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Monday, October 08, 2007

The Sisterhood

I am very happy to report that the estrangement betwixt Britney Spears and her immediately family seems to be no more as mother Lynne and sister Jamie Lynn Spears spent the weekend in LA right by Britney's side ... well, at least Jamie Lynn spent the weekend by Britney's side. I understand that relations have solidified considerably between Brit and her mother which will prolly go a long way in hopefully helping Britters regain some semblance of control on her personal life ... but she still has a long way to go and one weekend does not undo all the damage that has already occurred. Nonetheless, it is great to see Britney in the company of her little sister Jamie Lynn after being apart for so long. It's clear that there is still much sisterly love between the Spears girls ... which becomes very evident when one of them gets attacked:

Photo credti: Splash News

While making their way thru a herd of paparazzi in Malibu, CA yesterday, Britney was verbally accosted by a local resident who yelled out, "Hey Britney, move the f*ck out of this neighborhood! Nobody wants you in this neighborhood! to which Jamie Lynn replied, "Then move the f*ck out!" which was met by cheers from the gaggle of paps who were combating each other to take photos and video (click HERE to watch video of the altercation). This doesn't exactly sound like my idea of a great way for sisters to reconnect after many months of estrangement but somehow, in the case of Britney Spears, it kinda works. [Source]

After all, there are many aspects of Britney's everyday, "normal" life that might seem odd, strange and perhaps a bit gross to others and yet seems very commonplace for our dear Britney:

The girl spends about as much time shopping at gas stations as she does in high end boutiques (er, well, maybe she spends a wee bit more time at the gas stations) and also spends about as much time using pubic restrooms as she does her own private bathroom at home. Sigh. I yearn for the day when this sort of strange behavior goes away ... but I fear I best be gettin' used to the Chevron, Britney's home away from home. [Source]

I'm not sure that the world is quite ready for Lindsay Lohan again but she seems confident that she's ready for the world. Here is a picture of Lindsay with her father Michael Lohan making their way out of Utah, bags in hand, after she checked herself out of the Cirque Lodge rehab center over the weekend:

Again, it's unclear where L. Lo is off to now that she's free but I hope she manages to take care of herself so that she doesn't have another relapse. The girl is quickly using up her nine lives ... she might not be able to get by if she crashes and burns again. [Source]

In other Lohan news, Lindsay's father Michael Lohan has also turned his life around in recent months. After successfully completing his sentence in prison earlier this year, Michael has managed to find God, find a new relationship with his daughter and find a new girlfriend (fiancée?) to spend his life with. Tho, I must point out that it is *very* disturbing that his new girlfriend looks almost EXACTLY like the very daughter he's reunited with:

I am absolutely convinced that if you weren't told that the girl in these photos is not Lindsay Lohan you'd absolutely think it was Lindsay Lohan. The new couple was spotted shopping for rings at a discount jewelry store ... could there be a wedding in the near future? Hmm ... I wonder what it says about a father who is sexually attracted to a woman who is a pretty exact doppelganger of his young daughter. Blah ... it's as if poor L. Lo doesn't have enough to contend with already without having to compete with a twin for the affection of her father. [Source]

Back in LA, David Beckham accompanied his eldest son Brooklyn to a school fair held by his school over the weekend, here are a few pics:

Becks has not been playing much soccer lately and has been pretty under the radar since returning home from London, where he rushed off to be with his father after he sustained a pretty life threatening heart attack. It's nice to see Becks out and about again. The LA Galaxy only have a couple of home games left in the season and it remains to be seen if Becks will be able to play again at all this year. Well, at least he isn't too damaged that he isn't able to spend time with his family. [Source]

While Becks is back home with the boys, wifey Vicki B. has been spending some time in Europe where she's been flitting around Paris, France attending fashion shows, shopping up a storm and doing photoshoots ... like this one:

Victoria Beckham has taken her obsession with haute couture to a jaw-dropping new extreme. Posh certainly turned heads as she arrived at a photo shoot in Paris dressed in vertiginous heels and a curious orange feather confection that plumed around her tiny frame. It was her latest effort to carve out her niche as a cutting edge fashionista, but onlookers couldn't help but draw comparisons between puffy Posh and Sesame Street's Big Bird. The Spice Girl, who has displayed a penchant for ridiculous fashion in recent times, completed the rather dramatic look with dark eye make-up and ever present tan. She spent the afternoon posing - and of course pouting - at various outfits in the Jardin du Luxembourg and around the streets of Paris. Um, yeah. Apparently this very fluffy outfit will be featured on the cover of Elle magazine sometime in the future. VB took time out of her hectic photoshoot schedule to update her official blog with a quick post:

I'm writing my blog to you from a cover photoshoot for American Elle, which I'm doing in Paris - it's going really well so far and the clothes I'm wearing are incredible. I'm going to have to sign off in a moment though because I'm needed for the next shot. Before I go, I would like to say a very big thank you to everyone for the wonderful support you gave to David and his family when his dad fell ill recently - it was greatly appreciated at a very difficult time.

