PINK is the new BLOG
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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Slippery When Waxed

While I question the wisdom of entering into a new romantic relationship while undergoing intense therapy while living in an in-house rehabilitation facility I must admit that I'm not at all surprised that that appears to be what Britney Spears is doing -- at least according to some guy we've never heard of before. Rocker Jason Filyaw of the band RIVA (which I've also never heard of before) claims that he and Britney have started a new "very spiritual" relationship while attending AA meetings together -- which, of course, is the story he's telling anyone who will listen. Yeah, that sounds about right. Here is what this Jason Filyaw looks like:

Britney Spears' newest rumored boyflavor of the month, Jason Filyaw, admits that he and Brit have been "growing very close" since their "special" relationship began, and even used the L-word to descibe his feelings for her. In an exclusive interview with TMZ, Filyaw, self-described as "very spiritual," would neither confirm nor deny that he is dating Spears, but admitted, "I love her, I support her 100% and we are close." Filyaw, who's been attending AA meetings with Spears, also revealed that he is helping Britney with the spiritually "deep" part of her recovery. Filyaw claims that he and Britney did not meet in AA. He reveals that they "go back" to 2003 when they met in the same recording studio in NYC. Apparently these friends (again, from a guy we've never heard or seen before) stayed in contact and reconnected recently in AA. Huh. Well, I personally won't believe it until we get confirmation from Britney (or at the very least they are photographed together) but it's not a hard story to believe. This Jason dude is a bit of a step down from Isaac Cohen so I really hope it's not true ... but well ... Brit doesn't really have a great track record picking the quality men. Click HERE to check out homeboy's My Space profile to see what Our Dear Brintey is getting herself into. [Source, Source]


Okay, okay ... I admit that last night's episode of Lost was pretty good (much better than the last few eps, that's for sure) mainly because we got some pertinent information to chew on. The revelation that Claire is really Jack's sister wasn't a shock at all ... but it is shocking to see how suspiciously Locke is acting lately:

Screencaptures courtesy of Lost Media

While I wasn't at all surprised by the news that Claire and Jack have the same father, I was surprised to see that Claire used to be a goth kid. I think I like her with the jet black hair. Anyways ... we suspected that Jack and Claire were related last season when, in Anna Lucia's flashback, we saw daddy Shepherd visit a single mom and daughter in Australia -- the daughter looked a lot like Claire and the inference was that he was the dad. Last night's ep confirmed that suspicion -- good new information. The bit with the birds seemed a little silly to me ... even sillier was the notion that a wild bird was going to kill Charlie if Desmond didn't intervene. LOL. I know Claire's bird idea won't work out the way she intends ... but I suspect something will come of that note/bird thing. SO ... what is up with Locke? All the suspicious looks he was throwing around and didn't it seem like he was trying to keep Russian dude Mikhail dude quiet and that's why he got guinea pigged into that fence? I'm sure Locke will have a great excuse for having all that C-4 explosive in his bag but I know we're supposed to suspect that he blew up that monitoring station on purpose. Are we just being fooled or is he really up to something? This is the classic Lost that I've been craving all season. Also, I loved the ending ... Kate seeing Jack playing football with the Others was a nice little twist at the end. This new complication is sure to be interesting as the season winds down. Last night's ep was great ... if only the rest of the eps will be just as satisfying. [Source]

Here are pictures of Angelina Jolie and her first child Maddox Jolie-Pitt as they arrived in Vietnam earlier this week to pick up her new adopted son from a local orphanage ... unfortch, Maddox doesn't look too happy that there will be a new Jolie-Pitt added to the family:

On the downside, Maddox has to contend with a new kid who'll need all sorts of attention, not to mention a new claim to the Jolie-Pitt fortune. On the upside, Maddox will have a brother to ally with in order to thwart the sister's, Zahara and Shiloh, attempt to conquer the world. I think he should see this new kid as a positive ... not only will he have a new ally but he'll have a younger ally that he can manipulate and control as he sees fit. See, there's an upside to every situation. [Source]

So, let's meet this new kid, shall we? Here is our first look at Pham Quang Sang who has been renamed Pax Thien Jolie -- the newest member of the Brangelina Bunch:

Angelina Jolie is a proud new mom once again, now that her adoption of a 3-year-old Vietnamese boy is official, Jolie's rep tells PEOPLE exclusively. The boy's name is Pax Thien Jolie, born in November 2003, according to the orphanage where he has lived. His name means Peaceful Sky – Pax is peace in Latin and Thien is sky in Vietnamese. Jolie's rep says she took custody of the child on Thursday in Vietnam. They will remain in the country for about a week while the child's American passport is processed, the rep says. The boy had been living at the Tam Binh orphanage outside Ho Chi Minh City ever since he was abandoned at a hospital as a baby, according to adoption officials. Shortly after he arrived at the facility, staff attempted to locate his birth parents, but to no avail ... "Brad very much wanted to be there but is under contract working on a film in Los Angeles and as a result couldn't go," Trevor Neilson, Jolie's adviser on international affairs, tells PEOPLE ... Because Vietnamese law makes it difficult for unmarried couples to adopt, Jolie applied solo – but she and Pitt together will welcome their new Vietnamese child to their family, which along with Maddox includes Zahara, 2, and 10-month-old Shiloh. The adoption was a "process that began shortly after Shiloh was born [in May]," a source told PEOPLE in a recent cover story. And so ... the Brangelina Empire expands, yet again. There is no denying that Angelina picks out the cutest kids to make her own ... and doesn't it kinda feel like this little boy has hit the jackpot? I'm sure that Ange and Brad will take very good care of this new child of theirs ... as for the siblings, well, it remains to be seen how he will be accepted by them. If I were him, I'd stay on Zahara's good side -- she's the one with all the power, the one pulling all the strings. He'd be wise to heed my warning. [Source, Source]

Last night, here in Hollywood, Max Factor threw its very first fashion show which benefited the amazing charity Clothes Off Our Back. Paying homage to and showcasing designs by the hottest, up-and-coming fashion designers, Max Factor threw a great and very fun fashion show ... with all the designs, worn by some of the hottest Hollywood "It" Girls, being donated to the Clothes Off Our Back Foundation which auctions off celebrity fashions in order to raise money for needy children worldwide. Here are some photos from last night's runway:

All the girls looked amazing. My girl Kristin Cavallari and Denise Richards looked the most fab, in my opinion. Kristin Bell and Autumn Reeser (from The OC) also looked amazing ... Autumn especially in that great suit-like outfit. [Source]

Carmen Electra was host of the fashion show ... and made sure to warn the models to be careful on the runway because it was very slippery ... unfortch, Carmen was the first one to slip and fall -- tho she did so gracefully and after all the other models did a successful lap on the runway ...

... Alison Sweeney, notsomuch, she almost did a faceplant onto the ground as she came out to help Carmen up off the ground. Click HERE to watch video of the mishap from Extra. Despite this little snafu, the rest of the show went off without a hitch. From what I understand, it was Kristin Cavallari's brills idea to have the models take off their shoes for the rest of the show. The event was really fun and I *loved* that the whole thing benefited the Clothes Off Our Back charity. All of the designs worn in the show will be available for auction ... so if you see something you like, you can own it for yourself. I was very fortunate enough to attend this fashion show (taking Jim and his lovely mother, who is in town visiting for a few days, as my guests) and I had a great time ... more on that, plus my personal pics at the end of the post. [Source]

Okay ... moving on ... here are a few amazing photos of the hot and headbandless Ryan Reynolds as he does a little grocery shopping:

Photo credit: Splash News

I think the cap is a much better alternative to the headband. Now, can we just pause for a moment to admire those arms? Le sigh. [Source]

Here are pictures of another Ryan, this one Seacrest, as he works out with a buddy:

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

It's unclear exactly what he's working out and for what purpose but ... well, I suppose you can draw your own conclusions. It looks like Ryan is getting his body all ready for ... something. I wonder what he's up to. [Source]

Here are a few photos of the reunited, Robbie Williams-less boy band Take That as they perform on the Aussie TV show Sunrise in Sydney:

Photo credit: Splash News

Um ... the boys really look as if they've been well fed ... well, at least Mark Owen and Gary Barlow don't look like they've missed any meals. I always find it so strange to see reunited groups trying to look like they did in their youth when obviously they look nothing like they did in their youth. LOL. [Source]

