Sunday, May 18, 2008
Britney Heads Down South ... Way Down South

Photo credit: Splash News
I cannot stop singing the praises of Britney Spears these days. She has turned her entire life around so successfully that it damn near brings a tear to my eye every time I think about it. I am so happy that Britney is taking some time off to enjoy a well-deserved vacay :) And, if she makes a new friend ... a new male friend perhaps ... then all the better -- well, maybe. Here are more photos of Brit on holiday riding around on an ATV with her assistant and some more beach frolicking ... with a mysterious new fella:

Photo credit: Splash News
I have no idea who this guy is* ... he may be a friend or he may be more ... he may have flown down to Costa Rica with Britney or she may have met him there. All I do know is that Britney looks extremely happy and that is all I've ever wanted for her. I hope she stays on vacay for another week or more ... she deserves to have as much fun as she can :)
*UPDATE: Pink reader Lisa gave me the head's up that the dude is Brit's agent Jason Trawick -- the genius who worked out the deal with How I Met Your Mother. I must confess, I don't see enough of him to recognize him so that's my excuse for my ignorance ;)