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Saturday, October 06, 2007

Video Saved The Tabloid Star

As Britney Spears's personal life continues to spiral out of control her professional life continues to flourish. Britney's new video, Gimme More which is the first single off her new album entitled Blackout, debuted on iTunes yesterday at 12AM and immediately raced up the charts to become the #1 download on the Music Video chart:

In a matter of milliseconds, Britney's new single rocketed to #1 on the Ringtone Chart, Song Chart and now Music Video chart. Despite the fact that the video isn't really all that great, Britney still manages to command enough attention that anything that she puts out is still in high demand ... it's amazing, really.

Her personal life, is another story entirely. Life & Style Weekly is reporting that Britney Spears has already missed her first scheduled visit with her sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James, after losing physical custody earlier this week reportedly due to a broken intercom system at her home. Um, yeah, even *I* have a hard time buying this excuse. So, what does a troubled mother, racked with guilt over missing a monitored visitation session with her children, do to get over her disappointment? Why, she goes shoppping, natch. Here are pics of Britney with her former lover/current producer JR Rotem out for a little shopping spree in Malibu, CA yesterday:

Photo credit: Splash News

Britney Spears was supposed to get her first, supervised visitation with her boys, Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1, on the morning of Oct. 4 — three days after she last saw them. But an insider tells Life & Style that things tragically fell apart because of a faulty intercom! The night before, "She checked into the Beverly Wilshire hotel. But early that morning, she realized it wouldn't be right to have her first visit with the boys in a hotel. She needed to see them at home, with their things around them," says the insider. "She and Alli [Sims] headed to Brit's Malibu house. They went to sleep as soon as they got there. Brit was up in plenty of time to prepare for the boys' visit at 10 a.m. But she waited, and waited, and they didn"t show up. Alli's cellphone rang, and it was Kevin [Federline's] people, saying that the boys were going back to Kevin because she hadn't answered the intercom at the gate! Brit didn’t realize the intercom wasn’t working. She begged them to bring the boys back. But they wouldn't. She was devastated that they wouldn’t turn around." Um, yeah. Can someone please clue me in as to what night this week Britney cut her partying short to return home so that she could go to bed early? Yeah, I think I missed that one. I'm just AMAZED that even after losing custody of her children she wouldn't do absolutely everything she could do to at least spend time with them again. I'm not entirely happy that Brit Brit has reconnected with JR Rotem. You may recall that she and JR were doing the nasty in the weeks leading up to Britney's meltdown earlier this year ... which led to all the head shaving and rehabbing. Could she possibly be setting herself up to implode again on the eve of the release of her new album in November? I'm seriously at the WTF? point right about now. Ugh. [Source]

In other Spears news, Jamie Lynn and mama Lynne Spears are back in LA as they were spotted arriving at LAX airport last night:

Photo credit: Splash News

It would be absolutely amazing if the ladies flew in to help Britney get her life back in order but, alas, I'm pretty certain that isn't the case. Jamie Lynn's successful TV show Zoey 101 films here and I'm sure that mama Lynne is looking forward to spending some more quality time with her grandyoung'ns now that Kevin Federline has primary physical custody. Wouldn't it be grand, tho, if this visit were the start of Britney's rehabilitation? [Source]

Speaking of rehabilitation, Lindsay Lohan is no longer in need of one ... apparently. L. Lo checked out of the Cirque Lodge in Utah yesterday, bound for home -- wherever that is these days:

Photo credit: X17

Lindsay Lohan has checked out of the exclusive Cirque Lodge Treatment Center in Utah, where she has been since August, multiple sources, including both of her parents, confirm to PEOPLE. "She's finished the program," one source says. "Lindsay is done, but she may come back for outpatient treatment. She over-extended her stay because she wanted to. She could have been out awhile ago, but she chose to stay." Lohan's mother, Dina, told PEOPLE Friday: "I'm proud of her. She's moving ahead with her life. Things were getting out of control. She took action. She took responsibility. She really needed to heal." Lohan was photographed Friday afternoon with her father Michael, who carried her suitcases, leaving Cirque Lodge. "I will be there in her life as best I can but from here on she's going to have a lot of decisions to make on her own," Michael told PEOPLE Friday. "Now that she is going out into the world, I can only hope for the best."
Hmm. Well, I suppose it's good that Lindsay has finally finished her treatment program and feels ready to face the world again. It's not like she would be able to live in rehab for the rest of her life ... but still ... I dunno. I just hope that she finally, finally has attained the coping skills to fend of the dangerous temptations that her privileged life throws at her on a daily basis. She seems to be on the right track ... reuniting with her father seems to be the last piece of the puzzle (which is exactly why I year for Britney to mend fences with her family). Let's just hope that L. Lo is able to keep her nose out of trubs. [Source]

