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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Deathly Becomes Him

Just one day after Britney Spears spent the day shooting a new music video for the first single off her new album widely believe to be the song Get Back (tho there is a new report from Entertainment Tonight that the song is actually called Gimme More) in downtown LA, she packed up her two sons Sean Preston and Jayden James so that they all could take a little boat ride in Marina Del Rey. Here are pics of Brit and the boys on board their pleasure boat yesterday afternoon:

Photo credit: Splash News

Oh no ... it looks like Britters came very close to having a wardrobe malfunction ... her unrestrained, braless boob almost escaped from her dress in that second picture. It's a good thing that she kept it covered up ... [Source]

... but I think I would've vastly preferred it if Britney had just let the boob fly at will instead of having to endure pictures like this:

Photo credit: Splash News

Now, I realize that some people may not be in the mood to shave their arm pits every day of the week but I would imagine that a person who decides to skip a day might keep that in mind when wearing sleeveless clothing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with a woman having hair on her arm pits but there is something just hugely unsettling about seeing Britney's pits so close up that you can see flecks of deodorant. OY! [Source]

As if Brit's pits weren't bad enough, it appears that she has not really learned the lesson that it is a bad idea to hold your child on your lap while riding in a moving vehicle. These pics seem to show that little Jayden James (or it could be Sean Preston, it's hard to tell) is sitting on Britney's lap (you can see it in the rearview mirror) as her caravan of cars drove down the road:

Photo credit: Splash News

Splash News reports that Britney's caravan was being followed by 20 photogs and once her people realized that the paps were taking pictures of Britney holding her son, they stopped the procession, spoke to her in the car and then took the boy from her lap and put him back in his rear car seat. It was at that moment that Britney burst from her car to have words with the photographers, yelling: "Ma'am, it is illegal to do this. You have got to stop using the cameras and following people. It is illegal you have got to stop doing that." The way I understand it, the boys were both secured in their car seats before the caravan departed but at some point along the way, Brit pulled one of the boys into her lap -- which is not only a bad idea but pretty illegal. Honestly, I don't know what is wrong with this girl and her lack of judgment ... I love being on Team Britney but sometimes it's very hard. [Source]

Boo! In other disheartening news, the LA Galaxy spent much of yesterday afternoon training and practicing for their big game against Chelsea later today ... except, new team member #23 was absent from that training/practice session:

Photo credit: Splash News

While the Galaxy was practicing for the big game, David Beckham was off driving around other parts of town. Now either Becks is SOOOO GOOD that he doesn't need to practice with his team or this is a clear indication that he is not playing at all in today's game ... which was supposed to be his first with the LA Galaxy. Nonetheless, I'm still very excited to meet up with Pink reader Sara (who won the PITNB ticket giveaway for today's game) at the Home Depot Center later on today so that we can watch the Galaxy take on Chelesa anyways :) [Source]

Even tho Becks skipped out on practice, he still made time for his daily coffee run ... except this time, he couldn't be bothered to get out of his car and had his coffee drink delivered to him:

Photo credit: Splash News

I hope this isn't a new thing that he's going to be doing from now on, I like seeing him all decked out in is fave active wear from Abercrombie & Fitch as he stops for coffee in the morning. I suspect Becks opted not to leave his car so he wouldn't have to answer any questions about today's game. [Source]

The really big news for today is the long-awaited release of the final Harry Potter book. Amid some controversy leading up to today's release, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has finally been unleashed upon the world and Potter fans around the world have been clamoring to pick up their copies so that they can find out what becomes of Harry Potter's fate. Here are a couple pictures of JK Rowling herself at a book release party at the Natural History Museum in London, England late yesterday:

Photo credit: Wireimage

And so ... with the release of Book 7 in the Harry Potter series the era of Harry Potter comes to an end. Even tho JK Rowling has said that she may revisit the world of Harry Potter again someday, I understand that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows brings his story to a conclusive end. I have stayed away from all spoilers concerning the plotline of this final book ... I tried to pick up a copy last night on my way home from the movies but I was met with hoards of Potter fans wearing different colored bracelets and standing in different, very long lines and I decided to hold off until today. It's funny, I never thought that this Harry Potter thing would ever get so big -- I remember when the first book was released here in the US back in 1998 and a tiny bookstore in Ann Arbor, MI had this elaborate display proclaiming it the best children's book series ever, I thought to myself, There is no way kids are gonna go crazy for a new set of books based on wizards and witches. How wrong I was. I truly hope that JK Rowling never stops writing books ... she is single-handedly responsible for inspiring a whole new generation of readers all across the globe and deserves all the credit in the world for doing so. [Source]

