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Friday, March 30, 2007

Settling Down

The day that I thought would never come has finally come ... well, has finally come close to finally coming -- Britney Spears is only moments away from completely unfettering herself from The Federline. Yesterday afternoon, Britney Spears, Kevin Federline and their legal representatives sat down for a 5-hour marathon session where they hammered out the final details of their divorce. While I'm a teeny bit surprised that Britney actually decided to go thru with the divorce (after all, it would have been completely plausible and not entirely unexpected if she decided to give her marriage to K-Fed another shot ... especially after he gave her his support as she dealt with her rehab problem last month), I'm not at all surprised that Britney's legal team unwaivered in their commitment to uphold the stringent parameters of the Spederline prenuptial agreement. Here are pictures of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline as they left her lawyer's office in Century City yesterday afternoon:

Images Removed By Request
Photo credit: Flynet

From People: "The parties signed a global settlement on all issues of their marriage and the custody of the children," Michael Sands, a spokesman for Federline's attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan, tells PEOPLE ... During a smoke break downstairs, Spears talked with Federline for 15 minutes, Sands said. The terms were not revealed. A judge will still have to sign off on the agreement. From TMZ: Sources say that under the terms, K-Fed will walk away with around $1 million (In case you're wondering, Spears' lawyer, Laura Wasser, drafted and airtight pre-nup). As for their two kids, we're told Britney and Kevin will have joint custody, sharing physical custody 50/50. The divorce will be final, with a judge's signature, very soon. Britney and K-Fed settled their score after meeting face to face with their lawyers for hours Thursday afternoon. This is very interesting ... I wonder what kind of a fight Kevin put up. He had a bit of ammunition in his arsenal and yet it appears that he still caved in and went along with the terms of the prenup. $1 million bucks ain't nuthin' to sneeze at and yet ... it just feels like he lost. [Source, Source]

After spending much of her afternoon working out the legal details of her divorce, Britney found herself in a celebratory mood ... here are pictures of a jubilant Brit Brit as she made her way into Bridge Restaurant and Lounge last night to get her party on:

Photo credit: Splash News

Yeah, that's a pretty big smile she's got on her face, it's a good thing she went in for teeth whitening earlier this week. [Source]

So there you have it folks ... one of the final nails in the Spederline coffin has been securely hammered into place ... it shouldn't be long now ...

Spederline is finally dead.

In other legal news, Paris Hilton finds herself in a heap of trubs and this time it appears that she might not be able to talk her way out of it. What will it take for Paris to learn that she cannot continue to defy the law and still get away with it? Perhaps a cool 90-day stint in jail will clue her in:

Paris Hilton has been found in violation of the terms of her probation and faces a maximum sentence of 90 days in jail, the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office announced Thursday. Hilton, 26, was spotted Feb. 27 speeding down Sunset Boulevard around 11 p.m. without her headlights on, says L.A. Sheriff's spokesman Oscar Butao. After pulling over her 2007 Bentley Continental GTC Convertible, officers found Hilton was driving with a suspended license – the result of her DUI arrest last September ... Hilton's rep and attorney were not immediately available for comment. Previously, Hilton's spokesman Elliot Mintz told the Associated Press that she was unaware that her license had been suspended. "When Paris called me [after she was pulled over], she asked if her license was suspended," Mintz said. "If that's the case, she and I are unaware of it." But Nick Velasquez, spokesman for the City Attorney's Office, said Thursday: "We have sufficient evidence to prove that Hilton had knowledge of the suspension, and yet continued to drive." So lemme get this straight ... the best defense Paris Hilton and Elliot Mintz could come up with was, "I didn't know"? LOL! I'm not totally convinced that Paris Hilton will do any jail time over this (or any other incident for that matter) but the prospect that she might is a bit satisfying. It seems that the only way she will learn her lesson to obey the law is to be punished. I find it hard to believe that Miss Hilton has any concept of punishment ... perhaps this will be her opportunity to finally learn the lesson that her family probably never taught her ... I guess we'll find out on April 17 when the first hearing concerning this matter will take place. [Source]

Academy Award winning actresses Hilary Swank, Charlize Theron and others were on hand for the Hollywood premiere of Hilary's new movie The Reaping last night ... here are pictures from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

