Saturday, June 07, 2008
Barack The Vote; Hillary Endorses Obama

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton formally threw her support behind Senator Barack Obama on Saturday, clearing the way for Mr. Obama to head into the general election with a plan to challenge Senator John McCain in typically Republicans states. Mrs. Clinton, speaking here to an audience of advisers and supporters who had been invited to attend from across the country, used the final rally of her presidential campaign to end her barrier-breaking bid for the presidency and endorse Mr. Obama. She pledged that she would do what it takes to help Mr. Obama win the White House. In her last rally as a presidential candidate, Mrs. Clinton expressed deep gratitude to the voters. who had cast ballots for her. She suspended her campaign, rather than officially ending it. That's a technicality that will allow her to raise money to retire her debt and to control the delegates she won. It is not an indication that she has any intention of resuming it. Mr. Obama stayed away because he understood this was her moment. Mrs. Clinton offered nothing less than a full-throated endorsement for and embrace of Mr. Obama and his candidacy. She has said many times that she would work her heart out for the nominee, and aides said she knew that now was the time to begin to show it. In a letter on her Web site, Mrs. Clinton expressed her support for Mr. Obama in this way: "Over the course of the last 16 months, I have been privileged and touched to witness the incredible dedication and sacrifice of so many people working for our campaign. Every minute you put into helping us win, every dollar you gave to keep up the fight meant more to me than I can ever possibly tell you." Mrs. Clinton continued, saying: I "extend my congratulations to Senator Obama and my support for his candidacy. This has been a long and hard-fought campaign, but as I have always said, my differences with Senator Obama are small compared to the differences we have with Senator McCain and the Republicans." If it was an end for Mrs. Clinton, it was a new beginning for Mr. Obama. Aides said he would take advantage of the nearly nationwide reach of his expansive get-out-the-vote operation that he built during the long Democratic nomination battle — as well as his considerable financial resources — to try to force Mr. McCain to compete in states which are usually reliably Republican ... With Mrs. Clinton now out of the race, Mr. Obama wants to define the faltering economy as the paramount issue facing the country, a task made easier by ever-rising gasoline prices and the sharp rise in unemployment reported by the government on Friday. Mr. McCain, by contrast, has been emphasizing national security more than any other issue and has made it clear that he would like to fight the election primarily on that ground. Mr. Obama has moved in recent days to transform his primary organization into a general election machine, hiring staff members, sending organizers into important states and preparing a television advertisement campaign to present his views and his biography to millions of Americans who followed the Democratic contest from a distance. In one telling example, he is moving to hire Aaron Pickrell, the chief political strategist of Gov. Ted Strickland of Ohio — who helped steer Mrs. Clinton to victory in that state’s primary — to run his effort against Mr. McCain there. In another, aides said, he has tapped Dan Carroll, an opposition researcher who gained fame digging up information on the records of opponents for Bill Clinton in 1992, to help gather information about Mr. McCain. That is the latest evidence that for all the talk on both sides about a new kind of politics, the general election campaign is likely to be bloody. Mr. Obama's campaign is likely to hire Patti Solis Doyle, who was Mrs. Clinton’s longtime associate and campaign manager until a shake-up in February, the first of what Mr. Obama's aides said would be a number of hires from the Clinton campaign.
Click HERE to watch video of Hillary suspending her campaign, click HERE for her endorsement of Barack Obama. At last, the brightest and best from both the Clinton and Obama campaigns will be working together to ensure that the Democrats win the White House in November. It is such an exciting time right now ... we move full speed ahead into the general election. It is such a relief that one Democratic nominee has finally been decided upon ... united together, we will win. Woot! Woot! [Source]