PINK is the new BLOG
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Friday, August 25, 2006

I'll Be There For You

Alright ... this "friend" thing that Nicole Richie and Brody Jenner keep trying to sell us on just keeps getting more involved with each passing day ... especially since the two of them have been TOTALLY inseparable for a couple of weeks now. Every day the two of them, affectionately dubbed as Bichie (that's the name going around, I didn't make it up), are seen together trying to look coy, smiling and laughing ... here are pictures of the pair at Le Conversation in West Hollywood:

Photo credit: Splash News

It seems odd to me that they would go so far as to try and appear as if they weren't together. The plainly obvious "let's not walk right next to each other" thing only makes it look like they've got something to hide. If they're just friends, why not walk together as friends? [Source]

Here are more pictures of the "just friends" after having a nice dinner together ... they both sure do look dressed up for just a casual dinner between friends:

Honestly, I still think that they duo are messing around with us ... trying to make us think that they are together when they really aren't. But if they are really going to these lengths just to play around with us, doesn't that sound a bit sad? OR, maybe they are really together and they're trying to throw us off the fact that they are together and are trying to make it look like they are together so that we will not believe that they are really together. If that's the case, then they're geniuses ... or extremely bored rich kids with nothing better to do. [Source]

The freshly fired Tom Cruise and his ever-smiling concubine Katie Holmes were spotted in Santa Monica earlier this week ... from the looks of these photos, it must be freezing in Santa Monica, CA which must be why Katie is wearing a tweed jacket:

Jim and I were in Santa Monica Wednesday afternoon and it was pretty hot. Does being crazy make you cold? That would account for the thick clothing. We're still waiting to see actual pictures of Suri Holmes-Cruise ... which leads me to suspect that TomKat only go out in public every once-in-a-while to remind us of the fact that we've yet to see the alleged "baby". The cunning in Hollywood knows no bounds. [Source]

Johnny Depp is hard at work on the next sequel to Pirates of the Caribbean. Here are new pictures of Mr. Depp en route to the movie set, all Jack Sparrowed out in his pirate duds:

Johnny even took the time to meet and greet a few fans after a long day of shooting so that he could sign some autographs. I love it! Celebs who take the time to acknowledge their fans are awesome. [Source]

Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo are still going strong as supercouple La-Nessa ... here are pictures of the lovebirds as they spend a little downtime poolside at their hotel in Santa Barbara, CA:

They make such a hot couple ... they're equal parts beautiful which makes the whole thing entirely sickening. Blah ... I'm just kidding, I really like these two together. Doesn't it look like Vanessa is about to undo her bikini top in that last picture? I wonder if the pair got all freaky-deaky right there on the lounge pools ... too bad there aren't pictures of that. [Source]

Kelis is back with her brand new album Kelis Was Here (which was released this past Tuesday) and she is bizzy doing promo for the release. Here are a couple pictures of Kelis leaving the CBS studios earlier this week:

She is so cute ... I love her new shorter hair, I love that she's not sportin' those horrible grillz and I love that this new album isn't as hoochie as her last album was. Milkshake was a hot song but I'm all about Bossy right now. I *love* her new album ... I think it's way better than her last album was. From what I've heard of the new Beyonce album, I think Kelis has got her beat this time around. [Source]

Yikes! JK Rowling and her husband Neil have been living the high life lately as they vacation in the Hamptons, NY ... unfortch it's not a very pretty sight:

Don't get me wrong ... I love JK -- I think she is an utter genius and she totally deserves the multi-millions that she earned writing the Harry Potter books ... but I am *not* a fan of this bathing suit. Someone should whip out a magic wand and make this hideousness go away ... GROSSIMUS GO-AWAYIMUS! [Source]

Princes William and Harry recently spent another night on the town partying with Wills' long-time girlfriend Kate Middleton at the Cuckoo Club in Mayfair, England ... here are a few pictures of the trying not to look inebriated princes and the the lovely maiden as they emerged from the club at around 3AM:

Another night, another nightclub. Prince William and Prince Harry appeared, according to onlookers, slightly the worse for wear today after emerging in the wee small hours from one of London's most fashionable clubs. The fact they weren't completely inebriated is testament perhaps to their experience and training. After all they had spent six hours -- along with William's girlfriend Kate Middleton -- in the Cuckoo Club in Mayfair. By 3am, Harry, 21, was being guided into a waiting Range Rover, his elder brother following close behind ... Mind you, for Harry this was tantamount to an early night. A recent high-profile visit to a nightclub ended with him stealing a kiss from his close friend, TV presenter Natalie Pinkham, at 5am. Boo ... no groping pictures of the shizzfaced royals this time around. You can tell, by the looks on their faces, that all they keep thinking is "Don't fall down, don't look drunk". LOL! [Source]

First, Paris Hilton takes over and now she's set her sights on the world. Paris has taken the promo tour for her just-released debut album Paris to the Land of the Rising Sun. Here are pictures of Paris promoting her album at a boutique and at a record store in Tokyo, Japan:

I'm utterly shocked at how much I like the way Paris looks in that white dress. She really looks cute when she dresses well ... and you know, when she she keeps her private parts private and actually hidden beneath her clothes. I also think the kimono is a good look for her ... it's a great way to keep the crotch shots to a minimum. Perhaps Japanese fashion is her ticket to class. [Source, Source]

Here are a couple pictures of Victoria Beckham leading her two eldest children, Brooklyn and Romeo, thru Heathrow airport in London as they make their way to Madrid, Spain ... and by Victoria Beckham I actually mean a pair of over inflated lips, coupled with bulbous silicone boobs perched atop a pair of stick-thin legs:

This womanesque robot is so scary-looking. I'm usually surprised that her own children don't run from her side screaming in terror. It's so creepy to know that her lips are so filled with collagen that she can't even close her mouth all the way. I just don't get what David Beckham sees in all that plastic. [Source]

Speaking of our dear, hot Becks ... here is his new Got Milk? poster:

MMMMM ... there is something about the shirtless lad sportin' the milk 'stache that makes him look even hotter. That man looks good wearing anything ... but he really looks best wearing as little as possible. [Source]

I don't really understand what Beyonce's marketing strategy is for her new album B'Day, but whatever it is she just keeps doing it ... here is a new promo picture of Beyonce posing with a couple of ... alligators:

Seriously, WTF?! Is it supposed to look like she's skiing sideways with a couple of alligators? What exactly does this have to do with her new album? Is she being over-medicated? [Source]

And finally, here are a few pictures from the set of the Transformers movie of a Decepticon police car ... now, everyone knows that the Autobots (the good guys) generally take the form of cars, trucks, etc. and Decepticons (the bad guys) generally take the form of airplanes, jets, weapons, etc. so I'm not exactly sure why this police car is a Decepticon but I guess that's really not a discussion for the here and now, let's just check out the pictures:

I have high hopes for this new live-action Transformers movie. I really hope they don't screw it up. You can check out a bunch more pictures from the set HERE. Enjoy! [Source, thanks Evelyn]

The News:
Last night I finally got to hang out with Adriana after not seeing her for about 80 years. She's been bizzy with the Derby Dolls so I guess I can cut her some slack. She and I met up for a late dinner at Pho Cafe on W. Sunset last night and we proceeded to enjoy a wonderful conversation over our delicious bowls of delightful food:

I fell in love with the Pho Café the very first time Adriana took me there a couple of years ago ... it was a great place for us to catch up. Tho, that place is a haven for hipsters galore. I'm not even kidding, almost every hipster cliche walked into that place while we were there ... including, but not limited to, the girl dining by herself reading an Anais Nin book, the guy wearing the funny/ironic Threadless t-shirt (quiet, you!) and the dude with the hair carefully combed over half of his face who was also wearing the "vintage" cowboy shirt with loud but understated embroidered roses/white belt/keys hanging from his belt loop ensemble. Whatev, the food is to die for ... it's totally worth checking out ... tell the hipsters I said Hey!

Today is my interview with Louise Post from Veruca Salt. I'm a bit nervous but I think I'm ready ... I have my questions ready to go and I picked my fave PITNB reader submitted questions as well. I'll have the recap and hopefully the MP3 download for y'all tomorrow.

I hope y'all have an amazing weekend! I'm gonna try and have a quiet one. I'm out.



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