Awww ... even when Posh is wearing ridiculous outfits she can still manage to show that she's got a heart ... somewhere ... underneath all those boobs and feathers. [Source]

Here are a few more pics of Posh lookin' a bit less ridic at the Louis Vuitton Spring 08 fashion show that she attended over the weekend, which she also blogged about on her official site:

Photo credit: Splash News

I went to the Louis Vuitton show last night and it was fantastic - the colours were amazing and the shoes were gorgeous as were the use of different fabrics and sequins. The bags were really interesting too - a collaboration between Marc Jacobs and the artist Richard Prince for Louis Vuitton. Then I was kindly invited to dinner by Marc after the show, with some fascinating people including Sophia Coppola, who is one of Marc's friends and long time muse. She was amazing. Vicki B. seems to be enjoying her time away from home ... tho, she did bring along the littlest Beckham with her, Cruz, so that she wouldn't be entirely cut off from her family. I think little Cruz is hidden from sight inside that feathered monstrosity that Posh is wearing for the Elle photoshoot. [Source]

Courtney Love is also spending some time in Paris for Fashion Week where she teamed up with her BFF (and Marc Jacobs's boyfriend) Jason Preston to enjoy some smokes and fashion. Here are pics of C. Love and Jason hanging out and then of Courtney exiting the Louis Vuitton show:

Photo credit: Splash News

I gotta admit, C. Love doesn't look all that bad when she shaves her chin. She really manages to clean up well ... it's a shame she doesn't clean up very often. The LV show was also attended by celebs Dita von Teese, Pharrell, Kanye West and the aforementioned Sofia Coppola. [Source]

Jennifer Lopez brought her En Concierto Tour to New York City this past weekend (along with some new costumes that seemed to have been let out a considerable amount so as to help camouflage any burgeoning baby bumps she might have on board) for a couple of performances at Madison Square Garden. Here are a few pics from last night's show:

Photo credit: Wireimage

According to TMZ, Jennifer Lopez is definitely pregnant with twins but I would much rather hear an official announcement from the Lopez camp before I start shopping for baby gifts. I, too, thought those pics of J. Lo's bigger belly looked suspicious and all the new sequined muumuus that she's wearing on stage seem to corroborate the pregs rumor but ... still. She's wanted a baby for so long and nothing ... I guess I'll really, really believe it when I hear it from her. And I hope I do hear it from her soon, it would be great news if she really were pregs with her first children ... so long as they don't look too much like Marc Anthony. [Source]

In other unconfirmed baby bump news, Xtina Aguilera and hubby Jordan Bratman were reportedly spotted shopping for a baby registry for an upcoming baby shower for a baby that has yet to be officially confirmed ...

Photo credit: Mavrix

... despite the fact that Xtina looks as big as a house (and growing each day) and neither she nor Jordy can keep their hands off her belly. Don't they both look so happy? I love it. [Source]

Just when you thought Prince Harry had learned his lesson about partying too hard around friends with video cameras come newly released pictures of Prince Harry partying too hard around friends with video cameras. Previously, we've seen photos of Harry lookin' completely hammered as he canoodled with various girls ... this time we've got pics of Harry, again lookin' blitzed, canoodling with some big, half-nekkid drunk dude. Folks, brace yourselves ... there's nipple licking going on. Behold:

THESE are the shocking pictures that show Prince Harry inhaling vodka through his nose in a drinking game medical experts warn could KILL. Our exclusive shots—taken from a video of Harry's holiday in Namibia—will bring fresh shame on the boozed-up royal. In the video, pals cheer loudly as Harry slugs a bottle cap of vodka, swills it around his mouth, spits it back into the cap and then snorts it up his nose. Seconds later, Harry—a 2nd Lieutenant in the Blue and Royals —closes his eyes and shakes his head as the alcohol, shooting straight into his bloodstream, takes effect. Experts on drink abuse have warned that the game is potentially deadly ... The video was shot as Harry enjoyed a four-day canoe trip with girlfriend Chelsy Davy and more than 20 pals on the Orange River in Namibia last November ... A royal source said of the vodka-snorting: "Harry is a young man having fun but this drinking game sets a very bad example. He has responsibilities as third in line to the throne. Everyone knows Harry likes a drink but this could have caused him serious damage." Yeah, yeah, yeah ... snorting vodka is dangerous ... blah, blah, blah. I'm more concerned with that nipple licking that's going on at that party. I get that "boys will be boys" and all that but if Harry is lookin' to lick up on some guy there have to be better candidates than this dude. Hmm ... you know, something tells me that Harry is really fun to party with. I bet we haven't heard the last of his private party shenanigans. [Source]

Speaking of private party shenanigans, here are a couple pics of studmuffin Hugh Grant enjoying the company of a few young, nubile and impressionable young ladies in what looks to be a college dorm room. Hot!

