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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wild N' Out-doors

Today there is good news and bad news to discuss in the crazy world of Britney Spears. First, the bad news (so that we can have something to look forward to) ... the judge overseeing the Speaderline custody battle has decided to suspend all of Britney's current visitation rights until she can comply with all the mandates and stipulations set forth by the court. Britney and ex-hubby Kevin Federline met in court this week at a super-secret hearing that wasn't previously announced and wasn't immediately talked about afterwards by any of the interested parties. I guess now we know what went down in that hearing earlier this week ... the outcome of which one might assume would have had an averse effect on our dear Britney -- and one would be wrong in that assumption. Yesterday she carried on as if nothing in the world was wrong. Here are pics of Brit Brit paying a little visit to Sunset Tan in West Hollywood, CA yesterday (interestingly enough, I understand that Brit's former manager Larry Rudolph is the owner) with her newest as-yet-unfired personal assistant in tow:

Photo credit: Splash News

TMZ has learned Britney Spears has had her visitation rights with her kids suspended until she complies with all court orders. The order by L.A. County Commissioner Scott Gordon came after K-Fed's lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, went to court yesterday for an emergency hearing. The order reads, "Petitioner's (Britney's) visitation with the minor children is suspended pending Petitioner's compliance with the court orders." Brit's next shot at getting the kids is October 26, when she's been ordered back to court. The order says, "The parenting coach is to submit a report to the court and counsel prior to October 26, 2007." Apparently, Britney was not complying with the folks who were administering the random drug tests to her and notified the judge that she wasn't playing well with them, which is why the judge ordered everyone to court for the super-secret hearing ... which resulted in Britney being stripped of all visitation rights until the next hearing on October 26th. Does Britney even care? It's really hard to tell ... she doesn't look all that upset nor does she seem willing to let this latest development keep her from her appointed daily errands. Earlier this week, while shopping at Neiman Marcus, Britters was overheard expressing her dislike of the judge who holds her custody rights in the palm of his hand. It is being reported that she was heard saying: "I hate my judge. He is so mean. Just an old fart. He told me I was being catty with him, but he was being catty with me and paid me no respect at all. His job is to sit there and tell people what to do. And that's just so sad, because he gets off on it." Um. yeah. [Source]

And now, for the good news ... Britney was the proud recipient of a free dinner at her favorite restaurant, McDonald's, yesterday afternoon which was paid IN FULL by the paps themselves:

Photo credit: Splash News

Hey, this might not sound like the best news to you but to Britney Spears, it's the best thing to happen to her in a long time. [Source]

Hayden Panettiere and her new BFF Kristin Bell were both on hand at the Saks Fifth Avenue cocktail party at S Bar for Christian Louboutin (and his faboo shoes) in Hollywood yesterday ... and the girls just couldn't stand to be more than 2 feet apart from one another at all times:

You can almost see their heart breaking when they had to be apart on the red carpet. I don't know about you but this looks like a life-long friendship to me. [Source, Source]

The principle cast the amazing show Dexter were all on hand for a SAG Foundation screening of the show in Hollywood yesterday. Here are a few pics:

Photo credit: Wireimage

First off, I have to say that Michael C. Hall looks soooo hawt in these pics (and he looks really hot on the show). And honestly, I had no idea that the brunette on left (our right) in the first pic was Julie Benz. She looks amazing with the dark hair -- I don't think I've ever seen her anything but blonde. Dexter has become one of my all-time fave shows very quickly and very recently. I've been devouring everything I can get my hands on in recent weeks. My good friend Andrea sent me all of the Dexter books by Jeff Lindsay and I've got them lined up for reading ... David and I spent some time last week watching the first 4 eps of the second season (we had a preview DVD) and I'm just loving all things Dexter. You don't really see Michael C. Hall out and about ... ever ... but hopefully he'll start showing up at more events so that we can admire his sexiness more often. [Source]

Vicki B. and her new BFF, her youngest son Cruz Beckham, have been really making the rounds here in LA hitting up all the hot spots together lately after they returned from spending some alone time in Paris, France and London, England last week. Here are new pics of VB and Cruz as they made their way into and out of Mel's Diner yesterday:

Photo credit: Splash News

I hope the other boys aren't getting a complex over all the time that Vicks and Cruz are spending together. I bet that the older boys don't mind so much that they're locked away at school while mom and the little squirt have all sorts of fun together. You can tell by the way that Cruz is rockin' those sunglasses that he's not letting all the extra attention from moms and the photogs go to his head. [Source]

