PINK is the new BLOG
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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

Well now, isn't this a nice sight to behold ... Britney Spears went out on the town last night, as she is wont to do these days, but instead of trolling around night clubs, strip joints or house parties in the The Valley, she spent a nice night out with a friend at a Los Angeles Lakers basketball game. Here are pictures of a very content, very happy-looking Britney enjoying the b-ball game last night night:

Doth mine eyes deceive me? Doesn't she look like the good ol' Britney Spears that we all know a love from back in the day? Look at that smile ... she looks great! Her hair looks great too ... sure, we know it's a wig but it looks so natural, much more natural than the wigs she's been seen wearing lately. You can tell she's happy ... it's a nice sight to behold, indeed. Here's hoping that Britney is about to embark on a new, very positive, chapter in her life. [Source]

Yesterday afternoon parts of the Hollywood Hills caught fire and sent plumes of brown smoke into the air. I had just picked up Jim from the airport and was driving over Laurel Canyon road when I saw the huge plumes of smoke coming up over the hill. I had no idea where it was coming from but as I kept driving the smoke kept getting bigger and bigger. It turns out that the brushfire broke out very near the famed Hollywood sign and near the Warner Bros. studios lot in Burbank ... it turns out the fire was set by 2 kids from Illinois who were screwing around:

Photo credit: Splash News

A wildfire that authorities say was ignited by two teenagers tore through the brush-covered hills surrounding the famous Hollywood sign Friday, putting a scare into the city but doing little damage other than coating the area in a thick blanket of smoke. The fire was relatively small - only 150 acres - but it attracted attention as smoke roiled into the sky behind the sign. At the height of the blaze, dozens of people gathered at the foot of the hills to take pictures of the landmark surrounded by smoke. "If it burns, we would be losing an icon," said Russ Mitchell, a Los Angeles resident. The fire began shortly before 1 p.m. next to the Oakwood Toluca Hills, a corporate housing complex northwest of downtown, and spread rapidly up the hillside before being contained about three hours later. Authorities said two boys, ages 16 and 17, from Illinois later walked into a police station and acknowledged causing the fire. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa told reporters the two, who were visiting Los Angeles with their parents, had been staying at the Oakwood complex. Both boys were later booked for investigation of reckless setting of a fire, said Ron Myers, a fire department spokesman. They were released to their parents, and the case will be sent to county prosecutors Monday for possible charges, Myers said. One building at the Oakwood housing complex, a popular place among aspiring child actors and other entertainment professionals, was evacuated at the request of firefighters ... Some 200 firefighters and five helicopters battled the flames. There were no reports of structural damage. "I don't know the exact last date we've seen a fire in this particular area but the hills are prone to fires throughout the year," said Myers, the fire department spokesman. "This is just a little bit earlier than what we normally see." Yeah, yesterday was a pretty freaky day. I went to The Grove to pick up a few things and everyone was just standing around watching the smoke billow higher and fill the bright blue sky. Even Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was at The Grove (I almost bumped into him, actually) tho he didn't seemed too concerned about the fire, he was just walking around talking to his people. I've gotta say, he looks really old in person ... he was also wearing a lot of face make-up and was rockin' a pretty terrible hair dye job. After I finished at The Grove, I went over to the Beverly Center and I actually came face-to-face with Jennifer Hudson herself! I was talking on the phone and ran into her in the parking structure and I *completely froze*! I didn't know what to say, I was so surprised ... but it was her with a friend. She wasn't all glammed up or nothing ... just looked very normal. I wish I wasn't on the phone because I might've at least said hello to her ... but yeah, that was my typical day in LA yesterday. I'm really glad the fire was put out successfully and no one was hurt. [Source]

Courtney Love continues to enjoy her Hawaiian vacation on the island of Maui ... here are more pictures of C. Love enjoying herself on the beach ...

Photo credit: Splash News & Flynet

Now, the bird on the shoulder I can forgive ... I can even forgive the flappy excess skin on her stomach -- after all, losing 44 lbs. takes its toll on a body. But I absolutely cannot overlook the fact that Courtney Love, rocker extraordinaire, is wearing a scrunchie in her hair! I am just appalled! [Source, Source]

Here are a couple of great pictures from the set of the new movie Iron Man which stars Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark and Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts ...