Actor Hugh Grant seems to be relishing his newfound single life. After being seen on a string of mystery dates, naughty Hugh was photographed in the company of a pretty young blonde, and several of her pals. In town for a golf tournament at the world famous St Andrews course - Grant attended a gala dinner, but later it appears the actor ditched his golfing pals to cosy up to the mystery woman and her friends in what looks like student digs. Grant was photographed on a sofa, surrounded by the crush of women who are reported to be students from Prince William's alma mater, St Andrew's University ... With arms wrapped around each other, 47-year-old Grant stares intently at the pretty blonde and looks dangerously close to locking lips with the mystery woman. Ew. One can only imagine what went on after the digital camera was put away. That said, you gotta give props to a 47-year old bloke who can still manage to drive all the young ladies wild. [Source]

Here are a couple of cute pics of Heather Matarazzo and her girlfriend Caroline as they made their way in for a night of partying at the SoHo Grand Hotel in NYC:

Photo credti: Splash News

Not only do Heather and Caroline made a supercute couple but I love that they are so open about their lurve for one another. I really love showcasing the man on man love on the blog ... but it's equally nice to highlight the lady love as well. Mike and I got to spend some time with these two at the 40th Anniversary Party for The Advocate magazine last month and found them an utterly charming couple. Hello, and they're so cute! [Source]

And finally, Kylie Minogue made her way out to the Q Magazine Awards at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London over the weekend and, despite the momishness of this particular hair-do, looked utterly faboo as she did so ... here are a few pics:

Photo credti: Splash News & Wireimage

But, as lovely as she looked at the Q Awards, I think she looks absolutely stunning in her new photospread for British Glamour magazine (shot by her stylist and gay BFF William Baker), which accompanies one of her most personal interviews to date:

Kylie Minogue says she still dreams of having children but fears she might never walk down the aisle. The 40-year-old star has given her most revealing interview since her battle with cancer last year. Despite speculation that she might get back together with her ex-fiancée; Olivier Martinez, she makes it clear that they are not an item. And she admits she feared that her career would be damaged when her breast cancer was diagnosed in May 2005. "I want to keep working on finding perfect harmony within my life and my work," the Australian pop diva tells Glamour magazine. "And a family, yeah, that's still something I would love to happen. It has become very complicated but we'll see. Contrary to reports in the papers, though, I am not having all these weird treatments." She admits: "There have been times when we were getting ready for a big event, like the opening of my exhibition at the V&A, and there's a last minute hoo-ha and we're all running around like headless chickens and I've said, 'Imagine if we were getting ready for my wedding!'. We'll see. I honestly don't have a feeling one way or the other if I will walk down the aisle." ... She says her battle with cancer profoundly changed her as a person. "What I believed before my ill-ness has only been enhanced since, and that's that beauty comes from within. But I don't see myself the way other people see me. When you are stripped of everything and you have to grow your eyelashes back, grow your hair back, it's just astonishing. It is hard to express what I have learnt from that, but a deep physiological and emotional shift has happened." Miss Minogue admits that during her illness she had "shrunk to nothing" and at other times "ballooned", adding: "My body is not what it used to be but it is the body I am in." I swear, I love this woman. I have been a fan of Kylie since 1988 and my love for her and her music has never waned. Now, considering all the hardship she's endured and seeing that her positive attitude is just as formidable as it ever was just makes my appreciation for her grow fonder. I am just thrilled that she is doing so well, on the brink of another smash album. I really hope she is well enough to tour for a bit longer ... I've missed seeing her live for far too long ... I hope I'll get to see her upon stage with my own eyes very soon. [Source]

Les News:
Yesterday, David and I spent a lovely day in the city just enjoying (as best we could) the surprisingly stifling and humid weather that NYC is having these days. We spent the afternoon shopping on Lexington and then spent some time walking together in Central Park. It was really a very nice afternoon.

Last night, we met up with his former roommate Sashie and her brother for an amazing dinner at Los Dados in the Meat Packing District. I love Sashie! She is seriously one of David's coolest friends. I'm always in a good mood when I get to spend time with her. After dinner, David and I walked home and retired to the couch to watch some TV (DEXTER!!!!!!) and then called it a night.

Tonight we've got a couple of plans in the works ... and one of them involves Monique so I'm really excited :) I hope y'all are having as fabulous a Monday as you can ... I am out.

PS: Much love to all my Canucks ... it's Thanksgiving Day in Canada to day :)




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