Mariah Carey has fully emerged from being out of the spotlight in recent months and has been hitting as many hotspots as she can in recent days. Marc Malkin is reporting that Mimi was seen cozying up to Vanessa Williams's ex man Rick Fox while they chilled together at Winston's nightclub this week ... here are a couple pics of Mimi making her way out of the nightclub (sans Rick Fox) leaning on her very large bodyguard for support:

Photo credit: X17

I'm not saying they're more than just friends, but Mariah Carey and Vanessa Williams ex/former basketball star Rick Fox were hanging out into the wee hours last night. A source tells me Carey and Fox walked into Winston's in West Hollywood together at about 1 a.m. "They sat on top of the banquettes in a corner booth," the source reports. "Then the deejay played Mariah's 'Fantasy,' and the two 'sat danced' at the table." Hmmm ... "sat dancing" does have a way of leading to spooning ... which we all know has a way of leading to forking. BUT ... the blog JJ's Dirt has unveiled a bunch of very revealing, intimate photos of Mariah with her long rumored secret boyfriend of 4 years Mark Sudaack in THIS post. Could Mariah and Mark still be together (if they even are together in the first place) and this flirtiness with Rick is just a front ... or does this mean that Mimi is now free to date whomever she chooses? All's I know is I'd love to see Mariah happily attached to a dude ... any dude. She's got a new album out soon ... let's see some new man lurvin' too. [Source]

Lindsay Lohan continues to settle back into her old Hollywood life since being released from the Cirque Lodge rehab center in Utah a couple of weeks ago as she was seen making her way out of the Millennium Dance Complex in North Hollywood, CA (where she was training for her new movie Dare to Love Me) before making her way for a hair appointment with Ken Paves at his salon:

Photo credit: Splash News

She looks good ... she looks happy ... she looks like her old self again -- which worries me. As long as she stays away from any and all unsavory people and bad influences then I think she'll be alright. Thank the Gods she's got herself a new boyfriend in Riley Giles to lean on ... who would never want to be a bad influence on her ... right? [Source]

Well ... Riley has had a few run-ins with the law, actually. Here is his mugshot from his arrest and incarceration at the Summit County jail in Utah when he was accused of obtaining possession of a controlled substance by misrepresentation, fraud, forgery or subterfuge. Homie basically altered a prescription for Xanax in an attempt to gain more pills and was arrested after leaving a pharmacy:

He ended up pleading guilty to a Class-A misdemeanor and ended up with a 365-day suspended sentence and was put on probation for a year ... all leading up to his stint at the Cirque Lodge rehab center in Utah where he met Lindsay, fell in love with Lindsay and then reported dumped his fiancée (in that order) for Lindsay. I'm fairly certain that he's cleaned up his act as much as Lindsay has -- which worries me. [Source]

The band Good Charlotte has completed their Australian tour dates as Benji and Joel Madden, along with Joel's lady and babymama Nicole Richie, were seen making their way thru an Oz airport presumably bound for home:

Photo credit: Wireimage

Nic/Joel should be back home in LA in no time ... which means that rampant, unsubstantiated rumors about their pending nuptials can start to fly once again. [Source]

Here are a few great pics of Jake Gyllenhaal making his exit from the Comedy Central studios after making an appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart this week:

Photo credit: Splash News

But the Jakeyness doesn't end there ... Ted Casablanca, who (it is widely held) has dubbed Jake Toothy Tile in the blind items concerning a closeted gay actor and his rumored same-sex exploits around town that appear in his gossip column The Awful Truth, is reporting that a NY spy witnessed Jake lookin' awfully close with a male friend who, it is speculated, looked to be more than a friend, if you catch my drift: "They could have walked to the ferry, and I still would have followed them," admits our pavement detective, so refreshingly honest. "All the while, they kept walking close to each other, like they were purposely trying to bump into each other, ya know what I mean?" ... "At one point they had their heads briefly touching each other," D.S. practically breathlessly relayed. "A short time after that came the friend's arm around Jake and the whisper to the ear. Then, the whole block before they got to West 12th Street," said the onlooker, J.G. & A.N. did a little digital dance. "Oh so cute!" ... "Both had on blue jeans wrapped around perfect butts," added our boyish spy, above, for the really important deets. Jake's dude-pal/whatever "probably had the better butt," sassed our unsubtle source. "It was slightly rounder, and his jeans fit a bit more snuggly." I've said it before, I'll say it again ... as much as I really wish the gay rumors about Jake were true, I just can't believe the stories (as much as my heart [and my loins, for that matter] really wants to believe). But, it is nice to dream .... [Source]

Here are a few pics of Prince William running around at the Football Association's Hat-Trick Project in Newcastle, England which tries to offer a bunch of football opportunities for disadvantaged youths:

I suppose it could be argued that Prince Wills was just doing his Royal duties with the youngsters but you can tell that he was really enjoying himself. I understand that Wills is a pretty decent athlete with polo being one of his strongest sports (which is actually more work for the horse, but that's beside the point). See, this is how I like my Royals ... young, hot and athletic. [Source]

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt have put their money where their mouths are ... and then shoved a few tacos into said mouths at a photo op at a SoCal Taco Bell where they donated $10,000 to help stop world hunger for World Hunger Awareness Week ... here's an attractive pic of the appetizing couple:

Photo credit: INFdaily

In an effort to raise awareness of global hunger, Taco Bell challenged Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt of MTV's hit reality show The Hills to host a World Hunger 'Reality Check' event. The event, which was held at a Los Angeles-area Taco Bell store during lunch hours, in conjunction with World Hunger Relief Week (October 14-20), is part of a larger global hunger-relief campaign by Taco Bell's parent company, Yum! Brands Inc., to raise funds for The World Food Programme ... For the event, Heidi and Spencer served up Taco Bell fare to customers visiting a Taco Bell restaurant in Hollywood, and invited customers to join in the effort to help alleviate world hunger by purchasing World Hunger Giving Cards, which are available at all participating Taco Bell locations nationwide through October 20, 2007. Donations for the cards begin at $1 and all proceeds raised in the U.S. go directly to The Friends of World Food Programme to help combat global hunger. "Taco Bell approached us with this hunger reality check and asked us if we could help out," said Spencer Pratt. "We're honored to be included in the fight against hunger and be a part of the $10,000 donation to World Food Programme." It'd be so nice if Speidi donated the money out of the kindness of their hearts but since we know that, A.) they don't have hearts and B.) they live for photo ops, I find it highly unlikely. That said, the money they donated will go far in helping fight world hunger so ... despite the sliminess of the donation, it all spends the same. [Source]

Ryan Gosling is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of GQ magazine ... here are a few pics:

Mmm mmm ... he looks pretty good. And, I must say, I'm intrigued by his new movie Lars and the Real Girl. I never thought that I'd be all that interested in seeing a flick about a dude and his sex doll (a female sex doll at that!) but something about the poignancy of the movie trailers I've seen speaks to me. The role strikes me as a bold move on Ryan's part ... I hope it doesn't turn out to be a huge misstep. [Source]

And finally, Vanessa Hudgens is featured in a new ad campaign for Red by Mark Ecko:

Homegirl's gotta find new ways of making money in case that whole Disney thing eventually falls thru. Something tells me, she's gonna be doing a lot more ads very soon. [Source]

Les News:
I ran a few errands yesterday mainly to get out of the house. Plans with The GangTM kinda fell apart since a couple of folks got sick and others decided to bail. We're gonna try and get together at some point this weekend either on Friday night for roller skating or Saturday night for a comedy show. SOOOO ... I had myself an amazing dinner at Pho Cafe in Silverlake (where I'm pretty sure I saw Chris Pine who co-starred with L. Lo in Just My Luck eating while reading a script made of red pages [prolly so it couldn't be photocopied]) before going out to see Into the Wild:

I had read the Jon Krakauer book Into the Wild two times before seeing the movie last night (once after it came out and then again just recently) and was struck by how much I didn't like Christopher McCandless and his egotistical, selfish manner. I was pretty sure the movie would do much to make him seem more sympathetic and I was right. Overall, Sean Penn did an amazing job directing this film ... the landscapes were breathtaking and the nature scenes were just awe-inspiring. I sat there with my mouth just wide open a few times just taking it all in. I liked that Jena Malone who played the sister acted as the movie narrator, which was a nice use of her character. The movie is, in my opinion, a much romanticized version of the book which seems to tell the story more truthfully. McCandless thought he knew everything and shunned all advice from others believing that the meager survival skills he learned from fictional tales in literature and a few nature handbooks would keep him alive in the brutal wilderness of Alaska. Of course he was going to meet a bad end. BUT, that is not the point of the movie. In the movie, you really go on this adventure with McCandless aka Alexander Supertramp and come to identify with him. The final scene is really hard to watch ... the thought of dying alone like that is horrifying ... but, as I said, McCandless's story could only have one ending ... this ending. I really enjoyed the film, Emile Hirsch was just a wonder in this role. His acting was truly inspired ... I'll be surprised if this film goes home empty handed come awards season.

So yeah ... that is all. No big plans that I can think of tonight ... if nothing pans out ... I might see another movie. I have so many on my list to get thru. Hope y'all are having a great day ... I'm out.



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