PINK is the new BLOG
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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Flash, Dance!

Whoa there, Nelly! I think that Britney Spears is getting a wee bit too excited at the prospect of returning to the performance stage. In her ecstatic giddiness, Brit Brit made a bit of a slip yesterday as she made her way into the Millennium Dance Complex in North Hollywood, CA when she gave the photogs a quick flash of her unmentionables:

Photo credit: INF

Thank goodness there were unmentionables for me to mention. I don't know that I could handle another peek at her bared nether region ever again. Yes Brit, we are *all* excited for your overdue return to the stage but you're gonna have to control yourself. Just keep the naughties under wraps and stay out of trubs. [Source]

Kirsten Dunst, Tobey Maguire, James Franco and Topher Grace reunited in the beautiful city of lights -- Paris, France -- last night for the Parisian premiere of Spider-Man 3. Here are a few pics from the red carpet:

Kiki and James made a premiere pit stop in Stockholm, Sweden the night before but her outfit was just too hideous for me to mention. Ugh! You can see for yourself HERE. She looks much better in this little red number. The boys look like they're on their way to a funeral. It appears that all this traveling is starting to adversely affect the Spidey cast ... Tobey Maguire got all pissy when a fan tried to take a picture with him when he arrived at his hotel in Paris. It's okay, dude ... the promo tour is almost over. [Source]

Angelina Jolie debuted her new documentary A Place in Time at the Tribeca Film Festival this week and is in NYC for just the occasion ... she was spotted hanging out with her brother and sometimes make-out partner James Haven and also Wyclef Jean who scored her doc:

Photo credit: Splash News

Thus far, there's no sign of Brad Pitt or the children so she might be flyin' solo this weekend. Bad news for Brad ... good news for her brother. [Source]

The MTV Australian Video Music Awards are taking place in Sydney, Australia tomorrow night but the celebs have already begun to stream in for all the pre-AVMA partying. Here are pictures from the AVMA press call yesterday afternoon:

Fergie is hosting the awards and my boys Good Charlotte and my girl Kristin Cavallari will also be in the hiz to participate in all the fun. We won't get to watch the AVMAs here in the US (I don't believe anyways ... maybe they'll air it on MTV2 or something at some point) but hopefully there'll be some great pictures to check out once the event takes place tomorrow. [Source]

Back here in the US (and in SoCal specifically) the 2007 Coachella Music Festival has gotten underway. Friday was Day 1 and featured performances by Bjork, Arctic Monkeys, Rufus Wainwright, Peaches, Julieta Venegas, Amy Winehouse and The Jesus and Mary Chain (among others). Honestly, Friday's line-up seems like the strongest to me but since I hate outdoor festivals, well, I wasn't there to enjoy ... which means I missed out on seeing Scarlett Johansson do guest vocals with The Jesus and Mary Chain on their song Just Like Honey:

Photo credit: Wireimage

I'm not sure how I feel about Scarlett moving into the music scene. But I suppose if I can heart Lindsay Lohan's vocal talent (hey, she's got some great songs!) then I guess there's a slight possibility that I can take Scarlett the songstress ... maybe. I'm curious to hear what this performance at Coachella sounded like ... there's got to be an MP3 or a video out there somewhere, right? [Source]

The real show-stopper of Day 1 at Coachella had to be Bjork who closed the first day's performances with a set that included 16 songs!

Bjork performed an unorthodox and visually stunning set at Coachella tonight (April 27), closing the first of this year's festival. Backed by an all-female choir and brass section that included trumpets, trombones and French horns, the Icelandic chanteuse reinterpreted some of her earlier hits and previewed new material from her forthcoming album, 'Volta'. Bjork took the stage wearing a colourful costume and a giant headdress, which she soon shed to reveal a colourful dress underneath. Multi-coloured flags adorned the stage and green lasers bounced around the audience. "It's great to be here in the desert with you!" Bjork told the audience who roared back in response. Keeping between-song banter to a minimum, she didn't say much more than "thank you" or "gracias" throughout the evening. Playing songs including 'All Is Full Of Love', 'Bachelorette', and 'Army Of Me' were reinterpreted by Bjork and her new band, often taking on a cinematic quality. Bjork performed the only encore of the evening, returning to the stage for a rousing rendition of her new song 'Declare Independence', to bring the first day of Coachella to a close. Honestly, I almost hauled my cookies out to the desert just to see Bjork but I decided to hold off since David and I will be seeing her at Radio City Music Hall next Wednesday night. Woot! I am so excited! I can't wait!!! [Source]

Happily married Alison Hannigan and Alexis Denisof are vacationing in Hawaii and, by the looks of it, the couple still look very much in love with one another:

Photo credit: Flynet

It's still a little weird for me to see Willow Rosenberg and Wesley Wyndam-Pryce canoodling together but I guess not everything can be seen in relation to Buffy the Vampire Slayer (even tho it should). They do make a cute couple ... and I'm very happy to see them very happy together. [Source]

