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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Yo, Mama

Mariah Carey, who is rolling across the USA with her The Adventures of Mimi: The Voice, The Hits, The Tour tour, teamed up with rapper extraordinaire Jay-Z at Madison Square Garden in NYC last night. Here are a few photos of Mimi and Jay rockin' the stage together:

Hahahahaha ... she looks a bit ridiculous in this outfit but I still love her anyways. I always thought that Mariah and Jay-Z made a great couple, their song Heartbreaker is one of my fave songs. From the looks of the pictures (you can see a whole lot more of them HERE) last night's show in NYC looked pretty hot ... especially since Diddy and Da Brat also came on stage as surprise guests. Love it! [Source, thanks Kaley and Marguerite]


OMG ... how fun was last night's episode of Project Runway? They have really been coming up with really engaging and inventive challenges this season. The teaser from last week made it seem like the designers would be working with a celeb ... it was a very cool surprise to find out that the designers would be working with their own mothers and sisters:

Right off the bat, I have to say that Jeffery is just such a jerk each and every week, it makes him so unappealing. The way he treated Angela's mother was insane! Utterly ludicrous! He actually called her a "crazy bitch" -- I was disgusted. And then we're supposed to feel sorry for him and his sob story regarding his drug abuse? I'm sorry ... I was totally turned off by his outrageous behavior. I really liked the idea of using the designers' family members ... it was so nice that Uli got to see her mother who she hadn't seen in years ... so damn cute! I was very surprised when they whipped out Michael Kors' mother ... it never occurred to me that she might still be alive. I don't know why I was so shocked. Even tho MK isn't that old I just never thought about him having a living mother. I cannot believe that Laura is pregs again?! WTF ... she's like a baby factory ... six kids? OY! Her best line of the night was: "I'll just throw it on the pile with the other ones" -- referring to her sixth baby. LOL! It must be said that I am in love with Uli and her designs ... is such a great designer. Shockingly enough -- I liked Vincent's design. Michael's design was really sexy, but he had a great body to work with, the fact that his dress was completely reversible was just genius. Jeffery's outfit was terrible. I couldn't see any "everyday woman" wearing that thing. It looked like a clown outfit ... it was so ugly. He cannot blame that mess on Angela's mother ... it was his vision and it was hideous. I knew all along that Robert was tanking ... he really did not step up at all. Vincent's design was good but I don't think it was good enough to win ... Uli should've won! Her outfit was truly something an everyday woman would wear. Jeffery was only saved because he had a point of view and Robert's design had none ... I knew that Robert's days were numbered. He just couldn't deliver -- and he had many chances to get it right. Did you notice that the judges are getting more nitpicky? It's really getting down to the wire ... I'm totally Team Uli! [Source]


So Laguna Beach last night was okay ... at least the bitchiness was kept in check a bit ... the whole surprise birthday party just stunk of a set-up but it was cute nonetheless. I couldn't work up screen shots from the ep, but here are a few candid shots of little darlings Kyndra and Cami hanging out with friends:

LOL ... these pictures are awesome. They really paint a nice picture of the girls, don't cha think? Anyways, getting back to the show ... what the hell is going on with Jessica's mom giving her advice on camera ... and she was lauding Kristin's talents with the boys? LOL! It looks like this season, the parents totally want to get in on the action. I bet we'll see a lot more parents in future episodes. Sad. The guys in the band Open Air Stereo are cute, Chase's little shout out to his "best friend Tessa" was really cute ... and then the shirt came off -- you gotta love that! The funniest line came from Cami who was talking shizz about Rocky and her fashion choices, "Do you not own a mirror?" Um ... hello?!?!? This is Cami talking? LOLOLOLOL! Kyndra and Cami are just straight up beyotches ... it seems clear that this is the way they are going to be portrayed all season long. It'll be interesting to see if it holds the audience's interest. [thanks Alli]

Maggie Gyllenhaal and her babydaddy Peter Sarsgaard were both on hand for the Marie Claire screening of her new movie Sherrybaby in NYC last night ... here are a couple pictures from the event:

Maggie looks so great, y'all. She's all glowy and stuff ... that baby is gonna drop any day now. It's cool that Maggie is getting as much promo stuff done before she gives birth ... I'm fairly certain she is gonna go underground for a while after that baby is born. [Source]

Woot! Parker Posey got rid of those awful extensions that she's been wearing lately and has gone back to her cute, normal self:

Miss Posey is the best ... I love her to death. I'm so happy she's looking cute again. She needs to just say no to extensions ... she should leave those rats' nests to the professionals like Britney Spears. [Source]

Matthew McConaughey and Lance Armstrong are continuing their lovefest down in Miami. Here are even more photos of McArmstrong getting in a little workout in between ... well ... other workouts:

See ... Lance should appreciate all this lurving while he still can. Now that Jake Gyllenhaal has been chosen to play him in the biopic on his life, there really is no reason for Matthew and Jake to be fighting over him. If Lance isn't careful, Matthew is going to set his sights on other conquests ... [Source]

... yep, it looks like it's already happened:

You know Matthew is serious when he has to whip out the Lindsay Lohan arm-behind-the-head pose. [Source]

Brody Jenner, the self-proclaimed Prince of Malibu, celebrated his 23rd birthday at club Privilege here in LA this week ... here are pictures of Brody and some of his party invitees ... like his mom Linda Thompson, his new BFF Nicole Richie and ... ex-girlfriend Kristin Cavallari?

