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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Doll Parts

Okay, okay ... I have to keep telling myself that it was only game one of the 2006 World Series and the Detroit Tigers are just trying to make the series exciting ... more suspenseful ... or something like that. I have to give much props to the St. Louis Cardinals for handily winning game one of the World Series last night. I still have faith in the boys from D-Town ... but I'm gonna chill on the baseball talk until the games are finished ... I don't want to jinx anything ...

... but speaking of ass-whippings, it seems that Kevin Federline did not learn his lesson last week when he made a guest appearance on WWE's RAW. It appears that K-Fed is out for revenge -- he's coming back again this week to try and exact that revenge:

Last Monday night, Kevin Federline a.k.a. K-Fed appeared on Monday Night RAW with his good friends Johnny Nitro and Melina. During his appearance, Federline was involved in a physical confrontation with WWE Champion John Cena which saw the aspiring artist become the recipient of an F-U. K-Fed was furious with Cena's actions and the treatment he received during his visit. As a result, he has informed RAW's Executive Assistant Jonathan Coachman that along with Melina, he will be in Johnny Nitro's corner for his match this Monday on RAW with Cena ... In addition, Jonathan Coachman has released the following statement to "I am pleased to announce on behalf of Mr. McMahon that WWE will have the distinct privilege of promoting Kevin Federline's new album "Playing with Fire." I have listened to the album, and I can assure you that it is nothing short of a musical masterpiece." K-Fed failed to endear himself to the WWE fans on last week's show. What kind of reaction will K-Fed get when he accompanies Johnny Nitro to the ring for his match? Will K-Fed receive more suitable "treatment" this time around? I must admit that I am not well schooled in the politics of the WWE but I think I can surmise that K-Fed is hoping to injure, embarrass or at the very least antagonize John Cena by showing up in Johnny Nitro's corner. I'm not exactly sure how all of this works ... all I want to see is K-Fed get thrown around like a little girl again. OH, and I love that they had to mention K-Fed's new album -- at least they're not hiding the real reason why K-Fed is showing up at these wrestling matches. Anyways, I believe that RAW tapes on Sunday nights so tomorrow's second episode featuring K-Fed should take place tonight ... if anyone has any pictures they want to share please feel free to send them in! [Source, thanks Jayce and Michael]

Here are new photos Gwen Stefani and her precious little baby boy Kingston James doing a little shopping in Pasadena, CA this weekend ... it looks like little Kingston is out to steal Maddox Jolie-Pitt's signature faux hawk look:

Awww shizz, y'all. The babies are already begining to start shit with one another. How embarrassing would it be if Kingston and Maddox showed up at the same sandbox both rockin' the faux hawk? Can you imagine? [Source]

Well, as soon as a celebrity comes out of the closet no matter how unfamous they used to be (think Reichen Lemkuhl) they immediately become the subject of srcutiny and start getting a lot more attention. I don't even watch Grey's Anatomy but I'm already well aware of who T.R. Knight is -- which only goes to show that coming out of the closet isn't always a bad thing for one's career (think Melissa Etheridge). Here are pictures of T.R. hangin' out with an attractive male friend, Luke MacFarlane who stars on the ABC drama Brothers and Sisters ... who may or may not be his boyfriend:

Whether or not T.R. chose to come out of the closet because of the insensitive remarks by co-star Isaiah Washington (during his fight with Patrick Dempsey), I applaud T.R. for having the courage to come out publicly with his sexuality. He didn't have to do it but chose to do it anyways. I wish him all the luck and success in the world ... I'll be supporting him because unfortunately there will be those out there who will automatically hate him just because of who he is. Oh ... and if this Luke isn't T.R.'s boyfriend ... he should be, they make a cute couple. [Source]

The infamous Vanity Fair photos of Suri Holmes-Cruise (the only photos that are known to exist of the alleged child of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes) have been released in HQ format (i.e. not scanned from the magazine) so I thought it'd be a good opportunity to take another look at Suri Holmes-Cruise to see if we missed anything the first time we saw the photos:

A-HA! I SOOO KNEW IT! Well, at least now we know where she really came from. Irregardless of the fact that she's prolly a little alien robot, she really is a cutie. [Source]

Incidentally, TomKat were on hand for the International Association of Scientologists Patrons Ball this weekend which, I hear from Pink reader Anna, was a very interesting event. From what I understand, entertainment for the awards ceremony and dinner included renditions of R. Kelly's I Believe I Can Fly, a fun little song about Heracles and a catchy little song with lyrics like Scientology/No one can stop us. Sounds like a fun night ... I'm sure Suri was left home to chill out in her Mattel box.