In happy yet a bit suspicious news, TMZ is reporting that Jennifer Lopez, at long last, is pregnant with her first child ... er, make that children. Sources tell TMZ that she's gonna have twins:

Sources have confirmed to TMZ that Jennifer Lopez is pregnant! In addition, we're hearing that J.Lo and Marc Anthony are expecting twins. While this is amazing news for J. Lo, I'm not sure that I entirely believe it just yet. Despite the fact that TMZ seems confident in their sources, it seems odd to me that Jenny Lo would embark on a concert tour if she knew she was pregs. It is my understanding that she has been aching for a baby since the Ben Affleck days and now that she's finally pregs (and with twins, no less) she thinks it's prudent to dance around on stage on tour while show off her burgeoning baby bump? It just doesn't sound right. But, if she is indeed pregs, I'm very happy for her ... tho, I'm not all that anxious to see what the spawn of Marc Anthony might look like ... eek! [Source]

In celebration of this (possibly) happy news, here's a little treat:

You can stream Jennifer Lopez's new album Brave online by clicking above. I've already listened to the album and found it quite enjoyable. The album drops next Tuesday but y'all can listen to it as many times as you like in their meantime at MTV's The Leak. [Source]

Heroes hottie Zachary Quinto played host at the Venice Grind Gallery in Venice, CA for the Hollywood Most Wanted Art Show last night and it looks like he brought along a few of his friends:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Zachary and Milo Ventimiligia were bringin' the broody, emo hotness and How I Met Your Mother stars Alyson Hannigan and Neil Patrick Harris were also in the hiz for the art show. Oh and look ... Hayden Panettiere was there ... along with her new shadow Kristen Bell. These two can't even go to the bathroom without having the other one around for moral support ... Hmm ... I wonder if there's a story there. [Source]

WELL LOOKIE HERE ... a story ... I have been musing that there may be some sort of rivaly between Hayden and Kristen since Kristen joined the cast of Heroes. Hayden used to be THE It Girl on the show and along comes Kristen to share/steal some of her thunder. I imagined that this might not be sitting well with Hayden ... by the looks of these pics, I may have been wrong entirely:

HMMMMMMMMMMMMM. The girls do look awfully chummy. Clearly they appear friendly ... but I never thought they'd be this close. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. I wonder where this is going. [Source]

EMI Canada is reporting that this will be the cover artwork for Kylie Minogue's new album X:

Personally, I think it's totally tubular. I like. [Source]

And finally, here is this week's batch of photos sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- Mikaela and her partner Nora send in an amazingly adorable picture of their newly adopted son Owen James (posing with mommy Mikela) -- Jill sends in a pic with her new hubby Paul at their wedding in in the rainforest at Cape Tribulation National Park near their home in Cairns, Australia -- Lian, Sarah, Karilyn, Heather and Marissa send in a pic from their graduation ceremony after the ladies each finished their Master of Arts degrees in English from Simon Fraser University -- Amanda from Sydney, Australia sends in a fun pic of her friends celebrating their almost graduation from high school -- Izyan sends in a pic from her surprise pink 24th birthday party with her friends Siti, Nadia, Anisah, Lotus, Shafaa, Hajrah and Nana:

Much, much congrats and love to you all. I am thrilled that y'all chose to include Pink is the new Blog in all y'alls celebrations and joyous occasions. I wish you all love and luck! Thank you, again, for all the amazing photos.

Sorry y'all, no newslinks today!

Last night, at long last, Mike finally threw his housewarming party (that he's been talking about for months) and really went all out to deck out his place with amazing food and drink for us all to enjoy. Here is but a smattering of photos from last night's affair:

Unfortch, Paul got sick and was unable to attend but the rest of The GangTM came out to party. We ate and ate til we couldn't ate no more ... then came the piñata and then ... well ... the party really got started:

Yeah, the dining room wasn't the ideal place for a piñata but Jamie and Russell were very cool to bring it to the party so we had to make do.

OY ... I apologize for the rushedness of this post but I have to get to the airport. I'll be comin' atcha from NYC for the next week or so. Have a great weekend! I'm outttttttttt!

PS: I have to send out LOTS OF LUCK to my University of Oklahoma Sooners who battle the cows or whatever they are from the University of Texas today at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, TX:

I'm lookin' forward to landing in NYC to the news that OU has defeated UT! BOOMER SOONER!!!



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