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Monday, April 09, 2007

Close Encounters

Well, another Easter season has come and gone already ... it's kinda like the last scene in It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown where Linus and Charlie Brown are leaning on that pontificating on the passage of yet another Halloween on the morning after ... except, it's Easter and not Halloween so it's not kinda like it at all -- oh you get what I'm getting at. David and I are back in NYC with a great week ahead to look forward to ... so, without further adieu, let's get to it ...

Britney Spears spent her Easter weekend doing what she loves best ... apparently ... she spent another afternoon at the Staples Center watching the Los Angeles Lakers play basketball. Her new crazy fascination with basketball is a bit strange but it beats the hell out of her going out partying every night. Here are pictures of Britters at, yet another, Lakers game and then out for a little shopping trip on Robertson Blvd. in West Hollywood afterwards:

Photo credit: Flynet

The important thing is that she looks happy ... tho, she'd prolly be better served hanging out with her kiddies rather than sitting courtside at a Lakers game. It's been ages since we've seen her out with either of her baby boys. I just don't get her ... try as I might ... [Source]

While Britney was back in LA chillin' with the Lakers, K-Fed spent another weekend in Las Vegas getting his party on. Mr. Father-of-the-Year prolly brought his sons along with him but they were nowhere to be seen at K-Fed's Divorce Settlement Party at Jet Nightclub at The Mirage:

Says an onlooker, "All the ladies in the club were fighting to squeeze into Kevin's VIP area, but security was tight and only letting in the hottest Britney look-alikes." LOL! I'm sure the chicks are all lining up to be the next Mrs. Federline. Homie was rollin' like a P.I.M.P. which suggests that his divorce settlement was a bit larger than we were initially led to believe. Something tells me that K-Fed wouldn't be throwin' around all this mad paper if he was only getting a measly $1 million bucks from Britney. [Source]

David and I spent Easter Sunday chillin' with his family (the mom is Jewish, hence the Seder dinner but the dad is Catholic, hence the Easter brunch) and after a nice breakfast of fried Matzah with syrup we all dyed Easter eggs together at the dining room table ... sounds pretty standard right? That's prolly how some of you spent your Easter Sunday ... Paris Hilton celebrated Easter in her own fashion:

It wouldn't be a Hilton Easter if Paris wasn't flashing an asscheek or two and if she wasn't torturing little animals by carting them around like playthings. For this, our Lord rose on the third day. [Source]

In more sedate celebrity Easter news, Reese Witherspoon (who was Jake Gyllenhaalless) spent Easter Sunday with her children, Ava and Deacon, taking them first to church and then to an Easter egg hunt afterwards:

Photo credit: Flynet

Aren't they just the absolute perfect picture of a perfect family ... well, of a perfectly broken up Hollywood family? It's too bad that Reese didn't take this Easter opportunity to introduce her rumored new love interest Jake Gyllenhaal to the celebrity gawking world ... from what I understand, Jake is really fond of big bunnies. [Source]

David Beckham was showing off some new tattoo work he's had done on his right forearm at a Real Madrid soccer game yesterday. Both he and his wife Victoria Beckham are fond of tattoos so it's no big surprise that he got some new work done:

David Beckham looked decidedly fed-up on the sidelines of yet another Real Madrid game yesterday. But it appears he has spent the extra time off the pitch getting a new addition to his tattoo collection. The former England captain, who already has nine tattoos on his back, arms and neck, showed off the latest ink drawing on his right forearm. It appears to be a continuation of the angel and clouds scene he already has further up his arm. Altho, this new sleeve tattoo work could merely be an homage to Becks' favorite US TV show, Prison Break. You may also note that Becks' is wearing, what appears to be, a scarf/head-wrap called a Keffiyeh, much like the one worn by Trent Reznor in the new NIN video for their song Survivalism. The Keffiyeh is quite in vogue these days ... you can expect to find them at your local Urban Outfitters any day now. [Source]

Well now ... it appears that rumors that Chelsy Davy is upset with her royal boyfriend Prince Harry have been greatly exaggerated ... the couple have reunited in Antigua and took in a cricket match together ... showing all the world that they are still very much together and still very much in love:

The young royal and his girlfriend appeared more interested in each other than in England's crucial World Cup match against Australia in Antigua. While romantic observers mused that their behaviour was an indication of the depth of their love, the more down-to-earth members of Harry's circle favoured the explanation that cricket is not really his game. He always was more of a rugby man. Either way, it is clear the couple are enjoying their three-week jaunt in the Caribbean in advance of the prince's deployment to Iraq as a troop commander with the Blues and Royals. They spent their first week lazing around in the sun, smoking heavily and drinking Planters Punch in the exclusive Barbados resort of Glitter Bay, where they are sharing a private condominium. Yesterday they roused themselves from their sun loungers to hop on to a private plane to nearby Antigua. Accompanied by two Scotland Yard protection officers and Zimbabwean-born Chelsy's brother, Shaun, the couple took their places in the stands without any fanfare ... The couple will return to England in two weeks when they plan to throw a going-away party for Harry before his six-month tour of duty in Iraq. Well, it's nice to hear that things are going well for the little prince ... hopefully things will continue to go well once he's deployed to Iraq. [Source]

In other vacation news, Dina Lohan packed up her youngest children, Ali and Cody, and hit the beaches of South Beach, FL for a little R&R ... here are pics of the happy Lohans on holiday:

Photo credit: Splash News

Strange, daddy Michael Lohan was nowhere to be seen. I guess Dina still hasn't gotten over that prison thing. It looked like Ali made herself a little friend ... I wonder who that boy she's tossing around the football with is. LOL ... wouldn't it be HI-larious if it was Aaron Carter? [Source]

In celebrity couple reunification news, it looks like things are heating up again between Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz ... the pair were spotted canoodling together inside the new Hollywood hot spot Parc over the weekend ... are we witnessing the rise of ASHL33N once again?