... it would seem that Pepper is puttin' the moves on Tony. The movie isn't scheduled for release until 2008 but it looks like they're hard at work already. I'm anxious to see what the Iron Man suit will look like. If the poster is any indication, it's gonna look rad. [Source]

If there's one thing that the Hilton family knows all about ... it's class. No matter what they do, they do it in style. Take for example, Nicky Hilton showing off the eating etiquette that she learned in charm school:

Photo credit: Splash News

Tres bien! That is so hot. [Source]

Speaking of hot, here are pictures of Carson Daly rockin' his spandex attire on the streets of SoCal as he takes a little break from his bike riding routine:

Photo credit: Splash News

It looks like Carson put on a little healthy weight ... he doesn't look as skeletally-thin as usual. I'm not too big on the spandex ensemble but I ain't mad at him for wearing it. [Source]

Ruh-ro! It seems that another former child actor has gotten himself in trubs with the law. Brian Bonsall, who played Andy -- the youngest member of the Keaton family on the 80s sitcom Family Ties and who later played Alexander Rozhenko the son of Worf on Star Trek: The Next Generation, has been arrested for physically assaulting his girlfriend in Boulder, CO:

The Daily Camera is reporting a former "Family Ties" child star was arrested this week on suspicion of domestic violence. According to the article, Brian Bonsall, 25, faces possible charges of felony second-degree assault and misdemeanor false imprisonment. Bonsall's girlfriend told police he poured an alcoholic drink in her face as she slept, put her in a choke hold and threw her onto a bed several times when she tried to leave. Bonsall remains at the Boulder County Jail in lieu of a $5,000 bond and is expected to be formally charged Tuesday. His girlfriend, Lindsay Dunavan, called police at 6:35 a.m. Wednesday to the apartment she shares with Bonsall at 2800 Balsam Ave. When officers arrived, Bonsall said he threw his girlfriend down in self-defense because she came at him with a steak knife and cut his arm and face. Dunavan, 26, denied slashing Bonsall. Police initially arrested the couple but "un-arrested" Dunavan about an hour later, according to a police report ... it became questionable whether enough probable cause existed to arrest Dunavan after further investigation, and officers were looking at Bonsall as the "prominent aggressor" in the case. Bonsall was arrested in 2004 on suspicion of drinking and driving after police say he suddenly stopped his gray SUV near the intersection of Broadway and College Avenue as a passenger stuck his head out the window and vomited. When police asked how much Bonsall, who was driving, had been drinking, he replied, "Plenty" – half a pint of Jim Beam, the officer's report said. His driver's license previously had been revoked for an alcohol offense in 2001. Bonsall's arrest history also includes two allegations of failure to appear in court for underage drinking in Broomfield and Boulder counties, according to police records. The Daily Camera also reports his name also appears in four other Boulder Police reports involving allegations of domestic violence and assault from 2002 and 2004, but no arrests were made ... His latest police report stated he is unemployed. OUCH! What a sad story ... it sounds like little Andy Keaton has been having a rough few years lately. [Source]

Pink reader Pia sent along a site shows us what some of our favorite soccer players looked like as kiddies ... now, I'm not the biggest soccer fan in the world -- I hardly know any soccer players at all -- but the ones I know and like turned out to be pretty damn cute little kids back in the day:

It's amazing ... Brooklyn Beckham, the eldest Beckham child, looks exactly like his dad David did when he was a kid. Cristiano Ronaldo looks exactly the same as he did when he was a little kid and Wayne Rooney has always had a big head ... hee hee, at least he grew into his ears and eyes. Cute! [Source, thanks Pia]

Here's a fun game ... can you guess which celeb was seen walking the streets of LA with their nips at full attention?

Click above to find out who it is
Photo credit: Mavrix

Heh ... at least it's a guy for a change. Good luck! [Source]

Here is this week's batch of photos sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- Danielle, Sherri and Yvonne send in a great pic from Danielle's recent cancer remission party last week. Danielle continues to do well and I thank her for keeping us informed of her progress -- Sara and Alexis send in a couple of great pictures from their Pink Day at gymnastics practice at Kenney's Gymnastics Academy team in Raleigh, NC -- Elly and Margaret send in a picture from atop Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa last December -- Jordan and her Tri-Delta Sorority sisters on Spring Break from the University of Central Florida in Orlando -- Kelly sends in a supercute picture of her daughter Grayce and their puppy Remi:

Thank you all so much for the amazing pictures. I love them all ... I am very touched, again, that so many people continue to send in their photos. It means so much to me ... thank you again again :) XOXO

And finally ... do angels really exist? Check out this picture and decide for yourself:

Still not convinced? Read THIS article on the pic above. I'm not sure that I necessarily believe it but ... you just never know. [Source]

Les News:
So yeah ... I pretty much explained what I did yesterday afternoon earlier on in the blog ... but last night I met up with my new friend Mike for dinner and conversation. Mike and I met when David and I went to PopStarz two weeks ago and we decided to get together for food and eats last night. We really hit it off ... lots of great conversation. After dinner we met up with Jim and Davey at PopStarz for dancing ... unfortch, we didn't do much dancing at all. The DJ wasn't great so we ended up just hanging out and talking for the rest of the night. I did get to meet a few Pink readers ...

I have to give a shout out to Yin (pictured above) & her boyfriend Chaz, Chris (who says I must give a shout to Marisa), roomies James & Art and Andrew (who says it's essential that I give a huge shout out to Nicole). It was great meeting you all :)

Yeah ... I slept in really late this morning ... apologies for the lateness ... it is the weekend after all and my "no alarm clocks on the weekend" policy is in full effect.

Holla! I'm out!



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