures of Prince Harry chillin' on a canoe in Namibia with his girlfriend Chelsey Davey on the Orange River. Um ... are you kidding me? Shirtless and wet? Yes, please:

Looking more in love than ever, besotted Prince Harry sets sail on a romantic river cruise with his very own African Queen. The 22-year-old Prince has been holidaying with his girlfriend, Chelsy Davy, in Namibia during a break from training with The Household Cavalry. Travelling in a two-man Mohawk canoe, the couple have been paddling by day along the picturesque Orange River, occasionally stopping off to swim in the clear blue water and picnic ... Their week-long holiday has come as a welcome relief for army officer Harry, who has spent the last three weeks on an intensive training exercise in Scotland to prepare for possible deployment to Iraq ... But even his preparations for war couldn't prevent the prince jetting off for a romantic trip with stunning Chelsy, his girlfriend of two years, last week. What better way to prepare for military deployment than with a half-nekkid jaunt down an African river with your lady love. Personally, I could do without the "lady love" part but I can't fault the lad for doing his thang. As long as we keep getting pics like these ... he can do pretty much whatever he wants. [Source, Source]

Salma Hayek caused quite a stir at a recent press conference where she was answering questions about the hit ABC show that she produces, Ugly Betty. Here are a few pictures of Salma giving the press corp in attendance ample stuff to talk about:

Wowza! Even I would have a hard time focusing on the matter at hand with all that cleavage goin' on. ¡Ay, caramba! [Source]

Here are a few pictures of Jennifer Lopez on the set of her new music video Que Hiciste from her new all Spanish-language album Como Ama Una Mujer:

Yeah, that's a whole lotta Spanish that I'm throwing around here ... but I gots ta give it up for my Latinoids. J. Lo looks amazing in these pictures. It'll be great to have new music from her even if it'll be in a language that, sadly, I'm not at all proficient in. It'll be great to have La Diva Latina back on the scene. [Source]

Well now ... look who went out on another date this week ... could it be that Kristin Cavallari and Nick Zano are officially a thing?

It might be a bit too early to name these two but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. They do make a pretty pair. If Nick is already letting Kristin dress him then she's got him pretty much wrapped. If Nick dressed himself in this sweater-vest outfit ... well, maybe Kristin has some cause for concern. [Source]

In other has-been Laguna Beach news, Jason Wahler refuses to slink away into oblivion. The recently (twice) arrested hanger-on has found a hanger-on of his own. Here are pictures of J-Wahl and a new lady friend:

I don't think he quite gets it ... you have to date up the social ladder not off it. I don't think this girl is anyone famous (tho she does look like the manliest Pussycat Doll) so I don't see what the attraction can be. Maybe she's the one who bailed him out of jail? In any regard, I have to ask myself ... why am I still talking about them? [Source]

What do you suppose Wilmer Valderamma is thinking as he poses in this picture with Dina Lohan and Ali Lohan (his ex-girlfriend Lindsay Lohan's mother and little sister, respectively)?

One Lohan down, two more to go? [Source]

Here are yet even more pictures from inside the overly-hyped wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes which I'm only posting because A.) they look like they were taken with a camera phone (and I kinda think it's awesome that an invited guest might've snapped these pics on down-low -- perhaps Victoria Beckham with her D&G Gold Motorola RAZR???) and, B.) I like seeing what Katie Holmes looks like drunk:

Actually, it really looks like TomKat had a great time at their wedding. One would hope that they are happily married and end up living a very normal life together ... with many more fake robot babies to come. [Source]

Alyson Hannigan and her home are featured in the new issue of In Style magazine ... here are a few scans from that issue:

Aly is so cute! Y'all know I've been a fan of hers since the Buffy days (actually, because of the Buffy days) so I love keeping up with what's going on in her life. I love that she would open up her home so that we can see how she lives. I also love that she can't seem to show off her home without also opening up her mouth. The only picture in the set where she isn't opening wide is the picture where she's kissing her dog -- once can assume because the dog wouldn't let her open-mouth kiss him/her. Ah well, she's still cute. [Source]

Lindsay Lohan is on the cover of the French magazine L'Officiel which, according to Alta Vista's Babel Fish online translator Pink reader Elizabeth, translates in English to "the authority" (I knew a Pink reader would help out with the translation) ... here's the cover artwork:

Now ... I'm just asking ... but why does it look like Lindsay has a bandage wrapped around her left wrist? I'm sure it's supposed to be some "cool" wrist-bracelet or something but the first thing I thought of was THIS. [Source]

Pictures from the 2007 Pirelli Calendar are making the rounds and I have to say that I quite like how the subjects came out this year. I balked a bit when I heard that Sophia Loren would be featured amongst the other scantily dressed women in the new calendar but, from what I've seen so far, she looks pretty amazing:

Both Penelope Cruz and Naomi Watts also appear in the '07 calendar, themed A Bed and Five Stories, alongside Sophia. Now that's pretty hot ... [Source]

... but, IMHO, not quite as hot as the 2007 Naked Rugby League calendar which features a whole lotta smokin' hot rugby player dudes ... including calendar coverboy Michael Witt who plays for the New Zealand Warriors:

We Americans are severly lacking in appreciating all the rugby hotness out there. We already miss out on most of the soccer hotness but it seems criminal that we don't get to enjoy the rugbyness. Wooooot! Props to all you Aussies and Kiwis out there ... y'all got a good thing going, I hope you appreciate it. [Source]

Les News:
I ain't gonna lie, I spent most of yesterday on my couch in front of the TV and faded in and out of napping as the day progressed. I had my MacBook laptop (tho, hardly touched), my remote control, my cell phone and my book all within reach so I really didn't see the need to really get up off the couch. Now that's a Thanksgiving for ya!

But, I did eventually get up and off the couch (well after dark) because I had to eat and I decided to catch a movie ... I ended up choosing The Fountain:

Because I am a huge Darren Aronofsky fan I was really excited to see this film. Both Pi and Requiem for a Dream are such amazing films that I had high hopes for The Fountain. While I wouldn't say that The Fountain is quite as good as either of his other 2 films, I think this one has merit and is worth seeing. It's an artsy film, as is his style, but this one seems to indulge in that artsyness all the more. While his other two films are frantic and manic this one is slow-building and extremely lush. The scenes in space (or wherever Hugh Jackman's character was when he was floating around with that tree) are very slow-paced. There seemed to be a theme of stars and geometric shapes ... lots of circles (which I think fit into the movie's underlying theme that eternity is cyclical -- or something like that). The other over-riding theme dealt with death ... death as a means of gaining true eternal life (which I think is supposed to be ironic). Yeah, I liked the movie but that doesn't meant that I quite understood it all. I loved that Aronofsky cast the excellent Ellen Burstyn in this flim (she played Jared Leto's unfortunate mother in Requiem) and that he enlisted Clint Mansell to score the film and the Kronos Quartet to perform that score (again, an amazing team that helped make Requiem a great film). As much as I liked the movie, I don't think it's for everyone. It's slow ... a bit confusing and ends unexpectedly and without much explanation. I can see how a movie-goer would be annoyed by this. If you liked Aronofsky's other work you might like this one too ... it's not quite in the same vein as the others but I found myself really enjoying the movie overall.

As I mentioned earlier, I ain't doing much today. I want to try and get thru my book and then we'll see what else comes my way. Truth be told, I'd be happy just staying in. It turns out that I will be doing a bit of traveling over the next few weeks (ugh -- I know -- exactly what I planned on not doing) so I think I'll just enjoy my apt. alone time as much as I can.

Have a great weekend ... don't get killed out in those malls. I am out.



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