Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Phat Camp

Photo credit: Splash News & INFdaily
If a gentle California breeze can almost whip a wig off the girl's head don't you think it's a bad idea that she drive around town with the top down on her convertible? I just know that one day one of her brand new wigs is going to fly right off her head and land in the middle of traffic ... and then will mysteriously appear on eBay. I hope it's a cute one at least. [Source, Source]
Here is a picture of Britney and her cousin Allie parked in her car, this time with the top up, while one of them is changing little Sean Preston's diaper:

Photo credit: INFdaily
Apparently, this is news. At least Britters had the foresight to have her bodyguard cover up the windshield so that the pesky paparazzi wouldn't be able to snap a pic of her son sans diaper ... cuz you know they'd be sprawled all over her hood trying to get the pic. [Source]
In other Britney news, new photos of Jayden James have hit the InterWeb and he looks exactly like Sean Preston except smaller. As far as can be determine from the grainy pics posted on BreatheHeavy.com, little Jayden doesn't look freaky or anything so we're still unsure why Britney has been keeping him under wraps for so long.
24 is limping towards its season finale and they are really doing their best trying to make the remaining hours interesting. Now, I love the show very much but it feels like there are just too many hours in the day to make this season really bring the excitement home ... and there is still a 2-hour season finale left to air next week. But, solider on we will ...

Last night's ep did get started with a bang ... it was great to finally see the CTU agents spring into action and fend off their intruders. After all these years I was beginning to think that Jack Bauer was the only CTU agent who knew how to get out of a sticky situation. It's about time the others woke up and did something. I have to say, I think that Nadia's character was really wasted this season ... she had all sorts of potential to be a really interesting character (at one time, she was a viable candidate for being a bad guy) and it just feels like she was merely going thru the motions. Even now, as the temp. director of CTU, she hasn't really done anything. I'm not sure if there is time left for her to step up and surprise me but I hope something really interesting happens before the season ends. It's clear that things are leading up to a big showdown between Jack and his dad ... a Bauer Battle Royale. I'm gonna be really bummed if they use a large portion of the 2-hour season finale having Jack battle minions on his way to take on his father and then a quick ending. Blah. Even tho I am a bit disillusioned with the way the season is ending I'm still happy with the season overall. When 24 detonates a nuclear bomb on US soil in the first 4 hours of the day, what else is left that can possibly top that in the next 20 hours? They've got 2 more hours to bring the sexy back ... we'll see if they can pull it off. [Source]
Now Heroes is winding down its season very well ... interesting things are happening, things are coming together and more secrets are being revealed. Heroes, so far, has really managed to pull togther a great first season ... and it all wraps up next Monday. But before we get there, let's talk about what happened last night:

Now, the idea of Hiro and Ando finding an "ancient sword repairman" in the phonebook so that Hiro could repair his mystical sword did strike me as very silly so I'm glad they didn't just leave it at that. Having Hiro's father there as well, as a master swordsman no less, kinda saved that little plot development. Tho, their little sword lesson montage did strike me as a bit cheesey ... they should've done something more fun like the training montage that was featured in the musical episode titled Once More With Feeling of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I dunno if Hiro can sing but it would've been fun to see anyways. I think it was very nice of Mr. Linderman to heal Mrs. Petrelli ... especially since he was about to meet his end. I think we're supposed to believe that his action came from kindness but I suspect there is an alterative motive. I honestly didn't expect him to die but it was pretty cool the way DL did him in ... I actually thought he was going to make his eyes pop out of their sockets. I wasn't too shocked when bad man played by Eric Roberts got shot and, presumably, killed by Mr. Bennett. We finally see how Nathan Petrelli won his election ... having Micah "tell" the computers to have him win by a landslide was brills! I love it when things suddenly make sense like that. Candice is becoming a very interesting character ... we're getting hints that we haven't seen what she really looks like. She keeps hinting at the "ugliness" she has to hide because of other people's judgments. She has the potential to become a "good guy" depending on how her storyline plays out. I think we now know how Ando meets his end ... since he took off with a sword of his own to kill Sylar (believing that Hiro wouldn't do it) I think it's safe to assume that that is how he gets killed. Will Hiro be able to save him in time? Will Sylar be the one to blow up NYC or will it really be Peter like we've been led to believe? Will NYC even blow up at all? I have a sneaky feeling that even when everything is all said and done in next week's season finale that we are going to have lots of questions ... and a killer cliffhanger. [Source]
Shrek the Third had its second US premiere in NYC yesterday afternoon and pretty much Mike Myers was the only principle star of the movie who showed up. Here are pictures from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Wireimage
At least a couple of NBC stars, John Krasinski and Amy Poehler, showed up for the event so that Mike wouldn't be there all by his lonesome. Even Kelly Ripa packed up the kiddies and the hubby and made it out for the premiere. I guess Cameron Diaz was too bizzy chillin' (and by "chillin'" I mean "snuggling with each other") with magician Criss Angel (who I thought was already hooked up with Minnie Driver) in Las Vegas to be bothered with this premiere. Eddie Murphy was prolly hiding his ass outta sight so that Mel B. couldn't find him. Hmmm ... I'm sure the movie is still very good tho. [Source]
Good news for Paris Hilton: Due to prison overcrowding she may not have to go to jail to serve out her sentence. Bad news for Paris Hilton: She may be forced to serve out her sentence in a tent city prison in Phoenix, AZ instead:

Photo credit: Splash News
because of some serious overcrowding in Los Angeles jails, she may not have to serve the complete sentence. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he's spoken to the chief of jails in Los Angeles and offered to house Hilton at Tent City. "I just made an offer," Arpaio said. "Instead of reducing her sentence, which I feel is wrong, why not bring her over here? We can incarcerate her here. She can do her time over here." And according to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s department, the Los Angeles County Sheriff is considering the proposal. "Oh, I'd love to have her here," Arpaio said. "Just another celebrity. Not that I'm a publicity hound, but I'd imagine if I had her in these tents there'd be (publicity)." Publicity? Nah ... I'm sure the paparazzi would have no interest whatsoever in getting a picture of Paris Hilton wearing a striped jumpsuit as she swelters in the Arizona heat for 45-days. [Source]
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Paris' lawyers would object to this tent city idea. Apparently the poor dear is so distraught over the thought of having to actually pay for her crimes that she can't even be bothered to testify in court on another one of her legal matters: Paris Hilton is "emotionally distraught and traumatized" over her 45-day jail sentence and isn't capable of testifying in a civil lawsuit against her, the socialite-reality TV star's psychiatrist said. Dr. Charles Sophy has been seeing Hilton, 26, for the past eight months and has talked with her several times since her May 4 hearing for violating the terms of her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case, according to court papers. Sophy said Hilton needs time to recover from the shock of receiving jail time before testifying in a civil case brought against her by actress and diamond heiress Zeta Graff. Messages left with Hilton's spokesman and lawyer weren't immediately returned early Tuesday. Shoot, I ain't gonna lie ... I know I'd be extremely distraught myself if I had to do jail time. Joe Francis cried every day he was locked up, I can't even imagine what Paris is going to go thru.
Jesse Metcalfe, newly single and fresh from rehab, is having himself a grand ol' time down in the Bahamas ... and the boy is lookin' pretty damn fit. Pink reader Jeanine sends in this hot pic of Jesse hanging out with a couple of dude friends at a resort:

Awww yeah ... you may recognize the chap in the red trunks as Lindsay Lohan's BFF Patrick. Hmm ... I wonder what he and Jesse were chattin' about and if it had anything to do with that towel he's wearing??? Hot! [thanks Jeanine]
Speaking of Lindsay, she is apparently already over the Bahamas because she has already made her way back to NYC ... making sure to bring along her new boy toy Callum Best along:

Photo credit: Splash News
C'mon, you know who's in charge in this relationship. [Source]
Lindsay has only been back in NYC for a short time but she's already managed to get a lot accomplished. She showed up at the Lucky magazine gifting suite to pick up some swag and she managed to catch a performance of one of her favorite artists -- MiniBritney:

Um, yeah. Lindsay was among the the guests at MiniBritney's performance at The Box in NYC and loved it so much that she had to get a pic with the ministar. I, uh, don't really know what else to say ... [Source, Source]
... so how about we just check out a short vidclip of MiniBritney's performance:
Head on over to MiniBritney's official My Space profile to check out an even longer vidclip.
Kylie Minogue is lookin' amazing in NYC where she is proudly showing off her new hairdo:

I love that Kylie has shied away from covering up her head too much, opting to wear scarves or choosing to just rockin' her shorter hair. She looks amazing. [Source]
In belated BUSTED! news, David Faustino, who played Bud Bundy on the TV show Married ... With Children, was arrested early Saturday morning for public drunkenness ... and, get this, when he was searched he was caught with a baggie of marijuana:

Get it ... "Bud" Bundy. The joke really writes itself. [Source]
This years Tony Awards nominations are out and the much praised, upstart musical Spring Awakening walked away with the most noms ... 11 total:

As expected, nominations for the 2007 Tony Awards, announced Tuesday morning, acknowledged original plays and musicals that drew critical raves this past season. The tight race predicted between successful off-Broadway transfers Spring Awakening and Grey Gardens has begun. Awakening, an adaptation of Frank Wedekind's 1891 drama focusing on oppressed German youth, earned 11 nominations, the most this year, including best new musical, best book and best original score for pop troubadour and first-time Broadway composer Duncan Sheik and lyricist Steven Sater ... This year's of nominees also include commercial and sentimental favorites that drew more mixed reviews. The musicals Curtains, Mary Poppins and Legally Blonde received multiple nominations, eight for Curtains and seven each for the others. Curtains' David Hyde Pierce is up for best actor in a musical, while for best new musical, Poppins was tapped alongside Gardens, Awakening and LoveMusik, another well-reviewed show chronicling the romance between Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya. Blonde's Laura Bell Bundy emerged as a surprise candidate for best actress in a musical, where she'll vie with Ebersole and fellow musical theater favorites Audra McDonald, Donna Murphy and Debra Monk. Wow! I expected that Spring Awakening would get a lot of noms but 11 is a whole lot of noms. Much congrats to Laura Bell Bundy on her nomination as Best Actress in a Musical. I'm telling you, her performance in Legally Blonde is phenomenal ... I really hope she wins. I don't usually get all excited about the Tony Awards but I've been in such a theater way lately that I'm totally geeked about the noms. Click HERE for a full list of Tony Award nominees ... the awards will be broadcast on CBS on June 10th. [Source]
Men's Health magazine threw a party for their new issue which features McHotness Eric Dane on the cover ... here are a few pics of Eric from the party:

Even tho Eric has that Robin Hood: Men in Tights look about him, I don't really mind. The man is gorge. I hope Rebecca Gayheart appreciates him ;) [Source]
And finally, Lindsay Lohan graces the cover of the new issue of Radar magazine which features a coverstory that chronicles her love/hate relationship with the paparazzi:

Excerpts of the story can be read online HERE. I dunno if all these pics of Linds posing with a gun are going to help her in the lawsuit that has been leveled against her by a photog who claims that she hit him with her car ... but hey do make a pretty picture. [Source]
Les News:
- Lindsay Lohan sits atop Maxim magazine's list of the 100 Hottest.
- Marilyn Manson will not confirm or deny the rumor that he actually had sex with Evan Rachel Wood in his new music video.
- Kanye West's collabo with Chris Martin will appear on his new album due out in Sept.
- Denise Richards and Ritchie Sambora
arewere dunzo 2 months ago! - Britney Spears is taking her Comeback tour to Florida.
- Jimmy Carter thinks the US military should get rid of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.
- Hayden heaves?
- Pop goes the Pamela.
- The Jolie-Pitt kids continue to go to school.
- Jane Fonda boogies with Lindsay Lohan.
- Jamie-Lynn Sigler is 26, Ahmet Zappa is 33 and David Charvet is 35 year old today. Click HERE to see who else is celebrating a birthday today.
- Rufus Wainwright talks to Spinner.com
- Richard Gere might finally be off the hook.
- Hate-mongering televangelist Jerry Falwell has died at the age of 73.