In other Buffyness/Angelness, here are pictures of David Boreanaz jogging the streets of West Hollywood sans shirt:

Woot! Angel has still got it goin' on ... and I told you that everything sorta kinda relates to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. [Source]

We've already gotten our first look at the Iron Man costume from the upcoming movie but here is our first look at Robery Downey, Jr. playing Tony Stark forging the Iron Man costume from the upcoming movie:

"We didn't want to just go with a safe choice," Favreau says from the set of the film, due in theaters May 2, 2008. "The best and worst moments of Robert's life have been in the public eye. He had to find an inner balance to overcome obstacles that went far beyond his career. That's Tony Stark. Robert brings a depth that goes beyond a comic-book character who is having trouble in high school, or can't get the girl. Plus, he's simply one of the best actors around." For his part, Downey is trying to become an iron man. At 42, he lifts weights five days a week and practices martial arts to get in shape to play the hard-bodied Stark, an arms manufacturer who uses his ultimate weapon, a jet-powered, missile-launching suit of armor, to fight evil. More important, Downey says, he's been working on his emotional stamina since coming out of rehab in 2002. His supporting roles in Good Night, and Good Luck and Zodiac have earned critical raves. And anchoring a big-budget summer film such as Iron Man could go a long way toward cementing that return. "I'm more diligent than I used to be," Downey says. "I want to show Jon he was right to have faith in me. Whatever questions might have arisen about my life weren't issues with him." Nor with many fans, says Rob Worley of "Fans need the heart of the comic to be in" the movie, he says. "Tony Stark had a substance abuse problem. He was built up and torn down many times. I think when people heard Robert Downey was going to play the part, there was actually a big relief." Downey knows a thing or two about comics, and he can get downright geeky when discussing them. He prefers Marvel to D.C. comics. He liked Iron Man, "but mainly through his appearance with Avengers." Whoa there ... it sounds like either RDJ is a bona fide comic nerd or he's just trying to sound like one -- either way, it works for me. I'm always concerned when the powers that be go and try and bring a comic book that I enjoy to life on the big screen ... there is a big chance that the movie will fail (think Daredevil and/or Electra) or that it will just outright suck (think Hulk and/or Electra). Personally, I'm just relieved that Tom Cruise didn't get the part (the early buzz was that he was set to play Tony Stark). I have no probs with RDJ in the role and I like that Gwyneth Paltrow stars opposite him as the love interest ... I guess we'll see if the producers don't eff things up. [Source]

The Canadian band Faber Drive took time out of a recent photoshoot to show some Pink is the new Blog lurve and send in these great pics with a sign that, apparently, took the guys 30 minutes to create -- now that's lurve:

Photos by Jordan Letkemann

I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Canucks (especially the hot ones) so I am very flattered that the boys took the time to show some love. You can hear clips of the songs on their debut album (due out in stores on May 1) on their official website HERE and you can stream a few full-length songs at their official My Space profile HERE.

And finally, it's time for this week's batch of pictures sent in by Pink is the new Blog readers -- Brian and Derva send in a totes cool pic -- Julie sends in a pic of her son Jacob on his first day of t-ball at Cal Ripken Little League in Sparks, Nevada -- Calli and Becca, students in Georgia Tech's Masters of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics program, send in a picture with their patient Gary who allowed them to make a prostetic pink cheetah leg -- Christopher and co. dreaming of no longer being single at their friend Marjie's wedding -- Jessie and her friends Sarah and Yasmin chillin' in the Chem lab at Tanjong Katong Secondary School in Singapore -- Sabrina, Jenn and Christine enjoying their spring break trip to Las Vegas together:

I love how happy everybody looks in these pictures! You can really tell that these Pink readers are having a blast each doing their thing. Thank you all SO MUCH for taking the time to send in your amazing photos. I must reiterate, as usual, how flattered I am that y'all choose in include PITNB in y'alls celebrations. It really means the world to me. Thank you all, again, so much! XOXO

Les News:
Last night Jim and I finally got to hang out for he first time in, what seems like, eons. Now that he's working on a new TV show again we hardly ever get to see one another (and to be fair, I'm hardly ever in LA to hang out anymore either). But last night we went out for dinner together at Vitello's in Studio City and had a delicious Italian dinner. We met up with Davey afterwards (Mike was supposed to come out as well but he was, er, otherwise engaged ;) and went to Akbar for a few drinks. Even tho I didn't want to stay out too late, we ended up staying out pretty late. We ran into friends I haven't seen in ages -- Brad and Keith ... and I also got to meet Pink reader Irene right smack dab in the middle of the dancefloor:

The DJ was playing some really great stuff, which is why we look so happy in the pic.

The weather has finally turned gorgeous here and I can't wait to spend the day outside today. I hope y'all are having a great weekend! I am out!



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