It turns out that Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter incarnate, had to wait with the rest of us peons to get his very own copy of the book. Here are a couple pics of Daniel taking possession of his book from a courier yesterday:

Photo credit: Big Pictures

I love that he had to wait just like the rest of us ... and now he knows for sure what the future holds for his character. Ugh ... the more I think about it, the more I want to read the book as fast as I can. [Source]

Bobby Brown finds himself in the predicament of having to work again so that he can make money now that he is no longer able to sponge off his ex-wife Whitney Houston any longer. Here are pics of Bobby and a new (shy) lady friend as they arrived in Sydney, Australia this week so that Bobby could perform for his Greatest Hits tour in OZ:

Photo credit: Splash News

Mmmm hmmm ... well, I suppose that since Bravo TV is no longer interested in what it's like Being Bobby Brown (now that Whitney divorced his ass) homie has to make money somehow. [Source]

Here are a couple pics of Bobby on stage for the first stop of his Australian Greatest Hits tour at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney:

Photo credit: Wireimage

I must admit, I'm a little dismayed that Bobby beat Whitney to the concert stage. As much as I have been anxiously awaiting Britney's musical comeback, I've also been awaiting Whitney's comeback ... and yet, Bobby Brown is already back on stage performing. That's just not right. Here's hoping this will inspire Whit Whit to start releasing some new material very soon. [Source]

Angelina Jolie has wrapped the filming of her scenes for her new movie Wanted in Prague and has reemerged with her family in France. Here are grainy, kinda-far-away pictures of Angelina with Brad Pitt and what looks like 3 of their 4 children (Maddox and Pax Thien are walking, Zahara is being carried by Ange) at a French Adventure Park in Massignac this week:

Photo credit: Splash News

I love how this happy little family just tends to pop up in the randomest places all over the world. Who knows where they might pop up again. [Source]

And finally, here is this week's batch of pictures sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- Shannon (dressed as an amazing Professor Trelawney) sends in a pic with a bunch of friends -- Archana (dressed as Professor McGonagall), Ricki, Shannon and Bianca -- who bonded over tarot card readings and Harry Potter themed candy at the Harry Potter Midnight Release Party at the Chapters bookstore in Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada -- Susan sends in a pic with son Ryan at a preview screening of Hairspray earlier this week -- Melissa sends in pic of her 7-year old daughter Micaylah who just cut off 10 inches of her hair to donate to Locks of Love -- Jen from Richmond, VA sends in this cute PITNB-inspired Play-Dough birthday pic -- Stephanie and Jessica from San Diego, CA send in a cute pic from their 80's work-out night:

It is always so amazing to see so many Pink readers having so much fun together and graciously deciding to include PITNB in all the fun. Thank you all so much for your amazing pictures -- as always, I love receiving all the pics that come my way. XOXO

Les News:
Last night I got to hang out with my friend Michael for dinner and a movie. We decided on seeing Hairspray because he was anxious to see it and I was anxious to see it again. While in the lobby at the Arc Light I got to meet Pink reader Erika and Pink reader Stacy who, it turns out is a friend of my friend Mike (not Michael) -- here is a pic of Erik and me:

**Stacy** If you read this, you're gonna have to email me because I *still* messed up sending you the email :(

Anyways, Hairspray was even more fun the second time around for me. I've been listening to the soundtrack for the past couple of weeks and I was really amped to see the movie again. The audience was really into it as well (just like they were the first time I saw the movie) clapping and cheering after each of the musical numbers. Nikki Blonsky (Tracy) and Elijah Kelley (Seaweed) are the best parts of this movie ... you have to check it out ... it's really hard to not have fun while watching this movie.

Later on this afternoon, I'm meeting up with Pink reader Sara for the big LA Galaxy vs. Chelsea game at the Home Depot Center ... I guess we'll see if Becks makes it out to the field or not.

That is all ... I'm out.



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