It's nice that all of Brody's chicks can get along for a night of celebration in his honor. Altho ... it would've been kinda cool to get Nicole and Kristin in a tub of mud and have them wrestle it out for his affections. I'm not even sure who would win in a fight like that ... Kristin might have the strength over Nicole but Nicole has the cunning -- she could strangle Kristin with that rope around her head in about two seconds. Actually, I think it would be way more interesting if Nicole and Kristin hooked up and forgot all about Brody Jenner. [Source]

Mary Kate Olsen is lookin' all embarrassed again ... I wonder what she's ashamed of this time?

Awww ... c'mon MK ... that sparkly collar ain't so bad. Those Diamonique jewels bling in the sunshine almost as well as real diamonds do. [Source]

Kate Beckinsale likes to tan ... well, she likes to look tanned ...

... the only problem is that she missed a spot. Hahahahaha ... I don't get the orange tanning. It's so not cute. [Source]

Have you ever dreamed of owning the childhood home of your fave pop star ... like, say, Jessica or Ashlee Simpson perhaps? Well, today is your lucky day. For a mere $225,000 you can own the very home that the Simpson dynasty was born and raised in:

Curb appeal plus. Lovely 2 story home, surrounded by trees, in the popular Reservation. With recent upgrading, this large home is better than ever. Enjoy the backyard with huge diving pool, landscaping and decking. Formal living and dining areas, both overlook the front of home. Den, with beamed ceiling, fireplace overlook backyard. Dream kitchen has been remodeled with granite countertops, tumbled marble backsplash, replaced black appliances, including gas cooktop and oven. Doesn't it sound divine? Click HERE to check out the home's full real estate listing. Boy ... if those walls could talk ... well, you'd prolly be scared off by Papa Joe's crazy antics but fortunately the walls cannot speak so it's all good. I'd love to discover if there are any skeleton's in the closets ... like, real ones. I wouldn't put anything past Papa Joe Simpson. [Source]

Michelle Trachtenberg is featured in the new issue of Mean magazine ... here are the photos from her spread:

She sure is lookin' a bit sassy ... I love that dress in the last picture. In the interview, Michelle talks about her new movie Beautiful Ohio which was directed by Chad Lowe and produced by Hilary Swank. She also reveals that she has a butt shot in one of the scenes. She didn't use a stunt ass, y'all ... get your tickets now!

Kirsten Dunst, doing her best Jean Harlow, is on the cover of the new issue of Interview magazine:

Call me crazy, but I kinda like this photo. As much as I love her as Marie Antoinette, I think this is a good look for her. It looks more natural on her than say some of Xtina Aguilera's recent photos. In some pics, Xtina looks like she's trying too hard ... Kirsten looks more natural. I love it. [Source]

And finally, here is the first promo poster for the upcoming third season of Lost:

Am I crazy ... should I know who that new guy is in this poster? Apparently, I am crazy ... a few Pink readers reminded me that the guy is Henry Gale -- who looks like he got a make-over -- I didn't even recognize his obviously botoxed face! Why does Charlie look so ominous and evil? What is up with Jack, Kate and Sawyer's eyes ... are they supposed to look like that or is it just bad Photoshopping? I can't wait for this show to get going again! Woot! [Source]

Los News:
Jim and I spent yesterday afternoon taking care of some stuff in Culver City ... hanging out with some new peeps. Then we spent the evening in Santa Monica picking up a few things for my upcoming trip to NYC (and beyond). He and Davey wanted me to go out with them to FUBAR for a night out but I opted to stay in ... I've actually got lots to prepare before I leave for NYC. I'll be away for about a month so I've begun to prepare for my long absence from my new home.

Yesterday night, some NYC friends got together to celebrate Josh Madden's birthday and my friend Jeremy from sent me a couple pics from the festivities:

Aww ... it looks like so much fun. I wish I could've been there ... but I'll be in NYC soon enough.

This afternoon I have a bunch of trip preparing to do ... and I still have to finish up my interview questions for Louise Post ... I get to sit down and chat with her tomorrow afternoon.

It's almost the weekend, y'all ... I hope y'alls weeks are going well. I'm out.



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