Monday, March 17, 2008
The Last Chapter
You may also recall that it was during the filming of this movie that rumors began to circulate that Jared and Lindsay had sparked up a romantic relationship (which now seems like eons ago). While it pains me to say that I don't think that this very serious film will be the right vehicle for L. Lo's acting prowess to shine thru, I wouldn't be surprised if Jared Leto ended up garnering accolades for his performance. It's uncanny how creepily disturbing he comes across in just the movie trailer:
You can tell from the trailer that this is the kind of movie where the creepy tension builds over the course of the film until it reaches its violent end. I'm actually a big fan of Leto's acting skillz, he tends to give really great performances in his movies ... it remains to be seen if Lindsay's involvement in the film will be detrimental to the overall effect of this dramatic film but I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. [Source, Source]