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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Love Is In The Airhead

OMG ... yesterday was so much fun. It was a long day but definitely worth enduring just to be able to hang out at the MTV VMA Forum all day long. It was kinda fun doing all the writing and posting on the fly but I much prefer the format that I normally employ on a daily basis. Today is going to be another long day ... but it promises to be even more kickass than yesterday was. Let's get to today's post ...

Britney Spears shocks the world by going out ... in public ... looking pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. Even tho Britney is pregs, she isn't letting her condition keep her inside and out of public view. Last year, when Britney was carrying her first child Sean Preston, she was really lookin' pretty rough in those final weeks ... not so this time around:

Photo credit: X-17

I cannot tell you how much it thrills me to see Britney Spears back with some semblance of normalcy. Sure, she's not all gussied up but she deff looks cleaned up. Her hair looks great (if simple) and I don't even mind her outfit ... I kinda works on her. In other Brit news, Pink reader Denise (among others) sends in THIS link that claims to be Britney and Kevin Federline's baby registry. I'm always skeptical when these things come out because anyone can make a registry and attribute it to any name they choose. The items in the registry appear to be for a baby girl, but both Britney and Kevin have said many times in interviews that they are keeping the sex of the baby a surprise until it's born. Who knows if this is real or not ... it could be a "real" fake one concocted by Spederline to make people believe that she's having a girl but that involves way too much thought. Speculating about these things is always ridiculous ... you always have a 50/50 shot at being totally wrong. [Source]


Yesterday was a long day for me, as I've already mentioned, which means that I wasn't home to watch Project Runway when it aired last night. I was able to watch the show in its entirety this morning and have to admit that I was a bit disappointed. I guess there has to be at least one snoozer episode each season and last night's was this season's snorefest. PR has really been churning out the really cool challenges this year ... last night's challenge was pretty boring I think:

The challenge was to design an outfit for a jet-setter and were to be designed for themselves. I suppose the idea isn't a boring one outright but I was pretty underwhelmed with the whole process and the final outcome of the outfits. I don't really see why all the judges really liked Jeffery's design enough to make him the winner ... I honestly thought he and Kayne looked like they could be in the same band or something. I guess Jeffery's jacket was cool but I didn't like the pants ... all that stuff on the crotch looked funny. Kayne's outfit was terrible but, I have to agree, it wasn't quite as bad as Angela's. I kinda had a feeling her time was up ... she surprised everyone by winning that Macy's challenge but to me it felt like a fluke. She has a tacky air about her designs ... they just look foolish when paired with, say, Laura's designs. I really loved Laura's dress ... she was my pick to win last night. I have to admit, tho, that this episode really kicked into high gear when the contestants were flown to Paris, France. While unfortunate for Angela (who, after losing, had to get right back on a plane and fly home), it looks like the rest of the season (or at least a few episodes) will take place in Paris. This should make for much more interesting episodes for the coming weeks. [Source]

Scarlett Johansson, Mia Kirshner, Josh Hartnett and the rest of the cast of The Black Dahlia were all on hand in Venice, Italy yesterday for the premiere of their new movie ... here are a few pics from the red carpet:

I was immediately intrigued by this movie when I saw the trailer a few weeks ago. I'm not big on period pieces like this but the story sounds great. I'm not exactly sure if young'ns like Josh Hartnett and Scarlett Johansson have the acting chops to pull off these roles but here's hoping Hilary Swank and Aaron Eckhart can save the movie. Altho, Scarlett really does well looking the part of the busty, blonde bombshell I've yet to see her perform in a movie where I was wowed (she got close in Match Point). Josh looks really young to play the lead detective on a case like this. Click HERE to check out the trailer for yourself. I deff want to see this movie tho ... I hope it's as good as it looks. [Source]

Maggie Gyllenhaal was on hand for the premiere of her own movie, Sherrybaby, here in NYC on Tuesday night and she was lookin' a lot like a pregs Clara Bow ... here are a couple pictures from the red carpet:

This is the first movie of the Fall season that is generating Oscar buzz for next year's Academy Awards. David saw the film and loved it ... apparently, Maggie gives the performance of her career. I don't normally put much stock in critics' Oscar picks (especially so early in the season) but David has pretty good taste. I think it's fair to assume that Maggie G is gonna be having a pretty good next few months. [Source]