Photo credit: Splash News

They must be really close friends: Ashlee Simpson and Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz spent Saturday night kissing and cuddling at the new L.A. hot spot Parc. At the club for a pal's birthday, Simpson, 22, and Wentz, 27, got cozy in a semi-hidden booth, holding hands, gazing into each other's eyes and smooching in between Simpson's dance sessions with a group of girlfriends. "They definitely weren't hiding the fact that they were together," said one onlooker. "They were making out a lot and they were pretty intense" ... After their PDA-filled evening in front of clubgoers including The O.C.'s Adam Brody and Benjamin McKenzie (who at one point gathered with other friends around Simpson and Wentz's booth to sing "Happy Birthday" to the guest of honor), the pop star and the rocker left together, hand-in-hand. It's so nice when old "friends" can come together as new "friends" again ... well, at least for a week anyways. [Source]

Speaking of celeb couples, David and I ran into a couple of very together-y looking celebs holding hands last night in the West Village here in NYC. We were coming back from a late dinner at Tour in Chelsea when we came upon this couple holding hands on Greenwich Ave. It was Josh Hartnett and Penelope Cruz! I recognized her immediately and then recognized Josh. I love how these two only go out in public at night ... because by day they've yet to be seen together in any proximity. Here are a couple pics of an emotional Penelope out in NYC earlier this week:

Photo credit: Celebrity Babylon

I have no idea who she was talking to on the phone but the conversation seems to have upset her ... I wonder if Joshie was being mean to her? Anyways, after we passed Josh and Penelope (they were also with a third person, some blonde guy I didn't recognize) I actually stopped in my tracks and turned around to get a second look ... then Penelope looked back as well. Hahhahaha ... I should've yelled out OMG! I LOVED YOU IN VOLVER! but I didn't ... David and I just continued on our way home again. [Source]

So lemme get this straight ... Courteney Cox-Arquette gets this bright idea to play the bitchy editor of a tabloid magazine on TV and then gets pissed off in real life whenever she gets photographed by the real paparazzi?

The finger? I mean, really Courteney ... it's been done. [Source]

While rumors run rampant on the InterWeb that a sex tape between Lauren LC Conrad and Jason Wahler (both from MTV's Laguna Beach and The Hills) will be unleashed any day now, LC has posted an official statement on her official website concerning the whole matter:

Hmmm ... LC never struck me as the sex tape makin' kind of chick (tho, it usually turns out to be the quiet and innocent ones that end up surprising you) but Jason definitely seems like the kind of sleazy guy who be up for making a tape ... perhaps behind the girl's back (Jessica should be worried_. So far there has been no proof that any such tape exists, other than the stories going around that there is one. My money says there is no tape ... but, since the story is already out there, some of the damage has already been done. I just knew that nothing good could come from dating Jason Wahler. [Source]

Tori Spelling gave US Weekly the first look at her newborn baby son, Liam Aaron McDermott, in last week's issue of the magazine ... and here he is:

It's hard to tell who the little tyke looks more like ... Tori or Dean McDermott ... but hopefully he'll look more like his daddy. Liam would look terrible with that shoddy boob job. [Source]

Here are a few photos of Adam Brody from a recent magazine photoshoot:

Need I say more? [Source]

Tobey Maguire is featured in this week's issue of Parade magazine where he talks about his vegetarianism, his love of poker and his love of art ... here are a few pics from his photospread:

We are only a few short weeks away from the release of Spider-Man 3. I can barely contain myself ... the coming weeks are going to be very exciting with all these new movies coming out. Woot! [Source]

And finally, Hilary Duff appears on the cover of HX magazine wherein she comes clean about her love for the gays ... natch:

Apparently, Hilary is down with GLAAD, Carson Kressley and the gays at The Abbey in West Hollywood. See, I knew there was a reason that I lurved her so. Click HERE to read all of her answers to HX's probing questions. [Source]

Les News:
So yeah ... David and I had a very fun weekend with his family. We drove back to NYC with his sister and his aunt and arrived in the city in the early evening. I was going to post a few pics from all the Easter fun yesterday but I think I've embarrassed the Hauslaibs quite enough (I have some awesome video that I am not allowed to post) ... so, here is a super cute picture of my little Princess Zakiya wearing her Easter Sunday best yesterday posing with her best friend Beary White:

OMG ... she looks so cute. I love the little sweater! You may remember that Beary was a birthday gift from Unkie David ... and she loves him so. Happy Easter, y'all ... now bring on Summer!!!!

David and I have got a great week planned ... I have to get back to it. Have a great Monday, I am out.



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