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Saturday, April 07, 2007

Home Style

I'm not sure what you've got planned for this fine Easter weekend but it appears that Britney Spears has interesting plans ... plans that may involve a non-evasive type of liposuction -- er, at least according to The Sun:

BRITNEY SPEARS seems to be cheating in her bid to get fit for her comeback. The Toxic singer has had trouble shifting those last few blobby bits after giving birth to sons SEAN PRESTON and JAYDEN JAMES. So she decided to Do Somethin' about it and nipped to see a liposuction specialist in Las Vegas. The Advanced Lipo Dissolve centre specialises in a non evasive treatment of a series of injections which claim to permanently dissolve fat. It sounds painful and Britney looked a bit tender as her minder helped her on with her jacket. Britney has been undergoing strict dance training in studios in LA. I'm not sure how much I really believe this ... it's not so much that I don't believe that Britney would go thru a procedure like this, I just don't believe it actually works. This new form of "liposuction" (which involves no suction at all) sounds like it works about as good as that headache pain medication Head-On. Perhaps they should call it Fat-Off -- Apply directly to your Muffin Top, Apply directly to your Muffin Top, Apply directly to your Muffin Top, Apply directly to your Muffin Top. [Source]

UPDATE: Dr. Tony Youn, of Dr. 90210 fame (and a good friend from Michigan), verifies on his blog that this lipo-injection treatment not only isn't FDA approved but it hardly ever works: Lipodissolve is a trade name for a type of mesotherapy. This is a controversial technique pioneered in Europe some 50 years ago which claims to reduce fat and improve cellulite through dozens (sometimes hundreds) of injections with small needles. Non-invasive it is not ... There are a couple physicians who perform mesotherapy in my area, although none of them are board-certified plastic surgeons. The one who does the most is an ER physician who is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. In my practice I have seen probably ten patients who've had mesotherapy prior to seeing me, and all but one saw no improvement after over $1000 of treatment and were therefore consulting for liposuction. One patient, a male, did appear to have improvement in the fat below his neck, however. Hopefully Britney will be one of those in whom it actually works... Indeed!

Kingston James may be the coolest kid in Hollywood ... he deffo has one of the coolest moms, that's for sure. Check out these insanely cute pics of Gwen Stefani and little Kingston lookin' cool as can be:

LOL! So cute. The little faux hawk makes him look like a girl ... irregardless -- the kid is cute as hell. [Source]

Speaking of cuteness ... check out these pictures of Mary-Kate Olsen out on a date with her current boyfriend Max Snow at a New York Rangers hockey game earlier this week:

At last, there can be peace in the forest. Elves and Ogres united in love. It's a precious sight. [Source]

"Was it a face that invaded your mind? A kind that wasn't hard to find? She lets you think that you found her first ... That's how she works ... Her sick and twisted gypsy curse ...":

I'm not exactly sure who Hilary Duff is singing about on the song Gypsy Woman from her new album Dignity (rumors have been running rampant that the song is about Nicole Richie [the Hollywood "It" Girl who famously loves to wear scarves and lots of jewelry and who is currently dating Hilary's ex-boyfriend Joel Madden] but Hilary contends that that song is not about Nicole but about the woman who was involved with her father which lead to her parents' separation) but I suppose it could be about Paris Hilton ... or a woman like Paris Hilton ... or not. You know ... whatev. Actually, Gypsy Woman is one of my fave songs off Hilary's new album ... the music is fun and the mystery surrounding he song's origins makes it all the more intriguing. [Source]

From what I understand, Prince Harry is supposed to be deployed to Iraq to fight in the war at any moment ... but lately, all we've seen of Harry is drunken partying and vacationing ... like these new pics of His Royal Harryness gettin' some sun in Barbados:

Photo credit: Splash News

I'm not sure that all soldiers get to spend so much of their free time on the beach but I guess it's just another one of those super-awesome perks that comes from being a solider from the Royal Family. [Source]

New York (nee Tiffany Patterson) may have chosen Tango to be the love of her life on the season finale of the VH1 reality game show I Love New York but it looks like her mother, Sister Patterson, ended up with a prize of her own -- Whiteboy:

Now, I know that they guys who were competing for New York's affections would do pretty much anything they could to try and win but ... if Whiteboy showed Sister Patterson a little "extra attention" just so that she would put in a good word for him then I must salute the lad. It appears that he went above and WAY BEYOND the bounds of taste just to try and win ... and then he lost. LOL. [Source]

Here is a quick follow-up to an item in yesterday's post ... Pink reader Justin appears to have found that the mysterious dude who had a movie date with Lance Bass earlier this week on My Space:

The lad's name is Joe and his interests include, Movies, beach, playing with Lemmiwinks, traveling, going out, hanging out with friends, tivo, your mom. His My Space profile also lists his status as "In a relationship" so who knows exactly what his affiliation with Lance is. They're prolly just friends but well, I guess you never know. [Source, thanks Justin]

Tori Amos is introducing a new member of her American Doll Posse each week until her album is released in May. This week she introduces us to Clyde:

Clyde, who draws from Persephone, wears her emotional wounds on her sleeve, but remains idealistic. She is looking at the effects of not being a whole person. She is trying to figure out what she believes in and she is dealing with having been disappointed in her life. Clyde's blog has been officially revealed HERE and the song Bouncing Off Clouds, which is sung by the Clyde character, can be streamed online HERE. [Source]

Mandy Moore graces the cover and pages of the new issue of Elle magazine:

She looks so purdy. I love the blown out hair and the smoky make-up. I've been able to preview her new album Wild Hope and I absolutely love it. Her song Extraordinary (which can be streamed at her official My Space profile) has been playing constantly on my iPod. It's a hot song ... so much good music out lately! [Source]

And finally, it's time for this week's batch of pictures sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- Sharon sends in a cute pic of her pooch enjoying some Matzah this fine Passover weekend -- Rachel, Rebecca and Linda send in a great picture from their Passover Seder dinner earlier this week -- Cherish and Melissa from San Diego, CA chillin' with the Easter Bunny -- Joline, Katie and Melissa at the recent Kansas City Royals home opener game -- John-David and his friends from Cornell University who spent their Spring Break in the Virgin Islands just to give a shout to Anna Nicole Smith:

I absolutely love this week's batch of awesome and very timely photos. Whether you celebrate Passover or Easter (or neither), I hope y'all have a great, fun weekend. Thank you, again, for your amazing pictures ... as always, it means so much to me that y'all chose to include PITNB in your celebratory fun. XOXO

Les News:
I am currently writing this post from David's childhood bedroom (there are glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to the ceiling and Mickey Mouse & Thundercats stickers applied everywhere) while the family is getting things ready for the Passover Seder dinner this evening. David and I arrived at his folks' place last night and spent the evening eating and catching everybody up on his recent traveling adventures. It's chilly here but the sun is out and shining. It should be a great day.

I hope y'alls weekends are just as cheery ... have a great one! I'm out.



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