So ... the big story that broke this week is the revelation by Us Weekly (or was it People magazine?) that Jessica Simpson has been secretly dating John Mayer behind all our backs! The pair met at the 2005 Grammy Awards and then started their secret love affair in late July '06. Hmmm ... either this is just a publicity stunt to generate buzz for her new album (released on Tuesday) and his new album (released in just two weeks) or she's damn good at keeping a secret:

From Us Weekly: It started at Prince's pre-Grammys bash back in February 2005. During a jam session onstage in the rocker's L.A. mansion, Jessica Simpson found herself sitting next to and flirting with singer John Mayer. That night, says a source, "John told her that when she wasn't married anymore to give him a call." Simpson tells Us exclusively: "John is an incredibly talented artist with huge industry respect." "John has been hearing about how cool Jessica is for a few years," says a pal. "And when they met, he was surprised at how sweet she was." The friendship went to the proverbial next level on June 6, when Mayer and Simpson danced to her new single, "A Public Affair," at club Double Seven in NYC. A few weeks later, Mayer sent a handwritten note complimenting her track. "She wrote back and said, 'Glad you liked it,'" a source says. The notes became increasingly flirtatious, and soon the pair were e-mailing, texting and calling each other. "People had been trying to set them up for months, she finally gave in," a Simpson pal tells Us. Their first official dinner date was in late July. "They've only gotten together a handful of times over the last few weeks," says a Mayer source. "But yes, they've made out." (A Simpson pal says they have yet to consummate the relationship.) Hmmm ... I don't know what to make of this. It sounds like they're just flirty friends who've yet to do the deed ... OR, they're doing the deed as we speak and the mags just don't have the full story. I was talking about this story with a few peeps at the MTV VMA Forum yesterday and I heard from a couple different people that this story is true ... and that Jess and John have been "doing it" for a while now. Interesting ... they make such an odd pair. Expect the industrious gossips to be scouring the lyrics of Mayer's new album for allusions to Miss Simpson ... just like Your Body is a Wonderland was written about Jennifer Love Hewitt, John may have written a song for Jessica. [Source, Source]

Here's the thing tho ... no one can ask Jessica about this new development in her lovelife because the poor lamb has gone and lost her voice (she even cancelled a scheduled appearance on The Late Show With David Letterman). Coincidentally, John Mayer has also lost his voice (forcing him to cancel a few recent gigs). BUT, Jessica felt fine enough to appear on MTV's TRL (no performance tho) and to appear at her CD release/pre-VMA party at The Roxy sponsored by Yahoo!:

By all accounts, this was a really fun shindig. My good friend Sam invited David and me to go roller skating with him and Jessica Simpson but because my plane got in later than expected we weren't able to make it out. I haven't been roller skating in ages ... it's a bummer I couldn't make it. Boo! [Source]

Today is the day ... the MTV Video Music Awards air live from Radio City Music Hall tonight on MTV but preparations for the big night have been underway all week long. There are multiple parties going on all at the same time every single night, there are press events and photo ops every where you turn and the VMA performers have been rehearsing their little tushies off in preparation for the big night. Here are a couple pictures of the All American Rejects and Ludacris at the VMA rehearsals earlier this week:

This year's awards show is set to have some amazing performances by a lot of really cool artists. Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, The Killers, Panic! At The Disco ... of course, Luda and AAR (and more!) and the one band I'm most looking forward to seeing live on stage, OK GO. OK GO have one shot at getting their treadmill choreography right ... we'll see if the boys can pull it off. Can I just mention that Tyson Ritter looks extremely H-O-T in this rehearsal picture? Yes! I cannot wait for tonight ... I'll have deets on what I'm doing tonight a little later on in the post. [Source]

Lindsay Lohan has said goodbye to her beautiful red hair and has gone back to the dark side ... here are new pictures of L. Lo emerging from lunch at The Ivy with her her darker locks:

Photo credit: X-17

I dunno ... call me old fashioned but, I really like my firecrotches to have red hair on top. It's weird when the drapes don't match the carpet. [Source]

Lance Bass and Reichen Lemkuhl, who appear to be showing up at every event available these days, were on hand with the ladies from The Hills, LC and Heidi, at the US Open Tennis Gala on Monday:

Leichen are such a cute couple and I really love them together but I don't think there is an event or party that the pair would say no to. They have been making the pre-VMA rounds like nobody's business. I just missed running into Reichen at both the Polaroid Lounge gifting thing at Marquee and the Style Villa gifting thing at the Bryant Park Hotel. I fully expect to see the boys out somewhere tonight ... not sure if they're doing VMA red carpet but there are a million parties tonight and hopefully I'll get to say hey to them at one of those parties. [Source]

It's been quite a while since we've had the opportunity to gaze upon the bathing suited male form of a celeb around here which is why I was very, very happy to come upon these photos of the insanely beautiful Marcus Schenkenberg sunning himself in a fine little square cut pair of shorts:

Oh yes ... these pics are almost in league with the hot David Beckham in Speedos pictures we got earlier this summer. Marcus has looked this hot for years now ... I wonder what his secret is to eternal youth and eternal hotness. I know Pamela Anderson is very much in love with Kid Rock but I can't believe she passed on staying with this guy. Woot! He looks great! [Source]

Hilary Duff paid a little visit to New Orleans to donate some of her time to the survivors of Hurricane Katrina on the one year anniversary of the travesty. Here are some pictures of Hilary playing with some kids at the Medard H. Nelson Elementary School in New Orleans:

Hilary made the special trip to the still raveged area of New Orleans to deliver toys and school supplies to the little kiddies as part of her work with the nonprofit charity organization USA Harvest. I love that she took the time out of her bizzy schedule to make the effort to be a part of this event ... I'm sure the kids appreciated that she cared enough to make the effort. Rock on Hilary ... you rule! [Source]

Speaking of Hilary and ruling, Hilary Duff was the special guest editor for the new issue of Seventeen magazine and she decided to put herself on the cover:

LOL! Well, if Oprah Winfrey can put herself on the cover of each issue of O magazine than why can't Hilary do the same for guest editor stint for Seventeen magazine? [Source]

And finally, here is the new David Beckham Got Milk? ad in it's final, finished form:

I didn't think any of you would mind taking another look at this picture in higher quality. MMMMMMM ... Becks! [thanks Sam]

Les News:
Yesterday, after my long day at the VMA Forum (btw, I have to send out lots of love to both Kevin and Randall for being so amazing to me yesterday) I made my way to the Polaroid Lounge and T-Mobile gifting suite at Marquee to check out the haps. Because I got there a bit late I missed out on all the hot action ... altho, Nick Lachey showed up a little bit after I did. I ran into my friend Jeremy and we made our way to the Bryant Park Hotel for the Style Villa gifting shindig. Jeremy was shooting the celebs, I just tagged along ... we ran into Nelly, Mya, Mario and LC and Heidi from The Hills who were all getting their SWAG on. I have to send out lots of love to the folks at Penguin and Zoo York for hooking me up with some really cool stuff!

After all of that hoopla was over, David and I made our way to Webster Hall for the MTV2/Lifebeat charity concert featuring 30 Seconds to Mars and Taking Back Sunday ... here are a few pics from the show:

Jared Leto was in fine form last night ... the 30STM fanclub was also there in full force. I was happy to see that Jared was not wearing his silver crocs on stage but he was wearing his usual mess of make-up. Here are some pictures from Taking Back Sunday:

Both bands are up for the coveted MTV2 award tonight at the VMAs ... who will win? You'll have to tune in to find out. Both bands put on amazing performances ... but my vote goes for TBS.

I got to meet some amazing Pink readers last night ... and I also got to meet Richard Patrick from NIN, Filter and his new band Army of Anyone:

Sarah finally arrived in NYC and met up with David and me for a late dinner in Chelsea. I'm so glad she's here ... we're gonna have a blast tonight ... Sarah will be with me on the red carpet at the VMAs tonight:

It's gonna be a looooong day, y'all. I have to get down to Radio City Music Hall and get my place on the carpet ... I'll have a full report tomorrow. I'll also be editing the interviews I did yesterday but they might not get posted until the weekend. Have a great Thursday ... and don't forget to tune in tonight to watch all the action LIVE on MTV.


PS: To answer the influx of inquiries about that Madonna shirt I wore yesterday, I must confess that it is a limited edition MTV VMA nominee shirt that was given to me at the Forum ... I also got an Xtina t-shirt. I don't believe they are available for purchase.



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