First, let me say that I think The Reaping is just the kind of looks-so-bad-it-might-be-good movie that I love to watch. If memory serves, they were playing the trailer for this movie in theaters last summer ... so its release date must've been pushed back (not necessarily a good sign). At any rate, I am all about these Biblical-Horror films (like The Exorcist, The Omen, Stigmata, etc.) so this sort of flick is right up my alley ... what I don't understand is why 2-time Oscar winner Hilary Swank is starring in it. After winning the Academy Award for Best Actress twice, what could possess an actress of that caliber to take on a film like this? I don't get it ... but I somehow doubt that her acting prowess will save the movie if the story sucks. In any regard, bring on the plagues! Let's see if Hilary Swank can save our souls! [Source]

David Beckham unveiled the latest in a long line of new hair-dos last night when he showed up at the 2007 Sport Industry Awards in London -- and this one looked suspiciously like his wife Victoria's latest hair-do ... take a look:

Photo credit: Splash News

Boo! David Beckham may be hot but this hair-do does nothing for him ... it just makes him look wrong and I think I hate it ... [Source]

... fortunately, by the end of the night, it appears that Becks started hating it too because at some point he whipped out his emergency stash of hair product and righted the wrong that he committed:

Photo credit: Splash News

See guys ... this is why it's imperatively important that you always carry an extra tub of hair goop in your manbag for just such an emergency. Only you can prevent bad hair days. [Source]

In other Beckham news, it looks like the family has begun to prepare for their big move to the United States later on this year. Here are pictures of a couple of movers moving furniture out of Becks' Spanish office yesterday afternoon:

Photo credit: Splash News

Woot! It won't be long now until the movers start packing up their household items as well. Despite the fact that the Beckhams appear to be having a hard time finding a place to live when they get here, I'm confident that everything will be sorted out soon. I'd be happy to let David Beckham stay with me for a little while until he gets his living situation all sorted out. I don't have much room for children or robots, so it'll have to be just him. It's the least I could do :) [Source]

Courtney Love is becoming a brand new woman and she wants the whole world to know it. Posting a message on the fansite Moon Washed Rose, Court (the name she uses to post on the site) reveals that she has lost 44 lbs., she plans on losing 11 more lbs. before she's finished and that she has gotten a new nose job to undo her last "nose-jobby" nose job. Here are pictures of C. Love showin' off her slimmer bod and her "old nose" as she vacays in Hawaii this week:

Photo credit: Splash News

Courtney Love got the Internet buzzing Wednesday when she appeared dramatically slimmed down in a batch of beach photos – and now she says she's lost 44 pounds. In a posting on Love's Web site,, she writes under the name "court" that she "lost 44 pounds with 6 more maybe 11 more to go." A rep for the onetime Hole singer confirms that Love indeed wrote the post and says Love is following a macrobiotic diet, eating lots of vegetables and fish, and doing yoga and exercise to meet her weight-loss goals. Love also writes openly about having had a nose job, saying that she has her "old nose" back. "I hated that nosejobby nose, it was like a little beak," she writes. Now, she says, she had had her nose "fixed." "[It] looks like the one god gave me so im happy not to have crazy lips and a crazy teensy unnatural little nose." She adds, "All i care about is that my self esteem is [limitless] and intact, and that nothing and no situation effects my self esteem." She looks great and she sounds great. It's a wonder what the cessation of drug use can do for one's healthy demeanor. Courtney once told Billboard magazine, "Drugs make you an asshole." and I have to concur. Here's hoping that Courtney holds on to this new positive outlook on life and leaves her former asshole-self behind. [Source]

Pink reader Theresa came upon the set of National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets, starring Nicolas Cage and John Voight, which is filming in Washington DC right now and sends in a pic to share with us. Here is her picture from the set which is shooting in front of the US Chamber and White House this week ... along with a couple other pictures from a different DC location:

Photo credit: Theresa & Splash News

I kinda hate to admit this publicly, but I am a huge fan of the first National Treasure movie ... but I swear, it's not my fault. At the time the movie came out, I was dating the brother of one of the principal actors in the original film and I was teaching my US History and American Government classes at ULS and well ... I think I unwillingly got caught up in my own hype. Truth be told ... the movie is pretty good. It was the US version of the DaVinci Code before that movie even came out. I must admit that I am a *wee* bit excited that they are making a sequel ... the fact that Helen Mirren has signed on to play Nic Cage's mother in this new film only intensifies my interest. I can't be the only person out there nerdy enough to like this movie, right? Right? Anyone? [Source, thanks Theresa]

Things must be going well for Kylie Minogue because she is still in Stockholm, Sweden looking happy as can be:

Photo credit: Big Pictures

You may recall that Kylie flew in to Stockholm to meet up with the Swedish producers Bloodshy & Avant to discuss a possible collaboration on her new album. The fact that she is still in town is very encouraging ... perhaps they are working on new music as we speak. Wee! [Source]

Hmm ... I wonder why Jake Gyllenhaal was lookin' all scowly yesterday afternoon as he walked the streets of LA?

Maybe he's upset that he hasn't been featured on Pink is the new Blog in a few days. Well, we can't have a sad Jakey poo, now can we? Smile Jake ... I still heart you! [Source]

In other hot dudeness, here are pictures of Ryan Gosling as he arrived at LAX airport yesterday afternoon ...

... yeah, no real reason for posting the pics other than the simple hotness. [Source]

Media Take Out is reporting an interesting rumor going around that Aubrey O'Day, from the group Danity Kane, may be walking around with a bun in the oven ... and that that bun may have been put in her oven by none other than Aubrey's boss Diddy, himself. Here are a couple of very interesting photos of Aubrey, taken only a few of months apart, that show a drastic change in her appearance:

The group Danity Kane could be caught up in an explosive new scandal. spoke exclusively to a Bad Boy insider who believes that group member Aubrey O'Day may be pregnant. According to the insider, whispers of an Aubrey pregnancy have been widespread among the Bad Boy staff. The tipster explains, "People here are always gossiping, so at first I didn't listen to them. But I swear ... now Aubrey is beginning to show" ... [P]ictures appear to corroborate what our tipster is saying. By looking at the pics, it's obvious that the blond singer gained a significant amount of weight in the last few months. And if that wasn't enough of a bombshell, the Bad Boy tipster had more. According to the insider - the father of the child may be none other than Sean "Diddy" Combs. The tipster told, "Everyone knows she had something going on with [Diddy]. It makes a lot of sense that he would be the father." But the tipster adds, "I really hope Diddy didn't [get her pregnant], because this could turn into a real mess ... imagine if she sued for [sexual] harassment." This scandal could make the latest chapter in Diddy's baby mama drama. While it's not clear exactly how many children the Bad Boy founder has fathered, he currently acknowledges 5 children from 3 different women (3 from Kim Porter, 1 from Misa Hylton, and 1 from Sarah Chapman). There are at least two other women claiming to have given birth to Diddy's children. While merely relying on pictures to prove a pregnancy is a bit weak ... you gotta admit that the story is at the very least plausible (and, yes, extremely salacious). Aubrey does look a bit bigger than she did just last January ... and you would think that saying that she is starting to look a lot like Pamela Anderson would be a compliment -- but it is not. If this "Bad Boy insider" turns out to be right then I wouldn't be shocked at all. I would feel bad for Kim Porter, who just gave birth to Diddy's latest children. Hmm ... I wonder what this bodes for Danity Kane's sophomore album? [Source, Source]

And finally, it looks like Madonna is back in NYC on a somewhat more permanent basis ... one of her M by Madonna H&M ads has been painted onto a building in SoHo right next to the iconic DKNY painted ad:

I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be painting that ad on that building if it wasn't meant to stay there for some time. It should come as no surprise that I love it ... what a perfect place for a larger than life Madonna portrait to hang. [Source]

Les News:
I had planned on venturing out into the world yesterday but that plan never really came to fruition. I ended up spending the afternoon writing and watching DVDs. I'm sure this sounds incredibly boring but I can assure you, I am really loving this alone time right now. I'll be leaving LA again next week for a bit of time so I'm trying to just enjoy my environs while I still can. I'm pretty sure I'll be going out today ... Jim arrives from NYC this afternoon so I'm sure there'll be something going on tonight.

The weekend is here ... I hope y'all have a great one :) I'm out.



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