Bill Clinton was lookin' all fly and pimp and shizz as he met up with his daughter Chelsea for dinner in NYC this week:

Photo credit: Splash News

The man is dope, y'all. He has got to be the coolest former prez around. [Source]

One of the Olsens (I won't even venture a guess as to which one, I oftentimes get it wrong) was snapped trying to look all inconspicuous as she tried to hide herself underneath her coat ... which is usually how the Olsens are snapped when they are snapped:

Photo credit: Mavrix

If she's so intent on hiding away from the paparazzi, it might've been a better idea to climb inside that ridiculously enormous bag that she's carrying and have her friend cart her around. What the hell could she possibly be carrying in that bag that it needs to be so big? I wonder what hidden secrets she's got hidden away in there. [Source]

Courteney Cox-Arquette is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of LA Confidential magazine:

The "mud look" goes well with Courteney's current show on FX called Dirt. So clever, thos magazine peeps. [Source]

Reese Witherspoon is all rainbows and butterflies on the cover of the new issue of Harper's Bazaar magazine:

I'm not usually a fan of mags that give me sugar shock (er, this coming from a dude who slaps hot pink stars on everything), but Reese looks truly happy in this pic. I do heart her. [Source]

Fergie Ferg shows off her lovely lady lumps in the new issue of Maxim magazine:

No doubt about it ... Fergie has got a bangin' bod. It's nice that she doesn't look particularly mannish in these pics either. [Source]

Are you ready for the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie for Film?

I know I am ... I can't wait to see what those geniuses at Cartoon Network come up with to promote this film. If they're willing to cause a bomb scare merely for a new season of the TV show, I can't even imagine what they've got up their sleeves for the release of their first movie. [Source]

And finally, the good folks at VH1 aren't quite finished milking the Flavor of Love cash cow just yet ... they've just announced the next installment of the FOL saga -- Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School:

This time around, some of our fave Flavor of Love contestants return to try and learn how to clean up their images in a reality show version of etiquette school hosted by the fun comedienne Mo'Nique. "Upon meeting them, Mo'Nique lets them know that their Flavor of Love stardom has also turned them into walking punchlines. "America wasn't laughing with you," she tells them, "they were laughing at you." Under Mo's tutelage, the Flavor of Love cast-offs will be trained in proper etiquette and have their social skills challenged to test their self-confidence, composure and grace. The one left standing will receive a $50,000 prize." Ha! It's an inventive idea, that's for sure ... but will it be a success? Well, that remains to be seen. The last season of FOL started out with one of the contestants pooping onto the floor -- so Charm School has got a lot to measure up to. Click HERE to see a list of the Charm School contestants. [Source]

Les News:
So, as I mentioned above, Jim, his mom and I were guests at the Max Factor fashion show at Social Hollywood last night. None of us had ever been to a fashion show before so we were very excited to go. The whole thing was pretty cool ... and the runway looked really shiny -- which led to the slipping mishaps, but over all it was a great success. Here are a few of the pics that I took from my seat:

Click HERE to watch a short vid that I shot of the models doing their final walk on the runway to end the show. We all had a great time. Rachel Bilson, Miss USA Tara Conner, Drew Fuller (from Charmed) and Project Runway winner Jeffrey Sebelia were all in the audience (a couple of Jeffery's designs were in the show actually). I got to meet both Jeffery and MY GIRL Kristin Cavallari at the after party. Jeffery was really very cool, gracious and very humble ... Kristin was amazing. She was so sweet to me, insisting that I sit for a bit with her and her friends. I didn't want to impose but we did get to chat for a little bit. She revealed that some genius thought it would be a good idea to wax the runway right before the models came out -- yeah, bad idea. She also told me that this was only the second fashion show she'd ever appeared in ... but you wouldn't know it by watching her work it on the runway. I just had a blast! I really wanted to stay and party all night but David had just arrived at my apartment around the time the after party got started so we couldn't stay long ... I had to get home to see my boo.

Wee ... David is here, the weather is amazing and we are going to go enjoy it together. Have a great day, y'all ... I am out!



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