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are moving from the realm of designing clothing for little girls into the realm of designing clothes for older little girls (who appear to be even skinnier than the little little girls they used to design for). Here is your first look at what sort of design philosophy they have in mind:

Photo credit: X-17

Um ... basically they're designing clothes that are pretty much long tank-tops with ugly legwarmers. I just can't believe that women would want to dress like Mary-Kate Olsen (and Chloe Sevigny doesn't count). She always looks like she's wearing her mother's clothes ... everything is too big and baggy for her little frame ... and there are girls out there who want to look like this as well? For reals? People, just say no. [Source, Source]

Vogue magazine thinks that there aren't enough Vogue magazines in the world so they are coming out with all sorts of new Vogue magazines to fill that void. Men's Vogue launched earlier this year (the current issue features Hugh Jackman on the cover) and is published quarterly ... and now they're coming out with Vogue Living -- the debut issue features Jennifer Lopez (and her home) on the cover:

Eh ... what do I need Men's Vogue for when I've already got GQ? I don't know what kind of interest Vogue Living is going to generate ... I know I'd be much more interested in reading something like Pet's Vogue or Baby Vogue. I know I would love to read all about the fabulous lives of celebrity pets and celebrity babies (which are sometimes one in the same). Oh wait ... no I wouldn't. NO MORE VOGUES! [Source, Source]

Kylie Minogue is working feverishly on her new album and is also preparing to return to the stage for her Showgirl Homecoming Tour ... even her official website is begin revamped and is set to be relaunched soon: has a countdown clock counting down to the site's relaunch ... I, for one, am very excited for new Kylie stuff. Her new look, her new logo, her new lease on life is all very exciting. I can't wait!!! [Source]

And now it's time for the Hot Dude of the Week ... why don't we all just sit back, relax with a nice bubble bath and say hello to Jesse who is sitting back and relaxing in his own little bubble bath:

MMMM ... looks nice ... er, the bubble bath ... it looks nice, don't it? Sure hot and half-nekkid Jesse is a pretty sight but boy those bubbles really look hot, hot, hot. All those suds ... slippery, wet suds ... Woot! Enjoy :) [Source]

And finally, here are a few more photos sent in by Pink readers ... I've been getting so many lately that I figured I'd post a few more of the various Pink readers who have been sending in their pictures from all over the world. Pink readers and OU Sooners Emily and her sorority sisters who threw a fun little Seventh Grade Slumber Party -- Patty and Paul (from Honolulu, HI) at Disneyland's Gay Day last weekend -- Tommy and Charlotte representin' Washington DC -- Gabrielle chillin' in Prague -- Dana on holiday in Edinburgh, Scotland:

Thank you all for the fun photos ... I love that people send in pics from all over the world ... it's crazy, but it's really cool and I love them all. XOXO

Les News:
Yesterday, Jim decided that he needed to go shopping for a new fall wardrobe so David and I went with him to help out ... yeah, David and I both ended up buying a few things (actually, David bought a lot of things) and Jim only came home with one new pair of jeans. Ah well, we had fun ... and Jim's gonna need more clothes so we're prolly gonna have to go out and look for more new stuff for him.

Last night we met up with Davey and made our way to Club 7969 for the Hot Dog danceparty ... we were celebrating Jim's friend Mike's birthday and what better way to do so than with hot go-go boys at Hot Dog. We didn't know it beforehand but the boys from Randy Blue (link NSFW) were the go-go boys for the night ... ain't nothin' more entertaining than randy porn stars dancing around in jock straps ... Jim, Davey, Mike and co. all happily posed with a few of the porn stars -- David and I opted out:

We had so much fun ... the music was pretty good, the go-go/porn boys were hot and really very nice to talk to and a great night was had by all. I got to meet Pink readers Logan and Kevin and even ran into James St. James and Duckie, my supposed tourguide of LA (yeah dude, whatever happened with that?). It was really fun.

Tonight, a bunch of us are getting together to go see The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3-D at the El Capitan Theater and then we're going to Knott's Scary Farm for their Halloween stuff. Apparently it's really scary ... and since I'm a huge-ass wuss when it comes to haunted houses and things like that I'm sure I'll be screaming like a little girl all night long. Woot!

Hope y'all are having a fab weekend! I'm out!!!



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